Team UK - March 2010



  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Morning everyone
    well since my last weight in i've lost 1.5lbs. yay :)
    went out last night though
    and drank so much i can't bear to put it in my diary!
    going to the gym today though and not leaving till i've burnt off 1000 calories!
    wish me luck ;)!
  • kellz510
    kellz510 Posts: 40 Member
    Morning everyone, I hope to lose 10lbs this month.
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    1.2lbs lost from me from last week...........takes the running total now to just over 21lbs! :happy: Whoo!
  • Well the ladies were right! I breathed in this morning and got on the scales!! 3.5lbs on, which believe it or not I'm happy with! I ate SO much on holiday I thought it'd be at least double that!!!!! So I'm back on it today! Microwaved some Rhubarb this morning and it was totally lush!

    Lady C- I agree with the Scouse one! I have been in that situation before and found that measuring myself was more helpful- perhaps give that a go?

    Also I would suggest eating carbs pre workout (like 2 hours before cardio) and protein afterwards?

    Congratulations on only 3.5lb weight gain over holiday! I do take measurements but they are not going down either. :( I am really starting to lose motivation for it though.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Well done hdelamore! I know what you mean about alcohol! I HATE putting it in my diary!!

    Good luck Kellz!

    I haven't actually set a goal for this month yet!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Try and stick with it Lady C, most people go through patches like this, I'm sure you'll see results soon xxx
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    I had 3 weeks abstinance from doing anything good. I drank beer I ate chips and curry sauce every day and it was fantastic. Well i wasn't that bad but back in the swing again and another year older.
    Just got back into logging my food. I am shocked and appaled, Its way to easy to think you know what you are eating rather than to write down and know what you are eating grrr so today I had to say goodbye to cheese again for a while. way too many sats in there.
    I'm still bigging up the weight lifting and protein munching so its all good. Can definitely feel the difference in strength and a little size difference in arms. Still running aswell for the cardio side of things. I know I said i am not trying to lose weight but hopefully this month i will lose some "inches". Good to see so many UKers again. weill hopefully keep in touch now i have the internet back at work again.

    Katherine: you're keeping this group going so good and well done with your weight loss you are defintiely kicking a**!!

  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Wow! Ben I just had a little look at your profile! You've done AMAZINGLY!!!! How long have you been at it?
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Wow! Ben I just had a little look at your profile! You've done AMAZINGLY!!!! How long have you been at it?
    Hey thanks sparkle pants (great name).
    I started trying to lose weight like four years ago and got down 3 stone to 12st, but then i forgot about it and went up to 13st again. then last april i found this website and got down to 11st 6 and found that my goals weren't thinness they were sort of toned muscle orientated so i started doing P90X since 4/1/2010 and got halfway through and had a break (brighton holiday) and now I'm starting again. I'm about 12st 4 now but that is still ok. I hope to stay the same weight but lose inches like i said. P90X is so hard you don't have time to live lol. so helped me with my nutrion though.
    I'm gonna look at your profile now ooops!! should have done that first. from what i can see you look fab though.
    Thanks again
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    1.2lbs lost from me from last week...........takes the running total now to just over 21lbs! :happy: Whoo!
    well done lee, thats fantastic news! X
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Katherine: you're keeping this group going so good and well done with your weight loss you are defintiely kicking a**!!

    good morning ben, this means a lot to me, thank u for your kind words:) i really feel like i've come a long way with mfp so being able to share my journey with a lot of other ppl has been great! You're all individually amazing and im vry lucky to have u all in this group! X To everyone.. Give yourself a pat on the back for doing such a brilliant job with motivating others and keeping this thread going! Without all your support i dont think i would be where i am today. Thank u x x x
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    Morning everyone! I have just weighed in and I lost 3lbs :) so I have now lost 10lbs in total! I have reset my goals - so now I am on lower net calories- but that just means I need to excercise more!

    Anyway off to swimming now! Have a good and healthy day everyone

  • WAHOO!! I am down 0.3kg. :) I am soo pleased! Has made me feel much more positive! I juts hope my body keeps it up. :)
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Well, the start of another week of crappy work. :frown: But on the plus side, another week of eating healthily and going the gym, though I might not go tonight, as there are a few things going on. Liverpool are on ESPN tonight and the Challenge Cup Draw is on so I'll find out how the mighty Warrington Wolves will start the defence of the old cup we won at Wembley last August. :happy:

    Did my usual "matchday walk".....always do it when the Wire are playing at home. It's a 4.4mile round trip through two postcodes and it was a really nice day yesterday so it was good to get outside and get some fresh air!

    Had a mixed weekend just gone, Saturday had a bad dinner but a healthy tea, where yesterday I had a healthy dinner and a bad tea. However weighed myself yesterday night and was still the same weight as I was on Friday. How odd!

    Hope everyone else had themselves a good weekend. What did you all get up to?

  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Morning Lee (and everyone else)

    Another week at work (one day my numbers will come up :happy: ) I had quite a good weekend, spent the day shopping with the wife on Saturday and then convinced her to join my gym and ended up going to the gym together on Sunday. I had an awesome cardio session. Managed to burn just under 700 calories.
    Just had my weekly weigh in at work with the other guys and I have managed to lose 2lbs on the scales at work. :happy: My "offical" scales that I use for MFP had me staying the same :grumble: but I am off to the gym at lunch time today. I hope that this week will be a bit more focussed on the food front.

    And if Liverpool win tonight then it will be the perfect start to the week (although I will not be able to watch or listen to the match as I am playing volleyball tonight). I hope everyone has a good week this week.

    Take care.
  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    Morning Everyone,

    I have lost 7 lbs since my last weigh in. I am hoping to shed 3-4 more lbs by the end of March.
    Hope everyone had a good week and weekend.
    I am finally getting back on track and taking this losing weight thing seriously.

    Happy Dieting!
    Love T x:happy: :flowerforyou:
  • JimJam87
    JimJam87 Posts: 62
    Morning Everyone,

    I have lost 7 lbs since my last weigh in. I am hoping to shed 3-4 more lbs by the end of March.
    Hope everyone had a good week and weekend.
    I am finally getting back on track and taking this losing weight thing seriously.

    Happy Dieting!
    Love T x:happy: :flowerforyou:

    That's fantastic, well done!!
    I'm back on it again today after a weekend of comfort eating! Gonna start exercising more too as me and my Mum have entered Race for Life in June and I want to run the whole course this time!
    Have a good week everyone x
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Hey all, I'm kinda new here but glad to see that there's a few people from the uk too. My weekend wasn't the greatest but I'm back on track now and really need to lose 5lb in the next 4 wks. Any tips would be great as I only want to lose 7lb but it just seems so difficult - I keep gaining and losing the same few lbs - help! I exercise loads and I stick to 1200 cals but with little progress :noway:
  • Morning Everyone,

    I'm back on track! More determined than ever to lose weight and tone up.
    Gotta look good for my holidays :)

  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Hi everyone :smile:

    "Happy" Monday!

    I had a bad weekend, not nutritionally really but I fell out with one type of scale at my gym - arrggh!

    I'm totally focused now on achieving my goal, I have 4 months before my holiday and I WILL look hot to trot in my bikini so help me god. I'm going to shake up the food I've been eating and try not to eat all my exercise cals just to see if it makes a diff - I know it works for some not for others so just gonna try it! I'm going to stay at least half hour longer in gym every night - that means 1.5hrs :indifferent: and I'm going to really try not to eat bad stuff just because my BF is etc etc etc!

    Good luck to everyone else, Tanya - well done on the weight loss omg!

    :heart: Mikhaila x
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