It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • double post. oops haha. :)
  • triple post?!? wierd. :grumble:
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Well, it was suppose to be weigh in day but i didnt because i got my monthly gift (thanks god) and i didnt do gdreat this week so i just decided to skip it. Sctually i weighed in and decided not to record my lovely 3 lb gain. :grumble:

    anyways im eating my chocolate cheesecake tonight but i saved the calories for it...i will only be over by 350 so not terrible. at least i made some sacrifice with the food.

    BTW, cheesecake factory is awesome, but almost everything on the menu has at least 1000 calories. Its unreal and unfair that that is allowed. :ohwell:

    Hope everyone is doing well. Have a nice weekend.:flowerforyou:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    ok ladies,

    I DID IT!!! *jumping up and down! I lost weight, I dont get how they record weight loss but I went from 139. something to 137. 6 to me that is almost 2 pounds. They said one??? Right now I dont care! I lost weight and got over that damn 140 hump I kept getting back to lol. ok off to hang with family!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Bare with me ladies, (THANKS for the Idea TURIN!)

    so I have read all over the place that it takes you buirning an extra 3500 kcal more then you eat in a week to lose one pound.

    so say you burn roughly 1200 calories just sitting on your but all day (supposed to be the average)
    1200 calories x 7 = 8400 a week
    That means you shoudl be able to eat that many calories a week and stay the same weight

    But if you want to lose weight you need to exercise and burn 3500 a week that is
    3500 divided by 7 = 514
    so you need to burn 514 a day
    orrrr eat less and burn less

    make sense??

    orrrr MFP tells you and you try that and adjust to what works for you

    I just tracked and checked mine for a week

    accept for today. This week I ate 8465 calories I tracked my exercise said I burned 8951 other words not gonna lose.:angry:
    guess what ? 2 things.... No weight loss :angry: well no surprise I only burned like 400 more cal then i ate. :grumble:
    But my heart rate monitor said I burned a lot more like 2170 according to that i should have lost like 2 pounds I burned 6295 more calories then I ate but I know there are some things I never loggg.. like sugar in my coffee or tea or the milk and maybe a snack size bar or 2 or hershey kiss or 2 my choco fix lol but I htink I am not burning like my hr monitor says. Cause I am not losing like it shows I should be. I also need to track my little snacks and see what makes a difference. Maybe it would help if everyone evaluated this for a week and see what you come up with. I am also so nto gonna go by my hr monitor not that i have been but I htink it is wrong. :sad: Any way Im gonna track like this again and see how it goes. Hope this helps some of u if you are stuck.
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Im Back!! I have had an extremely busy last week. Been working full time and I have been very very naughty last week! At work everyday we had lunch catered for us (which is fab!!) but I couldn't hold myself back so everyday I ate a big lunch! Boy am I paying for it now!!!

    Well I have to get back into exercise and mindful eating now!!! especially with a wedding coming up in a year!!

    I seem to want to biff everything out of the window when I have 1 bad day!! then it becomes a whole cycle!! a viscious cycle bad eating no exercise no MFP no water ect.. argghhh gotta allow myself to make these mistakes and get back into it....

    easier said than done though huh!!!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Myth..

    To add to your low fuss but low calorie food idea. When im short of time I usually grill or pan fry fish with a little olive oil. Fish is low in calories but quite filling. Sometimes bread crumb the fish to give it a bit of flavour.

    Im not sure if you would like fish though - as some people don't handle the smell well. If not you could try chicken.

    I like to bake chicken breast. One dish I got from a friend was to brown a piece of chicken breast (season the chicken lightly). Chuck it into a baking dish with some veges (I use zhucchini and mushroom). I usually cut the zhuccini into thick strips and layer it on the baking dish then spead some canned tomatoes (either herbed or plain) over the zhucchini. Place the breast on that layer then put another layer of zhuccini and mushroom (or another vegetable you like) on top of the chicken. Spread more canned tomotoes on top and season then sprinkle some low fat grated or shredded cheese and bake for about 30mins on med heat. - its easier to prepare and quite yummy!!

    BTW I had 2 salads this week.. trying to get back into it!!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Glad to see every one. Just wish the rain and snow would go away so I could go back home and have internet.

    Dad and Mom have been feeding us every night and morning, (large meals) I put my foot down Monday and said people were holding me accountable and I must get back to eating right. So I bought several kinds of greens and had a large salad and a little of the chicken my parents made. Then I passed on dessert. Hubby was proud of me.:wink:

    Hope everyones week goes as well.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    hi everybody :)

    i think i'm kind of hitting like a plateau or something. i don't mean that i'm not losing weight, it's more of a emotional/motivational plateau, if you know what i mean. it's been really hard for me to stay on track for the past couple days, but i have stuck to it, hoping it will pass. i just kind of feel, you know, tired of it? i hope it's just a phase or something, and i get over it soon. i know it's not my tom coming up or anything, either. deep down i really want to reach my goal or do even better than it, but on the surface i want to just throw in the towel and eat a whol box of kraft dinner! lol. anyone have some motivational words? haha. i think i'm going to read a whole bunch of posts in the "Motivation" section of the message boards :P

    now that i think about it, i'm probably dehydrated or something. haven't been drinking as much water as a normally do... :frown:

    hope everyone else is doing well this week :)
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Eek, I know what you mean life happens and I lose all motivation. I set a target date to start over and something happens to move date further out. Keeping up on my diary helps see why I haven't lost any weight on a given week. This is not just a diet it is a new way of life. Keep us posted if you need more motivation. I really do read all the posts and try to respond when people need it.:bigsmile:

  • turin
    turin Posts: 14
    Hi Folks,

    Couldn't drop in my weigh-in results at the beginning of this week...buried deep in work.

    I didn't have anything really great to report on the weigh-in anyways. Lost 1.1 pounds last week (no brainer, given my alternate week pattern). I'm still trailing behind my targets on a cumulative basis, though. Hoping to correct that in the coming few weeks. Catch up as much as possible.

    Here's a snapshot of how my progress has been till now.

    Week Net Calories Net Calories per day Intake Deficit Exercise Calories Lbs lost

    1 7633 1091 6978 2189 3.25
    2 9051 1293 6336 1413 -
    3 7780 1111 8030 990 3.37
    4 9022 1288 6700 1078 -
    5 8967 1281 7035 798 3.85
    6 10480 1497 5787 533 (1.65)
    7 10248 1464 5546 1006 1.10

    Can anyone spot a trend here that I cannot?

    I am going to try from next to try and re-live as much as possible weeks 3 or 5. I intend to exactly eat the same foods and exercise the same amount of calories as those weeks and see if it produces the same or similar results.

    Thoughts, anyone?

    Best Regards,

  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Turin, looked over your chart and I wonder if your body is thinking you are starving and the cells need to retain food and water?

    Myth, hows it going have not seen you lately?

    Thalia, hope your week went well.:bigsmile:

  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi chip it went well thanks for asking.

    I weighed in today didnt because of tom last week and i was the same didnt gaine but didnt lose.

    I did do my measurements for feb though and lost 7 inches for a total of 20 inches in the 2 months and 18 pounds.

    I really wanted to be under 200 by easter in a month which would be 12 more pounds. I will try to spend more time focusing on my 1200 calorie goal this week. I am having a really hard time sticking to the 1200 cals and dont know if im just hungruy or because i have been eating 1300 to 1600 lately and its hard adjusting...any suggestions?

    Also i am going to go adopt a puppy from the nevada animal shelter and i am really looking forward to that tomorrow :) I wanted to do it as a gift to me on my 199 pound celebration but have a feeling she wont be there that long. Will keep you updated.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Thalia, the puppy will be an excuse to walk more and get out in the nice weather.:wink:

    Watching measurements I think is a better guage than the scale. I have lost several inches since Jan and my clothes look like clown outfits. :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone's week will bring more lost pounds.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    thank-you for the support, chipgal. things have been looking up since i posted a couple days ago :)

    newbeginning--congrats on all those inches lost! i think that's i better way to monitor your progress because muscle is more compact than fat, and thus weighs more but is smaller. i agree with your idea to really stick to your calorie goal this week. i find when i rely on exercise to get under my goal, i don't do as well. and hopefully, your new puppy will be up for lots of walks! :)

    i didn't get a chance to weigh in before i ate yesterday morning or today... but i did weigh myself just now (about 4 hours after having toast, and i've had 2 cups of water) and i'm exactly the same as last week, 143.6 . lol. hopefully i'm 142... i'll check tomorrow morning... however, i'm happy about my body fat percentage and muscle percentage. i'm 29% fat and 41% muscle, says my scale. (so it might not be accurate, i dunno.) however, in january, i was 32% fat! so i'm happy about that.

    hope everyone's having a good weekend

    {{edit}} i had to buy a new pair of khakis for a musical theatre performance, and i was a size 8! the last pair of pants i bought were either 10's or 12's.. yeeesssss! lol
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Hello everyone... I am back after falling off the wagon for two weeks. At one point I had gained almost 5lbs back! I was sooooo upset with myself, because it always seems once I hit the -20 mark I freak out and lose control again. Well this time I am not going to give in, I must keep going! I just weighed in this morning and I am at 233.... I have lost 25 lbs!!! Hope you all have a fantastic week!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Where's Myth?!:huh:

    Welcome back Nicmc8. It is hard to mentally get through a set barrier. Mine seems to be 300. I get below and then go nuts and gain 5 pounds to go over again. The message board has helped I think I'll keep it off this time.

    Hope your doing well EEk. Glad to hear you needed smaller britches.:bigsmile:

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Ladies and germs - I am back kind of - I went away to gatlinburg for the weekend with my hubby my late valentines gift. But i have a bad sinus infection or beyond bad cold so I will still be out for a few days but I will get on and read and chat tomorrow I miss you all! Hope everyone is doing good. :)

  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Myth- Sorry you are not feeling well. Take care of yourself!

    Hope everyone else is having a fantastic week!

    Keep drinking your water!!!!
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    hello everybody, hope it's been a good week so far :)

    not much to report, but wanted to check in. i think i'm going to make a mini goal for myself which will be to lose 5lbs by may 19th. the concert band i play in is touring washington. this goal is easily attainable but just in case i slip up down the road, i want to make sure i put it up here so i'm held accountable! haha.

    i'm also gonna make a new rule for myself which is NO calories past 7:30 p.m. unless
    a) a family dinner means i have to (and there are almost never late family dinners, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem)
    b) i haven't eaten anything since lunch (12:00 - 2:00 p.m.), because i don't want to starve... lol.

    so, yeah. that's it.. glad to see you back, nicmc8 and myth, and nicmc8 congrats on those 25 lbs gone!
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