

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Just a quick note to mark my spot for later! Have to find those October goals and make new ones for November! TTYL ladies!

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Bump for later!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Have to get out to the studio, I will make my November goals later. Tigress
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here we are the 1st of November,

    Barbie once again you have started us out and encouraging us to success for that we Thank You:flowerforyou:

    Jolene-prayers for you and wisdom for the doctors as you and they figure out things with that lump.

    Tigress- congrats on the good news that your A1C is down. Starting with a personal trainer on Monday keep us informed on what he/she tells you about the kind of exercises you will be doing.:happy:

    Linda-hoping you get a good report from your employer so you can get to the doctor and get on with the healing process. Good for you getting to the gym last night even if it was alone:drinker:

    janehadji-I'm impressed being part of the Junior NRA:love: I have always shot guns since I was a teenager my dad and I used to go to the dump and target practice on cans with a 22. A couple of years ago hubby bought me my own 327 Federal (it's a revolver) and he put a lazer on it so I can see where I'm aiming I just love it:heart:

    Last night we didn't have as many kiddos as we have had in the past so we were pretty generous with the candy. Our grandsons came and they have friends visiting from the east so the two grandpas took the 4 older ones out for about 45 min in our neighborhood. Inbetween the door bell ringing hubby and & filled out our ballots and he's mailing them today. Peanut did better than usual didn't bark at all the times the door bell rang...I had his "hot dog" costume on...hubby thinks I do it to torture him:blushing: but I do it because he's just so cute:wink:

    I did get in day 5 of my 30 day shred before the trick or treaters started and it felt good to have it out of the way. It's finally starting to feel easier and not so painful...could that mean it's time to get heavier weights or move on to Level 2?:huh: I had decided that when I got to 10 days that's when I will make my first change up..so I have a few more days and then will see what I need to do.

    October goals were short but I did pretty good...Did lose those last #2 but fell one day short of having 20 days of cardio...but since I met my weight goal I'm pretty satisfied with how I did for October.

    November goals : Complete the first round of the 30 day Shred
    Start it again at a higher level & heavier weights
    Maintain the weight I've lost
    25 days of exercise for the month (more than that would be a lovely bonus)

    Hope everyone has a great November we always get to start a new month with a clean slate...so lets remember to log our food (and choose your foods wisely), get in some exercise and don't forget to drink plenty of water:drinker:

  • emgs52
    emgs52 Posts: 67 Member
    Good Morning i'm new to the group add me for friend request..
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy November ladies

    I've just discovered some new exercise - running up three flights of stairs to the loo every fifteen minutes! Upset tummy today. Grrr - so busy at work and don't have time for that kind of nonsense.

    Got a text from my DD#2 who was due to fly in from Germany with her new boyfriend this morning. They missed their flight and are not going to get here until tomorrow. Grrr - again.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    Love to all
    From a grrrrizzly, grrrrumpy Amanda x
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hi everyone.Had a fun day with Violet and trick or treating.Got some walking in.
    Hubby did join the health club with me.Now to make time to go with his crazy work schedule.
    My goals for Nov.-go to gym 3x a week.
    Work on strenghtening back and knees.
    Curb the night eating.
    Stick with my food plan.
    Have a great day!!!
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    And it's November already! October really flew by this year, didn't it?

    I got the results of my MRI back yesterday. They say that I have "sezmoiditis" in my foot -- that the sezmoid bones on the bottom are inflamed, and also that arthritis has moved into the joint where I had the bunion surgery in January. They want me to consider going back into a surgical boot or cast (boot, for sure!) until the inflammation goes down. I go in on Monday to discuss it. :sad: I need to do something, though, since my foot has hurt since January and I can wear very few shoes.

    On a positive note, my daughter says she is coming home from Spokane for a few days at the end of the month! :love: She says she is homesick and that her job has scheduled a few days off. New hubby will stay in Spokane. She wants it to be a surprise for her father. I've been missing her so much! Also, the scale finally moved! :drinker:

    Tigress -- Congratulations on having your numbers down at the doctor, that's great news!

    Jolene -- So many things to say to you today.... I'm sure that lump has you scared to death and I'm so sorry that you have to wait until mid-December for any answers. I think that waiting is worse than knowing sometimes, because your mind wants to go to so many places. I don't know much about those conditions, but believe that Hodgkins in very treatable. I know two people who recovered from it 30 years ago, and I'm sure medicine has advanced since then. I'm praying for the best scenario! Please talk with us while you wait -- I understand not wanting to worry your family, although I'm sure they'd want to support you through this time. :heart: I'm glad you took care of those children on Halloween. Some people just shouldn't have kids if they can't take better care of them than that! I loved your goal for performing random acts of kindness. I try to do that occasionally, but should do it far more often. I admire you for going for the job that you want!

    Meg -- I loved the "candy throwing class." How fun is that! Great job on dropping most of the travel weight and getting the pants off without the zipper open... you are moving forward at a fast pace!

    Michele -- I'm glad your bone density has improved, if only a little bit. Every little bit helps! I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin's SIL. That's a terrible thing to happen, especially so unexpectedly. I'm sure that everyone is in shock.

    Jane Martin -- Hurray that your husband joined the gym!

    Nancy -- I like your November goal to work on your spiritual side as well as your physical side. I think we sometimes lose sight of that in the more day-to-day part of our lives. I hope you have a great time in Spokane while following your plan!

    Rose -- I can't believe that they have a treadmill for you at work -- what a great boss!
  • ekburnet
    ekburnet Posts: 44 Member
    Resolutions for November :smooched:
    1) Increase glider workout to 3 times a week
    ( ) week 1
    ( ) week 2
    ( ) week 3
    ( ) week 4
    2) walk to store (4 blocks away) for those quick trips to the grocery
    3) Control my eating on Thanksgiving
    4) Lose 8 to 10 pounds
    5) Enjoy autumn by taking walks/hikes.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: I'm looking forward to seeing how others do.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    November goals

    1) stay consistently within 5 pounds of goal weight
    2) stay within calorie goal at least 6 days a week
    3) no Thanksgiving binge!
    4) do more upper arms work
    5) start Christmas shopping by month's end
    6) be kind
  • CSueB
    CSueB Posts: 31 Member
    I can't find my October post so have no idea what my goals were!??? November goals however, are
    Run 3 times a week
    Lift weights 3 times a week
    Water, water, and more water,
    Chart my food and be honest!
    Spend 15 minutes a day minimum in my "OMG WHAT A CLUTTERED MESS THIS IS!) room that is owning me and making me miserable......multiples years ( :blushing: :sick: of paperwork, the majority of which just needs to be shredded....goes back to when I was a caregiver for my much loved mom....and the fact that I am a sentimental crazy person....
    Don't beat myself when and if I fall short of my daily goals....I will just pick myself up and start making good choices again!

    I am so close to my goal weight (right around 3 more pounds) and there is no reason that I can't make it in the month of November, and then my first December goal will be to MAINTAIN!

    Thank you for this group Barbie, it is great! :smile:
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    THANK YOU, Barbie, for keeping this message board! Your graphics are always wonderful! and you always have someething uplifting to share! :happy:

    Jolene, we are praying for you~ and hoping for the BEST!!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, all of my "new" friends for your SUPPORT! i wouldn't have made it this far without you! :love:

    Sundance, you're on the prayer list, too~ hope you get things taken care of, and are out of pain SOON! :flowerforyou:

    i have a praise to share: the insurance folks agreed to pay for 9 more therapy visits. i'm encouraged by that!

    and my weigh-in at my meeting was MUCH better than last week, so i'm doing the sit-down-happy-dance! :wink: :bigsmile:

    take care, make healthy choices, and drink that water! :drinker: it WORKS when ya work it! :happy:

    janie :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    regraetz, kenazfehu, pandoraw, Patsy, emg - welcome! There's always room for more. Jump right in!

    Did 1 hr of Bob Harper's DVD. Went to WalMart and returned a lot of candy -- I got $16 back. I forgot that if you don't have your receipt, you only get the sale price. The gal at the customer service asked "do you want to keep it (the candy), you can always eat it". I just looked at her thinking "you'd probably eat it" (she was WAAAAYYYY overweight) but just said "I need more candy like I need a hole in the head". Came home and two guys from the pool co. were here doing a cleanup. We're finished with the pool co -- gave them the last payment. Now all the work will be US. After they left we went to early voting but first we stopped at the food kitchen to donate the rest of the left over candy. It's out of the house! I feel so good about that!. I was surprised at how many people were at the voting booth. Oh, made some cookies for the guys. I was so very tired when I got home that I laid down. I believe it's because of all the simple carbs I had yesterday -- the candy and all. Then I had to have some of that cookie dough. But I'm going to get back on track now that we're not going to be having all this work. Going to do speed intervals tomorrow. I also need to pay my gym membership tomorrow.

    DeeDee - hope everything is OK with the dentist and that it's just an annual thing

    I made a triple chocolate cheesecake for the guy when he was here yesterday. I gave him the whole cake. Actually, he said his wife really liked it. I was trying something new. The package says that you shouldn't freeze cream cheese, but I froze this. I was wondering what would happen. The main difference seemed to be that the consistency was a bit different, but not all that much. He said his wife really liked it.

    Oh, made the cookies for him and his worker, had a few left over so instead of eating them, as I was going to put them in the one worker's car, the trash collectors came so I gave the rest to them. Hey, better on their waist than mine! Plus...they hopefully will think well of us any time. The other day when we cut out the solar cover, I thought that maybe that plastic was recyclable. Even tho the recycling guys hadn't been here yet, the garbage men took all that leftover plastic.

    jolene - what a nice thing you did for those kids! I'm just in awe that someone (the mother) would do something like that.

    Amanda - hope your tummy is better real soon.

    jane - I'm so sorry you might have to go into the boot again. Is this something that when you go into that boot, it'll heal and not return? You have no idea how shocked we all are that my cousin's SIL died. He was younger than Vince and I!

    CSueB - Vince has two boxes of papers that need to be shredded. He's the type of person that holds onto them until he has a lot. I'd rather get it done little by little. Now we'll probably wait until there is a shredding day where a place will do it.

    janie - how wonderful that you'll be able to get more therapy! I'm so happy for you. And that's just great that your weight in was much less. You're on your way, now.

    Going to post this now so that I mark my spot.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hi beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Popping in to go over my October goals and post my November goals:bigsmile:

    October goals:
    drink 10 glasses of water a day.....oops, always got in 8, but fell short a few days on 10:cry:
    try two new recipes this month....didn`t happen, I don`t think I even tried one new recipe:ohwell:
    have fish/seafood twice a week...Yes:happy:
    prelog food diary each morning...always:bigsmile:
    check in here once a day....sometimes more than once:tongue:
    be grateful for every ounce that comes off....absolutely:glasses:
    find something to laugh about everyday....yes, sometimes thanks to you lovely ladies:laugh:
    walking everyday....actually increased my walking time:smokin:

    November goals:
    drink 10 glasses of water a day
    have fish/seafood twice a week
    prelog food diary each morning
    be grateful for each ounce that comes off
    check in here once a day
    continue with my walking
    slow down a bit, Oct. was so busy and I need to recharge!

    I may think of some more as time goes by, right now my mind is blank:laugh: .
    Will be back later (I hope) to respond to some posts!

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Well, the snowfall lasted the morning and left behind enough for a good hour of shoveling! Cleaned out a room in the basement and did a couple of loads of laundry too. So, now I'm tired (but a good tired) :yawn: and enjoying a cup of organic Persian Apple loose tea. Let's see ~ the package says "This exotic tea is inspired by the intrigue and romance of ancient Persia. One sip is all it takes to whisk you away." It contains green tea, apple, pistachios, almonds, and rose petals and I must admit, the flavor is wonderful ~ consider me 'whisked'... :blushing:

    DeeDee, hope your appointment went well. I like to make my appointments early too. That way, I don't break up the entire day. :smile:

    Robin, that's a long stretch ~ it must throw your rhythm off for the rest of the week. :ohwell:

    Jolene, strange situation with the two little girls last night. I'm still shaking my head at the mom. :noway: Sounds like there's more to it than you know. Did you take some pics of Kamari?

    Nancy, we are also in a cul-de-sac and kids just don't want to waste their time coming in!

    Rose, how nice of your boss to have a treadmill brought into the office for you.

    Linda, good for you to get yourself to the gym.

    Laura, great job on staying with the shred.

    Amanda, hope your tummy troubles are just a wee blip.

    Jane, good for your DH to join the club as well. Will you be able to go even if his schedule doesn't permit?

    Janehadji, sorry to hear the results of your MRI ~ boy, that sounds painful.

    Michele, I notice that you do a lot of baking. I love to bake but don't dare! How do you stay away from it????

    Sending out a warm welcome to all the newcomers ~ glad to have you here! :drinker:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I've got a late start to my work day this afternoon so I thought I'd pop in for a few minutes. Took a long hike in the woods today, it sure was nice. And rainy. But seeing the beautifully colored leaves scattered everywhere make up for the soggy feet and wet dog smell. :laugh:

    Deborah, I have authorization to speak with my mom's doctor but haven't done so yet. I want to have my info straight before I talk to her, so I've got a big list going of meds and natural remedies, and if they're compatible or not. I've got a lot to learn. Mom gets a nervous stomach when I discuss alternatives with her, worrying about switching to different meds, etc. I hate to cause her any more worry! I'd better just do my research and give her Dr. a call at some point. My mom does live alone, but my brother and his wife are just a few miles away, so they check in with her on a regular, almost daily basis.

    On the quinoa subject, I don't find it to be bitter at all. However, and this is very important: you have to rinse the quinoa under running water before cooking it to remove the bitter coating called "saponin".

    Jolene, I know you must be terribly worried. Sending good thoughts your way!

    Janehadji and Deborah, I don't dehydrate many foods, mostly tomatoes and peppers. I grind the dried peppers in the food processor, making my own chili powder. It takes a lot of peppers to make a quart of powder! We use the powder (actually flakes) all year in cooking, then in the fall I use it when I make our case of canned taco sauce. I store the dried tomatoes in the freezer and toss them in recipes or pasta.

    Mom was thinking she had vertigo awhile back, but most dizzy spells aren't that intense. I've done some research and have found there can be dizziness after cataract surgery which Mom had earlier in the year. I want her to go see her eye Dr.

    Laura, that's so true about doctors not always being right about medications. I told my mom that last night on the phone, she was a bit shocked. She's of the mind that doctors know everything. :ohwell: So I'm trying to gently teach her that they don't. I just can't sit back and let her continue being uncomfortable and even miserable at times.

    Nancy, wow! Congrats on the 5k!! :drinker: Wooooooiee!

    What a terrible storm back east! :noway: I hope everyone's safe!

    Time for me to get ready for my afternoon of teaching guitar lessons. I'll stop by the library to pick up the 2 books I showed Mom when I was visiting, one is "Food Remedies" by Selene Yeager, the other "Nutri-cures" by Alice Feinstein. Both are Rodale Press books.

    :smile: jb
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Goals for November-
    Make my goal of 100 pounds lost, almost there!!
    Drink my 8+ glasses of water…every day.:sick:
    Workout 300+ minutes each week.
    Perform a random act of kindness each day of this month.:flowerforyou:
    Put my hat in the ring for the job opening I would like that is coming available (even though I know I feel like I don’t interview well).:noway:

    Well we had many, many trick or treaters last night. I love seeing the kids coming up. We had a very unsettling event however. These two little girls came up to the door in tears and shaking. I thought maybe our dog, Elisa Jane, had frightened them. She greeted everyone in her pumpkin costume. When I asked her if she was afraid of the dog, she said no, two older boys had threatened to beat them up if they didn’t give them their candy. She said she ran until she got to our door.

    I asked her if she where her mother was, she didn’t know. She had gotten separated from two other children they were out with. The other kids had the cell phone. I asked her if she lived nearby and she told me they lived in Dukedom, which is 35 miles away. I couldn’t believe someone would take their children to a town they don’t live in and drop them unsupervised in a neighborhood they don’t know!! I asked her if she wanted to use our phone and she said yes. Shortly after the other two children came to our door. I brought them all inside to watch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and wait for their mother to come. My husband stood out on the sidewalk and talked the mother to our house. She was out on the highway about 6 miles from town. Unbelievable! I finally got the kids calmed down, after Little Hug barrel drinks and crazy straws all around (Grandmas are always prepared for crisis). She showed up about 10 minutes later and picked them up. She never said thank you or kiss my foot. She just put the kids in the van and left. DH and I talked about it afterwards, what if we had been terrible people? They would never have found those children. I can’t believe the risk people take with their kids, Good Grief!:grumble: :angry:

    Anyway, my son and his family showed up.:happy: My Granddaughter’s (Kamari) first Halloween.:heart::heart: She is 15 months old. She was a darling little bumble bee.:bigsmile: She kept trying to scare her Grandpa (a new trick her mommy taught her). I am so thankful they are attentive parents.

    After things settled down, I worked on cleaning the rooms upstairs. My DD is “expanding” her area into her brother’s old room. Whatever keeps her happy and home a bit longer, lol:heart::heart: .

    After that I am afraid the Halloween candy got the better of me. Oh, well new day, fresh start.
    Have a great day Ladies.
    Grace and peace,

    Jolene you and your husband are great patriots. Thanks for taking care of those little girls.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Will be back later... Thank you, Barbie! :flowerforyou:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I hate it when I lose a post:grumble:

    My November goals:

    Log my food and exercise every day...hopefully this will keep me within the goals
    Ride, row and/or walk 100 miles by Thanksgiving...I started this one about two weeks ago and I have biked 29 miles and rowed 5.8k...I still have to convert that one
    Get back to knitting lesson (remember that...I only have half a hat):noway:
    enjoy the heck out of my son while he is home...he heads back to CA next weekend:smooched:

    Have a good night all! Hugs and prayers for the challenges high fives for successes

    In the words of my late father...keep smiling the fresh air is good for your teeth! :bigsmile:
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Bump 'til later.