Best Gym Pick-Up Lines



  • jodi41086
    best gym pickup line- while they are looking at you and lift super heavy weight and scream " AHHHHHRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" its kinda like caveman ugga ugga. War cry they call it at my gym, it scares me sometimes when my boyfriend does it I can hear him over my headphones
  • jodi41086
    Now what I really hate are the ones that just stare....You know you're working out in front of the mirror and catch their eye looking at you in the mirror.......creeeeeeeepy!!

  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I don't get hit on at the gym, but there is a this one guy that will always take the treadmill next to mine and he will run at what seems to be the same speed that I go. And he won't stop until I stop. He always stops when I stop. It doesn't matter if I have been running for 5 mins or 40 mins when he gets on next to me. So weird.

    Also not getting hit on, but there's this older woman who always gets to the gym around the time that I'm ending my workout with HIIT cardio on the treadmill. She always grabs the treadmill that's two down from me, and she walks while staring at me the whole time with this really angry look. I don't know who she is, where she came from, but she really seems to dislike me. She does it to another girl that's usually there the same time as me. Weird.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I don't get hit on at the gym, but there is a this one guy that will always take the treadmill next to mine and he will run at what seems to be the same speed that I go. And he won't stop until I stop. He always stops when I stop. It doesn't matter if I have been running for 5 mins or 40 mins when he gets on next to me. So weird.

    Ummm I would ask a staff member for an escort out to my car before leaving!
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    "hey, i was just wondering... how do you get on with your protein shake? mine gives me TERRIBLE wind"
  • leslie0422
    leslie0422 Posts: 108 Member
    There are a couple of guys that hit on me regularly at the gym but they're harmless and it doesn't bother me. One always gets on the treadmill next to me and then comments on how I'm putting him to shame. Other than that, I just typically I keep my headphones turned up and pretty much ignore everyone while I'm working out.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    Best pick up line: Does this look infected to you?~

    Oddly enough, that one doesn't work!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    At my old apartment complex, the gym had windows that looked out to the pool area. One day I was running on the treadmill and some nasty chubby frat dude walks past the window, sees me, backs up, and stares at me...wait, no, not at me, at my bouncing chesticles as I ran. Threw him the bird and he just laughed and walked away. He's on my list.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Next time you should try, "Are you using that adductor machine so you can crush me between your thighs later?"

    I love you Berry! I just spit out my tea!
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I truly cannot stand it when guys see me going to use a machine/bar/whatever that has a bunch of weight (obviously more than I can lift) and run over and try to take all the weight off for me, like I can't handle it- then waste my time and try to talk to me after they've saved my life from the "big" weights. I'm not a 3-year-old. I'm at the gym for a reason, I don't need you holding my hand. Just because I can't squat 250lbs doesn't mean that I can't remove that much weight from a bar. Ugh. :noway:

    Guys also don't do this for girls who can shoulder press more than them.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    i work out in the womens only area, lol.
    ppl dont talk too much at the gym, not to strangers anyways.
    every once in a while ill ask the person next to me in spin class if they wanna race. just as a joke :D lol
    thats about as much as ive ever said...untill in the womans change room, we all gab while doing out make up after showers etc.
    even tho we're in classes together or at the gym at the same time everyday, we usually dont talk.
    now in the hot tub, no matter who u are or what u look like, everyone talks, cant i just relax? lol.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I truly cannot stand it when guys see me going to use a machine/bar/whatever that has a bunch of weight (obviously more than I can lift) and run over and try to take all the weight off for me, like I can't handle it- then waste my time and try to talk to me after they've saved my life from the "big" weights. I'm not a 3-year-old. I'm at the gym for a reason, I don't need you holding my hand. Just because I can't squat 250lbs doesn't mean that I can't remove that much weight from a bar. Ugh. :noway:

    Guys also don't do this for girls who can shoulder press more than them.

    Then you should meander your way to my gym sometime and see for yourself.
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    My ex was visiting me after I had moved away from where we had met and lived. She went to the gym that I had been going to and was working out when all of a sudden a guy was like, "Damn where did you come from?? We don't have many women like you around..." She said that she was visiting me, her bf. And gave him my business card because of the nature of my business and people who work out and walked away.

    As she was leaving the gym she sees him sitting in the cafe (yes the gym has a cafe) and he gestured for her to walk over to him, she looked around and saw that no one else was there and kept trying to walk past but the guy was so insistent that he got up and walked over to her and said, "I bet my buddy that I would buy you a smoothie" she didn't want to be rude so she said no I'm fine and the guy kept trying to reason with her and finally she let up and let him buy her a smoothie.

    Probably one of the most awkward/persistent instances of spitting game at the gym that I've heard of. I couldn't help but give this guy kudos for the smoothie idea... it's like a drink at the bar but for the gym.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    At my old apartment complex, the gym had windows that looked out to the pool area. One day I was running on the treadmill and some nasty chubby frat dude walks past the window, sees me, backs up, and stares at me...wait, no, not at me, at my bouncing chesticles as I ran. Threw him the bird and he just laughed and walked away. He's on my list.

    OMG. wow. thats ballsy!
  • Bdde
    Bdde Posts: 133 Member
    People who go to the gym dressed to the "t", with a full on makeup, and perfume are clearly not going to workout. I get in and get out! I can't understand people who say they met someone at the gym?!
  • vidald
    vidald Posts: 75 Member
    I don't get hit on at the gym...but somehow I think I would be flattered! I don't wear the cute little spandex outfits. I am usually try to cover as much as I can!

    With my hair soaked to my head, sweat running down my back, sweat marks all over my shirt, makeup running down my face! If you think that is attractive enough to hit on! Well Thank YOU!