It's NOT that hard.



  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    "It's NOT that hard" such a stupid statement.

    Sounds like a that's what she said joke to me :p
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    To the OP thanks for posting this! I am with you in agreement 150%!!!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Rubbish statement. On paper its not hard, its the easiest thing ever, eat less than what you put out and you will lose weight. How hard is that its just maths right?

    Well mentally its very hard for some people, habit and addictions can absolutely cripple and enslave a person. So please take a while to think about the people that do struggle and do need support from others just to be able to say no to whatever their vice might be. It's great that you have done well and are another success story, but remember its easy on the other side of success to say 'well its pretty easy' since you have already formed those habits of eating right and exercising. But some people haven't, and its a struggle.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I think your weightloss is great!! Just long were you overweight?
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    To the OP thanks for posting this! I am with you in agreement 150%!!!

    says a person who's pictures are of a dog...
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member

    says a person who's pictures are of a dog...

    What does their profile photo have anything to do with it...
  • To the OP thanks for posting this! I am with you in agreement 150%!!!

    says a person who's pictures are of a dog...

    You think it's easy being a dog !?
  • oh yes it is hard. i go to Rosemary Conley classes and there are people who go there for all shapes and sizes and they find it hard to loose weight and some of have going for years. If loosing weight was not that hard everyone would not be overweight i know women and men who can weigh nearly 30 stone and are slowly loosing weight but are finding it hard and so do all the members. I have lost 3 stone and am maintaining my weight and i have ups and downs all the time.
  • pegsum
    pegsum Posts: 15 Member
    Losing weight isn't success. Keeping it off permanently is. Check back in a couple of years and let all know how "easy" it is.
  • Mexie1
    Mexie1 Posts: 48 Member
    Sorry if someone's already mentioned it, but the OP's approach to weight loss and fitness, as evidenced by her statements in this thread, strikes me as pretty unhealthy - both physically and psychologically. I can't say 'well done on your loss' to someone who is working out on injuries, not eating enough and engaging in deliberate self-punishment (even as far as self-harm with the slapping).
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    To the OP thanks for posting this! I am with you in agreement 150%!!!

    says a person who's pictures are of a dog...

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I think the OP is being very honest. That's her prerogative. But her honesty doesn't make her an expert when it comes to *me* or any of my struggles.

    Maybe people forget that we're human, not perfect robots.

    The end.
  • notsosimplyabby
    notsosimplyabby Posts: 138 Member
    Guys, let's not fuel her fire.
    She is CLEARLY using this post as a way to toot her own horn and brag about the fact that she has been working out with her physical ailments.

    She simply wants to place herself above those of us who DO struggle.

    If what you want is a pat on the back then here ya go! Great job! You are great! Is that what you wanted?
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    I've lost between 15 and 18 kg (i'm not sure what was my starting wieght really. It is not easy but it is doable. It depands how hard you wnat it and what you are ready to do to get there. No excuses, only clean diet and hard work, not getting discourgaed when you are atuck at certain weight for some time ... but there are people , even here, who don't wnat to hear about it. They wnat you to tell tehm that you are lucky that it worked for you. While in fact ... it is not easy, it is hard but it is not THAT hard.

    And also, I have noticed such pattern in RL that those who achieve something (loose weight, change cereers because they were not happy with what they did, finish unveristy when they are way past teh ussual age of students ect) are the silent heros who don't go around talking about it, seek encouragement and motivation from others. In most cases liek taht you don't hear about them trying to loose weight but you are suddenly presented with a slimmer friend/co-worker/neighbour. They don't talk about it because tehy don't have to talk about it. they are strong, encouraged and motivated enough taht tehy don't need others to pat tehm on teh back and they don't complain about lack of support. I think that in many cases all teh whining about 'lack of support' is simply a excuse taht later make one give up (that have been a my case many many many times before).

    I'm not criticising anyone here because I have dieted milion and one time in the past and made milion and one excuses why it doesn't work and this is the first time it actually worked and the only advice I can give it "Just do it!".
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It does sound *****y right? But what happened to good old hard work?
    Wait... but you just said it's not hard.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Bully for you.
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    Losing weight in the USA is a challenge but can be done. It requires a lifestyle change and a lot of hard work.

    No offense but I think you should reach your goal and maintain it for a long time before getting on your soap box on how hard it is to lose weight.

    And why exactly is it harder in USA than elsewhere Herb? Is there soemthing in your watter taht we don't have elsewhere?
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    Brain surgery is easy to some people; doesn't mean it's not hard.

    I've always been a champion of people needing to want it badly enough, because you have to forsake so much for serious weight loss. You've got to want to succeed more than you want any chocolate bar, any tube of Pringles, any night on the sofa when it's lashing down outside, any Chinese takeaway, any bottle of wine, any period-governed slab of Dairy Milk, any steaming gooey cheesy lasagna when you go out for a friend's birthday meal. You've got to say no to so many things, and for many (including myself) that's after years of saying OH GOD YES GET IN MY MOUTH to everything.

    You've got to exercise when you hurt, when you're tired, when you're upset, when it's the last thing you want to do.

    Well done you for succeeding. Well done anyone for making the decision to improve their life through changes to their health. But yes, it is indeed very p*ssy to say it's easy.

    If it's so easy, why do so many people fail?

    Very nicely put!!! I TOTALLY agree with you x :flowerforyou:
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Have you got the maintenance part figured out too?
    That's what I've always struggled with.
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    . Just wanted to tell you that if you continue to do such strenous exercise while you are injured you will pay the price when you are older. You will probably need a cane and then a walker. And then you will not be able to work out much at all, at least not standing up. This is no joke, I am being serious with you. You young people don't think about the consequences.

    to add that you are not pushing thru the pain, you are taking pain pills so there is no pain for you to push thru. How would you feel if someone who was always slim and fit who was on this board to stay that way, and posted your post but changing the wording to it is easy to not gain weight etc. And there you are being called Lazy for gaining weight.
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