It's NOT that hard.



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I have a barn on a farm, but it's full of zombies now. Gotta clear it out first.

  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    Sorry if this may come out a little *****y, but...... it's not that hard to lose weight & exercise........ if you are committed to doing it. I'm kinda sick of hearing about how hard it is to be motivated, how hard it is to get the scales to move, how hard it is to stay in calories & even how hard it is when you 'sore'.

    I told you it would sound *****y... but it's not.

    I have a back injury that stopped me from working in a labor job ever again. I get about 2-3 hours sleep a night if I'm lucky because of my injury & walking kills me for days. I have a stuffed up knee from breaking it in 2002. I have a bad hip & shin splints (at the moment).

    I've run, Zumba'd & done all kinds of intense workouts for the past 9 months.... every single day. With all my injury problems & even a broken toe thrown in.... I'm still going. Running on my leg kills me... but I'm sucking it up & still going.

    I eat under my cals EVERY day. I eat the same thing every day yes... but I do allow treats.... take a look.

    I've lost 66lbs ...... 31kg in 9 months..... no cheat days, no days off from working out & sure as hell no reason to NOT do anything.

    So why are people finding it so hard to lose weight? Why do people complain because they can't control their own actions or addictions?

    It does sound *****y right? But what happened to good old hard work?

    It's just the truth.
    If you don't want to lose weight bad enough, you won't have that drive to do it.
    If you really want it, you'll just do it in whatever way you can.
    The end.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I have a barn on a farm, but it's full of zombies now. Gotta clear it out first.


  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Ask anyone who has succeeded in losing weight and they will say, it wasn't always easy, but it wasn't really all that hard once they made up their minds to do it.

    I lost 40lbs and it was incredibly difficult. And even more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

    Thanks for speaking for all of us though, it's appreciated

    I humbly apologize for making that blanket statement and speaking for you.

    If you had it to do over again, would you have chosen NOT to do it? You have proven that even if it is difficult at times, it is still possible if you want it badly enough. Was it worth the effort to get where you are today?
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    I think I got hung up on the fact that this person cannot work a labor job, but can run and do zumba.:noway:
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Sorry if this may come out a little *****y,

    *brain says stop reading*

    *ignore brain*
    I told you it would sound *****y... but it's not.

    it was. sorry.

    *next time, listen to brain*
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Riiiight. It's so easy that there are multiple web sites, pills, businesses and support groups to help people loose weight. Congrats on the most condescending and judgmental post I've seen in a while.

    I've not has had a big of a struggle as some people here, but that doesn't mean their journey is worthless or that they are lazy because the weight didn't fall off the second they made changes.
  • beagle441
    beagle441 Posts: 2 Member
    Sometimes reading the grouchy post is a good motivator. Other times reading the post of someone who really longs for (or just ate) that entire box of Twinkies is the way to go. Live and let live.
  • RDHome224
    Sorry if this may come out a little *****y, but...... it's not that hard to lose weight & exercise........ if you are committed to doing it. I'm kinda sick of hearing about how hard it is to be motivated, how hard it is to get the scales to move, how hard it is to stay in calories & even how hard it is when you 'sore'.

    I told you it would sound *****y... but it's not.

    I have a back injury that stopped me from working in a labor job ever again. I get about 2-3 hours sleep a night if I'm lucky because of my injury & walking kills me for days. I have a stuffed up knee from breaking it in 2002. I have a bad hip & shin splints (at the moment).

    I've run, Zumba'd & done all kinds of intense workouts for the past 9 months.... every single day. With all my injury problems & even a broken toe thrown in.... I'm still going. Running on my leg kills me... but I'm sucking it up & still going.

    I eat under my cals EVERY day. I eat the same thing every day yes... but I do allow treats.... take a look.

    I've lost 66lbs ...... 31kg in 9 months..... no cheat days, no days off from working out & sure as hell no reason to NOT do anything.

    So why are people finding it so hard to lose weight? Why do people complain because they can't control their own actions or addictions?

    It does sound *****y right? But what happened to good old hard work?

    I just want to say that I am not "picking" or "bullying" but your post got me thinking.

    I slipped past this at least 30 times and thought "I'm not going to post here, I dont want to be part of a witch burning"

    I dont completely disagree with your post, but at the same time I do. Some of it is very valid, I myself am a "make excuses not to exercise" person. That being said however, I have worked in the construction business, and I know what physical labor is as I've done it for a very long time. I know how much it sucks when you cant do it anymore, and also I know how much it sucks when you gain 80 pounds out of nowhere and no matter what kind of work you do or food you eat it just doesnt go away.

    Some people have reasons they find it hard to lose weight, some people dont know where it came from (and anyone who tries even once to tell me I got "fat" because I eat too much is SO incredibly wrong as I was someone who was inadvertantly eating far too little, and so my body started storing fat to keep me "healthy") I have no idea how I am supposed to get rid of this excess body fat, for more than 2 years I have been an active, relatively healthy person and every freaking day I say, "why hello 5 pounds, we meet again" I gained and gained and now its a serious battle for me trying very hard to make my body healthier, which is why I changed my life. 200 pounds is alot of weight to carry around, and I suffer shin splints as well, ESPECIALLY when I am very active, and you know, 200 pounds is ALOT of weight to carry around on shins that feel as if you have broken them.

    I just think it is unfair to try telling people it isnt that hard to lose the weight, because it is, there are people who, like me see themselves one day, and go "well, I look good today" and the next day start speaking Orca to myself and telling Shamoo to get back in the ocean. THESE are MY personal battles, and they are HARD, being overweight isnt just physical, its mental also and the part that is in your head is SO HARD to even begin to get past.

    Your arguments are solid, and you are right, I am my own downfall when it comes to the exercise part of this weight loss battle, but you cant say that for those of us who fight and fight every day to be healthier and see NOTHING because mentally you have come to a point where you dont see any change in your weight, because you are embarassed to even let your spouse see you without 3 sweaters and track pants (despite their constant support and compliments on your appearance) THAT is a hard battle, and people who say how hard it is arent always complaining about the weight, maybe they dont see the change.

    This place should be about support, not telling people they are wrong to say this battle is hard.

    I apologize if I offended anyone, I dont want anyone to think their opinions arent valid, or helpful in alot of ways, but I couldnt pass this by without my opinion because I know its hard for me and I am not naive enough to think there arent others like me out there.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    The act of losing weight really isn't that hard. Eat less, move more. Simple.

    Finding the motivation when you have a life, obstacles, depression, all these things that try and get in your way can be a chore. Yes, it's a choice, but if the choice were always that easy, there would be no need for sites like this one.

    I'm taking the high road with this response, b/c the response I DID have in my brain would earn me a strike.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Ya don't say..

  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    "This is easy for me, why isn't it easy for everyone?" Are you serious?
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
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