What is your biggest motivator?



  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    I have numerous motivators. I want to love myself the way my boyfriend loves me. He sees a beautiful woman whom he can't keep his hands off of, and I see a very large, red faced girl who is lucky to even have a boyfriend....

    I want to look good in little tank tops and tight jeans....I want to be able to wear a normal shirt that doesn't have to be loose enough to have to hide my fat rolls.

    I want to take pictures and actually like them!

    I want my boyfriend to be able to pick me up.

    I want to have a distinct baby belly when we finally decide to have kids....not one that is hiding under a layer of fat.

    I want to be able to dress up and look glamorous.

    And I want to someday be a doctor who actually practices what I preach.

    I tried Weight Watchers for about a month.....didn't like it, so I'm back to MFP. Much simpler and more successful for me!
  • Looking great & feeling energetic, are my biggest motivators.
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    tattoos! i want them, just not on my rolls.
  • Jack_Stiglitz
    Jack_Stiglitz Posts: 4 Member
    being turned downn by so many girls :\
  • Jack_Stiglitz
    Jack_Stiglitz Posts: 4 Member
    lol me too :P
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I just want to be able to hold my head high in a group of people and not try to hide in the corner or behind baggy clothes because I'm ashamed of my weight but too lazy to do anything about it. I want to be able shower after golf and not be ashamed of my gut and on holiday be able to take my shirt off and not worry about people staring and thinking 'oh my god put it back on' instead I'd rather 'wow I want that' lol
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    First and biggest for me was - looking hot again. Second became wanting to be stronger. Third just proving to myself that I can and will do this for my entire life because it is that important to me. :) People who are healthy and strong live longer, more fulfilled lives.
  • Making an entrance. I love walking into a public place and without sounding conceited thinking "Yes. I look damn good :)" Also Clothes :)

    Also the prospect of the zombie apocalypse D:
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I don't want to follow in the footsteps of my parents and grandparents who are all either obese or chronic smokers. I want to live a long beautiful healthy life and be there to see my son (and any future children) grow up and have his own family. I want to be a fun healthy grandma in my old age, not popping 10 pills a day for high blood pressure and unable to breathe doing normal activity.
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member

    Also the prospect of the zombie apocalypse D:

    YES! have to be able to run! haha!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    seeing colleagues at work who have been overweight for decades.

    all 3 women at my work are pre-diabetic, 2 have had surgeries this year, 2 have plantar fasciitis (sp?), 1 has a recurring gout, all 3 are out of breath walking to our cars at the end of the day. they're all out frequently for doctor's appointments, surgeries, sickness, allergies/asthma.

    i haven't taken one sick day this whole year.

    granted, i'm 35 years younger, but i absolutely will NOT be in such recurring pain and suffering as they are day after day.
  • eckabad
    eckabad Posts: 49
    Yes, I'd deffinately have to agree with what's been posted already. My boyfriend and I are starting to move forward towards marriage, and I want him to knock the air out of him when he sees me naked that splinded night! I'm far from it, but I'm working hard, and believe it can happen! Also, every time I go to the doctor (which has been a lot latey, with the medical conditions that I have...) they tell me how many things that are happpening in me are because I'm over weight. I'm completely looking forward to the day my doctor says "You're at a healthy weight!" WOOHOO!!!!!
  • a_crotty
    a_crotty Posts: 225 Member
    I don't want to be the fatter sister any longer.

    I want to be healthier for life and definately look better at my wedding.

    I want to PROVE to myself that I CAN DO IT. I quit smoking, I gave up a terrible Mt Dew addiction so I know I can if I want to.
  • Nice replies you've had... I have several motivators... Long term is that since my third child was born 19 years ago and 60 lbs ago, I've tried dieting ever day and usually last between 6 hrs and 3 days, so my best advice to you is learn healthy eating habits now and know it's a lifestyle forever, don't fight it like I have. (Fast foods/processed foods are no-nos!)
    Motivator #2 - Going to Mexico in Febr!
    Motivator #3 - same as everyone else look good in cute clotes
    Motivator #4 - Feel good and to keep good health.
  • I just wanna surprise myself with what I'm capable of. (Clothes would be a great motivating factor if I had any money, but I spend them all on my gym-membership...)
  • I had no motivation until I lost my first few pounds.. After that I knew the sky was the limit. I wanna see how far I can push myself and make me a better me. I used to be seriously over weight when I was a younger teenager and looking back on those photographs is enough to keep me away from that cake!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
  • My health. Being overweight has taken a toll on my body. I am getting older and need to stop ignoring the fact that old age will not be good to me, If I am morbidly obese and need others to take care of me.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    My son.