Milk or No Milk?



  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    No other animal on earth has thumbs...

    On the idea of selling human breast milk at the stores. When they start doing that I would like a job at the dairy as a milker. I'll bring my own milking stool.

    That's one of those benefits to having thumbs. Lactating women are fully able to milk themselves.
    I would hardly be a gentleman if I didn't insist on providing assistance.
  • No other animal on earth has thumbs...

    On the idea of selling human breast milk at the stores. When they start doing that I would like a job at the dairy as a milker. I'll bring my own milking stool.

    That's one of those benefits to having thumbs. Lactating women are fully able to milk themselves.
    I would hardly be a gentleman if I didn't insist on providing assistance.

    I'd be hardly too.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    No milk - No icecream. Do you wanna live in a world with no icecream ? Imagine a world where kids are licking dry sticks, old people try to break ice cubes with their gums, and diners serve milkshakes made of cocoa powder and sugar. Do you really want to live in such a world ?

    Looks down at ticker pic....hellz to the no!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I drink Almond Milk (; Way better for you anyways =D

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    No other animal on earth has thumbs...

    On the idea of selling human breast milk at the stores. When they start doing that I would like a job at the dairy as a milker. I'll bring my own milking stool.

    That's one of those benefits to having thumbs. Lactating women are fully able to milk themselves.

  • Almond milk is super yummy and has way less calories then regular milk, and for the guys it has no soy which can promote estrogen(thats what my boyfriend said)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Almond milk is super yummy and has way less calories then regular milk, and for the guys it has no soy which can promote estrogen(thats what my boyfriend said)

    The issues with soy and guys is highly over exaggerated.
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member

    Very funny!

    Other than that I am so sick of THE GREAT MILK DEBATE. Go drink some effin water then.
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
    bump get back to you
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member

    ETA: On the idea of selling human breast milk at the stores. When they start doing that I would like a job at the dairy as a milker. I'll bring my own milking stool.

    Yanno, you say that but most people who haven't had kids are generally completely squicked out by lactating breasts :P I know my husband was for quite a while after I had our daughter so...funny, but probably not totally true ;D

    And I agree. I have switched to almond milk for the most part not because cow milk is unnatural, but because the production methods used do not create a healthy product in my mind. I will drink organic milk, however - but it's more expensive than almond milk.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Milk is nutritious and an excellent source of calcium.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I find drinking cow milk to be pretty odd. Especially since it is designed to nourish baby cows, who gain hundreds of pounds in the first year of their life!! I think the mere fact that there are so many people who are lactose intolerant/ have trouble with milk is a clear sign that it is not good for us.

    Yeah....I don't really agree with that... I know a family, a mother and five girls and they have been drinking raw, whole cow's milk from their OWN cows, their whole lives. They are some of the healthiest people I know, and the skinniest (however, I think the skinny part is very hugely because of genetics with a touch of their lifestyle)

    So no, I don't think that cow's milk is bad for us. I will be more inclined to say that mass produced cow's milk is bad for us. I mean, those cows are pumped with all sorts of hormones and crap and the milk has all nutrients killed and added back into the milk. But raw cow's milk can be VERY healthy for you.

    And for the record, I know people who can't stomach store bought cow's milk but have no problem consuming raw cow's milk. :)
  • GabbyP93
    GabbyP93 Posts: 37 Member
    No other animal on earth has thumbs or buckets with which to harvest the milk of other animals. Other animals will drink milk if it's provided to them. Cats and dogs have been known to drink milk at my house.

    We are the only species that cooks meat before we eat it - maybe we should stop doing that. Lions don't cook meat. Rocky drank raw eggs, does that sound better to you than a couple of them over easy?

    We are the only species that plant, raise and harvest the plants we eat - shall we go back to foraging for all of our food?

    The list goes on.

    I also got a big laugh out your putting forth this idea like you came up with it all by yourself. Someone brings this up several times a week on this forum and it's been out there for years and years. So congrats on coming up with a "new" idea all on your own.

    ETA: On the idea of selling human breast milk at the stores. When they start doing that I would like a job at the dairy as a milker. I'll bring my own milking stool.

    LOL at "Cats and dogs have been known to drink milk at my house."
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member

    ETA: On the idea of selling human breast milk at the stores. When they start doing that I would like a job at the dairy as a milker. I'll bring my own milking stool.

    Yanno, you say that but most people who haven't had kids are generally completely squicked out by lactating breasts :P I know my husband was for quite a while after I had our daughter so...funny, but probably not totally true ;D

    And I agree. I have switched to almond milk for the most part not because cow milk is unnatural, but because the production methods used do not create a healthy product in my mind. I will drink organic milk, however - but it's more expensive than almond milk.

    No problem with lactating breasts. No problem at all. I have two kids. Been around lactation. Noooo problem. Not any. Nope. Still up for the job at the dairy.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Just because it's a substance produced to nurture the young does not automagically make it in any way unacceptable for a mature human. In any way. Facts or it didn't happen.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I quit milk, I drink almond milk, but I still eat cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt because it has a good amount of protein in it. Protein helps me loose weight. But also think, we have been drinking milk from cows for many years now, even goats milk, very good for you, its when it gets to the factory part where they add in all the stuff I find more concerning to me. but then they do this too keep it fresh fro a long amount of time because humans, well we are many and its supply and demand. Plus I failed to mention it has been known for other animals to feed difference species of animals, like if a cat had kittens n the mom died a female dog might step in and take over. just saying it has been known to happen and who knows if this can take place with other animals in the wild also.
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    Almond milk is only for baby almonds to grow them up to a HUGANTIC weight really fast.

    PAHAHAHAH! This made me laugh like a frat boy!
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    What else would you put in your cereal?!

    I do unsweetend almond milk.

    If it's unnatural for humans to drink the milk of other mammals how even more unnatural is it to drink the milk of nuts? Find me another animal that drinks milk from almonds.

    Milk from nuts ... Another good way to get some extra protein. ;-)


    *CACKLE!* I don't even remember what the thread was originally about I'm laughing so hard at the replies!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So sorry for this!

  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member

    ETA: On the idea of selling human breast milk at the stores. When they start doing that I would like a job at the dairy as a milker. I'll bring my own milking stool.

    Yanno, you say that but most people who haven't had kids are generally completely squicked out by lactating breasts :P I know my husband was for quite a while after I had our daughter so...funny, but probably not totally true ;D

    And I agree. I have switched to almond milk for the most part not because cow milk is unnatural, but because the production methods used do not create a healthy product in my mind. I will drink organic milk, however - but it's more expensive than almond milk.

    No problem with lactating breasts. No problem at all. I have two kids. Been around lactation. Noooo problem. Not any. Nope. Still up for the job at the dairy.

    Same here dude. I'd quit my job to be a chick milker in a heartbeat.