Daily Exercise Journal - November



  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Nov 1 - 30 minute dog walk, 55 minutes fitness course w/ pushups, tri-dips, ab crunches, hanging crunches, & once across the monkey bars.
    Nov 2 - Sick, so nuthin
    Nov 3 - 20 minutes soccer in Parents vs 8th grade girls team, 40 minute dog walk
    Nov 4 - 40 minute run with the dog
    Nov 5 - 30 minute dog walk, 45 minutes tennis with Mr C.

    Welcome Julie3ang. We're all off to a great start. Go Team!
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    10/30 53 min walk, 66 min walk
    10/31 51 min walk, 38 min walk, 43 min walk
    11/1 49 min walk, 48 min walk, 36 min walk, 33 min walk
    11/2 29 min walk
    11/3 45 min walk, 60 min walk
    11/4 28 min walk, 20 min ex-bike, 40 min weights, 27 min elliptical
    11/5 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min elliptical
  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    11/1 -- Wii Walk It Out -- 1 hr 27 min (12 min am and 1 hr 15 min eve)
    11/2 -- Wii Just Dance 3 -- 30 min --- mall walking (40 min)
    11/3 -- Wii Just Dance 3 -- 33 min --- Wii Walk It Out -- 36 min
    11/4 -- No formal exercise today but did do morning dairy milking on my dad's farm and ran errands to get 10,000 steps
    11/5 -- No formal exercise...too busy -- back at it tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :bigsmile: I have enjoyed keeping track of my daily exercise on this thread.....with the days getting shorter, colder, and wetter there may be some changes in my routine

    November 1---151 minutes walking with the frisky poodles---2 hour line dance class----50 minutes weight training----60 minutes riding recumbent bike
    November 2----221 minutes walking dogs---2 hour line dance class---50 minutes recumbent bike
    November 3--125 minutes dog walking
    48 minutes weight training----20 minutes recumbent bike
    November 4----176 minutes dog walking---60 minutes recumbent bike
    November 5---175 minutes dog walking---62 minutes recumbent bike---30 minutes walking with hubby

  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    Nov. 1 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    Nov. 2 - 65 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    Nov. 3 - 60 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    Nov. 4 - 80 min. biking (15 mi.)
    Nov. 5 - 30 min. on treadmill, 4.0 mph and 30 min. strength exercises and stretching
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I want to jump in on this!!
    I'm starting today:

    Nov.5= 30m Swimming Laps
  • icandoit63
    icandoit63 Posts: 621 Member
    30 days of at least 30 minutes a day......
    Nov 1... 20 minutes yoga, 10 minutes weights
    Nov 2...20 minutes walking 10 minutes yoga
    Nov 3...worked all day saturday worked on railing project for my steps, so my honey is safe if needed...such a good case manager :)
    Nov 4... volunteered 4 hours at our local Marathon and half marathon lifting bags and helping the runners.
    Goal this week 30 minutes for me....each day....
    Nov 5...20 minutes yoga and strength training
  • SunnyStef
    SunnyStef Posts: 22 Member
    Novemeber 6 - 30 minutes on my elliptical
  • 30 minutes of running in place using the wii
    Roller derby practice 100 minutes of roller skating
  • NicoleisQuantized
    NicoleisQuantized Posts: 344 Member
    Fantastic! Add me!
  • :brokenheart: I'm working on consistency!
  • NicoleisQuantized
    NicoleisQuantized Posts: 344 Member
    This is what I have so far this month:
    * Note: I have a pedometer on my calibrated iPod nano7 that records the calories burned based on my current weight and height, I take half of whatever MFP suggests for calories burned for circuit training, and the calories burned from the number given on the machines at the gym*

    Activity (Duration, Cal. Burned)
    Cycling (30 min, 200 cal)
    Walking, 3.5 mph (87 min, 365 cal)

    Total Cal. Burned: 565
    Circuit Training (25 min, 200 cal)
    Walking, 3.5 mph (130 min, 550 cal)

    Total Cal. Burned: 750
    Circuit Training (10 min, 50 cal)
    Rowing, Vigorous (26 min, 245 cal)
    Running, 6.7 mph (20 min, 255 cal)
    Walking, 3.5 mph (135 min, 565 cal)

    Total Cal. Burned: 1115
    Cycling (30 min, 200 cal)
    Rowing, Moderate (12 min,100 cal)
    Circuit Training (10 min, 50 cal)
    Walking, 3.5 mph (120 min, 500 cal)

    Total Cal. Burned: 850
    Running, 6.7 mph (20 min, 250 cal)
    Walking, 3.5 mph (96 min, 400 cal)

    Total Cal. Burned: 650
  • Not sure if I checked in yesterday . . ..11/5- Insanity (day11), and 11/6 Insanity (day12)
  • carol162m
    carol162m Posts: 169 Member
    Nov 1 Thursday- 29 Mins Treadmill, 21 Mins Stationary Bike, 18 Mins Circuit Machines:happy:
    Nov 2 Friday- Zippo!!!:angry:
    Nov 3 Saturday- 49 mins walking 3 doggies
    Nov 4 Sunday- 54 mins walking 3 doggies
    Nov 5 Monday- 33 mins Treadmill, 23 mins Stationary Bike, 22 mins Circuit machines, 51 mins walking 3 doggies :happy:
    Nov 6 Tuesday- 94 mins walking doggies
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    11/1 49 min walk, 48 min walk, 36 min walk, 33 min walk
    11/2 29 min walk
    11/3 45 min walk, 60 min walk
    11/4 28 min walk, 20 min ex-bike, 40 min weights, 27 min elliptical
    11/5 30 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min elliptical
    11/6 30 min walk, 20 min ex-bike, 40 min weights, 30 min elliptical
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Nov 1 - 30 minute dog walk, 55 minutes fitness course w/ pushups, tri-dips, ab crunches, hanging crunches, & once across the monkey bars.
    Nov 2 - Sick, so nuthin
    Nov 3 - 20 minutes soccer in Parents vs 8th grade girls team, 40 minute dog walk
    Nov 4 - 40 minute run with the dog
    Nov 5 - 30 minute dog walk, 45 minutes tennis with Mr C.
    Nov 6 - 60 minute run on the lakeshore with my dog :happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :bigsmile: I have enjoyed keeping track of my daily exercise on this thread.....with the days getting shorter, colder, and wetter there may be some changes in my routine

    November 1---151 minutes walking with the frisky poodles---2 hour line dance class----50 minutes weight training----60 minutes riding recumbent bike
    November 2----221 minutes walking dogs---2 hour line dance class---50 minutes recumbent bike
    November 3--125 minutes dog walking
    48 minutes weight training----20 minutes recumbent bike
    November 4----176 minutes dog walking---60 minutes recumbent bike
    November 5---175 minutes dog walking---62 minutes recumbent bike---30 minutes walking with hubby
    November 6---189 minutes dog walking---60 minutes recumbent bike---49 minute weight training


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Carol and Clover, it's great to see that your dogs are getting a lot of exercise with you.
  • rbene07
    rbene07 Posts: 143 Member
    11/1 - Bike 30 min
    11/2 - Rest Day
    11/3 - Treadmill 30 min Bike 30 min weights 45 min (I'm back!)
    11/4 - Bike 30 min weights 30 min
    11/5 - Walk university campus 15 min
    11/6 - Bike 35 min
  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    11/1 -- Wii Walk It Out -- 1 hr 27 min (12 min am and 1 hr 15 min eve)
    11/2 -- Wii Just Dance 3 -- 30 min --- mall walking (40 min)
    11/3 -- Wii Just Dance 3 -- 33 min --- Wii Walk It Out -- 36 min
    11/4 -- No formal exercise today but did do morning dairy milking on my dad's farm and ran errands to get 10,000 steps
    11/5 -- No formal exercise...too busy -- back at it tomorrow.
    11/6 -- No time...caring for a family member in the hospital.
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    Monday 11-5 I did 35 minutes of strength training
    Tuesday Bike Ride for 38 minutes and 4.53 miles
    Wed bike ride quick to boost metabolism 17 minutes 2.09 miles
    I plan on lifting this evening while watching the tube.