November Walking Challenge



  • moonracer3
    Count me in, this is what I have for the month so far barring today as my day isn't quite over yet.

    11-1= 20,230 steps = 8.19 miles
    11-2= 26,333 steps = 11.1 miles
    11-3= 12,332 steps = 4.98 miles
    11-4= 16,980 steps = 8.43 miles
    11-5= 16,506 steps = 8.01 miles
    11-6= 18,340 steps = 8.42 miles

    Call me nuts but I'm shooting for 200 miles.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,280 Member
    11/2: 65 minutes of Walking with C25K run intervals (W4D3) with 5 minutes of stretching.
    11/4: 60 minute walk with my sister!
    11/6: 65 minutes of Walking with C25K run intervals (W5D1) with 5 minutes of stretching
    11/7: 30 minutes of walking
    Running Total: 220 minutes
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member

    11/05 - 5 minutes
    11/06 - 40 minutes
    11/07 - 20 minutes

    Total -65 minutes toward 800 total for the month of November
  • daveinlancs
    daveinlancs Posts: 165 Member
    Total for November - 35.08 miles
    1/11 - 6.23
    2/11 - 5.07
    3/11 - 5.92
    4/11 - 6.20
    5/11 - 3.24
    6/11 - 3.91
    7/11 - 4.5
  • moonracer3
    Count me in, this is what I have for the month so far barring today as my day isn't quite over yet.

    11-1= 20,230 steps = 8.19 miles
    11-2= 26,333 steps = 11.1 miles
    11-3= 12,332 steps = 4.98 miles
    11-4= 16,980 steps = 8.43 miles
    11-5= 16,506 steps = 8.01 miles
    11-6= 18,340 steps = 8.42 miles

    Call me nuts but I'm shooting for 200 miles.

    11-7= 31,186 = 13.90 miles

    Total for the first 7 days of November
    Steps = 141,907
    Miles = 63.02
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    11/1 = 1.25 miles @ 3.0mph - 25 minutes
    11/2 = 2.37 miles @ 3.1mph - 45 minutes
    11/3 = 0 <-- boo
    11/4 = 0 <--- Boo
    11/5 = 0 <----BOO
    11/6 = 3.25 miles @ 3.6mph - 36 minutes <--did another mile with the family that evening.
    11/7 = 1.5 miles - this one is totally poopy, but it's really all I could get in... Mondays and Wednesdays are my craziest, busiest days!!!

    I'm about to head out for a walk in a few mintues...

    TOTAL = 8.37 <--:sick:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Holy Cow!!!! Moonracer3 is a ROCK STAR!!! :drinker:
  • javajudi77
    I haven't been walking so would like to take this challenge for November. I need something to get me going.

    My Goal is to walk outside or on my treadmill 10 min a day one or two times a day.

  • mccarot
    mccarot Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all! I'm new and in on this challenge!

    Walked 25 minutes yesterday! Started slow cuz I am post hystorectomy 6 weeks and just released to exercise. Felt great! 2.5mph and burned about 102 calories.

    Plan on a 30 min walk on treadmill each day after dinner.

    Will check in again!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    November 7- Over 7,000 steps on my pedometer
    November 8- Walking 2 miles
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    11/1 = 1.25 miles @ 3.0mph - 25 minutes
    11/2 = 2.37 miles @ 3.1mph - 45 minutes
    11/3 = 0 <-- boo
    11/4 = 0 <--- Boo
    11/5 = 0 <----BOO
    11/6 = 3.25 miles @ 3.6mph -
    11/7 = 1.5 miles
    11/8 = 2.27 miles @ 3.3mph - 40:45 minutes

    TOTAL = 10.64 miles @ 3.25mph average

    I may get in another walk today, but went ahead and posted in case I don't.. :drinker:
  • moonracer3
    Holy Cow!!!! Moonracer3 is a ROCK STAR!!! :drinker:

    Thanks for the complement.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    11/1 = 1.25 miles @ 3.0mph - 25 minutes
    11/2 = 2.37 miles @ 3.1mph - 45 minutes
    11/3 = 0 <-- boo
    11/4 = 0 <--- Boo
    11/5 = 0 <----BOO
    11/6 = 3.25 miles @ 3.6mph -
    11/7 = 1.5 miles
    11/8 = 2.27 miles @ 3.3mph - 40:45 minutes

    TOTAL = 10.64 miles @ 3.25mph average

    I may get in another walk today, but went ahead and posted in case I don't.. :drinker:

    I also just did 15 minutes the elliptical... Not sure how to fit that in with the mileage :laugh: But...there it is :wink:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member

    11/05 - 5 minutes
    11/06 - 40 minutes
    11/07 - 20 minutes
    11/08 - 25 minutes

    Total -90 minutes toward 800 total for the month of November
  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    2 miles today 35 minutes (10 min walk and C25K Week 1 Day 3)
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    I'm in. I would like to walk a total of 125 miles in November.

    Nov 1 -
    Nov 2 -
    Nov 3 - 3.5 miles (Off to a slow start.)
    Nov 4 - 3.5
    Nov 5 -
    Nov 6- 5.7
    Nov 7 - 3.0
    Nov 8 - 3.5

    Total - 19.2
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I'll be in that .
    8/11 60 minutes on treadmil vigorous pace
    9/11 160 minutes walking in town 4 mph
  • moonracer3
    11/8= 25,157 steps, 10.65 miles
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    11/1 = 1.25 miles @ 3.0mph - 25 minutes
    11/2 = 2.37 miles @ 3.1mph - 45 minutes
    11/3 = 0 <-- boo
    11/4 = 0 <--- Boo
    11/5 = 0 <----BOO
    11/6 = 2.17 miles @ 3.6mph - 36 minutes
    11/7 = 1.25 miles
    11/8 = 2.27 @3.3 mph - 40:45 miutes
    11/9 = 2.33 @ 3.3mph - 41.59 minutes

    TOTAL = 11.64 miles
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    November 9 - Biking, turbo trainer, 30 mins.