
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    One of my Nov goals was to get on the thread earlier so I could read everything and respond. However, had to spend the morning making pecan pies for our church's Lord's Acre. Then spent 4 hours picking up pecans. Suppose to get cold tomorrow so we wanted to get as many up as possible.
    Joann, so sorry to hear of your loss. May God comfort your family.
    I agree the exercise calorie are way high so I don't eat any of them back. Seems like that defeats the purpose of exercising.
    So tired, think I'll call it a night.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello Beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Joann:smile: Sending prayers your way:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Ladies, I am exhausted tonight, my oldest granddaughter was here today and we walked all over everywhere and back, my legs and feet are feeling it too. I cooked a standing rib roast for dinner tonight for the kids, never cooked one before and I`m pleased to say, it turned out perfect, my mother would be proud of me! SIL was going to move furniture for me, from my great room to upstairs and well I should have had him do it before dinner, because after dinner no one wanted to move, much less move furniture:laugh: . Plus the 6 year old was extermly tired, she had been at a friends house playing all day, and at 6 she doesn`t mind letting you know loudly she`s tired and nothing is pleasing her, bless her sweet little heart she finally laid down on the sofa and went right to sleep! They left about an hour ago, and I`m so tired I can barely type:yawn: , the sweet little pooch is worn out as well, she`s already sacked out! So...I will try to catch up with everyone tomorrow!
    Hope you all have a peaceful sleep and sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow......

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    Linda Sundance - I learned a long time ago not to wait for any of the kids. If I want something done, just do it. They find every reason in the book to procrastinate.

    Kate - i was looking in my crisper and seeing all the great veggies. How I miss my nice crisp veggies! Found this gerber graduate thing for sale today at the store, I'll probably have that for dinner. Got up, did a little food shopping then went to yoga then went to another store because Vince was almost out of juice. Came home and at first I thought Vince had gone somewhere, then I hear this banging outside. I looked outside but didn't see him. So I figured maybe he'd gone to the store because the shovel was out. Then I hear the banging again. He was under the deck putting in the last two landscape lights in that area. So I went out to help him, did a little of this and a little of that, raking rocks, shoveling, breaking hardened dirt up, spraying weed killer, brushing.

    I don't have the gauze in my mouth any more, but I'm surprised that my cheek is still very tender. I would have thought that it'd be better by now. Oh well....it's getting there

    Vince says that I'm too particular, he'd only hire a maid for me if I was so sick that I couldn't do it. He knows me, I'd clean before she got there because I didn't want her to see the house a mess and I'd clean after she left because she didn't do it right. And he's right. I had jicama once and thought it quite starchy. How do you prepare it? Maybe I didn't prepare it right.

    Joanne - I'm so so sorry about your cousin

    Julie - my condolences on the loss of your mother. She'll always be with you. To this day, I think about my father all the time, and he's been gone almost 7 years. Good for you not gaining! At the rate you're going, we may not see you....lol Congrats on not having any of the Halloween candy! This is the first year that I had some, usually it doesn't really matter to me.

    Lila - I have heard of using tea bags on stys on eyes, but not on teeth. Interesting..... I don't think it was a deep extraction -- it was one of my wisdom teeth. Vince is of the opinion that I hampered my recovery by working outside. But I do want to get as much done as possible before we can't work outside any more.

    It ws in the 70's here today, too. It's supposed to be like that tomorrow, too. Afterwards, it should get colder

    nursemr - congrats on the 5K

    Colleen - congrats on breaking that plateau. Wonderful that you're under 200!

    bmcq - now tht you've posted, you'll find a listing of this place under your "my topics" category. Just click on that, and you'll be right here.

    Cheryl - what a lovely pic of your family and those horses. For the longest time, I was scared to death of a horse. But when we were living in Kennett Square which is quite close to Unionville (BIG BIG time horse country), I took lessons and finally got over it. Actually, the first time I rode, I was so scared that the instructor had to keep telling me to breathe....lol

    kathy - my dh says that he has to eat greasy foods in order to give his cholesterol lowering med something to do!!! So I hear ya

    DeeDee - so glad your rib roast turned out so well. I remember you asking me about it, but that was the day I had the tooth pulled and I really wasn't in much shape to find recipes, etc.

    Oh happy day! I found that I can eat carrots. OK, just on the one side of my mouth. But they are small enough to fit in my mouth. Looks like I'm getting to where I can eat more and more vegges, thank goodness. Had spaghetti squash with these baby turkey meatballs tonight for dinner. Then I tried a chocolate bran muffin, still can't open my mouth wide enough for that, tho.

    Did an hour of yoga today and I have this belly dance DVD that I'll do tomorrow. Don't want to do anything too high impact.

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening. Will probably do more work outside tomorrow. Made chicken and salmon to have later this week.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :cry: Joann, I am so sorry to hear about your family’s loss

    :flowerforyou: Laura, congratulations on 40 years of marriage…that is an awesome milestone

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I don’t think anyone realizes how sick they’ve been until they recover and make the comparison…..glad you are back among us

    :flowerforyou: Julie, I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother…glad you have your first graders to keep you busy…congrats on not eating Halloween candy

    :flowerforyou: Nursemr, congrats on finishing the 5K and for planning to do more of the same.

    :flowerforyou: Suebdew, I wore a heart rate monitor for months to get an accurate count of calories burned for the exercise I do. I don’t use it any more but I use the information to calculate calories burned for exercise. I think it’s important to eat more on the days you do strenuous exercise so your body has adequate fuel……I learned that one day when I came home from a two hour walk and thought I might faint and after eating felt better….we all have to experiment with how much more to eat on high exercise days.

    :bigsmile: Jake was gone all day to Seattle to meet with friends so I had the house to myself (he’s hardly ever gone). I went to WalMart by myself and wandered around looking at what I wanted to look at, rode the recumbent bike in 20 minutes blocks with a chick flick on TV, cooked one of the Cinderella pumpkins I bought for Halloween, walked the dogs, did my weight training while watching Parenthood ( a favorite tear jerker TV show), had only Isagenix shakes for my meals, and didn’t get in the shower and out my dog walking clothes until 4:30.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for November
    *yoga once a week
    *weight training three days a week
    *recumbent bike 60 minutes a day
    *say “OK”---be agreeable
    *stay in the moment
    *Be Barbie

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
    “The disturbers of happiness are our desires, our griefs, and our fears.”
    -Samuel Johnson

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,585 Member
    Good night, lovelies!

    Bon hiver! 74 degrees Tuesday... had my first snowFALL Friday morning, slipping down the backyard slope.
    Thank goodness landed on butt not hand. Plenty of padding and nothing broken. Gotta love Idaho weather.

    Yikes, miss a few days and 5 pages to catch up on.

    Michele, snow or snap peas with mustard based dip are one of my favorite take along snacks.
    Lizzie and Jolene, thanks for the spicy baked green bean and chickpea recipes. Will try both soon!
    Barbie thanks for the SMVQ update!
    Nancy curling? sweeping stones while ice skating at top speed?
    Cheryl congrats! Looks like you worried those pounds off.
    Mary welcome welcome back! Seems like a lot of us long time mfpers faltered this summer/autumn, but so long as Barbie keeps this forum going we can always climb back on the wagon. As she says, Never, never, NEVER give up!
    Laura, 39 years, conVERYgratulations! I too get sucked in by TVs, computers any flickering screen.
    Katla "want my knees to quit hurting" Amen! When I do my "mat work" (PT and chiro recommended exercises) I log it as Yoga . . . and my knees stop hurting enough to dance (but stairs remain problematic). one possible goal be to start. If you know what exercises to do, start with 10 minutes. If you don't, invest in yourself by finding a good pt or chiropractor to diagnose your knees and recommend.
    Meg so sorry for your sinus pain, so glad to see you back. All those meds, ouwww! If you get desperate enough, try standing in a hot shower for 10 minutes every hour for an entire waking day. It can really help shrink the inflamed tissues enough to let the infection drain out:sick: . Gross but might help.
    Geri good to see you back! :happy:
    JaneH so glad you and DH are speaking again.:wink: Our housecleaners come3 weeks, but they want to raise rates AGAIN, so I'll counter their request with a partial increase and a cutback to once a month. Fortunately Joe is even more relaxed about cleaning than I am... :bigsmile:
    ChrisHanselma fingers crossed for your back.:cry:
    DeeDee "the behind is actually feeling numb from sitting":laugh:
    Jen biking 49 miles, rowing 10 and walking 1, what an accomplishment!:love:
    Gail 32 pounds and 30 inches? Woweee zowEEE!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Sarah 14 hour days kill me. Thank got they don't roll around often.:grumble:
    Joanie I can't imagine you ever having been "perfectly happy to sit on my fanny for hours on end". Not YOU :noway: gal?
    Michele I sure hope it wasn't dry socket. :huh: Long ago my then-boyfriend suffered dry socket and it hurt so much he put his fist through a plaster-not-gypsumboard wall.:explode:
    Lila "chat with the cook staff and they purposely make healthy meals for conferences and even make sure there are gluten free, dairy free etc. options." what great conference caterers!:love:
    Amanda glad to hear from you and so very glad you'll have time with the twin-kles.:heart::heart:
    Lin Costco pipeline to SkinnyPop? MWAH hah haaaaaa!:laugh:
    JP thanks for the reminder that '"A good, healthy cardio burn works wonders for maintaining a happy noggin":smile:

    Welcome Robin-rls1956 - conVERYgrats for being smoke free over a year! Yesss!!!

    :noway: Ack only thru pg 14 3 vmore pages to go. Sorry gals but no way. Would be sitting too long and probably munching to boot! Will try again tomorrow... hey could that be my new mantra?

    Hugs and t hanks to all, even tho' missed responding to all.

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!
    November: back to basics

    SWSY or matminutes: 10=0 9=11 8=0 7=SWSY arms + 33 mat 6=0 5=0 4=0 3=0 2=0 1=0
    steps: 10=7200 9=4280 no morning dogwalk, no lunchwalk, no good 8=13958 yess! 7=13130 Now THAT's more like it! 6=6254 5=4702 4=5426 3=6461 2=9220 1=8809
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    So sorry that I missed yesterday, so wipe out from the week and day seem like it caught up with me yesterday. I just could not put 2 thoughts together. I am working on getting caught up on all of the posts.

    @Joann-- sorry about your loss!
    @Michele sorry to hear about your tooth glad to hear that you are finnally starting to clot,
    @Meg-- glad to hear that you are feeling better.
    @Barbara-- glad to hear that you didn't break anything. It is getting colder I for sure need to find other ways to get more activity in.
    @Dee-- sounds like a wonderful full day glad your roast turn out good for you,
    @Barbie -- I like the idea of ACT thanks for sharing!
    @Julie -- so sorry to hear about your Mom--

    Welcome to all the newbies!!!
    Sorry if I missed anyone I am still playing catch. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be caught up. Tomorrow is weigh in day/ Hoping for a loss but we will see.

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :cry: Joann sorry about your loss.

    :flowerforyou: Michele glad the tooth is getting better, I too found it diffucult to eat for the first few days after having my tooth out. I drank lots of soup :bigsmile: then gradually moved on to pasta and now I'm eating normally :frown: which for me isn't good, I need to get back to eating healthily :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Liz hope you feel a bit better, I'm always playing catch up with the posts. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow.

    :smile: Managed to get my full 20 min exercise in this morning. (I did it before sitting at the computer to catch up with the posts this time) and had a quick peek at Level 2. Think I might give level 2 a go in a few days. I haven't noticed any change in my shape yet though. I probably need to watch what I eat - I have had a few unhealthy eating days.:embarassed:

    Well I'd better get the Sunday Lunch started! No 1 Son and family are coming over this afternoon for tea.

    Have a good weekend what is left of it:heart:

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    This is going to be short, I`m Queen today and must go get this hair washed so it will be fit for my tiara:laugh: ! It is such a beautiful day here in NC, beautiful blue skies and it`s going to be 72 degrees, my kind of weather:glasses: !!!! Guess we will be sitting outside at Starbucks today...love it!!!!

    Meg:smile: I have an extra tiara...sending it your way:laugh: !!!!

    Will come back later and try to reply to more!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!!!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi All: It has been difficult the past few days. But I am strong, and trying my best to get thru this. Hope everyone is doing good this Sunday Morning........
  • Hello BarbieCat

    I'm Maria, I just started abut 15 minutes ago. Hoping to get to know new people and to encourage each other.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wizzywig I didn't realize you were doing the 30ds too. I finished day 5 yesterday. I have no problem with any of it except trying to jump rope - it hurts my feet, but I keep moving whether I can keep jumping or not. And I do see a change in my body. When I bend my arm, without even flexing, there is a little muscle that pops out. It is so cute. And my abs are stronger, I can hold them in better when I am trying to look thinner :blushing:

    Yesterday was great for exercise, I rode horses, did barn chores and the 30 day shred. But then I ended up eating a lot of chinese food because I was starving.

    Well, more riding and more Jill too today. I plan to have a big breakfast and a big lunch so I don't end the day starving. Have a great day ladies.
  • Happy Sunday Ladies.... been m.i.a. for awhile, but making a concentrated effort to be better:smile: Had a wonderful Saturday! It was USC's homecoming and went with my favorite Trojan, my husband, Dan, and my BFF, Linda..... the weather was perfect and it
    was nice that we won the game, too..... Took my daughter, who is a senior and will graduate in May, and her closest sorority sisters out to dinner after the game to The Farm at LA Live... it was so much fun listening to those girls talk! Reminded me of my college days..... BUT, the best part of all this was that my daughter told us that she was offered not one, but two great job possiblities when she graduates.... 60/65 K wiith benefits etc.... I couldn't be a more prouder MOM...... Have a great week, all:heart: Dar
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I was just reading some other boards and it really made me appreciate us. There are youngsters out there lamenting about how hard it is for them because they are now over 30 (which it is - no more growth hormone)

    But ladies, we're in our 50's and we're doing it!!! I am so impressed with us. We're losing even with our negative metabolisms. Yay us!!!. :drinker:

    I lost quite a bit of weight in my early thirties after my second child was born. It was necessary because I gained so much during pregnancy. It was hard work, and every ounce won at considerable effort. Over the years, I began regaining the lost weight at about 10 pounds a year. Now I'm working on losing again and very happy with my progress. I'm having an easier time of it this time than I did back then because of MyFitnessPal. I'm not depriving myself of anything I like to eat, nor making different meals for myself and the family. I'm counting calories in and calories out, and logging them. The logging is so helpful and can't be over appreciated. And the supportive friends in this community are a genuine help. Many people here have experience at successful weight loss and offer helpful advice. Some are even professional trainers. It helps that my husband is doing this with me and is fully on-board. I'm having an easier time losing weight than I ever did before because this is a lifestyle change that is not based on deprivation.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I discovered yesterday afternoon that I can pedal my bike with this cam boot on after all! The doctor had told me I wouldn't be able to, so I hadn't tried. (She was right that I can't drive with it, though). I decided to go down the basement and just try it and it worked. I have to prop the boot on top of the pedal, and I can't go too fast, but it sure beats nothing! :happy:

    I've been wanting to see Chitchenitza (sp? Mayan ruins) for many years now. Hubby just came out to say that he's renting a car and will take me on this next trip. It's an all-day excursion and he's never showed any interest before. I'm excited!

    Lila -- So great that you got to talk with your daughter! It's so much better when you can hear their voices.

    Meg -- Good that you're off the steroids today -- I'd still keep the tiara, though. You can never have enough diamonds! (Or cubic zirconia, as the case may be). :laugh: We go to Playa del Carmen, 40 minutes south of Cancun. Interesting that your daughter appreciates having the drawers gone. Maybe it is helping her break a habit that she really didn't like, but didn't know how to stop. You're a great mom!

    Genealace -- It sounds like Remembrance Day is exactly the same as Veteran's Day in the States, which is also always on November 11th and honors our military veterans.

    Bjmeq -- Great 1st month!! :flowerforyou:

    Linda Sundance -- I'm sorry that your hand/wrist is worse because of writing to us. I hope it feels better again soon!

    Colleen -- Congratulations on breaking the plateau and getting below 200! What plateau breaker strategy worked for you?

    Cheryl -- Beautiful family picture with the horses and the dusting of snow!!

    DeeDee -- It sounds like you had a great day with your family, whether the furniture got moved or not! :love:

    Barbie -- I love having the occasional day to myself and getting to do exactly what I want. Your day sounded wonderful!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Veteran's Day Greetings,

    It's cold this morning and feels like winter. I'll soon be bundling up and heading out with the dogs in an attempt to wake up and clear my head. I'm running a quart low after enjoying a bit too much boysenberry brandy last night! Ooooh is it good, though. Had a great time playing cards and being silly with friends until almost midnight, dancing around the living room with Bob Seeger blasting away on the stereo. I do love dancing, but I kept bumping into the wall, lol. :laugh:

    Had a wonderful hike through the woods yesterday, just gorgeous! The maple leaves are coming down now, some are 14" and 16" across. Huge! I might go there again today and take some photos.

    Here's a nice quote I thought you'd all enjoy.

    "Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement." - Golda Meir

    :smile: jb
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Sunday Morning to this wonderfully alive group! Thanks for the encouragement, it is much harder over 50 to lose weight and gain more activity... but your are all inspirational. Hope you all had a wonderful morning, and moving into a great afternoon and evening.

    I have decided to start my second month on MFP with a morning walk, which seemed slow on the MFP excercise guidelines, but was brisk for me! I went to one of our beautiful cemetaries, where the deer wander around, and some of the graves are wonderful works of art.....it was very peaceful and yet very invigorating; it is a wonderfully warm and sunny day here in Southern Ontario. I have severe sciatica, but after the first few minutes, I felt no pain.... so a fear of incurring debilitating pain during the walking has been slain, and I will do it again tomorrow! It gets me out of the house, and out in the fresh air. I do have a stationary bike, but being outside seems so wonderful.

    I made it home in time to watch our ceremonies for Remembrance Day; . Although the national ceremony is the same from year to year, my favourite part is the unscripted and unplanned actions of the everyday people....after all the formal ceremonies are over, the public lines up in front of our unknown soldier tomb, and place their poppies on it, until it is a sea of crimson....it has become a tradition, unscripted, unplanned, and deeply meaningful in their thanks.

    It is also my step daughters birthday, and so this is an important day of re-birth, hope and persistance, as well as remembrance.
    I feel renewed, I wish renewal for you all....
  • Itakecareofme2
    Itakecareofme2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. My goals for November:
    1. Plan my meals.
    2. Keep food dairy daily.
    3, Weigh self once/week.
    4. Attend Cardiac Rehab exercise progrm 3x/week.
    5. Tract blood pressure and glucose levels daily.
    6. Attend Bible study meeting once/week
    7. Bible study, prayer and meditation daily.
    8. Drink 8 glssses on no calorie, no caffiene liquid daily w/ at least half of it water.
    9. Make important medical appointments I have been putting off, OBGYN, Mammogram, Eye exam, Pulmonary Doc,
    All this should keep me out of trouble. :bigsmile:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Wow, what a difference day makes in the weather. Yesterday in the 80's today it is going down to the 30's. Got to read most of the posts from yesterday so feel like I'm more a part of the group.
    DeeDee, you a giggle over your 6 year old. I have 4 grands coming next Saturday and the youngest is 6. On Sunday, 5 more come with their parents. Don't know how I'll handle all that cooking and cleaning but am determined not to blow my hard work for the last few months.
    jb - loved the Golda Meir quote. Something we can all learn to do. Also impressed with your weight loss. You go girl.
    Should have taken better notes. I'll do better next time. Have a wonderful Sunday. I plan to finish my movie then do some kind of "movement", maybe "Sweating to the Oldies".
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good afternoon everyone
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi Barbie, and anyone who has more expertise than me....I started out with a higher BMI, now it has dropped with some weight loss.
    Now that I have made a commitment to do light excercise, I had wondered if regular excercising members ate the extra calories?
    That is my first question.

    The second is about the right number of calories per day....The Harris Benedict Calorie calculator is supposed to be the best one, and it insists that eating less than 30 percent in calorie loss per day is a sure way to head into starvation mode. I started at 1270, but went down to 1200 after 20 weight loss; but this level is at least 300 calories under the 30 percent mark for a sedentary person, never mind a person taking light activity.

    Any suggestions, or experiences to share about this? Do I up the calories, or make sure to eat all the excercise calories.....
    I do eat a regular, reset meal once a week with food I don't normally eat, and that keeps me from falling into the starvation shut down....some do this every 3 to 4 days...they eat high and then low calories. I supplement my intake of protein with a high protein, low fat, low carb drink to make it to the grams needed to balance out the carb grams.....

    Any help or advice is appreciated.