Why is it ok to bash skinny people but not fat people?!



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    only if it's funny
  • I feel as though being scary skinny is (in most instances) probably intentional--whereas being scary fat is not. They'd change it if they could--they might even be working on it. I "bash" scary skinny chicks because I was one of them and I hate to think they're negatively impacting young women. Just my opinion--like I said, I've been there and I hate seeing it.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Why bash anyone? Just because someone isn't your perception of perfection doesn't mean you have the right to judge.
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    I'm quite happy to have people telling me I'm too thin!
  • Please bash me if I am super skinny! I will just say... "i eat whatever I want, and I just can't gain weight"

  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Let's get real. Why is it OK to bash redheads?

    I bashed a redhead for a few years in college.....those were the days

    Me too...and then I married her.

    Methinks you're confusing "bash" with "smash"! :happy:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Good lord. Is everyone a victim nowadays?
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Who said it was okay? Equal opportunity bashing for all!!

    <Now entering sarcasm zone> :laugh: :ohwell: :laugh: :ohwell: :laugh: :ohwell:

    1) The 'calorically-deficient' individuals bash us 'gravmetrically-enhanced' individuals because they figure that we can't catch them, what with their aerodynamic 2-dimensional frames (AKA wind sprints)
    2) Us 'gravmetrically-enhanced' individuals bash the 'calorically-deficient' individuals because we know that we can ambush and squash them like aluminum cans at a frat party. (AKA cardio and strength training)

    It's all 'circle of life', man. It all balances out in the end... like "Rock, Paper, Scissors" (Lizard, Spock)... but with fewer nouns... or something.... I think I'll stop typing now.

    </annnnnnnd, SCENE!> :happy:
  • Diharp
    Diharp Posts: 19 Member
    If people were listening in health class they would know what there B.M.I. should be, then we would have more skinny people on earth and less obesity in our world. Next time you here such a thing you should ask them what there B.M.I. is. If they don't know then maybe they will research it and figure out they are over weight. I have found out that there is so many people that really don't know what a healthy weight should be. So Sad.. It is really not cool to bash anyone, they just need to be educated in a way of your choosing. There are so many anorexia, and Bulimia disorders in our world that people see skinny and you have a disorder. They really do not have a name for overweight except overweight. Been there done that.. So sad.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Good lord. Is everyone a victim nowadays?


  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Our society has accepted obesity as the norm, not skinny people. Even when you are lean, fit, healthy, people say you are too skinny. I agree, there is a point where too skinny can be unhealthy and unattractive. But even when it is a healthy, fit, lean it goes against our society. Once you become fit you are going against the grain and I don't believe this is going to end any time soon. Our society has embraced inactivity, an over abundance of food, magic pills that don't work, wishful thinking, and weight loss surgeries.


    And I'm not American, but that the impression you guys make in your country. You have big problem with obesity and instead of fighting with it you kind of accepted it and make yourself proud of it. This term BBW is killing me, it's wrong on so many levels.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Our society has accepted obesity as the norm, not skinny people. Even when you are lean, fit, healthy, people say you are too skinny. I agree, there is a point where too skinny can be unhealthy and unattractive. But even when it is a healthy, fit, lean it goes against our society. Once you become fit you are going against the grain and I don't believe this is going to end any time soon. Our society has embraced inactivity, an over abundance of food, magic pills that don't work, wishful thinking, and weight loss surgeries.


    And I'm not American, but that the impression you guys make in your country. You have big problem with obesity and instead of fighting with it you kind of accepted it and make yourself proud of it. This term BBW is killing me, it's wrong on so many levels.

    maybe if our dogs ate our deserts we wouldn't be so fat.
  • If people were listening in health class they would know what there B.M.I. should be, then we would have more skinny people on earth and less obesity in our world. Next time you here such a thing you should ask them what there B.M.I. is. If they don't know then maybe they will research it and figure out they are over weight. I have found out that there is so many people that really don't know what a healthy weight should be. So Sad.. It is really not cool to bash anyone, they just need to be educated in a way of your choosing. There are so many anorexia, and Bulimia disorders in our world that people see skinny and you have a disorder. They really do not have a name for overweight except overweight. Been there done that.. So sad.

    I think this is really quite an oversimplication--the vast majority of overweight people probably know it and would change it. It's not as simple as acknowledging that you should lose a few pounds.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Totally agree!!! Both extremes are unhealthy, and on both ends, it is usually the persons fault!

    The only difference I see is that fat people tend to make a lot more excuses, "oh it's my genetics", "it's my parent's fault for feeding me this way", etc. but in reality, they are ultimately responsible. Same with the skinny person, no one forced them to over-exercise just like no one forced the fat person to over-eat.

    Honestly, it's always really bugged my that I can't call fat people out or tell my cousin that I'm worried about him for his obesity, but they say I'm too skinny. Go figure.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    People bash fat people all the time, so I don't really get your post.

    Even my coworkers will go on and on about how gross some of the fat customers are, and then if I say something about how I take offense to it as I'm pretty much the same size, they just go "Oh not you, we love you". As if that makes sense. Haha.

    Yeah people fat bash, but just not usually to the fat person's face. You kinda prove the OP point, they "exclude" you from that group as to not hurt your feelings. I think the issue is, why do you take offense if it's true?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If people were listening in health class they would know what there B.M.I. should be, then we would have more skinny people on earth and less obesity in our world. Next time you here such a thing you should ask them what there B.M.I. is. If they don't know then maybe they will research it and figure out they are over weight. I have found out that there is so many people that really don't know what a healthy weight should be. So Sad.. It is really not cool to bash anyone, they just need to be educated in a way of your choosing. There are so many anorexia, and Bulimia disorders in our world that people see skinny and you have a disorder. They really do not have a name for overweight except overweight. Been there done that.. So sad.

    BMI is a terrible way to judge individual people. It was meant to be used on populations, not individuals. You should be going by Body Fat %age, not BMI. A 'healthy weight' BMI person with a high percentage of bodyfat is at a much higher risk factor for almost everything than an 'overweight' person with a high % of muscle and low BF%.

    Everyone should get a pair of calipers and start learning how to use them yesterday. It takes some practice, so don't expect immediately correct results, but eventually it may be the second most important cheap tool you buy (after a digital kitchen scale). Spend the $5 on some calipers, and disregard BMI.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    saying a skinny person looks "scary unhealthy" is a whole lot different than people shouting things at fat people as they're walking down the street and people making "mooing" noises at you and other insults fat people have to deal with.''

    SO not even the same level.

    And some people do get too thin.

    explain to me how is it not on the same level? you are saying it's ok to yell things at the skinny person, but not the fat person? i say either you have to hate equally on everyone, or keep your mouth shut all together. no more of this uneven hating.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Why is it ok to bash skinny people but not fat people?!

  • I'm tired of all this fat shaming.


    Look how beautiful she is. Health at every size, sealed with a kiss.

    Fat acceptance for the win. Health at every size.

    She's a real woman with curves. Not like you 200lb twigs out there. Let's protest against impossible Hollywood standards of beauty and lies by the medical profession trying to sell diet pills.

  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Our society has accepted obesity as the norm, not skinny people. Even when you are lean, fit, healthy, people say you are too skinny. I agree, there is a point where too skinny can be unhealthy and unattractive. But even when it is a healthy, fit, lean it goes against our society. Once you become fit you are going against the grain and I don't believe this is going to end any time soon. Our society has embraced inactivity, an over abundance of food, magic pills that don't work, wishful thinking, and weight loss surgeries.


    And I'm not American, but that the impression you guys make in your country. You have big problem with obesity and instead of fighting with it you kind of accepted it and make yourself proud of it. This term BBW is killing me, it's wrong on so many levels.

    Also agree. Our country is disgusting, and frankly it makes me ashamed that we accept it like it's not big deal. All of the 3rd world countries are going to end up overtaking us because we are going to be too fat to do anything about it.