Must READ! from experienced fitness pal...Hunger PANGS



  • debdelilah

    I diasagree...hunger is the discomfort that caused you to over eat and gain weight in the first place...

    I don't think this is true. The desire to eat something can have many causes besides hunger - it may be a favorite food, that you would eat whether you are hungry or not! You may be happy, sad, bored, or influenced by a social occasion. Hunger doesn't cause people to overeat. But the heavier you are, the more calories it takes to maintain your weight, so yes, you would have to eat more to not be hungry in order to maintain a heavier weight. But that doesn't necessarily mean you are overeating - you are eating to maintain. In other words, you are staying within a certain calorie/activity range and not gaining weight.

    I saw in your profile that you are trying to maintain a weight of 190 while also trying to improve body composition. If you are feeling "pangs" and they aren't pleasant to you, you can adjust your goals. The bulk/cut cycle that body builders sometimes do may not be your ideal plan - that's ok, forget cutting! You can maintain a weight of 190 and lift weights and do exercise and probably eat quite a bit too, without hunger pangs. :)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Disagreeing. There's no reason to feel hunger and deprive yourself to lose weight. If you're The trick is in what you're eating., and also in learning to distinquish between actual hunger and emotional, or boredom, or other kinds of drives to munch that don't have anything to do with real hunger. To tell yourself you're now on life sentence of hunger discomfort is self defeating, sort of masochistic, and wrong.
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    If you are careful about the types of food that you put into your body, you can eat and feel full or at least satisfied on a calorie deficit. I am practically never over on my calories and rarely feel hungry. No more than the average person (maybe less than the average person) when it's getting close to dinner time and you don't want to spoil dinner with a snack while you are cooking. If you can make some healthy lifestyle changes you don't have to "feel hungry" but you may miss some of your favorite foods while you are still adjusting to your new lifestyle. I still even eat icecream, a little candy and baked goods but I just keep the portions small so that I can enjoy without any negative feelings. :D

    This. I disagree with OP and agree with this post. If you make healthy choices, you can get by on a calorie deficit. I consider it making healthier living and am not miserable and I'm losing consistently. The key is making healthy choices, and if you want something that is less than healthy being careful about portion sizes.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    When I get hungry, I eat. It's just taking a while for me to identify what is hunger, and what is boredom, thirst, emotional distress, or all the other reasons I feel I must eat.

    For me, if I'm "hungry", I ask myself, "how about an apple". If I can't fathom eating an apple, then I'm probably not really hungry.

    I don't longingly look at food, because when I'm hungry, I eat it. I've just changed HOW MUCH I eat of that stuff. Before I eat, I weigh, in my mind, if it's worth the calories. If it is, I eat it. If it's not, I pass. Oversimplification of course, but that's the gyst of my plan...

    On Weight Watchers, all I thought about was food. When can I have some. How can I have more. How can I eat junk and still have enough points for dinner. This time it's just different for me. I can't do that anymore.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    How is this thread still alive???

    Seriously, people, STOP BUMPING IT!!!


    Oh. Whoops. Sorry about that.

  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    Hunger is not directly related to being FAT. :noway:

    83lbs down... Eat 1400...120g protein, 120g carbs, 50g fat, lots of fresh vegetables and fiber and it's very very rare I feel hungry... Really disagree with your post. If you eat the right things you don't need to be hungry... This lifestyle change doesn't have to be all the things you just made it out to be x

    So if your not hungry on this reduced calorie diet, then what caused you to over eat so drastically in the past if you seem to be nearly unable to sense hunger?

    Eh. There are some very simple facts there that you are overlooking. I've been doing some self-exploring and experimenting lately, and discovering some VERY basic facts. Actually, so basic, that I'm almost embarrassed to admit I am only learning this at my age.

    You can easily eat 5000 calories over the course of a day, OR 2000 calories, and feel MORE full on the 2000 than you might on the 5000.

    Food choices. (and YES -I absolutely agree with Dan on the IF and have been considering giving it a go) Truth is, your body get's used to eating at certain times, and you will get hungry at those times.

    case in point: if you NEVER eat breakfast, some people don't, and frequently they will say that if they try to eat breakfast they can get sick to their stomachs because they are not used to eating at that time. So you have person A, who does not eat until lunch time, and isn't HUNGRY until lunch. Then you have person B who eats breakfast every day, then one day they (insert reason here) don't get to eat until lunch, and they are STARVING. why? because their body is used to having fuel at X time, and it doesn't appear. All the hunger signals go off, and you are HUNGRY.

    if your body gets used to having food at certain times, hunger isn't going to strike at the other times. for the same reason you don't typically get awakened in the middle of the night, every 3-4 hours, because you haven't eaten. (this could happen under certain circumstances, but for the vast majority of people, even on a calorie deficit, they're not dealing with hunger that wakes them up at all hours). Your body adjusts. And I don't even have all the science of leptin and ghrelin(sp?) behind that. Just know that this happens.

    now back to my 5000 to 2000 experiment, or the 5000 to 1000 even (not recommending 1000, but go with me here..)...

    1. a couple of days ago, I had 3 packs of pop tarts over the course of the day. 1200 Calories. Add a Mocha in there - 400, some pepperoni pizza - 800 calories. so for a few snacks, and one real meal, we've just wiped out 2400 calories. so Yes, getting in 4000 to 5000 calories in a day, pretty dang easy, and not necessarily too much food to make you ill.

    2. Having a LARGE volume of vegetables, lean protein, high fiber foods can easily get you through a day without hunger for way less than 2000 calories. I just had a huge bowl of oatmeal with a touch of brown sugar and some applesauce and cinnamon blended in (AMAZING by the way), for less than or around 300 calories (haven't logged the details yet). I'm so freakin stuffed right now my eyeballs are buggin. I could have had well over that in some kind of high calorie drink.

    these comments you keep posting about how impossible it must be that people couldn't have gotten fat unless they were hungry - are just uneducated and narrow minded. Aside from the examples above, people eat when they are not hungry. They eat for emotional reasons. They eat just To EAT. They eat because they like food. Hunger - well - I say if it has ANYTHING to do with it, it's a minor reason. Food Choices are absolutely the biggest factor I believe in most cases.

    lastly, to reiterate, you could eat 350 calories for a meal, and feel stuffed, as easily as you could eat 2000 calories for a meal, and feel just as stuffed.

    All I can do is :noway: at this theory and agree that this has to be trolling..
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    My kids are so bad *kitten* they b!tch slap hunger pangs.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member

    All I can do is :noway: at this theory and agree that this has to be trolling..
    It doesn't have to be trolling. I am still constantly amazed at the dipsh!ttery that some of these dipsh!ts spout.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I don't agree actually. I don't get hunger pangs until I'm literally starving. I don't think you HAVE to experience pangs to lose weight or maintain weight.....

    This is good advice for some but not all.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    It is a form of extreme suffering for me that I cannot eat what I want whenever I want. The fact that I cannot eat taco bell, cakes, cookies, and spaghetti and meatballs in whatever amount I desire causes me daily misery. The fact that I cannot eat until I am sick whenever I want is very stressful and has deprived me of a coping mechanism for which there will never be an adequate substitute. It's simply a reality that I will always have to live with if I want to be healthy and for right now, I am ok with that.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I have just recently started feeling hunger pangs after more than 35 yrs of eatting disorder, and yes I gained my weight eatting avg of 600 calories a day. I had not had any hunger pangs at all in any fashion since my early teens. I am now 48 and feeling them again. I just ignored them until I no longer had them.... Please take this information and DO NOT FOLLOW MY FOOT STEPs.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I steadily lost a pound a week without ever being hungry. I also did not stop eating my favorite foods like pizza, or drinking wine or other alcohol. What planet are you from?
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I steadily lost a pound a week without ever being hungry. I also did not stop eating my favorite foods like pizza, or drinking wine or other alcohol. What planet are you from?

    You must have badass kids.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    While I was losing weight, yes there were times of gnawing hunger. I am maintaining now in my 2nd year, and I am rarely hungry. I believe it is because I have improved my food choices. If you give your body good stff at regular intervals, there is no need to be hungry. Those who say you can lose weight by eating twinkles and maintain that loss are kidding themselves. Give the body good food, and it will maintain itself. Very liberating. It goes without saying, exercise is key.
  • dogladytwo
    dogladytwo Posts: 97 Member
    Being hungry is just plain stupid if you have the means to do something about it. Just feed your body what it NEEDS (not wants) and it will SHUT UP! :noway:
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Your post made me sad. I replaced food with exercise and that has helped. I also try to live in the moment. I have tried Zumba and belly dancing and kickboxing and running and I love them all. I hope you find a replacement for recreational eating. I KNOW it is tough. Peace.
    It is a form of extreme suffering for me that I cannot eat what I want whenever I want. The fact that I cannot eat taco bell, cakes, cookies, and spaghetti and meatballs in whatever amount I desire causes me daily misery. The fact that I cannot eat until I am sick whenever I want is very stressful and has deprived me of a coping mechanism for which there will never be an adequate substitute. It's simply a reality that I will always have to live with if I want to be healthy and for right now, I am ok with that.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • rosesigil
    rosesigil Posts: 105 Member
    I don't feel "hungry" what I feel is desire for the food I love in the quantities I love whenever I want them. That can't happen anymore---I choose that---but I do think about cake and pie and still read cookbooks constantly. I just love food. I know though that I can't eat it like I used to, that's all. I'm trying to not focus so much on it and think about the many other fun things i like too instead.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    For everyone screamin that just because someone chooses to ignore hunger "oh, you must have an eating disorder!!"...STFU!!

    No one has to shovel food down their throats just because their stomach growls. Most times your stomach growls BECAUSE it's been longer than 10 minutes since you last ate something...IOW, it's so use to you eating at all hours..its become an unruly child.

    Ok, suppose you were runnin errands..and you took your bad *kitten* beggin kid with 5 different stores. In every store..your kid pitches a fit because he wants this
    and that....IN EVERY STORE!!! Are you gonna give in to him just to shut him up? If you do..he'll never stop beggin..and he'll always be a bad *kitten* kid.

    Same thing applies to a growling stomach...keep feeding it every time it growls...your *kitten* will always be fat..feed it when it's REALLY hungry...and not when it's just being a whiney bit¢h....and you will reach a more attractive weight.

    JMO :-)

    ^That ....this person is very intouch with their hunger feed back system and is spot on....
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Agree! Mindless grazing, stress eating, and reacting to every hunger pang like we are in danger of starving are the things we have to overcome and avoid the rest of our lives if we want to keep our weight at a healthy stable level.

    Couldn't say it better than you!

    Thank you