What is the one thing you gave up to lose weight (if any)?



  • KathyRed07
    I gave up my White Russians.....which helped with my nighttime snack binges. During the day was not TOO much or a problem for me - but evenings/watching TV at night was the WORST time for me!
  • mckaret
    I became a Vegan July 15th for health reasons and I lost 12 pounds! So, the answer is I gave up meat, fish, dairy and eggs. I don't even miss it and after struggling my whole life with my weight I am so happy to say that I eat more food now than I ever did. Best thing I ever did for myself! For those interested, the movie "Forks Over Knives" changed my life. (It's about a plant based diet and how you can change your diet and your body with food (forks) and not knives (surgery).

    Have a great day!

  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    Meat! HOWEVER, I decided earlier this year to give up meat for purely ethical reasons and found I was losing weight naturally after years of yo-yo dieting and complaining about my weight (was never hugely overweight though). So, I went with it and started making healthier food choices, etc, as a result. Becoming vegetarian enabled me to give up fast foods such as McDs, etc as well.

    Everything else I refused to give up, just eat in moderation, including chocolate and red wine.
  • barky586
    Pizza Inn buffets! And the 4 hour nap afterwards....multiple times a week usually!
  • mckaret
    I'm from Buffalo, too! Well, Kenmore, now. I am Vegan so I go to the restaurant called Merge (where they serve Vegan, Vegetarian and local grass fed meat). I have "Seitan Wings" from there. My husband (a non-Vegan) loves it!
  • jenniferillene
    jenniferillene Posts: 34 Member
    I gave up my loves..cherry coke and regular coke! Dont miss them at all..havent even had a sip of them since my journey started over 6 months ago. I did also have lots of sweets. When I first started I wasent feeling good..tired all the time and thinking sugar would help I grabbed anything and everything..well thats not the solution when ur health is the one causing u to be tired all the time! Im happy with my healthy lifestyle now I crave all the veggies now! Its awesome! 85 pounds lost..so Im happy and feeling great now!!
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    gave up a few things (1) fast food and anything fried, or oily, or greasy (2) gave up making excuses (3) most importantly i gave up krispie crack i mean krispie kreme donuts OMG i felt like pookie from new jack city on that one lol but's it's been to my benefit :-)
  • jenf235
    jenf235 Posts: 157 Member
    I gave up alcohol, fast food (haven't eaten ANY fast food since June 12th!!!), soda, and my downstairs cable. I found myself just sitting on the couch watching tv for hours and hours, so when there was a problem with the wire, I just didn't get it fixed! I don't even miss any of these things!
  • Juashmom
    So far I have given up Diet Coke--It used to be the only thing I would drink and I would drink a lot of it....I will have it occasionally but drink mainly water...I'm not nearly as puffy as I was..

    Working on giving up fast food completely...its so hard sometimes but try to make better choices when I do.
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Artificial sweeteners. No more diet sodas. Sticking to iced and hot tea has made a huge difference for me.
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,013 Member
    I really haven't given up anything. Instead I have reduced the amount that I eat and make better choices. What is the point if I am thin but miserable because I feel deprived. I still drink my Coke (although not as much) but now drink a lot more water too Life is too short and I do the best that I can. If I screw up then the next day I get right back to the plan.

    Last night we went out to a Chinese restaurant and I ate more vegetables and less meat and fried foods. Did I go over? Sure I did. Will I be better today? Yes. Will I succeed? I know I will.
  • Hayliela
    Alcohol for most of the week, I am partial to a few glasses of wine a night, so this has been stopped. I have also given up on sweets!
  • christinet8504
    Fast food...everything else I kept but in moderation.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Soda/pop... Mostly u haven't quit things all together just vastly cut down how often I have them... To the above person who said popcorn this can be made really healthily if you make it at home... I have popcorn a lot! X
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I gave up gluten. Now I eat more clean as a result. I have also learned to looooove vegetables and listen to my body :)
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    Mac n cheese V_V .. as of right now V_V
  • I gave up being lazy and eating all that fried food..
  • Sothida
    what make me want to give up on my diet are :
    1. it's about pooing , I really difficult to poo since i was born
    2. when i smell my favorite foods >.< Gosh
    ESP Frence Fried -.-
  • Arperjen
    Arperjen Posts: 108 Member
    Soda and fruit juice. Well, not completely, but I'd say it's close to 99% gone from my diet. Made a huge difference in calorie intake - besides, my teeth can't handle that much sugar anymore.
  • nomsquared
    nomsquared Posts: 35 Member
    peanut butter, junk food, almost all meat. BAKED GOODS! some days i dream about red velvet cake. no lie. it's pathetic. :sad:

    HAHA! Awwwww <3

    Once, I dreamt about pad thai :/ It's so hard to give up - it's not necessariillyyy unhealthy by itself, but restaurants serve such big portions, and then I eat it all. And then when I order a half order, I get **** from my friends.

    I also gave up peanut butter, but I still eat baked goods - I don't think I have as much of sweet tooth as some other people do. And luckily I never liked soda.