DOOMSDAY DEC 21,2012?anyone believe it? non-believers?



  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I think the people who think world is ending on December 21, 2012 are probably pretty gullible and haven't actually researched this Mayan calendar stuff.
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    The whole Mayan prophecy is interesting, but to be honest on 12/21....I'd love to be doing the "End of the World" Trail 5k that happening in Indiana. It sounds like a blast and great way to ring in the supposed end of the world. :drinker:
  • ktrauzzi
    ktrauzzi Posts: 71 Member
    Grade 5 was the first time I heard the end of the world was coming. Before my birthday! It's now 16 years later? And somehow I'm still here. People want others to panic and buy into their crap. Tell ya what -if the world self destructs and there is fire everywhere and blah blah blah? 10 cases of water is NOT going to help. Except make the water company richer.
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    lmao @ your post Amez!! Aint' it the truth...

    (I just came back to see if the travel directions to the houses with the cake and the salad oil orgy were posted yet).. :drinker:
  • a8ar.jpg

    -> THIS!! <-
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
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  • I believe that NASA recently confirmed that there will be no doomsday on december 21st
  • It really won't happen, please stop worrying! I don't understand why people believe this stuff!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Oh Jesus Christ, the only place that is safe is being closed down and you are worried, just in case! Please, the world isn't ending in 2012. Its being shut to keep the f*cking nut cases who believe anything away from civilised people. However, if you think it is, please let me know and I'll give you my bank details so you can forward your assets to me. And for God knowing when the world will end, really? Please let me know and I'll send you my bank details as well.

    Honestly, If you think that the world was made 4,004 years ago on a Tuesday afternoon, around tea time, and that dinosaurs were put into the ground as a test, then seriously, I despair for the human race.

  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Apocalypse Toga Party at my house!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Oh Jesus Christ, the only place that is safe is being closed down and you are worried, just in case! Please, the world isn't ending in 2012. Its being shut to keep the f*cking nut cases who believe anything away from civilised people. However, if you think it is, please let me know and I'll give you my bank details so you can forward your assets to me. And for God knowing when the world will end, really? Please let me know and I'll send you my bank details as well.

    Honestly, If you think that the world was made 4,004 years ago on a Tuesday afternoon, around tea time, and that dinosaurs were put into the ground as a test, then seriously, I despair for the human race.

    I don't know you, but you're my new best friend. well said!
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    You know something that just occurred to me!?!? I haven't heard any news about any cult activity. I'm sure yall remember the hale-bopp (sp?) comet and all the cult activity from it. I figured we would have a bunch of it...especially since the date is getting so much closer now!!

    I don't believe it, but even if it is true I guess I will bend over and kiss my *** goodbye!
  • daggs95
    daggs95 Posts: 51 Member
    My hub isn't buying holiday gifts until after the day...the truth of the day is there is an astrological alignment where the sun will be in the middle of the milkway galaxy (this only happens ever 26,000 years, last time was around the time the dinosaurs went extinct) it is probably why some of the people get scared. If there was a solar flare because of it, yeah we'd be toast, but the earth would heal and continue. What it really should do is make your realize, the world can end for any of us, at any time anyway.
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    Fail troll.
  • fredf2112
    fredf2112 Posts: 110 Member
    Apparently we are all here trying to lose weight just to look good for the apocalypse.
  • In case you’re stumbling upon the Mayan doomsday nonsense for the first time, here’s the gist of it: The Mayan calendar is broken down into “baktuns” (or “b’ak’tun”), each of which equals 400 years, or about 146,000 days. According to Mayan legend, the current world — the one in which we are all currently living — was created over 12 baktuns ago. At the end of the 13th baktun, the world as we know it will cease to exist. December 21, 2012 — the winter solstice — is that day.

    Of course, many scientists with real understanding of ancient Mayan culture and language have for decades tried to explain that, no, the end of the 13th baktun does not literally mean the end of the world. In fact, they say, not even the Mayans themselves believed such silliness. The end-of-world myth was actually concocted by Christian missionaries. And some experts say that the end of the 13th baktun is actually December 23, not December 21.

    The newly discovered Mayan calendar has cycles of time recording 17 baktuns, rather than the standard 13. This and other details, which Saturno describe in this week’s issue of the journal Science, should be all anyone needs to stop their urge to stock up on canned food and amm

    Read more:
  • Oh Jesus Christ, the only place that is safe is being closed down and you are worried, just in case! Please, the world isn't ending in 2012. Its being shut to keep the f*cking nut cases who believe anything away from civilised people. However, if you think it is, please let me know and I'll give you my bank details so you can forward your assets to me. And for God knowing when the world will end, really? Please let me know and I'll send you my bank details as well.

    Honestly, If you think that the world was made 4,004 years ago on a Tuesday afternoon, around tea time, and that dinosaurs were put into the ground as a test, then seriously, I despair for the human race.

    Amen. All I have to say.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    My hub isn't buying holiday gifts until after the day...the truth of the day is there is an astrological alignment where the sun will be in the middle of the milkway galaxy (this only happens ever 26,000 years, last time was around the time the dinosaurs went extinct) it is probably why some of the people get scared. If there was a solar flare because of it, yeah we'd be toast, but the earth would heal and continue. What it really should do is make your realize, the world can end for any of us, at any time anyway.

    Dinosaurs went extinct about 65.000,000 years ago. If it was 26,000 years ago they would have been around at the same time as humans walking the earth and an ice age..........:huh:
  • 12-21-12, a day like any other
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