How many sexual partners are considered too many?



  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    depends, how many women are there in the world?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I'm going to go with the unpopular answer and say... 2 is one too many. I plan to wait until I am married... and I plan on having that marriage last.

    What if you get married twice? God forbid people pass away.

    I'm talking about pre-marital sex. I should've made that clear, though.

    So after you get married, GAME ON!!!!!

    That's not at all what I said.... but, take it however you want.

    I always take it however I want it.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    zero. Your only partner should be the love of our lord and savior jesus christ.

    I thought you were serious for about 2 seconds until I saw your friends list.

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    This is what's wrong with America! We limit ourselves with numbers and labels! We should be asking why you even know how many people you've been with? *Ok, hops off soap box*. Stop counting and enjoy your encounters as what they are. Fun and intimate, some good some bad, and the worst ones are the ones that are forgettable anyway.

    Actually, the worst ones make some of the best stories ;)
  • When you lost count.
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    zero. Your only partner should be the love of our lord and savior jesus christ.

    I thought you were serious for about 2 seconds until I saw your friends list.

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    zero. Your only partner should be the love of our lord and savior jesus christ.

    I thought you were serious for about 2 seconds until I saw your friends list.

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:


    I read your second comment before your first and I was VERY confused.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    This is getting on my nerves...

    The people who dont want to be judged for sleeping with a lot of people are just as judgy about people who have been with very few.

    Just because one is selective doesnt mean they are sexually deprived or not know what they are doing....mmmkthxbye.... Be it 1 or 100...i do not care.

    Yup. I noticed that too.

    And the judgment was thrown out before ANYBODY said; OMG YOU SLEEP AROUND! *JUDGE JUDGE JUDGE*

    Who started the judging? Not us prudes, that's for sure.

    Edited to Add:

    To answer the OP. For me Two is too many. But that's my personal choice.

    I'm fairly certain there isn't such a thing as 'too many' in our society but I think each individual has an arbitrary number (or lack of number) in their own head. Is this the number you were seeking or were you just seeking a socially acceptable answer?
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    I sleep around....the house.
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    On these alleged "partners"...does oral come standard on every model? Is it legitimate oral?
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
  • Javela - Tue 11/20/12 10:46 PM

    This is what's wrong with America! We limit ourselves with numbers and labels! We should be asking why you even know how many people you've been with? *Ok, hops off soap box*. Stop counting and enjoy your encounters as what they are. Fun and intimate, some good some bad, and the worst ones are the ones that are forgettable anyway.

    Love this! Thanks! I can now let go of the guilt... ;o)
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Who the heck counts anyway? I mean, I understand if you've had just a few people in your life that you were intimate with, it'd be easy to keep track, but otherwise...what, are we notching our bed posts? Keeping a ledger?

    Is that what goes through your mind when zipping up, "Well, that's 182!"
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    On these alleged "partners"...does oral come standard on every model? Is it legitimate oral?

    Unfortunately, with some models, oral is an option defined by the type of establishment in which you choose to fuel up.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Once you reach an age where you have (proper) sexual feelings (not the sort you have when your 13 and looking at your dads zoo mag) then sex is a basic need... just like bathing! If your in a long term relationship from the age 18, so by 24 have only been with that one person its easy to judge people who sleep with someone new every other week... but the fact is when in a relationship you get all the sex you need, but when your single that feeling doesn't just go away, you need to satisfy it, so if someone is single for a long time they are going to have a lot of partners, you can't just expect single people to not get any while those in relationships get it everynight. The problem is when people have an addiction to sex... and thats only a problem because it causes destruction to their life.... if nobody is getting hurt/used/cheated on its nobody else damn business.
    Are you being serious right now? I haven't had sex in five and a half years because I haven't been in a serious and committed relationship in five and a half years. I don't expect other people to do that, but to say that it's a basic need and you have to satisfy it is...ridiculous. Maybe YOU need it, but I get along fine without it. It's not like bathing or eating or breathing. It's nice to have when you can get it, but you're not going to die without it, otherwise I'd have died a long time ago. "so if someone is single for a long time they are going to have a lot of partners" <---:laugh:

    As to the question of how many is considered too many, that obviously depends on who you ask. Personally, I wouldn't ask. I don't need to know how many people anyone has slept with. If I was with a guy who treated me well, cared for me, respected me, and all that, my feelings for him wouldn't suddenly change by knowing how many people he'd slept with.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    I set goals.
  • jimbo480
    jimbo480 Posts: 22 Member
    And I am also a Gentleman =)

    If you were a Gentleman you would not be posting questions about sexual partners and photos of yourself without your shirt.
  • emaren
    emaren Posts: 934 Member
    Everyone has their own experiences and their own 'back story'. So what ?

    It is the here and now that matter and if you are embarking on a relationship and you are promising the other person monogamy going forwards and they you, then so what ?

    I also do not think that it is a fair question for anyone to ask a partner or potential partner. My ex-wife was utterly hung up on a number I gave her when she asked me. She barraged me with questions about where she ranked (right at the bottom was the honest answer at the time) and she wanted names, phone numbers and dates (none of which I could remember). Her 'number' was three, the number I gave her was 12 (I lied), just to minimize the difference and let her feel better.

    Nowadays though, at my age, pretty much everyone that I may find myself in a clinch with has history. There is also every chance that they have similar number of years of history to me too as I tend to date people that are a similar age. So does it matter that in the last 30 years that they have had sex with 200 people or just the 1 ?

    Regardless it is thirty years of sexual history.

    If someone has all that history, then they will have a much better idea of what they like and what their partners have liked and the chances of a 'hella fun night' are way higher.....

    A woman that was dating a friend on and off once told me that she had 'broken into 4-figures' assuming she only counted the boys. I was fascinated and also a little amazed as she is not the most attractive woman I know (to put it mildly) and no, I never went there.....

    For me, I do not care, your history is just that. YOURS.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    You might have slept with too many people when you say:
    "take off your ring, it's hurting me"

    and he responds:
    "That's my watch."
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    This is getting on my nerves...

    The people who dont want to be judged for sleeping with a lot of people are just as judgy about people who have been with very few.

    Just because one is selective doesnt mean they are sexually deprived or not know what they are doing....mmmkthxbye.... Be it 1 or 100...i do not care.

    Yup. I noticed that too.

    And the judgment was thrown out before ANYBODY said; OMG YOU SLEEP AROUND! *JUDGE JUDGE JUDGE*

    Who started the judging? Not us prudes, that's for sure.

    I don't get it either.

    If an individual want to sleep with lots of people then cool beans. Some people act like it is some kind of acheivement though which I find a little strange.

    Climbing Everest, curing communicable diseases, brokering a peace deal in the Middle that's hard.

    Getting some random punter into the sack?

    Not so much.
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