Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi just stumbled across this thread. seems like a lot of good people.......My name is katie Im 26 and i have over 100 to lose.....I started at 334 almost 4 monthes ago and am currently 297. Im doing this to improve my health and most importantly have a baby. The drs tell me its the weight thats standing in my way so im trying to do whatever it takes to fill my arms with a baby. Would love new friends....trying to catch on to this thread kind of seems theres themes? if someone could clue me in id appreciate it...also add me if u want

    Hi Katie~Welcome to the group. You've stubbled upon the most supportive group on MFP! :bigsmile: On page one Robin has listed some goals and ideas for daily discussions - they are not mandatory. We also post additional goals for us to attain on a monthly basis (these change from month-to-month) - again, not mandatory but feel free to participate. You've made excellent progress so far, good luck on your journey. Check back often.

  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    ok I think i got wish more than anything is to be pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for 8 monthes and NOTHING. going to the dr in april for more testing since it will be a year of trying......Trying not to freik myself out about anything bieng wrong but i cant help but wonder....basic blood work for thyroid and stuff came back normal but always in my head something more could be wrong. this week two of my friends have both been smacked with baby dust and as happy as i am for them its just gotten me thinking more and more about when my wish will come true.

    On the goal front I want to try to hit 285 by new years......12 lbs away from that atm. hope everyone is having a good day.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi just stumbled across this thread. seems like a lot of good people.......My name is katie Im 26 and i have over 100 to lose.....I started at 334 almost 4 monthes ago and am currently 297. Im doing this to improve my health and most importantly have a baby. The drs tell me its the weight thats standing in my way so im trying to do whatever it takes to fill my arms with a baby. Would love new friends....trying to catch on to this thread kind of seems theres themes? if someone could clue me in id appreciate it...also add me if u want

    Welcome Katie to our thread! You'll find lots of daily friends by visiting the thread daily. You are on the right track to getting a baby by your goal of losing the weight - do that first! Get on the exercise kick by starting walking and try to do that every other day at least. Your goal is to lose weight AND be in great physical shape to chase that baby around! Your dreams will come true I hope :flowerforyou:
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Thank you all for your support. In case it isn't obvious from my last post I'm having a bad case of the blues. I think it is a side effect of having blood drawn for the thousandth time, or surgery, or the mountain of pills I take these days.

    That's what makes this the most bestest group on MFP. Despite my penchant for wallowing in self-pity lately you all have nice things to say to/about me and instantly threw your support my way. Even a few tears (Robin). I want to return the favor.

    Wednesday wish - is for my family. I wish my Brudder and his wife could get their chit together and work things out. I hate to see Da Brudder in so much pain, and she needs to stop recruiting, martyrs aren't my thing (though occasionally I are one).

    @ktaqt3399 - welcome aboard.
    @trhjrh06 - love the new profile picture (new to me cuz I don't know how long you've had it up) you look hot!
    @Robin - Pain sucks, I hope you feel better soon.
    @lmackbethl - Thanks for the kind words. The new truck is a god send. Changed the oil, did a tune-up, knocked some of the larger crustaceans off of it and now it is truly a thing of antique beauty. Best part is it gets about 24MPG, huge difference from the 13mpg in the old one.

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon friends! I am on the mend finally and will get my kitchen cleaned up today. Had a friend come over to chat earlier and enjoyed the company, when I am sick it seems I get to feeling more isolated. I am also preparing for a Bible lesson I am giving Thursday evening and am happy I am feeling better so I can go. Found out a friend is in ICU and am praying for her, haven't heard what put her there, but praying hard for her. Can't believe December 1st is only a few days away! Everyone have a great, healthy, well-hydrated day.

    @Robin, praying your pain has flown out the window by now. I know the love/hate relationship with predisone. I have bad arthritis in my feet and the shoes that work best for my feet are the SAS walking shoes, pricey but they wear well and don't hurt my feet plus they aren't ugly.
    @Toots & Kelly, glad I'm not the only one with vivid dreams and Toots, I hope you get a best seller out of yours!
    @Morgori, congrats on not smoking and on using the electronic cigerette, also congrats on not doing too bad at the Pub.
    @Bigaug, so good to see you and your pups back here on a reg. basis. I have had problems with increased depression after surgeries and it can last a while. Coming back here is bound to cheer you up with all of us bubbling, sweet ladies and couple of charming gents!

    To all the others, thinking of you, and to all the newbies welcome to the most wonderful group of people who are so supportive, motivating and loving. Hugs & kisses to all.

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ MowMow - I know you haven't been home in awhile and this is putting a lot of extra pressure on you. Do not allow them or anyone to change your goals. I would focus on the next few weeks and really stay on target with food and exercise. The week prior to you leaving you need to look at all your old pictures and be so proud of what you've accomplished. You did it!!! No one else did it for you, but YOU!!! While your gone, enjoy yourself! Keep your portions where they should be, but DO NOT let anyone get you down. You deserve better. Unfortunately, family and friends can be some of our worst critics. I believe in you!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    ok I think i got wish more than anything is to be pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for 8 monthes and NOTHING. going to the dr in april for more testing since it will be a year of trying......Trying not to freik myself out about anything bieng wrong but i cant help but wonder....basic blood work for thyroid and stuff came back normal but always in my head something more could be wrong. this week two of my friends have both been smacked with baby dust and as happy as i am for them its just gotten me thinking more and more about when my wish will come true.

    On the goal front I want to try to hit 285 by new years......12 lbs away from that atm. hope everyone is having a good day.

    Welcome to the group! I've been on MFP for about 4 months. This is the only group I really follow. It gets a little tough keeping up, but whether your gone a day or weeks everyone welcomes you back with open arms. If you see the word BUMP, it normally means someone doesn't have the time to read, but that's where they left off (just a little newbie insight).

    I know it's tough when you want something so bad. You're doing the right thing by trying to get healthy. I was actually over 300 lbs when I got pregnant with my son. I had a very healthy pregnancy and only gained 15 lbs. I was very careful since I was already a big girl and didn't want to add more stress. I think the important thing to always remember is everyone's bodies are different. If a baby is to come, it will happen. Just keep doing what you're doing by eating healthy, exercising and staying positive!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thank you all for your support. In case it isn't obvious from my last post I'm having a bad case of the blues. I think it is a side effect of having blood drawn for the thousandth time, or surgery, or the mountain of pills I take these days.

    That's what makes this the most bestest group on MFP. Despite my penchant for wallowing in self-pity lately you all have nice things to say to/about me and instantly threw your support my way. Even a few tears (Robin). I want to return the favor.


    Your posts always made me giggle. Sorry you've been down in the dumps lately, but I'm afraid life throws us lemons sometimes. We just have to figure out how to squeeze them and make the lemonade. Corny analogy I know, but you get the idea.

    What was working before? Do you need to evaluate your food journal? Perhaps start from the beginning and readjust. For me, it's all about taking it one step at a time. I'm not looking at the big weight loss (150+ lbs to lose), but taking it in 10 lb increments. I want to lose 10 lbs 15 times. So far I've lost 3 with 12 more to go. Unfortunately, life is not going to change. We'll always have family, issues, parties, birthday's, work, time commitments, etc. . . we just have to figure out the best way to deal with all of them while making good food choices. You know this group is here for you. Check in as frequently as you can. We'll give you that gentle kick in the gluteus maximus that you need to achieve your goals. You CAN and WILL do this!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Wednesday wish – if you all don’t mind, I’ll take all or part of the Powerball jackpot tonight. Seems like there’s enough for lots of winners to split up the treasure. Ok? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :glasses: Tom – Amy’s out of town and you need to eat but I’m sure you can cook. Congrats on the smoking cessation. You’ve taken on a lot to improve your health. That is great.

    :sick: Robin – sorry you are not feeling well again. I hope you’re on the mend soon and get in the groove heading towards that great vacation.

    :smile: Vickimieth – congrats on getting out for a walk. Yeah!

    :happy: Jana – good for you on getting good things at the store. Planning for your lunch is such a great thing to do. I find if left to my own devices for any meal that I’m more likely to eat less than optimal choices.

    :happy: Skinny – sorry that your stomach is still giving you fits. Something certainly did not agree with you. Happy grading to you!

    :smile: Liz – congrats on doing the Richard Simmons workout. I hope your day at work was uneventful.

    :blushing: Laurie – I hope you find ways to meet people in social situations. Let me know what works! I tend to be very solitary and many days don’t speak to anyone at all much less get out and interact with people.

    :smile: Susan – I hope if you’re not feeling better yet that you will kick that cold to the curb very soon.

    :bigsmile: Kaye – yippee, so glad to hear you have your computer back. It really makes a difference doesn’t it?

    :flowerforyou: Christine – glad you are doing just a bit better. Try not to push too hard. Fibromyalgia, as we well know, can flatten a person if we push too hard. Take care my friend.

    :wink: Allison – wow, if I *ever* see ONEderland again I will be pleased beyond measure. Good luck in meeting your timing goal.

    :happy: Holly – good for maintaining your weight over the holiday. That is great!!!

    :glasses: MyM0wM0w – there’s so much sabotage out there! Ignore her. She really has no idea, no idea whatsoever. Wishing lots of strength for you during your trip home. You are doing great, great, great. Stick with us, we have much better advice!

    :smile: Toots – I usually only have vivid, odd dreams when I have a fever. Otherwise, most are forgettable.

    :flowerforyou: Kelley – ouch, that really sounds painful. I also hope and wish that your workout goes better!

    :smile: Aug – glad to see you again. Just take your time to heal up. Gotta do that. And glad to hear you have the *new* truck in pristine condition.

    Welcome to all the new folks. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:


  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    ok I think i got wish more than anything is to be pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for 8 monthes and NOTHING. going to the dr in april for more testing since it will be a year of trying......Trying not to freik myself out about anything bieng wrong but i cant help but wonder....basic blood work for thyroid and stuff came back normal but always in my head something more could be wrong. this week two of my friends have both been smacked with baby dust and as happy as i am for them its just gotten me thinking more and more about when my wish will come true.

    On the goal front I want to try to hit 285 by new years......12 lbs away from that atm. hope everyone is having a good day.

    Welcome to the group! I've been on MFP for about 4 months. This is the only group I really follow. It gets a little tough keeping up, but whether your gone a day or weeks everyone welcomes you back with open arms. If you see the word BUMP, it normally means someone doesn't have the time to read, but that's where they left off (just a little newbie insight).

    I know it's tough when you want something so bad. You're doing the right thing by trying to get healthy. I was actually over 300 lbs when I got pregnant with my son. I had a very healthy pregnancy and only gained 15 lbs. I was very careful since I was already a big girl and didn't want to add more stress. I think the important thing to always remember is everyone's bodies are different. If a baby is to come, it will happen. Just keep doing what you're doing by eating healthy, exercising and staying positive!!!

    Thanks for your kind trying to keep faith some days r just harder than others but right now im trying to make my priority losing weight and getting healthy.
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    Hi just stumbled across this thread. seems like a lot of good people.......My name is katie Im 26 and i have over 100 to lose.....I started at 334 almost 4 monthes ago and am currently 297. Im doing this to improve my health and most importantly have a baby. The drs tell me its the weight thats standing in my way so im trying to do whatever it takes to fill my arms with a baby. Would love new friends....trying to catch on to this thread kind of seems theres themes? if someone could clue me in id appreciate it...also add me if u want

    Welcome Katie to our thread! You'll find lots of daily friends by visiting the thread daily. You are on the right track to getting a baby by your goal of losing the weight - do that first! Get on the exercise kick by starting walking and try to do that every other day at least. Your goal is to lose weight AND be in great physical shape to chase that baby around! Your dreams will come true I hope :flowerforyou:

    thanks i look forward to getting to kno people trying to make losing weight my main goal and not let the baby thing stress me out too much
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    ok I think i got wish more than anything is to be pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for 8 monthes and NOTHING. going to the dr in april for more testing since it will be a year of trying......Trying not to freik myself out about anything bieng wrong but i cant help but wonder....basic blood work for thyroid and stuff came back normal but always in my head something more could be wrong. this week two of my friends have both been smacked with baby dust and as happy as i am for them its just gotten me thinking more and more about when my wish will come true.

    have you been tested for PCOS? a lot of bigger girls have the PCOS thing going on and that can really stand in the way.
    @Toots & Kelly, glad I'm not the only one with vivid dreams and Toots, I hope you get a best seller out of yours!

    i'd love to get a best seller out of anything :laugh:
    :smile: Toots – I usually only have vivid, odd dreams when I have a fever. Otherwise, most are forgettable.
    @Christine & Toots~Interesting things about the dreams. I actually don't remember most of mine, but have noticed that when I take melatonin to help me sleep my dreams are more vivid. Christine, glad you are feeling mroe like yourself.

    see what i'm getting from this vibe from these answers. if we are sleeping hard, for whatever reason, we get the wonky dreams. it's a revelation.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I haven't posted my Wed. wish yet. I wish that all of you that are struggling can have a good day!
    I am really enjoying my computer. Got in my 30 min. walk today. Keith's pre-school in near the middle school so I walked around the track there. The dirt and sand are easier on the knees than the sidewalks. Then I went grocery shopping. Wow. I could tell that it had been awhile since I did the shopping. I still forgot some things. Tomorrow is another day. I may not get an outdoor walk for a few days. There is rain in the forecast (maybe snow). Kaye
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    I also have just found this thread tonight and I have enjoyed reading about all of you. My name is June and I need to lose 110 lbs. :sad::cry: I started this past June 1, at 303 lbs. I weighed more before that but my scale would not read above that weight!!.:sad::mad: That motivated me to change my life. I am now at 250 lbs:happy: . and hoping to be close to 240 by Jan.1. My wish was to win the Powerball tonight, but as I have read that others have the same wish, I'd be happy to share!!:bigsmile: I have been stuck at my weight for over a week now and I feel somewhat discouraged. However, I know that it will budge shortly and drop 3 or 4 pounds within a weeks time. That is how mine works sometimes. Do any of you lose your weight this way? I look forword to getting to know you guys and hopefully, be more modivated to keep trying to lose this weight. June
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome new folks!

    Monday - gym & walking (done)
    Tuesday - walking (done)
    Wednesday - gym & walking (gym done, logged 3 miles AT WORK, so not trudging the 'hood tonight!)
    Thursday - walking
    Friday - Gym

    Whew! maybe typing it out all the time will keep me on track? seriously overdid yesterday, back to the MAGIC GREEN GLOOP (:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ) for lunch today!

    Wednesday wishes... honestly, just a bit of the powerball. I could stand to get out from under bills, and help some friends out with even harder things going on right now.

    Have a great evening, everyone!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys. Hope you are all doing well. For those that arent feeling so good right now hope you start feeling better soon. I dont really have much to talk about tonite. I am pretty tired. If I were to make a wish it would be for more patience as everything seems to be irritating me the last few days. I dont know how many times I have had to apologize for snapping. Oh well I know it is mostly due to tom so should be better in a day or so. So have a great day guys and I will cya later.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I also just came across this thread! My name is Miriah I am a 36 yr. old wife and mother of 2 and step mom to 1. I started at 304 lbs. in april of this year and have lost 96 (with help WLS) I have 65 and then some left to go. So I hope you'll have me. My Wednesday wish is to win some money or find some money or inherit some

    Please feel free to friend me as well!
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Wednesday Wishes:

    My wish for today is for my boyfriend to find a new job that he likes. He has become a completely different person since he took this job he is currently working. He is sad and mopey all the time now. He NEVER wants to do anything anymore except sleep. (And I can understand since he works nights) He has been snapping at me on the phone the last few days and today I finally went off on him. I felt really bad, but I am not a punching bag and I just had enough. I'm FINALLY getting over my depression and I really don't want to be dragged back down. I told him I was sorry I went off, but that even though he hated his job, it wasn't my fault and he needed to stop taking his frustrations out on me. I'm pretty sure he realized his mistake because he apologized to me and promised to be more understanding. I just hope it changes for good and not just for today.

    I went and ran for Day 2 of C25K today and I feel sooooooo much better. I forgot how much I really enjoyed just hitting the treadmill. They finally got them all fixed at our gym so I didn't have to fight for one! :) My friend Charla is supposed to be training with me for a 5k we have on Dec 14, but she has yet to start. Now that all the treadmills work, hopefully she will join me.

    I'm a little tired tonight so I think I'm about to finish watching Criminal Minds and then hit the bed. I hope everyone has a great night and congrats on all of the NSVs :)

    ~ Jana
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Wow, lots of new people! Welcome, everyone!

    My food log is all goofy right now. :ohwell: I've been craving carbs something furious so I fit them into my day which messed up my other macros. Not too worried about it though because I felt like I had to eat SOMETHING other than meat and vegetables. As long as I stay under my calories I'm happy!

    I appreciate the support about my family! Not too worried about what my mom said, she means well and it was her obtuse way of telling me not to worry so much and that if I gain weight over the holidays it will be OK. It was nothing compared to the conversation with my sister in law of "I sure hope you plan on going off your diet for Christmas so we can all have fun!" I pointed out that my 'DIET' is not a diet but a way of life and it's not so I can look slammin in a new pair of jeans. It's because I HAD A STROKE and can't eat like that any longer. I also told her that my eating has no impact on HER life and she should eat whatever the heck she wants.

    I soothed myself with shopping instead of eating. If I dont win the powerball tonight I'll be returning lots of clothes tomorrow :laugh: Not giving back the fuzzy fleece cloud patterned jammy set I got 'cause I LOVE it already and it was only 10.00 at Ross. In fact, I wonder if I can get away with wearing it to work tomorrow.... :noway:

    Fitness Goals
    Monday: Walk/Strength/Yoga - DONE!
    Tuesday: Walk - DONE!
    Wednesday :Walk/Strength/Yoga - DONE!
    Thursday: Walk
    Saturday: Walk
  • lgreen2009
    I am new to myfitnesspal and I am trying to lose 100lbs, I started this week and I have done so so with my caloric intake. I am finding myself starving at the end of the day. I am looking for some support. Any suggestions or advise? I am trying to lose 2+lbs per week. :smile: