Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 11



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    I'll be going into business with Bluenote and opening the first ever bed-based Pilates & Yoga studio :laugh: :tongue: :laugh:

    The only problem I have with the bed yoga is that I want to go to sleep during it! ROFL
  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    everyone is so inspiring, why I even exercised tonight before bed.

    Congrats especially to skinny mari, you are going to blow away!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    What's the challenge for this week?
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    The challenge this week is do pilates
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks lildebbie!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1398
    Exercise: Ummmmm. Fail. Although I did walk around 2 different Walmarts looking for a tennis racquet that would fit in my freakishly small hands. :laugh: And I practiced swinging them so much (to see which one felt best) that my arm is actually sore today (lame). Yeah -- missed my run because right after I got off work, bf and I went to go look at a couple of accordions some folks were selling (and I bought one so I FINALLY have an accordion that actually works, yay!) and then went to get tennis gear. We didn't get home until 10pm -- still not sure how that happened. And now I'm rambling about things completely unrelated to exercise.
    Water: Plenty
    Proud: We've taken the "tennis" idea a step farther -- now we both have racquets, we have 9 tennis balls, and we have matching headbands (Yes, we really really really really do! Yes, we're very aware we're huge dorks -- I guess we kind of revel in our dorkishness sometimes. :laugh:).

    I actually got up this morning to exercise. But instead of "phoning it in" on my stationary bike, I let Jillian Michaels KICK. MY. BUTT. It's been a few months since I did 30 Day Shred (and, yeah, I never made it past the first level -- I did level 2 once) and I was able to do so much more this time without feeling like I was absolutely going to die. I'd even venture to say I "followed Natalie" instead of Anita. I was almost impressed with myself. That is, until I finished and realized I could hardly lift my arms to wash my hair in the shower because my whole body felt like jello (still does). :laugh: I think I may try to do it every day for 30 days & see what happens (I *THINK*). :smile:
  • crispy1990
    Hi everyone :flowerforyou:

    Just sitting here at work, eating my lunch -( A very healthy homemade Veg ) and thought I had better check in.
    I was under my calories for yesterday (not by very many admittedly) but that was mainly due to my daughters nagging me to stay on the cross trainer for 40 mins..... It helped I had taped The Mentalist so it gave me something to watch :laugh:
    Water was well over but I don't seem to have a problem with drinking !:drinker:

    I really like the sound of bed yoga.......... I'll by the DVD
    Have a good day
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies:

    Tandriahall: Welcome to our fabulous and fun group!

    mstahl: I love Fresians! It sounds like you're going to have a busy summer with the granddaughter and the grandson, too? Wow! Good luck on the job and yes, ask for more money. I have a hard time doing it too but it paid off in my review this year. Oh, and what you said about eating slower to savor every bite is so true. I'm an ice cream junkie and used to always order a large and gobble it down only to feel unsatisfied and want more. Now, I order a small and make it last as long as I can and am way more satisfied when I'm done. Crazy how focusing on the food can make you want and need less.

    All of this talk about going through clothes is making me think I need to do another round of cleaning out my closet and drawers. Oh, and I suppose I should be trying on the spring/summer clothes to see what I'll need to buy!

    I'm a bit bummed that I didn't win either category of the weight loss challenge that finished last night, but I did come in third in both categories. Unfortunately, only the 1st place in each category won money. Boo! But, I honestly had two slacker weeks that probably wrecked it for me. On the plus side, though, in twelve weeks I lost 12 lbs and 8 inches, which isn't too shabby.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 311 left over
    Sodium: Over by 642 (and this was WITH Chinese food)
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: Rest night
    Proud: That I didn't snack when I wanted to. I actually opened the pantry, spotted doughnuts and immediately slammed the pantry door shut and walked as quickly as I could back to the couch. After a few minutes, I decided I was wasting time watching TV, so I went to bed and feel well rested this morning.

    Have a great day!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning, ladies:

    Tandriahall: Welcome to our fabulous and fun group!

    mstahl: I love Fresians! It sounds like you're going to have a busy summer with the granddaughter and the grandson, too? Wow! Good luck on the job and yes, ask for more money. I have a hard time doing it too but it paid off in my review this year. Oh, and what you said about eating slower to savor every bite is so true. I'm an ice cream junkie and used to always order a large and gobble it down only to feel unsatisfied and want more. Now, I order a small and make it last as long as I can and am way more satisfied when I'm done. Crazy how focusing on the food can make you want and need less.

    All of this talk about going through clothes is making me think I need to do another round of cleaning out my closet and drawers. Oh, and I suppose I should be trying on the spring/summer clothes to see what I'll need to buy!

    I'm a bit bummed that I didn't win either category of the weight loss challenge that finished last night, but I did come in third in both categories. Unfortunately, only the 1st place in each category won money. Boo! But, I honestly had two slacker weeks that probably wrecked it for me. On the plus side, though, in twelve weeks I lost 12 lbs and 8 inches, which isn't too shabby.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 311 left over
    Sodium: Over by 642 (and this was WITH Chinese food)
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: Rest night
    Proud: That I didn't snack when I wanted to. I actually opened the pantry, spotted doughnuts and immediately slammed the pantry door shut and walked as quickly as I could back to the couch. After a few minutes, I decided I was wasting time watching TV, so I went to bed and feel well rested this morning.

    Have a great day!

    Wow! 12 pounds and 8 inches in 12 weeks! That is sooo awesome!! :bigsmile: Even though you didn't win you definitely deserve to give yourself a huge pat on the back!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Heather - Sorry you didn't win the BL , but you are a looser :wink: 12 lbs and 8 inches is awesome!!!!

    Talking about clothes too...i am not at a point to necessarily throw any out yet, but I did the other day try a 24 Capri, i haven't worn them in probably 4 years...I put them on they fit, they could use a little more wiggle room, but i got them buttoned and that is an accomplishment !!!!!

    Was excited this morning i am down over a lb from friday and it is only tuesday :):) I can do it oh i can do it :)

    We bought some cantelope this weekend, i cut two of them up last night and had it for breakfast, it was really yummy but not sticking to me like the peanut butter and eng muffin i usally have, but now i don't want to have that too way too many cals for breakfast. I bought these 50 cals fiberone yogurts i might go have one of those.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    everyone is so inspiring, why I even exercised tonight before bed.

    Congrats especially to skinny mari, you are going to blow away!

    Thanks mom :blushing: remember to get some exercise every day if you can. :flowerforyou:
  • katimorris87
    katimorris87 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm Kati, and I'm about 226 right now. I'm so glad I found you all!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    For anyone who missed the challenge & Newbies, here is the original.......

    In case you missed it, Cris passed on the honors to me as she was the biggest loser for the past 2 weeks in a row - go Cris :drinker:

    So the challenge is to do some Pilates this week.
    It can be a class or a DVD or a TV show or something you find on youtube, doesn't matter.
    My sister gave me a pilates DVD and I've decided to try it this week and all my friends who do pilates regularly have killer bodies.
    It could be really good for all of you who have knee issues as I think lots of the moves are done while lying down.

    Best of luck

    So I did the pilates DVD this evening and as I suspected, it was all done lying down. Bluenote - you could totally do this in bed.
    The DVD that I followed didn't include anything that would aggravate a knee problem.....but......it was not easy.
    This is the first time I have tried Pilates and for all of you who are scratching your heads, it it something like yoga but all focused on your core, lots of stretching, everything I did was either lying on my back, side or stomach.
    There are tons of videos on you tube and the DVD I followed was by Mari Windsor.

    Momma - yes she was annoying going on about the powerhouse the whole time :laugh:

    Checking in for today:
    Calories 1188 so I'll find a little snack to get over 1200
    Water - 100oz
    Exercise - 40 mins of Pilates (approx 190 calories burned)
    Proud that I could do 40 mins

    I have a handy tool to share:
    Look in the bottom left of the page under "burn calories" They have a calculator for loads of exercises and day to day activities. Once you chose the exercise, it prompts you to enter your weight and level and duration and spits out how many calories you burn...... very handy.
    e.g. 35 minutes of moderate "playing with kids" for me, would burn 218 calories

    Cris - sorry your baby is sick, it will end eventually.....:sick: :sad:
    Mstahl - I think it's time that you started a mail order yogurt company!!!:laugh:
    I'll be going into business with Bluenote and opening the first ever bed-based Pilates & Yoga studio :laugh: :tongue: :laugh:
    Little JLB Spy - so happy for you and the small clothes!!!!! way to go you sexy mama.:flowerforyou:

    See you all tomorrow!

    Wow what an active group today/yesterday!

    welcome to all the newbies!

    Meokk, thanks for the new challenge...i found a couple of pilate vidoes, on youtube, for beginners. They look fairly simple..i said look..but i haven't tryed it yet. I will today.

    Cris: i hope your son get better soon...
    Lildeb: How is your family doing?..and way to go on reusing your wii fit..i have to get back on mine
    littlespy: congrates on resisting junk food and wearing smaller clothing...i have been stuck between 14-12 for the longest..i haven't seen a size 10 in like 15 years...hopefully soon!:laugh:
    awestfall: you go girl...keep doing what you are doing...before you know it you will be running that 8 miles you were talking about..:flowerforyou:
    Momma: you are such a big motivater...i love reading everyones posts...it's what keeps me going:flowerforyou: .
    Jess: welcome home for your trip! we missed you:heart:
    Mstahl: if you go into the yogurt buisness...don't i get some kind of commission for my recipie...lol...it make me very happy people are acutally doing things "homemade" instead of "storebought" I told you - you will be hooked :drinker:

    To anyone i missed sorry...didn't mean too...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I completed week 2 of c25k this morning. I'm starting week 3 tomorrow I think. I'm pretty nervous about this 3 minute jog! ANy suggestions or words of encourgement!? :noway:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    cHECK IN: 3/22/10
    WATER: 12 CUPS..96 OZ.

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Warning this is bit of a whine this morning.Ok so I had a bad weekend with food I ate pizza and crap all weekend and I did realize the scale would move up and I am ok with that because it was my fault I ate pizza this weekend.But up 7 pounds this morning HOW IS that POSSIBLE? I was up 5 pounds yesterday and an extra 2 today and granted I didn't eat perfectly yesterday but I didn't eat poorly either I stayed within calories and I exercised.I know that its not real weight but it is so frustrating when you lose one week and the gain the next.Also I am one of the lucky ones who gains weight twice a month because of PMS and Ovulation so that may be the culprit too(ovulation that is) but seven pounds REALLY:embarassed: :sad: :sad: Anyways I know it will go back down but I do also think its because of ovulation and my allergy problem making me feel so poorly but I am feeling better today and with that said I am going to go exercise.Does anyone else have this problem?I keep gaining and losing the same amount of weight and I know my weekend binges aren't helping so I am vowing today that I will no longer binge on the weekends and I will hold myself accoutable for everything (good or bad) that goes into my mouth.I will not eat poorly on weekends anymore because I am going to reach my goal and I am going to stop gaining and losing the same amount of weight over and over again I will be pushing my weight further down this time because I will not over eat this weekend or any other weekend for that matter.I wanted to say that here so you gals would remind me to stick to the healthy eating plan.Its just hard when my family says lets grab a pizza and go home.Especially when I am not feeling well and don't want to cook anything.OK I'M DONE!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Warning this is bit of a whine this morning.Ok so I had a bad weekend with food I ate pizza and crap all weekend and I did realize the scale would move up and I am ok with that because it was my fault I ate pizza this weekend.But up 7 pounds this morning HOW IS that POSSIBLE? I was up 5 pounds yesterday and an extra 2 today and granted I didn't eat perfectly yesterday but I didn't eat poorly either I stayed within calories and I exercised.I know that its not real weight but it is so frustrating when you lose one week and the gain the next.Also I am one of the lucky ones who gains weight twice a month because of PMS and Ovulation so that may be the culprit too(ovulation that is) but seven pounds REALLY:embarassed: :sad: :sad: Anyways I know it will go back down but I do also think its because of ovulation and my allergy problem making me feel so poorly but I am feeling better today and with that said I am going to go exercise.Does anyone else have this problem?I keep gaining and losing the same amount of weight and I know my weekend binges aren't helping so I am vowing today that I will no longer binge on the weekends and I will hold myself accoutable for everything (good or bad) that goes into my mouth.I will not eat poorly on weekends anymore because I am going to reach my goal and I am going to stop gaining and losing the same amount of weight over and over again I will be pushing my weight further down this time because I will not over eat this weekend or any other weekend for that matter.I wanted to say that here so you gals would remind me to stick to the healthy eating plan.Its just hard when my family says lets grab a pizza and go home.Especially when I am not feeling well and don't want to cook anything.OK I'M DONE!!

    Don't let it get you down. I'm sure it is the pizza and the good thing is it will come off quickly. I have been yo yoing back and forth between 5 pounds or so for what feels like forever! I finally got down to my lowest last week and am up a pound or two after this weekend. I have the same problem with eating poorly on the weekends. What I'm trying to do is slowly make changes on the weekend to get towards eating better. I am on the run a lot and meeting up with friends for lunches and or dinners and going out. Try making small changes. If your family wants pizza get a veggie style pizza and ask for light sauce. That alone with ligthen your calories, not so much your sodium so flush it out with water. If they want burgers offer a turkey burger maybe. Also limit yourself to how many pieces you have. Just small baby steps. I think eating poorly on the weekends is a big problem for many people and definitely takes time to conquor! Hang in there. You will get through it! :bigsmile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Awestfall - That 7 lbs will come back off, i am sure a lot is water weight..I am right there with you on the weekend binge...I relaly did feel much better after I ate and tracked this weekend vs the other weeks i did good during the week and blew it all on the weekend...an occasional splurge on the weekend is what I need to get into and not blowing the whole weekend...I have lost the ssame 7lbs since the 1st of the year....I am tired of those lbs and i am sure you are...you will get there just keep at it.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm still sick so I'm off work again today. This kinda sucks because I really need to save PTO (paid time off) for the mastectomy next winter - that was one of the reasons I put it off a year! :ohwell:

    Mrs. Fig was just outside in the rain and when she came back inside she suddenly realized I was still home up in our office and she barrelled up the steps, slamming into white walls with brown mud and tackled me. As soon as the OMGOMGOMGYOURHOMEYOURHOMEYOURHOMEOMGOMGOMG was done she remembered herself and sat quite sweetly batting her eyes at me - I'm totally sopping wet and covered in wet dog- mud and she's all "why mommy - you look a little damp?" - so really - having a couple teenagers around won't harm the house :laugh: :grumble: :laugh:

    When I got up this morning I weighed myself and the scale said 180.2 :noway: I carefully avoided my toothbrush and used the restroom then weighed myself again and it said 179.6. Holymotherof... I may never brush my teeth again! :huh: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    In the spirit of the new number on the scale, I tried on my size 14 Gap jeans (zero lycra) and I was able to button them up! MAJOR MUFFIN TOP and they look ridiculously tight in a not hot way - but they were on! At the beginning of the month I couldn't get the second button to latch no mater what I tried so this was a nice development! I know I'm kinda robbing April's weight loss by pushing things this week for the Biggest Loser weigh in but uhm... I'm ok with that:bigsmile: (please remind me I said that when I am sobbing in my beer for no real loss in April:sad: ) I'm going to go negative again today - hoping for about 1000 calories - and then after I weigh in tomorrow I'm going to keep up the extra exercise but eat all my exercise calories through the end of the month to make sure my body doesn't slide into starvation mode!!!:sick:

    OK was it Jess or Heather who opened their cupboard to find donuts? WHY DO YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF! Oh man I would purge (or have a friend purge) all those things out of my house! We have some chips we keep for Thursday night dinners but I know they have to be kept for that so I don't touch them - other than that we don't have any ready-made junk food. Mac n Cheese is my biggest threat LOL!

    I'm going to go for a walk, see if my stomach gets any better, and then shower off my wet-dog /post exercise yuck!

    Katiemea925 - welcome!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Katiemae: Welcome to our group!

    Jess: Congrats on your progress with C25K! You'll be fine and just remember that most of it is mental. Tell yourself you'll be fine and BELIEVE it and you will be. Any negative thoughts will be your only hindrance, so keep those away!

    Awestfall: I'm sure your weight gain has more to do with the sodium in the pizza than anything else. Drink lots of water to flush it out and remember that fruits and veggies with also give you increase water intake and will assist in flushing the body. We often forget that. I'm glad to hear you say (see you type?) that you know it's not real weight gain, so you're definitely making progress. I have been bouncing the same two pounds around for about three weeks now, so I definitely know how you feel.

    mstahl: I love your story about Mrs. Fig. She sounds like she has a TON of personality! Congrats on seeing that 179.6 on the scale; I wouldn't brush my teeth anymore either! Perhaps I should stop brushing my teeth because I always do so before I weigh in. As for the doughnuts, I don't buy junk food to have around the house ever. In this particular case, my mom and aunt made grandma's doughnut recipe for a family reunion and of course my mom brought some home. They're awesome and I"m limiting myself to having a few (they're small) for breakfast. I promise you I never actually buy doughnuts or junk food...this is a rare occasion to have it in my house!