Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wish- that my sore legs would stop hurting. They are still sore from Monday's work out. I should not complain but I don't like walking stiff legged or having it ache when I move. I saw my trainer tonight and told him about it- his response "congrats you did the squats rights and that is what you get for doing a leg workout." ME- Thanks but this is not an incentive to do squats again. I have already stretched and walked and biked to loosen the muscle but it is still tight. Mike- Try rowing and more squats that should help. ME- I did try them and it helped some but not enough.

    Oh Well- maybe a good night's sleep will help.

    Have a great day.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today went ok no major issues at work couple of times thought things were going to go crazy but just kept working around situations so ok. Bit exhausted but good. Iam also a bit sore I think from my Richard simmons tape.

    @MyMOwMOw great job of not going to food for comfort.
    @welcome all newbies.
    @Robin I hope the pain goes away

    Wishing everyone a good night.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wow! Lots of new people--welcome to all of you! :flowerforyou:

    Just a quick check-in as I was out late with friends. Had a delicious meal at a tapas restaurant--I'm sure I'm over goal, but probably under maintenance. Not even gonna try to log every little bite.

    Wed. Wish:
    That I get home in time to walk Gunner before my blood donation appt. tomorrow. :smile:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (weight machines and bike or stairmaster) NOT DONE
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner DONE!
    Wed--rest day (have a mtg after work and then dinner plans w/ friends)
    Thurs--walk gunner (giving blood)
    Fri--walk gunner + core work
    Sat--run outside w/ gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (weight machines and bike or stairmaster)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 49/49 AP essays DONE!!!
    2. 35/59 Scarlet Letter tests
    3. 22/22 vocab quizzes
    4. x/22 student ads
    5. x/11 Grendel analysis activities
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    Truths thursday.....honestly...the past two weeks I havent been busting it at the gym as i have been normally......I am out of town this weekend but need to get my *kitten* back to the gym 5 days a week starting on MONDAY. Would love for people to get on my *kitten* about it I dont want to lose momentum. Lost 2 lbs this week though down to 295. hoping making my goal of 285 by christmas or newyears is realistic. Even with this batchelorette weekend out of town im going to try to make good choices.

    Toots- I was tested for pcs about 2 years ago when i was given a general Obseity work up because my dr wanted to see how bad things were health wise with me....Luckily the one thing i have been blessed with is not developing many of the problems that come with thyroid problem or cholesterol problems or blood pressure or hypertension....which is why im more motivated to lose the weight before ne of those become an issue. So as far as i pcos...unless it can develop since then? not sure but if no baby by april going back for a full fertility workup.

    Janek.......My husband also has a job that he HATES. Theres days he comes home in such a bad mood I dont want to be anywhere near him but I learned that if you try to make him not focus on it he would get better and now his attitude isnt as bad.....See if you can encourage him to do things...maybe walks with you. A little nightly endorphins never hurt anyone....hope this helps.

    Mymowmow......I understand your frustration with unsupportive people in your life. My Best friend who is also my roomate currently has been NOTHING but negative about me working out and exerscising. I try not to let it bother me but it gets very discouraging at times. I hit a point where I had to stop caring what anyone else thought because I was doing this for me. Your doing an amazing job dont let anyones snarky comments stand in your way.
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Wow, I sure have missed a ton. Work has been so busy here that I haven't had a change to log in at all and my food choices have really hurt me. I've gained 10 pounds back, but today is a new day and my snack drawer at work is stocked with healthy snacks so I'm back on track today.

    Thursday truth - I haven't been working out like I should be and I'm not even taking the stairs as I was. I need to get back to doing that.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member

    Not much time for posting this morning. Super busy. This site was very motivating to me today. Read all posts and wish I had time to respond.

    My truth for today is that I dont even seem to be pretending to try., Know I need to get back on my depression meds but even that seems too difficult.

    Going shopping w/friends. Perhaps that will pull me out of this funk
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Thursday Truth: I haven't been good at all the past few months. This started oddly enough after I tried to run my first 5k. I guess it comes from getting injured during this race and not being able to run because of a foot injury then having problems with heal callouses. Since this started my weight has been at a stand still fluctuating between 285 and 295. For some reason I have an overwhelming indifference about the whole thing. Don't know whats changed but I need to get my head straight before i find myself back to 340 and miserable.The only upside is finding out that my wife has lost 15 pounds during her journey. Hopefully this gives me a little fuel for my fire. Sorry for being MIA just haven't been the chipper fired up go get'em person the way I was before. I am glad to see some familiar faces and some new ones though and I'm going to try to get on here again every day the way I was.
    Talk to you all later
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Really feeling good today after having a good day yesterday. I got home from work, bundled myselfup and took the dog for a walk. My goal right now is to get on a regular walking schedule with the dog and only skip a walk when it's below 25 degrees, raining, or there is a snow storm. All things that my dog does not enjoy walking in. She actually has a weight problem too, go figure.

    @KJeffries - I was feeling really down in the dumps for a few weeks and didn't want to make any effort to try at all. All you really need though is one good day to lift your spirits and get you back on the right track. Try making a commitment for a day and see what that does to your mood and outlook. I bet it will have a positive one. :)

    Truth - I'm going back to the basics. I think the reason I fell off the wagon in the first place is that I tried to do to much to quickly. I'm going to start slow and work on building in more and more healthy eating habits and exercise into my life rather than trying to reinvent the wheel all at once.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Pre-Friday! :bigsmile:

    We had lots of newbies check in yesterday, welcome to all of you!

    @Laurie~I’m so sorry for your leg pain from the squats, I hope it improves soon. If you have a hot tub at your gym, try sitting in there for a bit and doing some stretching – both of those things usually help me. Every time my trainer has me do lunges I can’t walk a day or two later – I’m one of those though that likes to hurt the next day, tells me I worked hard. :laugh:

    @Katrena~I’m sorry you’re struggling right now, there is nothing like retail therapy and hanging with a friend to help brighten your mood. Enjoy!

    @Kris~I hate it when I’m working so hard and people try to rain on my parade, as hard as it is I just try to ignore them and do what I need to do that is going to make me feel good.

    @ktaqt3399~PCOS can appear at anytime, it’s definitely worth discussing with your doctor again. Your goal for Christmas or New Year’s is totally attainable. Enjoy the bachelorette party this weekend!

    Thursday Truth~I’m sleeping horribly this week – averaging 5 hours a night and that is WITH melatonin! These metabolic issues combined with some other hormonal issues are wreaking havoc, surprisingly I still have enough energy to get through my workouts. I am .2 away from making my November weight loss goal, tomorrow is my “official” weigh in day so hope I make it – training session tonight so that should be a good caloric burn.

    Exercise this week:

    Monday~None, thanks to plumbing issues and having to work late.
    Tuesday~Run/Elliptical DONE!
    Wednesday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Saturday~Outside Run (I hope)

    @Christine & Toots~Interesting things about the dreams. I actually don't remember most of mine, but have noticed that when I take melatonin to help me sleep my dreams are more vivid. Christine, glad you are feeling mroe like yourself.

    see what i'm getting from this vibe from these answers. if we are sleeping hard, for whatever reason, we get the wonky dreams. it's a revelation.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thursday Truth: I haven't been good at all the past few months. This started oddly enough after I tried to run my first 5k. I guess it comes from getting injured during this race and not being able to run because of a foot injury then having problems with heal callouses. Since this started my weight has been at a stand still fluctuating between 285 and 295. For some reason I have an overwhelming indifference about the whole thing. Don't know whats changed but I need to get my head straight before i find myself back to 340 and miserable.The only upside is finding out that my wife has lost 15 pounds during her journey. Hopefully this gives me a little fuel for my fire. Sorry for being MIA just haven't been the chipper fired up go get'em person the way I was before. I am glad to see some familiar faces and some new ones though and I'm going to try to get on here again every day the way I was.
    Talk to you all later

    Awesome about your wife's weight loss, sorry to hear that you are struggling though. There seems to be a lot of that going around lately - maybe everyone has the holiday season blues? Injuries can have such a way of setting us back, making it hard to get back into the race - we just need to learn to push through and make new goals for ourselves. Glad you checked in, hang in there - you CAN (and will) do this!!!

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Day Everyone!

    Thursday truth..... I am tired of my bf being lazy and playing the victim all the time. Yes, he has heart issues but he refuses to take his meds cuz they make him sleepy so we are headed back to hospital before he has a heart attack. He also has changed no eating habits like the doctor suggested. Weight loss wise I maintained through turkey holiday which is awesome.
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    Happy Day Everyone!

    Thursday truth..... I am tired of my bf being lazy and playing the victim all the time. Yes, he has heart issues but he refuses to take his meds cuz they make him sleepy so we are headed back to hospital before he has a heart attack. He also has changed no eating habits like the doctor suggested. Weight loss wise I maintained through turkey holiday which is awesome.

    Not really knowing the kind of relationship you have i can only offer expierience. This was similar to a situation i encountered with my husband at the time we were dating.....he was in bad health and ignored drs warnings of bettering his health. I sat him down told him I loved him but if he wanted any chance of progressing withthe relationship he had to get his health under control. Not because i was trying to control him but because I wanted to ensure that he was going to be around for me to grow old with....kinda turned on a bulb in his brain because he got with the program
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots- I was tested for pcs about 2 years ago when i was given a general Obseity work up because my dr wanted to see how bad things were health wise with me....Luckily the one thing i have been blessed with is not developing many of the problems that come with thyroid problem or cholesterol problems or blood pressure or hypertension....which is why im more motivated to lose the weight before ne of those become an issue. So as far as i pcos...unless it can develop since then? not sure but if no baby by april going back for a full fertility workup.

    ah, well, you'll certainly know then. it took me six years to get pregnant with my last. so i feel your pain. thankfully i had one before my problems set in and it was easy to get pregnant the first time.
  • steffylynnxox
    can someone help me whoop my butt in gear!!!????!!! I have absoloutly zero motivation anymore :cry: ... im getting really depressed again for no reason, and my therapist thinks im developing an eating disorder :angry: :indifferent: :embarassed: :frown: ... i really want to eat healthy and stay on top of things here but im having a really hard time... i think i need to try to rely on you guys a bit... anyone willing to help?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome to our newbies who checked in yesterday! :flowerforyou: I hope you come back often and share your journeys with us! You've found good friends here!

    I'm not going to do personals today but I'm commiserating with all of you having problems with the black cloud of depression. I know how that fellow is! Even with being on anti-depressants, it doesn't take much, health-wise or otherwise, to bring him around for me. Its an ongoing problem..... but there's some comfort knowing so many of us are dealing with it. It must be the human condition to not be happy all the time, to struggle with finding our "get up and go" spirit....every day.....but we must keep trying, and I'm proud of each and every one of you for doing just that! :heart:

    Thank you for all the heartfelt wishes that my health improve. The prednisone is working and I am moving again without much difficulty - but I got socked last night with the flu! OH JOY! :laugh: I'm hoping all of you stay healthy and glad we are not in physical contact!
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    Feel better robin
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    WooHoo, I am feeling better!!! Actually did dishes last night and took a shower this morning. Have been doing my laundry and about 4PM I'm taking Belle for a walk. I have now joined the 21st century, my son bought me a Galaxy Nexus updated cell phone. It is going to take this lady forever to figure it all out:embarassed: Now to prod my son who told me he would get me a fitbit to follow through this and I will be one ecstatic grannie! My eating is going great even though I'm running low on provisions, DIL is going to store for me tomorrow. Missing my WW dark chocolate raspberry ice cream bars:sad: Going to make some pistachio sugar-free pudding for my snack tonight. I am praying for all of those who are feeling blue, this time of year with the time change, increased darkness and cold weather doesn't help one's state of mind. Looking forward to a nice weekend here in KC with mild temps, Hmm, old-timers just set in and I can't remember what our Thursday post is...oh well, I guess I'll do it later, that happens.

    @doug, good to hear from you, stick with us bud, Aug and Tom need all the help they can get with all us females around. You can do this.

    To all those struggling, I know the feeling from having come off that a week or so ago. My kick in the butt to you all is JUST DO IT!!! Doing it one minute, one hour, one day at a time, you will be back in the motivation game. As the old saying goes "fake it until you make it." Love you all.


    PS be back when I figure out the Thursday thing, it is bugging me.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Robin -- good luck with walking! My running shoes and cross trainers are both New Balance and they're so comfortable! The Wii is great when the weather's not so good; once you get it set up it's so easy. And hey, you'll get some exercise sorting out that spare room cupboard, won't you? Hope you're feeling better soon.
    @erinnstreeter -- I was surprised by how much Zumba was like a more exercisey sort of bellydancing. So you might try that. It's supposed to burn a bazillion calories if you do it properly. Of course I can't do it properly!
    @spookytune -- I got some really serious sulks from my family when I first instituted portion control. But it's better for all of us. It's not like we aren't still eating plenty.
    @Katie -- welcome! You've done very well already. My children are such blessings; I wish you all good luck in having your own.
    @Aug -- best wishes for your family, and feel free to vent here. I have to have loads of blood taken these days, and it does get tedious.
    @Christine -- thinking of your friend; hope she's recovering well.
    @Lin -- so cute having a smilie on every personal! I've started scribbling down some of my dreams in my diary. Because if I describe the mental image then I can remember it forever; otherwise they're gone in a flash. Isn't that strange?
    @June, Miriah -- welcome!
    @Tammy -- Hope you're not so tired soon...
    @Jana -- sorry that your boyfriend isn't enjoying his job. Nights can be really hard. How long has he been there? He might still be adjusting, or it might be time for him to say 'enough' and find something else.
    @Kris -- I get this 'surely you're not dieting tonight?' thing. I point out that I'm not dieting *at all*, I'm just logging what I eat and not overeating. Why would I want to overeat? It's not a particularly pleasant feeling (except *right when you are doing it*...) Not, mind you, that I don't want to look slammin' in a new pair of jeans.
    @lgreen -- Welcome! Starving at the end of the day wears off, though if you have your settings at 2lb+ a week it might not. My settings are at 1lb a week and I'm finding it pretty ok so far. Do try to do some exercise almost every day; I started just with 30 minutes of Wii Fit or walking, and now I'm running, doing badminton, Zumba, all sorts.
    @LaurieK -- I guess your trainer is right that muscle soreness is good for you. The good news is that if you keep doing your squats it will stop hurting so much. I remember my yoga teacher saying ok, it should not hurt now (Monday). It should hurt a bit tomorrow, and a lot on Wednesday, and then get better. If it's still hurting on Saturday, you overdid it a bit. That was *all over* not just sore legs! Otherwise, long hot baths and ibuprofen.
    @Karen -- ooh I love tapas!
    @Katrena -- I'm sorry that you're not well. Can you get one of your friends to check in with you each day, make sure you're taking your meds, and generally look after you?
    @Doug -- good to see you back. Posting's the first thing. I think it's very easy to overdo exercise and then miss it terribly when you're injured. "Weight at a standstill" means that you're maintaining, more or less. And that's really good. Like with so many of the people here, you should be so proud of what you've done!
    @nzenczak -- walking's such fantastic exercise, and your dog will enjoy it too.
    @steffylynnxox -- OK, so what's the problem? Are you trying to lose too fast? I think MFP can set to lose as little as half a pound a week, and that might be easier. You can do lots of exercises about thinking why and what you eat, and visualisations of what it's like to be fitter and have more energy. When I started logging the food I was eating, I genuinely wasn't dieting; I planned to spend two weeks just keeping a note of the stuff I ate to spot where the problems lay. What I found was that the food I was eating was basically ok, I was just eating far too much of it; I stopped pretty quickly. So you could do that, and then see if you can spot some trends. Exercise may help alleviate mild depression, too. Are you making sure to get a bit of walking in? You have done fantastically already! And you can do this thing.

    Well, did any of you win the Powerball?

    Thursday Truth: well, we had a long chat today with my son's support team in school (he has Asperger). He does so well at some things! And is completely hopeless at others. He struggles with any work that's open ended, but if they give him a worksheet he just zips right through them. His maths today was a list of problems; so I wrote it out as a worksheet and he just did it all straight off in about two minutes. So next time I'm going to start to teach him how to write out a worksheet for himself! I wonder if we can do that for some of the other subjects too.

    And my weekend is so full. I want to squeeze a long run in but I don't think it can possibly happen. The only time that really works is right when I'll be getting up on Sunday after a really late night Saturday. Hrrm. So. Monday. Can I run 4 miles on Monday? I could run to IKEA and get a free coffee...

    Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

    -- Alison
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Great post, Boho. You touched on something that is so important I am going to repeat it. People use the tools that are available to you to move on down this road! The biggest tool you have is your imagination. As Allison put it so well, please use visualization DAILY it is a wonderful habit to get into. You can visualize your self 10 minutes in the future - putting that fork or spoon down and walking away from your meal - visualize there still being food on the plate ( and that is not a sin!!! :noway: ) it is a must do! in our world! VIsualize throwing that food away!

    Visualize yourself 4 hours in the future when you take off for your walk or your trip to the gym. Visualize yourself at the end of the day going through a destressing routine and see how relaxed you will become. Visualize yourself in a month with several pounds off. Visualize yourself in a year with major weight off - and in completely different clothes.:love:

    When you are depressed or blue, when things are really getting me down, this little trick helps me turn things around, and I can get going again, if only for the day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Thursday truth - there are so many things that I could say but ya know, I don't think any of them would be that helpful to reveal to the universe. Say it and you make it your truth. Right? :flowerforyou:

    I'm just going to extend another wish to those who feel they are not living their best life, not succeeding, feeling ill, down or defeated that for you things change, circumstances change, you find the support here to change. :heart:

    And if that doesn't work, consider yourself KICKED IN THE BUTT. :glasses: We can do this thing. :glasses: We can take care of ourselves. :glasses:

    DRINK THAT WATER. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    We haven't had water tag here for a long time.

