
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    You know, sometimes the scale can really be weird. This morning after going potty and not having breakfast, I weighed 135. Then I did some yoga (still hadn't had breakfast) and weighed myself again, this time the scale said 132.5. So I recorded the 132.5 Wonder why this happens?

    DeeDee - I'm with you, I absolutely hate going shopping when the store has a crowded parking lot and the roads are jammed. I love shopping, but I hate having to do it when it's crowded. Glad you and your daughter had such a great day, sounds wonderful. Things like that make those crowds worth it.

    My Decmeber goal will be to maintain, not gain much. To me, that's reasonable.

    At first I wasn't going to go to the mahjongg lunch next Friday, but after talking to the gal, I think I just may. I won't go to the secret santa reveal lunch. If I'm asked, I'll say that I'm planning on it, but I'm really not going to go. The last thing I need is another holiday lunch. We're going to lunch with the Newcomers this Thursday. The place has their menu online so I'll pick out some decent things. The place where they're having the mahjongg lunch has some decent items you can pick from but they give you so much. Last time I got a turkey sandwich and wound up bringing half of it home. The problem is that by the time I got to eating the other half of the sandwich, the bread had started to dry out.

    MumofaDuo - now that you've posted, the thread will be under your "my topics" tab. Just click on that, and you'll come right here.

    LindaSundance - good for you getting to the gym! I'm so sorry to read all that you're going thru with the workman's comp. How frustrating! Well, look on the bright side -- it helps get you to the gym to work out those frustrations if anything.

    Lizzie - that's wonderful that you exercised during the holidays. Keep it up!

    gardendolly - just jump right in, the water's great!

    BabyJago - welcome! I agree, menopause is difficult -- not impossible -- just not as easy when we were in our 20's. I like your holiday mantra. Some people just can't have a taste, I can usually handle a taste. Unfortunately, I've also found that so many people and places made big cookies or cut up big pieces of candy, many times I need to cut them in half. But for me, a little taste works. It really doesn't work for me to have the remainder on my plate in front of me, but if I throw out the other 1/2, I'm fine.

    pwittek - tell us more about yourself. Congrats on the great weight loss. Is there some special thing that you did?

    Joan - we're glad you found us. Keep logging in for more support than you'll know what to do with.

    kathy - welcome! Glad you found us. I'm sure there are people on here who use a pedometer and will readily help you out.

    katla - your goals sound very logical, especially since this is the holiday season. Alls we can do is try our best and hope for the best.

    Well, I'm going to post this mainly to mark my place

    Not sure that I'll be able to get back on today. Everyone, have a great day. I'll try to log in tonight, but I'm not sure about that either.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
  • Hello I am new sorta- I saw the 50+ and thought YAY more like me :) Ill be 50 in a couple of weeks but trust me my body is 50+ =O Ok goals for December- I have two- one is getting in more water- I find it very hard to do when its cold out and second- to get into a reg. indoor exercise routine because I also find that tough when its cold outside. :)

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    *bump* :flowerforyou:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Does December have to be Dictated by the Devouring of Delectable sweet Delicacies? Do something Desirable for yourself and make the Decision to Decline those Devilish Desserts. Think Dainty. :wink:

    Happy Saturday morning everyone, it's cold here in Portland after a rip-roaring storm last night. I was able to get some work done yesterday in the garden, digging some drainage ditches and burying the compost piles with dirt. I still have to take down a lot of plants, so if weather permits I might gear-up later today and get some of that done.

    Other than that I'll be giving the house the once-over, walking dogs as usual, and doing a bit of recording in the studio. A friend asked me to help her with a song she'd like to record as a gift for her beau, so I'll play the guitar tracks and she'll come next week to lay down the vocals.

    I've been busy making Christmas cards and will soon start packaging jars of jam for shipping in the next week or so. I might need to make one more batch of blackberry/plum. Busy time of year!

    It feels good to be starting my 3rd year here on MFP. I fully intend to spend less time thinking about food and more time with my music and art!

    Wishing you all a warm, wonderful day. :flowerforyou: Bundle up! Brrrrr!

    :smile: jb
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Barbie - the leader of the pack! You have the most inspiring beginnings for the new month. Makes me think: New month, new day, new beginning. It's like a do-over. If I didn't accomplish my goals in Nov then I get a new beginning. Thank you for your dedication to the thread.
    Linda - so sorry you're having to deal with all the frustration of the WC issues. Seems like it's always next week which turns into next week, etc. Stay strong and keep the faith.
    Mumofaduo - what's your name? If you ca walk 60 miles in 3 days you're my super hero, What a wonderful accomplishment. You go girl!
    Lizzy - knew you were from LA/MS when I saw your "whoDat" That is a Saints thing. It's good to have some one who gets cold at 60! Me too! Born in New Orleans but have lived all over with AF husband but now in Texas.
    Gardendolly - great to hear from Merry Ole England. I lived in Essex County for three years.I'm also a golfer. Played 4 holes on Tuesday (it was 43 degrees so we quit) and 18 yesterday 78 degrees. Crazy weather in Texas. I also love to garden and most of mine is "asleep" right now.
    Joan - welcome to the group. Like you I'm new but found this group by accident and am so thankful. Love the support and love shown here.
    Kathy - when you get that pedometer working you'll be surprised how many steps you take each day with all that stair climbing. I bet some guy where you work would love to show little ole you how it works!
    Lin - good thoughts for you as you deal with the stressful situation. It's like a rock throw in the water, you can see the ripples long after the initial hit. Good for you for sharing and trying to help your friend. Someone will repay you in kind.
    Goals: I let November get the best of me and I'm determined to stay on track in December.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Actually, I wasn't finished yet! (1) log my food everyday and stay within calorie goal (2) Plan my days when I have holiday functions so accomplish goal #1. (3) Enjoy the holidays in moderation. (4) Drink more water. (5) Get in exercise everyday. (could be picking up pecans, its' good for the waist!). I know I need to be more specific and I'll work on that one.

    Michele - I love how you give support an encouragement to everyone.
    OK, ready, it's a new day. Go for it.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    On my way to zumba...so bump for later.
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Happy December, Y'all! :happy:

    here are my goals for December:

    try to maintain, not gain.

    continue to go to physical therapy, and to go to the gym on my own at least twice a week.

    try to not go back to Maggie's Bakery and buy more cookies..... they are the BEST..... (sigh)
    i really messed up yesterday by buying those cookies.....

    work as hard as i can on getting stronger so my doctor will let me go back to work

    keep focused on the Reason for the Season--- it's NOT about me....

    read the posts as often as possible to keep motivated to make the RIGHT choices

    i think that'll do it for now...

    have a GREAT day!

    Janie :flowerforyou:
  • I'm also new at this - not sure if I'm doing it right. But i would like to follow a group to keep me motivated through the holidays. I'm 62, and feeling my age more than I want to. My biggest downfall is cookies, and my first holiday party is next week already. I'm going to try to put that saying about "what I want most" on my phone wallpaper so it will be staring at me every time I look! I also need to get real about exercising regularly, which is difficult for me because I have two jobs that are both substitute-on call jobs. My schedule is different every day and there is just no way to plan ahead for anything. But getting in shape is my number one goal, so to the gym I must go.
  • Wol5894
    Wol5894 Posts: 127 Member
    My goals for December are:

    1. Try to lose 35 lbs in time for Christmas - I've lost 33.5 already, so only 1.5 to go; I only need to lose 0.5 lbs per week to get there;

    2. Keep logging every day - even Christmas Day and definitely on the 4 days I have between now and Christmas when I have to go to events that I cannot avoid.

    3. Try to drink more water - I just about make 4 glasses a day (How big ARE the glass sizes on here - anyone know?). The rest of my fluids are made up of tea and coffee

    4. Try to exercise as much as I can but at least 10 minutes per day, bearing in mind my arthritis, which can get quite bad during the colder weather.

    I'm not setting myself huge goals because the ones above are SMART to me - Specific, Manageable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-limited.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Wol5894, I like your SMART goals; they sound reasonable to me that's why my goal for December is simple - to show a loss for the month - any loss in December is a big accomplishment.

    My work schedule is always changing daily and some days can be pretty demanding of my time. Usually December gets quiet and stays that way until after the first of the new year but not true this year. I am busy; busy is good.:happy:

    Like Jane, I aim to keep the reason for the season in focus which is why last night's Women of Faith Christmas was so special. A spectacular presentation which far exceeded my expectations (I am a big fan of WOF conferences) and heard the gospel too. If I could just figure out how to post video I would share a couple of clips. I may have to leave the YouTube url for those interested. I learned that Point of Grace and I share something in common. We both attended our first Women of Faith conference 15 years ago.

    Pat, welcome to the group. If you are looking for motivation you sure came to the right group :bigsmile:

    Now that I have been to Pancakes for Santa, fundraiser for a local women's league (my profile pic is from last year's event) I need to turn my focus to some marketing materials I need to get done. December - the most wonderful time of the year! :bigsmile:
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Good Morning Ladies from Missouri

    I did Ok with my Nov. goals and managed to lose some pounds despite the Thanksgiving holiday meals.:drinker: :drinker:

    Barbie: I also loved your inspiring words for us. We need to be reminded that If we goof up, we just need to get back on track! Each month is a new beginning as is each day. :heart:

    Linda: I hope you get some resolution to your WC issues real soon. Keep strong and I will definiately keep you in my prayers.

    edraper: How is Zumba working out for you? Do you go to classes? I have bought the DVD's to do it at home. May not be as much fun, but I can't afford to drive 40 miles to a Zumba class. Hopefully, I will be able to use the DVD's to workout daily and do some strength training too. Must be modivated. Would you be my friend and keep my going?

    Michele: You are good for our morale. Thank-you!

    Kathy: I just ordered a pedometer and hope I will be able to figure it out to. Maybe two heads will be better than one. I will let you know how mine works after I get it here, if I know!!

    Welcome to all the newbies. This is a great group of gals who are very supportive and encouraging when things get tough for us all. Just log in and spill your thoughts out to us. We will listen and help where we can.

    jb: I loved your:
    "Does December have to be Dictated by the Devouring of Delectable sweet Delicacies? Do something Desirable for yourself and make the Decision to Decline those Devilish Desserts. Think Dainty."
    I will make a big copy of this quote and tack it up of me to see everyday of this month!! It will work for February too!! Thank-you for the inspiration!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Everyone has such good goals. I hope everybody mets or exceeds each and everyone of them!

    OK My Dec. Goals: Yesterday was such a beautiful day and today is so yucky, hence, my first goal reflects this comment.

    1) Stay in a positive frame of mind, regardless of the weather, the holiday stresses, or the numerous bumps in the road that one encounters.

    2) Exercise daily if I can, but try to get in at least 5-6 days of 45 to 60 mins. of good cardio and strength exercises. Can't wait till Zumba gets here!!!

    3) Try for a 10 pound loss by Jan. 1, but be happy with whatever weight loss I do manage because it will be less than I was on Nov.1!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    4. Log into MFP everyday, record all foods I eat (good, bad, ugly, fattening, etc,), and drink water...water...water and then so more water!!!

  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,252 Member
    Im new here but glad to be here...Its December and christmas is coming..I want to lose about 10 lbs by christmas..I hope I can do it..Im in a special group "50 lbs by christmas" and Ive lost about 38 lbs so far so 10 more lbs will put me almost at 50 and my goal..hope I can do it...trying to do more exercising and walking..I don't do strenuous exercising but trying more walking and maybe bike riding..we'll see how the bike ride goes today...its been a while..ha ha...good luck all ..happy december..
  • carolmsb
    carolmsb Posts: 44 Member
    Greetings from Maryland !

    I need this site so much. What a blessing.
    I joined -for a day in April. :ohwell:

    Have been renewed in spirit and motivation reading this thread.
    I'm going to keep my goals short and sweet (with Truvia)...

    1. Sign in everyday and keep diary.
    2. Walk 30 minutes/3 times week (and hopefully more)
    3. Get a scale ! :frown:
  • carolmsb
    carolmsb Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you Thank you Thank you All
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy December! :flowerforyou: I really want to start looking like my picture again. Back to the beginning for me.

    Has anyone read Suzanne Somer's book Sexy Forever? The title did not necessarily grab me, however what she promotes I would not mind having some comments on. I have just started reading it and it starts off with a bang about toxins and genetically modified foods. How does one go about truly finding organic and non-genetically modified foods?

    :heart: Renny
  • msteresao
    msteresao Posts: 114 Member
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    OK all, here goes....
    I looked at my November goals and I think I only got a C, and I’m not losing weight at all!!!!!, :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: I have totally plateaued for the month of November. Only a pound difference from start to finish and today Dec 1 I am actually up (but I think that is sodium and I’ll drink that away today for sure). :drinker: :drinker:

    December goals
    more fibre in diet
    exercise increase
    MAINTAIN weight under 140 for December - if I lose any, so much the better!!!
    enjoy the Christmas experience with family – live in the moment

    I’m going to go easy on myself for this month and just try to keep from going in the wrong direction. I feel really bummed this morning,:sad: even though I did have a good time at the Xmas party last night, my stomach is upset and I’m feeling very icky this morning. I’m hoping that as I read the posts, I will feel better again (sorry to sound like I’m putting that on you guys, I’m really not, - I’m fully accountable for my own results).

    Linda Sundance – love to hear you’re doing the gym every day – great work! :flowerforyou: cannot believe how rotten your WC and Employer’s Health system is! I can’t imagine how angry I would be at your situation – however, I really admire the way you are coping. Keep on loving yourself because we all love you here too.:heart::heart:

    WELCOME to all the newbies, happy to have you join us and share your stories.

    Katla – how are you feeling? Are you over the nausea etc?

    Lin – what a great NSV that you inspired your friend (even when you didn’t know it you were being a role model). That must make you feel good for her and yourself.

    Barbie – I’m going to tattoo that saying on my forehead (well, figuratively instead of literally) about
    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT." It wouldn’t fit anyway and the wrinkles would make it probably say something different than intended. I like Suebdew’s vision of you as leader of the pack (both the dogs and us here).

    Wol5894 – glasses are 8oz (or 250ml) if you’re a Canuck. I sense some strategic planning background in your SMART goals – lol.

    Renny – I wish there was some way to know what is GM. Here In Canada there is a move afoot to require GM labeling but it is definitely being fought against by the big farm groups. Probably one of the reasons a lot of people are turning to the home garden movement and home preserving again. Organic is a little easier here because there are some specific requirements to label products as organic.

    Well all, I’m going to go and do some dog walking :smile: and then housework :tongue: and see if the fresh air picks up my mood a bit. Tomorrow is going to be a trip to the States for an outing so I might not check in.

    Hope you all have a good day and keep the faith (in all ways).