5'8" Ladies, what's your ideal weight?



  • im 5'8" and i cant imagine myself at tha recommended "healthy" BMI weight of 140, my weight in my profile pic was 190 (my highest), i think i carry my weight very well. My ideal weight is 160-165... i like my "jelly" jus want it tightened up lol
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    My goal weight is 12 stone as that would be a massive reduction (nearly 7 stone). However my ideal is 10 and a half stone. I've not been below that since being an adult despite some pretty drastic dieting as a teenager.
  • StephS77
    StephS77 Posts: 4
    I'm about 5'8" and currently 191.5, down from 203.4 four months ago. My goal is to get to 160. Although back in the day before kids(14 yrs ago) I was always about 150 to 155. People say i carry my weight "well" whatever that means when I'm nearly 200 lbs but I guess its because I'm more of a medium build.
  • anile2012
    anile2012 Posts: 10
    Im now 70kg (154 pounds, i guess? :P) My goal is to lose another 5-10kg. I try not to look the scale that much :D Just want to get rid of all the wobbly bits :P
  • hannahlclrk
    hannahlclrk Posts: 66 Member
    i am 5.8 and 161, and a size 10,12, and im really struggling. i cant seem to shift any thing, which i thoight would be easy since im so close to being actually over weight? any advice welcome!!! x
  • ksyp92
    ksyp92 Posts: 46 Member
    im 5'8 and weigh 154 pounds now.. the highest i ever was 182 and that was my freshman year in high school.. the lowest i can ever remember weighing was like 143 lbs but i was like 5'4 and 10 years old lol. i would be content around 145 since i am only 20 i guess i dont really know what my ideal weight is because i was so overweight my whole childhood
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm 5'8". My goal weight is 150-155 or so.
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    I am 5'8" and have never had an acceptable weight so I do not have anything to really base my ultimate goal weight on. I basically just took the range that is acceptable for me and went for the middle, so my goal weight is 140. As I get closer to that value, I will see how I look and go from that.
  • sdumma
    sdumma Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 5'8 1/2 and weight in at 166.6 lol
    I would feel fantastic at 160, but my ultimate goal would be 150-155lbs. But that seems a little far fetched and I might loose my curves...so maybe 155 is more ideal. I love my booty :wink:
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    i got down to 127 but would like to see 125, tho thats probably unrealistic and maybe even unhealthy, id be happy to maintain around 130 but with less body fat
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    165-170 lbs or 24% body fat. I'm 179 now, 28.9% body fat and wear a size 12.
  • I am older than you but I am 5' 7 1/2" and I have weighed as little as 117 at age 20 (too skinny) and as much as 204 at age 50 (too fat). I feel around 145-150 is slim enough for me. Right now I am at 156 and it feels great but I plan on getting down to 150 and checking that out. On me it is a size 10 and my doctor says with my frame I should be around size 10 no smaller than an 8.
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    My ideal weight is 155-159. I got to my goal weight of 164, but I still have some more fat to lose - especially under my arms and in my middle. Currently balancing calorie intake with cardio and strength training to reduce my body fat.
  • justdoit52
    justdoit52 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'8 and currently weigh about 134 pounds, I'm aiming for 124, although for me it's just more about how I look and feel, then the actual number on the scale.
  • Melanie858
    Melanie858 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'8" currently at 168lbs but hoping to get to around 158-160lbs. Any lower than that I don't think would suit my body shape!
  • I'm 5'9"...figure I'm close enough to 5'8" to reply =P. My ultimate goal is to get back down to 140ish. The calculator you posted put my medically ideal weight at 129-169. I was happiest with my weight/appearance at 140. 130 was just too skinny for me and 150 scared me, lol. Body type has a lot to do with the numbers on the scale, too.
  • Well, I'm 5'8 and 133Ibs with a goal weight of 120Ibs
  • Hey there, im currently wanting to be 149 lbs....but going througha bad binge eating time! Tell my head no but before i know it im in the cereal box! Sooo bad for it!

    10and a half stone for 5ft 8 is perfect i think, curves and not a stick hehe!
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    I am 5'8 and have been around 185 for the past little while (tried and failed "dieting" over and over)... I have five kids though so my body has taken a beating. My lowest was 142 and I looked VERY skinny and unhealthy. My Healthy looking weight is around 155lbs. That is my goal. ;) just joined this site.. and loving it so far.. very easy to use.
  • purpleroxmysocks
    purpleroxmysocks Posts: 137 Member
    5'8" I am aiming for 140, I don't want to be too skinny :/