40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Boy, Sunny, you have really mean friends. LOL

    HA, Mean, mean, mean friends, sounds like you know them ... but we LOVE LOVE LOVE the cats. (okay, we love the friends too).
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    Vacations are on the mind...I just emailed my husband the price for plane tickets to Peru - as a joke. I like to fantasize about going to the interesting places I want to travel to (and hopefully catch him off guard and have him say great idea!) HA

    Glad today is sliding into Friday. I'm looking forward to the weekend. Time to start cleaning up the backyard to make it civilized for people to come over on Easter.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Last night shift of the week! Only 6 more hours and my weekend will be starting. TGIF...

    Reporting day folks! I've been pretty good with my eating tis week. Since I am on night shift, no wine (or pretzels) this week. I did not do as much strength training as usual, but my cardio is up. I biked nearly each day and did some hiking. My clothes continue to get looser, which is always a positive sign. With 9 weeks to go, I am in pretty good shape.

    Zebras, where in Maine are you staying? We have friends in Yarmouth and relatives in Lewiston. We try to get up to New England each year. My wife is from Merrimac, MA.

    Tamarads, you are right about Alf being from San Antonio. By the way, she should be coming home from PR pretty soon.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,800 Member
    Hi singfree! Sorry to see you are working nights again, but the weekend is coming soon. :drinker:

    Friday check-in.....I've decided not to weigh myself again after the conversation earlier this week. I'm not going to measure myself either. I had a good week working out. I had a good week eating. I feel pretty good (though I'm still having some low energy days, though today isn't one of them). I tried on some clothes that I'll be wearing in Hawaii yesterday, and they all fit. :drinker: We are going to be attending a conference while we're there (so it isn't ALL vacation), and we have (yet another) formal event to finish the week. I tried on the dress I want to take, and I can honestly say it was the first time I looked in the mirror since we moved and said to myself 'Boy, my arms look strong'. They're beginning to look more like they do in my profile photo now (even though I'm not as lean), and that makes me feel good.

    I did a tough workout this morning--90 minutes of interval drills. I was wiped out. But the sun is shining, the sky is blue, so I'm headed out for a long walk. They were predicting snow for yesterday, but we didn't get it. But it is so nice to have the sun shining that I want to be outside in it.

    I'm definitely going to take some of your advise, singfree, about cleaning up my diet over the next few weeks. The one area where I've gained is around my belly (which isn't like me). I think that is from eating too many carbs. So I'm going to try to cut some of those out over the next couple of weeks to see if I can't trim my mid-section down a bit. If it isn't the carbs, then I think it might be that I'm over-training those muscles. I'm hoping to figure out what is going on there soon because I don't like having a big belly. :grumble:

    Hope everybody has a great Friday! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, it's uncanny how even a few extra carbs can add to the "puffy" feeling. I'm considering doing carb cycling to see if that has any effect on my fat loss. My body seems to get used to anything that is steady-state-- diet or exercise. I've read that a lot of pro bodybuilders do carb cycling to get that "cut" look before a competition. As I recall, they will do low carb for a few days and one high carb day. The reported results seem very positive. Google it for more info.
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    HI-I would like to stick to this thread as you guys are more active-which keeps me motivated! Thanks!
    So far I have lost 12lbs, and I am able to fit back into a pair of jeans that I have not been able to fit into for over a year-I am REALLY happy about this! I have another pair that are brand new that I hope to be able to wear soon. I can get them on, but they are skin tight right now. I try to vary my workouts, so I don't do the same thing every day. I take gym classes as well as do my own work outs. I avoid breads, and stopped eating sweets. After a few weeks of no sugar-I no longer "crave" it at all-which is amazing! I had to force myself to eat a piece of birthday cake this week-just for the sake of having it-I had a very small piece, and did an extra workout to burn it off.

    I do have steak once in awhile, but I make sure I have approx 3oz-keeping in mind the size of a deck of cards. I also purchase my meat for the year in Lancaster PA, so I know it is fresh-it is the BEST-YUMO!

    Going to Disney this year, so I want to be in great shape.......

    TGIF everyone
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday Everyone.

    Happy Check in Day, too. OMG I lost 4.8 lbs this week. I can't explain why using a game that only involves walking and running in place works better for me than the elliptical and treadmill I had been using, but I'll take it. I'll keep doing it until my body wants a change. My sugar cravings are so non-existant that I've even cut back on my substitute sugars.

    Sing: We actually own a house in Rockland, ME, but we rent it out year round. We drive through Yarmouth to get there, but I'm not sure we've ever been in Lewiston. Our honeymoon was my fourth Windjammer cruise out of the Rockland/Camden area, and Its where we would like to end up living eventually. You are such an outdoorsy person, you would love taking one of those cruises. Its sort of like camping out on a boat. You help raise and lower the sales, they often do a lobster bake on the beach.

    Pepper its good that you are going to get in shape for Disney. I was very out of a shape the year my husband insisted we do Disney, and it was very hard for me. What really scared me is seeing how many people rely on those scooters down there to get around, and I don't want to become one of them, not because of my weight at least.
  • JuliaSoCal
    Checking in...a positive report. The cycle is still in effect. Last week a .2 of a pound ...this week 2.7 pounds :)

    So, I expect next week's loss to be under a pound if my body keeps on this trend. Of course, this coming week is my spring break, so I am not sure what to expect :)

    Have a great week.

  • tamarads
    tamarads Posts: 55
    Happy Friday All!

    It has been a pretty good week with the exception of that lack of energy we've discussed. I got out of my funk yesterday though and despite the overnight snow I've continued to improve. I, too, did not step on the scale this morning!

    Sing and Stiring, I find it interesting your conversation regarding carbs and belly fat. I had heard of a correlation between sugar and belly fat, but not carbs, but as I sit here typing this it occurs to me that carbs are broken down into sugars and that makes total sense. First let me say "DUH" and now WOW! I'm jumping on your band wagon and I will try to cut some carbs out of my diet, that is going to be hard though, I love bread. Wish me luck!

    Great job Julia! Have a great Spring Break, we too are on break, I'm hoping for warmer weather!

    Zebras.. you've got me sold on that game now!! I have a walking DVD, but wasn't impressed with it! Which one is it again? I could use some new things to mix into my routine.

    Stick with us Pepper, this is a great group!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

  • crispy1990
    Happy Friday Everyone.

    Happy Check in Day, too. OMG I lost 4.8 lbs this week. I can't explain why using a game that only involves walking and running in place works better for me than the elliptical and treadmill I had been using, but I'll take it. I'll keep doing it until my body wants a change. My sugar cravings are so non-existant that I've even cut back on my substitute sugars.

    Sing: We actually own a house in Rockland, ME, but we rent it out year round. We drive through Yarmouth to get there, but I'm not sure we've ever been in Lewiston. Our honeymoon was my fourth Windjammer cruise out of the Rockland/Camden area, and Its where we would like to end up living eventually. You are such an outdoorsy person, you would love taking one of those cruises. Its sort of like camping out on a boat. You help raise and lower the sales, they often do a lobster bake on the beach.

    Pepper its good that you are going to get in shape for Disney. I was very out of a shape the year my husband insisted we do Disney, and it was very hard for me. What really scared me is seeing how many people rely on those scooters down there to get around, and I don't want to become one of them, not because of my weight at least.

    Hello everyone
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Tam. Its Walk It Out for the Nintendo Wii. I think I should get commissions from Nintendo, I want a T-Shirt that says Body By Wii. LOL

    I think it would make a good psychology paper for someone to write about this game. I have started thinking that the earning of points in the game, and the ability to "buy" and build things on the island might actually be a great substitute for wanting to go out and shop. Shopping too much and eating too much are both ways of filling a void created by something else in our lives, and this sort of gives you a shopping experience, without subtracting from your wallet and cluttering up your house.
  • crispy1990
    Happy Friday Everyone.

    Happy Check in Day, too. OMG I lost 4.8 lbs this week. I can't explain why using a game that only involves walking and running in place works better for me than the elliptical and treadmill I had been using, but I'll take it. I'll keep doing it until my body wants a change. My sugar cravings are so non-existant that I've even cut back on my substitute sugars.

    Sing: We actually own a house in Rockland, ME, but we rent it out year round. We drive through Yarmouth to get there, but I'm not sure we've ever been in Lewiston. Our honeymoon was my fourth Windjammer cruise out of the Rockland/Camden area, and Its where we would like to end up living eventually. You are such an outdoorsy person, you would love taking one of those cruises. Its sort of like camping out on a boat. You help raise and lower the sales, they often do a lobster bake on the beach.

    Pepper its good that you are going to get in shape for Disney. I was very out of a shape the year my husband insisted we do Disney, and it was very hard for me. What really scared me is seeing how many people rely on those scooters down there to get around, and I don't want to become one of them, not because of my weight at least.

    Hello everyone

    Whoops, pressed post by mistake ! :laugh:

    Zebras - WOW !! your weightloss is remarkable - secret please and what game (maybe I missed something on an earlier post :ohwell:

    Hope you are all doing ok, nearly the weekend YAY! Work has been a nightmare this week.

    Am very nervous about getting on those scales tomorrow morning, but hopefully it won't be too bad.
    We are supposed to be walking part of the Pilgrims Way tomorrow with friends and the dog, which as long as it doesn't rain should be fun. (i'll point out here its not so much the walking in the rain that isn't fun. Its the fact that our white dog loves mud and hates a bath :laugh: )

    You all take care
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    Hey all - So glad its Friday! Woot! I had a good week. I walked to/from work everyday and stayed within my caloric range.

    I am enjoying this message board tremendously and check it everyday. Its great to read about everyone's accomplishments, struggles and ideas for food and exercise.

    Pepper06 I totally agree about the sugar. I am shocked that I don't crave sugar like I used too. I would eat a bowl of ice cream every night because I couldn't control my sugar intake. It is so nice to not to crave something sweet after every meal.

    Zebras AWESOME weight lose. You must feel great seeing results.
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    what a day!!! Today was the birthday party for the residents at the nursing home.. not only had all the residents .. all 40 of them but also about 30 extras today with family members and the band that comes in to play for our birthday parties. Lots of people and lots of them to be served coffee, tea and birthday cake. Yes I admit it.. I had one bite of cake. Woke up with very sore arms and shoulders this morning from the challenge hubby came up with for me last night. tonight he says he has a good one for tomorrow and not to wear my legs out... well gee... Um I was planning on running in the morning... may still run. curious as to what this challenge is that he has come up with for me. I hope all this extra physical challenge stuff is going to push me over my plateau. Well I'm off to bed... better be rested up for tomorrows challenge... will let you all know what it is after I complete it... If I survive it that is. LOL
  • coniconstance
    coniconstance Posts: 321 Member
    Tam. Its Walk It Out for the Nintendo Wii. I think I should get commissions from Nintendo, I want a T-Shirt that says Body By Wii. LOL
  • coniconstance
    coniconstance Posts: 321 Member
    I love my nintendo Wii as well. I've often thought the idea of letting us buy something on the game with the coins would be a great reward.. But to be truthful for some reason earning more coins is a motivator as well.. even if they are just coins on the game.. weird how that works.

    I love your idea for a T-Shirt.. I'll be your first customer :)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I did not have time to post yesterday but I did weigh in. Yes, I gained weight, I feel it, I see it, I dont like it but I did have a great time and it was worth it!! :laugh: Now, back to my routine and to try to lose that extra weight. I only exercised one time during the 2 wks I was in Puerto Rico. That was when my husband went to do a 10K with his sister and I stayed at the house with my son. :noway: :laugh: It was great spending time with family, sightseeing, going to the beach, etc. The weather was just so beautiful, it did not rain at all in 2 wks.

    As I said earlier, back to clean eating, drinking lots of water...I am going to buy a new pair of running shoes this week and start running again. And of course, teaching Zumba, I taught on Thu evening and had 30 students. My regular students were happy to have me back. I am also going to resume ChaLean extreme on Monday. I should be starting the 2nd week of the lean phase then. I will do at least 7 more wks of it. Duffy, how is that going for you?

    I am happy to see so many new members!!! :drinker: :drinker: WELCOME!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Sherdou, I live in San Antonio, near Sea World. Last year I ran 2 half marathons, including the rock and roll. I also did a 10miler, a 10K and several 5K's. I suffered an injury late Nov so I havent run since but I will start training again soon. Maybe we can meet someday and run together. We can take a picture together and post it!! :flowerforyou:

    I posted some pictures of our trip in my profile. You are welcome to look at them if you'd like. Ok, gotta go now, good to be back!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Welcome back, Alf!!! We missed you around here. I'm very glad you had a wonderful time with your family.

    I'll check in again soon! Gotta go!

    Have a great weekend!
  • sonnacchio
    sonnacchio Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! New to this thread - I live in Central New York and am awaiting spring impatiently. Been on MFP for about a month now and have seen good results. Am hooked on Zumba and am alternating workouts on the elliptical and the treadmill. Anyone have advice on starting a strenght training regime? I feel like this is something I may need to look into. Don't know what else to post...let me know if I screwed up the thread!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,800 Member
    Hi everybody! I hope you all are enjoying a good weekend.

    Congrats to everybody for their success last week!! :drinker: zebras, amazing weight loss for the week!! I'm so happy you have found a workout regime that is working for you.

    alf, welcome back!! You sound refreshed, energized and motivated. Maybe taking that couple of weeks off (or a little more off' than normal) was the best thing for you. I hope you enjoy getting back to running....but (as you know I'll say) listen to your body.

    Welcome, sonnacchio. :flowerforyou: Rest assured, you didn't screw up the thread. :happy: Sounds like you are doing really well. About your question on strength training, ironically I am reading a book called 'Younger Next Year For Women' and the part I read today was all about starting a strength training program. Here's what the authors suggested and based on everything else I've read/done, I think it is sound information. Are you a member of a gym? If so, can you hire a personal trainer, even if for just a few sessions? If possible, that is probably your best bet for starting a strength training program. They can show you all of the equipment, how it should be used, help you come up with an effective program, etc. If that isn't possible, then I would suggest you buy a general strength training book....not one of those books that says 'A six pack in six days' but something more like 'Weight Lifting for Dummies'. In other words, a book that shows the basics of strength training exercises (with photos and description on how to do the moves and what you are working in doing the moves). For me, machines are trickier than free weights, so I will always suggest free weights. For others, it is the other way around. Do what works best for you with regard to machines vs. free weights. Many argue that free weights are better since they challenge your body more thoroughly (balance, control, etc), but, again, do what works for you. Please ask any other questions you might have. There are a few of us on this thread who lift regularly, so we'll try to help you as much as possible.

    I had a great fitness day today. Woke up to sunshine and blue skies, so my husband and I decided to take another run. This time....we went for 7 miles!! Not bad given this is only the second time I've gone running in 12 years. :tongue: We didn't need to stop once AND we ran a little faster than we did last time. It felt really good. I think I might be able to get into this running thing. :smile: I also did an hour of strength training....chest and back. I felt really strong today. My eating this weekend hasn't been great, but it hasn't been horrible either. I'm going to work at cutting out more carbs throughout this week and see what that does for me.

    I hope everybody has a great Sunday. :flowerforyou: