Why women don't date fat guys?



  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Edited cuz I forgot to order. I'll have a large built fat please. With money ;)
  • Squeekycat
    The same reason why guys don't date fat women
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member

    Hehe, well I didn't read all of this so I'm sure someone else must of said it..

    The real answer would be just be yourself..work on being healthier..be confident and ask girls out. Ask a variety of women out..not just the 10's if you aren't a 10 please realize that there are lots of girls out there that don't really get hit on much and would be happy to be hit on by men..and would easily over look size if you are fun, kind and confident.

    Also Money doesn't hurt seriously study hard..get a good career and work on your personal fitness...you'll have women chasing you.
  • Subowski
    All men who are funny, intelligent, civilised, compassionate and kind are attractive. My husband is all of the above (perhaps not always at the same time) and I love him dearly. We were both very much smaller when we met, but we got fat together.....and we still dig on each other, even as we try to lose our extra lbs and recover our former glory.

    I did go out with a fat train driver once. I was intrigued by his piercings.........

    To the OP trying to get the girl........dress nicely, be smart and cool. Be a little bit aloof, but try to engage her in casual conversation. But if she doesn't like you honey, she never will......go spend some time with someone who DOES like you!
  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Ya, another guy on here said it best... In all honesty, it's not so much the looks, but the way you approach the woman. Be confident, respectful, and genuine. That's what we're all looking for, right?
  • rynzi
    rynzi Posts: 20 Member
    I've had two larger boyfriends.
    My currently one is close to 300 pounds. (Going on three years together and he's only gotten fatter. lol -.- ) And even though I never knew what the other boyfriend weighted I'm sure ti was also close to 300 pounds. So I'm not sure why girls don't date fat guys cause I sure do!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    depends on the women. I never cared as long as my boobs stayed bigger.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Ya, another guy on here said it best... In all honesty, it's not so much the looks, but the way you approach the woman. Be confident, respectful, and genuine. That's what we're all looking for, right?

    ^ that, that is right!
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    My husband was high 300's when we met, and is probably between high 300's and low 400's now.

    I love him dearly, and am waiting for him to be 'ready' to do this journey with me. we have done this over and over (dieted etc) for the past 18+ years we have been together.

    These kinds of questions baffle me. My question to you OP - and seeing as how we are on page 10? I think it was of this thread, so I may have missed this post already - will YOU date a woman who is as overweight as you? i.e., if a man is 100 lbs overweight, and is sitting around feeling all depressed because women with model bodies won't give him the time of day, I have no sympathy.

    You should never judge or expect the same treatment from someone, that you don't give yourself. i.e. I'm guessing you're not opening your selective pool. I could be wrong, and I hope I am (I've scanned the pages of this thread so i may have missed this being addressed)
  • IronTitaness
    I wouldn't use the word fat but big.

    It depends how big you are, I personally do NOT like skinny guys. I prefer guys with some meat... something to hold really tight without putting them in danger to crack in two! Super big guys don't attract me.

    But I'd say the main things are confidence and charm. Defo.

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • awisegirl84
    awisegirl84 Posts: 82 Member
    I dont like this question
    ^This. There is no answer to this question. What I find attractive the next person won't. I know I'm not attractive to everyone and I don't want to be.

    This question is too general and too much of a blanket statement.

    I am attracted to what I am attracted to and there is no moral issue with that.
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    Here's a girl's opinion: I've dated a couple chubby guys in my life. It's all about personality/sense of humor to me. That's sexy.
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 271 Member
    Different folks, different strokes and anything else would just be boring. That's all.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    looks like I SHALL have to wax then!

    Hang on a moment - I'm married

  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    When I was a teenager, I dated guys that were heavier... one was about 50lbs overweight and a huge sweetheart. I was heavier at the time myself... by about 10 lbs.

    Once I got older and started to really focus on my health, dating a guy that was overweight wasn't even an option. I did date a guy that wasn't overweight, but he was heavier and he was sweet too, but to see him without clothes was a turn off for me. The 'moobs' thing... not so much. I don't have huge breast and if a guys are bigger than mine - that's a problem.

    I had a guy that I was with for 4 1/2 years and he use to say "No fat chicks!". I have the same moto "No fat guys!" I have to be with someone that takes care of himself like I take care of myself. My bf now eats crap food and I'm like "Ok, 4 is enough put it away."

    I want what I give... health is probably in my top 3.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Both my man and I are overweight and are in the process of changing. I love him and think he's the most handsome guy ever, and he finds me just stunning. What's the issue here?
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Plenty of women date big guys. I dated a guy who was overweight once.

    That being said, I'm likely going to get along better with someone who has similar interests and attitude towards life, so that's going to probably be someone who is healthy, incidentally.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    My ex husband is overweight. I was married to him being overweight. I never have minded a bit of meat on man. I guess I find all men wonderful no matter, with the exception of the male version of me. I'm very thin. Fit but thin. My current partner has a slim runners build and tall. I guess I wouldn't date a very underweight sunken chest type or someone that is extremely morbidly obese.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    In my life, only once did I date a guy over maybe 425-475 pounds, for a brief fling basically, and he was very attractive to me at the time, but in general I think it's more about the confidence and presentation of the person. If someone comes up to me and is friendly, then appearance/money/whatever matters so much less than if they come up and act like they are wearing a giant teeshirt that says "I AM ASHAMED ABOUT MY (whatever: weight, money, unemployment, education, car, socks, zits, elbows, dirt)"--if someone acts really embarrassed about just existing, then even dealing with them can eventually start to feel like work, which is too bad. They need to learn to be happy with themselves for little things and big things, like developing character or whatever, which is their own choice and doesn't cost money or take equipment, and only gets worth more as you age--just my point of view.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Why women don't date fat guys?

    The law of attraction. A woman is no different to a man when it comes to attraction much like a woman who wouldn't date a fat, skinny, average or muscled man. The answer to this question would apply to women who only date - types - short, tall, big, small or average downunder, there are women who only prefer to date men with specific girths ... The reasons are varied and aren't blueprinted, neither should they be, much like a man's preference - big boobs, small boobs; bubble butt, no butt; straight figured or curvy, tall or short, skinny slim vs weightlifting slim ... The bias, really is your answer. If we're all well and truly honest, we have all profiled well before we say yes. And another answer for you would be, a question both genders ask themselves before they consider a prospective - I know for a fact, in under 5 mins - I know if I'm going to sleep with him or not. If something happens, I know if I would sleep with him. If the answer is no - I don't bother - friend zoned! And I'm certain men do the very same thing. Surely, men don't want to sleep with every woman they know.
    Really give me an answer an someway to change this? that don;t have to do with losing weight

    Case 1: This was at least 12 years ago. I was a student at the time and my sister and I basically dined at the same venue - every lunchtime. This one time, a group of guys who'd usually dined there too, were encouraging their friend and were almost mocking him that he didn't have the guts to follow through and ask either one of us out because he liked us both. At first, we thought it was cute, not noticing him. The next day, we both took the time to have a good look. Upon noticing him, he was the fattest in the crew and the tallest. All his friends were very well put together and they'd looked after their bodies. We both turned to each other and said, "He's cute," so we walked up to them and directed the question to him - "So have you decided who you like more?" He was pathetic. Tongue-tied, blushed, his eyes were shifty, he broke into a cold sweat - very unattractive! Now we would've both considered dating him and we were both skinny at the time.

    Score: Woman NOT rejecting fat man.