Sorry, but I *am* getting bulky from lifting heavy....



  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Set your goal to 1200 cal. Problem solved

    oh ehrm
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    You could keep lifting and not eat enough to grow
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    This has happened to me in the past, too. Especially my thighs-- I build muscle in them really quickly. I used to be a gymnast, and there was really no way to avoid it, although there were plenty of other girls doing the same regimen I was without gaining the massive muscular thighs. It's just body type, and you basically have to learn to love it or quit working out so hard. :S
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Please give me tips to get huge massive bulky biceps like you
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member
    You're a genetic freak. And that's a good thing! You look great. Many, many, many people would like to have your problems. Though we are in full control of our body's composition, some people can build muscle easier than others, and in certain areas easier than others. (I was blessed with the ability to build my back mass easily.) If you're working your arms with lower rep / high weights - you don't need to. Simply work your upper body with compound exercises, and work at lighter weight and more reps. This should slow down the hypertrophy of the biceps. Also, though you're by no means "fat" in terms of composition, increase the intensity, duration and frequency of your cardio over time. Shed that layer of fat (no matter how small it is it may be disproportionate in your arms), and they'll look trimmer.

    In the end, you've got an issue - but it's more positive than it is negative. Do the above, or simply embrace those bad *kitten* guns and beat some *kitten* with them.

    EDIT for grammar.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    you are gifted!!!!! i am as well!!!!you look beautiful
    and the only thing photoshopped in my pic is the color green. its a joke because someone on here has pissed me off!!!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If you've reached the max size that you want to be for right now, just stop increasing the weight. Feel free to go backwards a few pounds if you want.

    Generally, someone with your physique looks bigger because they have low BF%, not because they are actually huge. It even happens with men. The more cut I get, the more people comment on how big my arms/chest/quads are, even though I've lost several inches from them. It's illusion more than reality.

    I've seen your pictures before and I assure that I don't find you bulky in the slightest, but it's your body to do as you wish.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    You don' look bulky to me. But thats just my opinion. If you don't like it, lift lighter or stop all together. But i personally think you look great. :) Screw everyone else if its what makes YOU happy.

    Thank you!
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    Although, like someone else mentioned, I do think yoga is a good idea. I also did dance classes and was on the dance team years ago, and I do think my body had a leaner, more long, toned look then as compared to when I was solely doing gymnastics/weight training. Now I do lots of yoga, and it still builds muscle in the thighs, but it certainly does stretch the body out. I always measure a little taller on days I did a lot of yoga.
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    If you've reached the max size that you want to be for right now, just stop increasing the weight. Feel free to go backwards a few pounds if you want.

    Generally, someone with your physique looks bigger because they have low BF%, not because they are actually huge. It even happens with men. The more cut I get, the more people comment on how big my arms/chest/quads are, even though I've lost several inches from them. It's illusion more than reality.

    I've seen your pictures before and I assure that I don't find you bulky in the slightest, but it's your body to do as you wish.

    I've never really thought of it that way, that does make sense though.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Your bodyfat is too low according to your Doctor, and you can see your muscles.

    Preeetty clear link here somewhere...
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You look great in your profile pics, legs don't look too big at all, neither do your arms. You may just feel like you're getting "bulky" but really you're just gaining more muscle than you're used to. Your back looks great in that pic but I certainly wouldn't call it "bulky." The only way to "fix" it would be to stop lifting, I mean, less weight more reps isn't going to solve your "problem." But I just don't see how you think it's a problem, you're gorgeous!!! Just embrace it, girl. You can always try to cut a lot more so any fat on your thighs will go away which will make them slightly smaller. But again, I think you're beautiful.
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    Our brains can often make us see things in the mirror that are not actually there. We are far more critical of ourselves than others are of us, because we look at ourselves and judge our bodies every day. Ask yourself if you will ever be satisfied with how your body looks to you. Even if you put on some weight/fat and stop lifting.

    Be satisfied *now*, do the kind of exercise you love, and stop being so critical of yourself.
  • mdhummel
    mdhummel Posts: 201 Member
    Try using lighter weights and increasing your reps. You will see leaner muscles and build your indurance. I took a barre fitness class and we used 2 - 4 lb. dumbells and did reps of 30. I thought the exercises were a bit of a joke until I woke up the next morning and all my muscles were stiff and sore.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I would KILL for your musculature. And I'm a genetic freak myself. :flowerforyou: Women normally aren't as blessed like this, which is why we tell them they won't bulk. Muscles are sexy. You're GORGEOUS, lady!
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
    Although, like someone else mentioned, I do think yoga is a good idea. I also did dance classes and was on the dance team years ago, and I do think my body had a leaner, more long, toned look then as compared to when I was solely doing gymnastics/weight training. Now I do lots of yoga, and it still builds muscle in the thighs, but it certainly does stretch the body out. I always measure a little taller on days I did a lot of yoga.

    I've honestly never ever done yoga, but it's not something I wouldn't mind giving a try.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    My sister, when she was born, had, 'both' male and female parts down there. She got the sticky out one removed but now she has a more masculine physice, she lifts and is pretty veigny. Not saying theres a connection at all.

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member

    Cut down lifting a bit (key word here: bit, or small amount) and take up an endurance cardio sport, like running or cycling. Something where, if you were competing, you'd be going at it for well over an hour or two.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I would like to see some pictures
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I was a gym rat years ago and toned up really nice. No fat to pinch anywhere but by lifting weights, it did change the shape of my body. My mother told me i looked like a football player which was really insulting, and not true. I used to be very petite looking and what they call "skinny fat". I did become a little wider in my back area and my legs were very hard/firm in certain areas. The muscle made me one size larger than I am now yet I looked two sizes smaller as far as everyone else was concerned.

    Your best bet is to ask the trainers in your gym the best way to stay lean, long, and toned without looking bulky. You may actually have to stop doing weights for a few months or drstically change your routine if you are looking to decrease the bulk. Then start lifting again in the recommended weight range to achieve the healthy, toned look without the bulk. Thats what I had to do and it worked.

    I am 4 lbs away from my goal weight and at that point I will start with very light weights and gradually increase to define myself.