Size 12 = Fat?



  • It really depends on your shape and what weight you're comfortable. I'm whatever the opposite of pear snapped is (idk let's call it lightbulb shaped like an upside down pear, small hips) so if I was a size 12 I would be enormous. I was fat when a size 6 was still a little loose. I still have some fat to lose and my hips are 32".
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Depends on where you've been really. A 12 is very small for some people. A 12 for me was my "comfortable" size until I got a bug of up butt and lost 30 pounds...I needed to prove something to myself.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I'm about 5'5 and a half and I've been a size 12 from when I weighed 160 lbs in high school to now when I weigh about 194. I guess it had to do with muscle composition cause I had strong thighs in high school but when I gained weight my pant size didn't change at all because I just lost muscle and replaced it fat. I'm shooting to stay within my size 12 though!!!

    Yes!! Me too! I went from a tight size 12 (bordering a size 14) to a loose size 12 and I had dropped 40 lbs!
    I have always been bottom heavy. Pretty sure 30 of those lbs were lost from my face, waist, arms, etc....
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    TOTALLY depends on height and body type. (And also, are we talking American size 12 here?) For me, I would have to be quite overweight to be a size 12. I'm pear shaped, so I do tend to be bigger on bottom, but I'm barely 5'4". A healthy size for me is for like a 4 or a 6. And, of course, sizes in different stores vary GREATLY. In fact, I would never judge anything by clothing sizes just for this reason. I mainly go off my measurements I take with a tape measure. Different ratios look better on people of different heights. But based on your picture, you look great! :)
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    First of all, congratulations on getting down a size! You should celebrate that no matter what anyone says because that's a significan accomplishment FOR YOU! :)

    Anyways, to discuss the other part - I think it depends on how tall you are. I am 5'5 and my friend is 5'10 and we wear about the same size: size 8 to 10. BUT she definitely looks better in clothes than I do! lol So... consider that fact. Ideally, I'd like to get down to a 4 - 6 comfortably (at that size, my friend and I would likely (in terms of body) look about the same). To do that I think I need to lose about 20 pounds. :) But to answer your question, no I don't think 12 is too big.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    At my heaviest, I was a size 12. For ME that was fat. I was overweight and couldn't even walk up a flight of steps without almost keeling over and panting like a dog left in a car with the windows rolled up in a heat wave!

    If I'd started out at a size 22, 12 would be an amazing size to be, but I would probably still want to be smaller! It's a personal decision.

    Well done, keep doing what you’re doing and when you reach your happy place, be happy. This is YOUR body, not mine, not anyone else's!

  • Im starting to knw now the weight on the scale does not matter but more measurements b/c ive pretty much been at the same weight wont budge but i work out and run 6 days a week and just lost inches, no more love handles my arms are not flabby etc im a size 9 trying to get back down to comfortably fit in size 7 i am 138lbs I thin kit really depends on the person b/c one person whos 138 could look really heavy if its all fat compared to another person whos the same weight but is slender muscle ive sat side by side someone the same weight and couldnt believe it cause they were fat compared to me so its really wierd!
  • quietcoral
    quietcoral Posts: 64 Member
    Well, I am currently a size 12 and at a pretty healthy weight, and my height is 5'9.5". My ultimate goal is to be a size 10 and lose about 10 more lbs. It all just depends on your height, body composition, and goals that you have for yourself.
  • rmh1262
    rmh1262 Posts: 10 Member
    12 is the size I am shooting for post surgery. I am currently 20/22 depending on the outfit and the day!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I'm just shy of 5'9" and I'm hovering between a size 12 - 10 but you would never be able to guess it by looking at me (or so I'm told). I'm quite happy with the way I look in my clothes at this point. In fact, someone told my husband and at Christmas party we were attending that I was "SO SEXY"! :laugh: He was referring to my height along with my curves... so there's one opinion. LOL

    It's all in how YOU feel about how you look.
  • stubbseyt
    stubbseyt Posts: 84 Member
    i guess it depends on where you live, in England a size 12 is quite small, but i think its a larger size in the USA, tho i dont know what it is equiv to in England.. i think if you look good and feel good then its right for you... younger people tend to be more interested in getting to a certain size, i am just happy NOT to be fat, where ever i end up i will be happy x
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    My husband thinks I look fabulous as a US size 12 but I prefer myself in the UK size 12.

    It depends on how you feel, right? Don't let a pant size dictate that.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I'm a 10/12 now and I think I look good...but I'd look even better in an 8!
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    At my starting weight of 180 a size 10 was too tight but a size 12 was too big. I am 5'4 and I looked and felt overweight at that size. I have seen people on here that when they were 180lbs were size 16. It all depends on body type. If you think you look good at a size 12 then there is nothing wrong with it. Me at a size 12 did not work. Me at a size 10 did not work. Now I am 149lbs and a size 6. Figure than one out! My initial goal was to be 135lbs. At that weight id be a size 4 or maybe even a 2 with my body and I would look anorexic. People have already asked me if I was sick because the huge difference 30lbs made on my body.

    The bottom line is it is all about body type and you will know what looks best on you.
  • Depends where you live. In England a size 12 is nearer to a US size 16. But, if you are fit and healthy, if you are happy with yourself then it shouldn't matter imo : )
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    i started off at a tight size 12...and now im comfortable in size 10 and continuing my weigth loss journey. for my height, i was too big. but what does shock me is that walamart has underwear that are sieze 8....and guess waht.....they are labeled
    " SIZE 8/EXTRA LARGE" ..........................
  • I'm 5'2" a size 10/12 and I'm obese for my height. It really just depends. Some women look amazing at that size and some look horrible. Everyone is different.

    For me, I'm 5'9" so a size 12 is skinny. It honestly depends on your height and your body shape. Whatever the case may be, congrats on your loss!
  • geekpryncess
    geekpryncess Posts: 118 Member
    I think a size 12 is subjective depending on the person. I've seen people on here who got to a size 12 and look totally thin and fit, but then others who are size 12 and still look overweight. It's not even all about height either.

    I think it's more a matter of body shape. I am an hourglass shape and a size 12 looks pretty good on me, at 5'2". I wouldn't say I look thin, but I do look neat and fit, because I have a flat stomach at that size and am small on top. I just have curvy hips and thighs!

    As an adult, I haven't been able to push my body much below a size 12 (yet). I usually get to about 160 and my body plateaus there. This time I plan to push through the plateau, because I'd like to get into a single digit size :) I graduated high school at a size 9 or 10, and 145 lbs. My body just likes to be curvy! My goal though is 125, which I estimate to be about a size 6 for my body. Not sure though, as I haven't weighed that since freshman in high-school! (Am 35 now) We will see!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I don't think a size 12 is fat. Although these goals are tentative, my size goal is a 14-16. I figured this out by knowing I was a size 12 in 8th grade. Yea I was a little overweight, but still looked good
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I think it depends on your hight. The taller you are the better a bigger size would look on you. The shorter you are the smaller the size.