Team UK - March 2010



  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116

    Sounds like you had a blimmin good weekend! And it was your birthday weekend so what the hell! Well done on not getting anything from the takeway!!!! I was v proud of myself on Sunday when I was at the seaside, no fish n chips for me! Woo hoo! Have a great healthy week! :flowerforyou:

    Mimi x

    Aww, thanks hun. :happy: And well done on nothaving any fish and chips!! ;-D

    I miss the seaside. :sad: Not been there for ages. Used to drive up to Southport and take a walk down the promenade as I liked the sea air clearing my head and my lungs. But I've never managed to get there on a really sunny day, it's always been overcast. Plus it's the nearest seaside to us. We've got Blackpool aswell, but that's a bit further away.

    I'm off from tomorrow evening and not back in till next Wednesday so might make a trip up there this weekend, will see how the weather is! :smile:

  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320

    Sounds like you had a blimmin good weekend! And it was your birthday weekend so what the hell! Well done on not getting anything from the takeway!!!! I was v proud of myself on Sunday when I was at the seaside, no fish n chips for me! Woo hoo! Have a great healthy week! :flowerforyou:

    Mimi x

    Aww, thanks hun. :happy: And well done on nothaving any fish and chips!! ;-D

    I miss the seaside. :sad: Not been there for ages. Used to drive up to Southport and take a walk down the promenade as I liked the sea air clearing my head and my lungs. But I've never managed to get there on a really sunny day, it's always been overcast. Plus it's the nearest seaside to us. We've got Blackpool aswell, but that's a bit further away.

    I'm off from tomorrow evening and not back in till next Wednesday so might make a trip up there this weekend, will see how the weather is! :smile:

    Southport... God I remember those days. Jump on a train from Kirkby then 45 mins later in southport in the arcades. God life was so much simpler in those days,:drinker: :drinker:
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Southport... God I remember those days. Jump on a train from Kirkby then 45 mins later in southport in the arcades. God life was so much simpler in those days,:drinker: :drinker:

    Amen to that mate! :happy:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member

    Sounds like you had a blimmin good weekend! And it was your birthday weekend so what the hell! Well done on not getting anything from the takeway!!!! I was v proud of myself on Sunday when I was at the seaside, no fish n chips for me! Woo hoo! Have a great healthy week! :flowerforyou:

    Mimi x

    Aww, thanks hun. :happy: And well done on nothaving any fish and chips!! ;-D

    I miss the seaside. :sad: Not been there for ages. Used to drive up to Southport and take a walk down the promenade as I liked the sea air clearing my head and my lungs. But I've never managed to get there on a really sunny day, it's always been overcast. Plus it's the nearest seaside to us. We've got Blackpool aswell, but that's a bit further away.

    I'm off from tomorrow evening and not back in till next Wednesday so might make a trip up there this weekend, will see how the weather is! :smile:


    I miss the sea so much being from Plymouth!!!! Definitely try and go! I hope the sun comes out for you! It was sunny on Sunday, went to Filey and the last time I went there last year it was sunny everywhere, literally everywhere and as soon as we got within 1 mile of Filey it was so foggy you could barely see your hand in front of you face lol! :laugh:
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hi de hi UKers!!!

    Well I have been avoiding MFP for a couple of weeks because I gave up smoking!!! I really thought I would put on loads of weight because I tend to snack more (need to do SOMETHING with my hands!!!!) Anyway as I decided to take part in JAG's OBK2 I figured I need to bite the bullet and get on the scales and AMAAAAAZINGLY I have managed to maintain!! Which I'm really pleased with!!

    So anyway...let the butt kicking comense.....
  • ragster
    ragster Posts: 20
    Best of luck with Quitting smoking AND dieting.
  • Hi everyone!

    Sooo... I feel really lousy today. Yesterday was a terrible day food-wise, today I'm so ill I've barely eaten a thing! My body's probably really confused :huh:

    Just thought I would check in, seems everyone has had a good weekend!! I was working all weekend, both shifts didn't finish till 4am which plays havoc with my eating habits... but it's money!

    Anyway, feel really crappy but thinking I should try and do some kind of workout... Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred... only 20 minutes but it's a very difficult 20 minutes, especially with no energy. Should I do it!?


    Caryl x
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Evening All!!!

    After a ‘good’ weekend – not perfect – I’ve been on a 2 day course up in York at the University – very dry, but very useful to what I do in my job (I’m data analyst in the NHS). Unfortunately I could face logging all the food I consumed over the last 2 days – it was all very yummy and I’m sure I was well over my calorie allowance on Monday and today :ohwell:

    I got home about an hour ago and the first thing I did was jump on the scales – I know, I know, not the best thing to do, but I just had to see if I’d gained any. And guess what? I actually stayed the same!!!!

    Its back to being good from tomorrow :D
    My perfect weekend went out the window on friday night... what a load of rubbish.. Im sorry to those who actually stuck to it and made it through the weekend without giving into temptations.. I OFFICIALLY SUCK!

    Katherine, YOU do not suck!! Stuff happens *shrug* don’t beat yourself up over it. Hope the bf hasn’t caused too much chaos for you. Mimi had it right, you are definitely more than capable.

    Mimi – Well done you on not succumbing to temptation :happy:

    Plantpot – love those quotes!!! And sooooo true x

    Karen – WTG you for the willpower!!!

    Lee – sounds like a fab w/end :bigsmile:

    Sparklepants – I just gave up recently too and I tell ya, it’s been sooooo hard, probably why I went OTT while on this course. But I’m home now….

    I think, that's all from me for now. TC folks
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Evening All!!!

    After a ‘good’ weekend – not perfect – I’ve been on a 2 day course up in York at the University – very dry, but very useful to what I do in my job (I’m data analyst in the NHS). Unfortunately I could face logging all the food I consumed over the last 2 days – it was all very yummy and I’m sure I was well over my calorie allowance on Monday and today :ohwell:

    I got home about an hour ago and the first thing I did was jump on the scales – I know, I know, not the best thing to do, but I just had to see if I’d gained any. And guess what? I actually stayed the same!!!!

    Its back to being good from tomorrow :D
    My perfect weekend went out the window on friday night... what a load of rubbish.. Im sorry to those who actually stuck to it and made it through the weekend without giving into temptations.. I OFFICIALLY SUCK!

    Katherine, YOU do not suck!! Stuff happens *shrug* don’t beat yourself up over it. Hope the bf hasn’t caused too much chaos for you. Mimi had it right, you are definitely more than capable.

    Mimi – Well done you on not succumbing to temptation :happy:

    Plantpot – love those quotes!!! And sooooo true x

    Karen – WTG you for the willpower!!!

    Lee – sounds like a fab w/end :bigsmile:

    Sparklepants – I just gave up recently too and I tell ya, it’s been sooooo hard, probably why I went OTT while on this course. But I’m home now….

    I think, that's all from me for now. TC folks

    Hey Kendra!

    Thanks :-) ah well for last two days eating, what goes on tour stays on tour haha :-) hope you do well this week!

    Mimi xxx
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    hey all,
    you're all doing brilliantly in my eyes, and people do deserve days off occassionally :)

    tonight i went spinning, i love it, it really gets my heart rate up for a good 45mins to an hour,
    and i feel great afterwards!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    hey all,
    you're all doing brilliantly in my eyes, and people do deserve days off occassionally :)

    tonight i went spinning, i love it, it really gets my heart rate up for a good 45mins to an hour,
    and i feel great afterwards!

    I do Spin classes too - tho I hate doing the actual class, I love the feeling atterwards!!
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Lee – sounds like a fab w/end :bigsmile:

    It was Kendra! Thanks! :happy:
  • paulo79
    paulo79 Posts: 25
    Morning all

    Thought I'd say have a fab easter now, as am off to Norwich at midday to pick my kids up and bring them back to Essex for the weekend so I doubt i'll be on until tuesday now.

    So take care and try to resist the easter eggs ;)
  • ragster
    ragster Posts: 20
    Hi fellow Brits
    lovely day here in Essex (not!). Been for my weigh in at gym, first one since I joined on 1 march. Lost exactly half stone and 6.5 inches! Woohoo! What with gold star from GP over blood sugar and bp I'm just so happy!

    Mind you the bloody scales at gym are exactly half stone wrong. They were last calibratedin Jan. Popped into see practice nurse who confirmed my own reading at home. Was disappointed to see I was over 17st at gym but have actually broken thru 16st ceiling to 16st12lb.

    Think I'll stick to my own record keeping, with help from mfp!

    Roll on April, let's get choc season outta my way...!

    How are you guys planning to deal with the temptation, especiallythose with kids?

  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate!!!!!!! Too much of it everywhere. And I have just been told that I have to have a session in London tomorrow. This weekend is going to be tough. And I have my mum visiting too this weekend and that will involve a meal out :mad: :laugh: :drinker: Oh well I dont get to see her much due to the fact that I am in the south now and she lives up north. So I am sure it will be a nice treat for us both.

    I hope you all have a good weekend (or at least try to be good)

    Paulo I hope you have/had a great weekend with the kids.
    K - you can do it
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Sounds like you all had good weekends, for one reason or another! I didn't do too badly...we did end up eating in the pub on Saturday night. I had a steak as it was flamegrilled so hopefully not too much fat! I was also able to swap out the chips for roasted sweet potato wedges, so I think it was probably not too bad on the calories.......until I had a glass of wine....I did however only have one (small!!!!!!), and by my reckoning I was actually on the button with my calories that day, even if they weren't all 'good'. On Sunday we did have pizza, but as it is home made it is actually fairly nutritious even if it is heavy on the calories. I did go to the gym so I didn't go over.

    I think this weekend is just going to be baaaaaaaaaad! It's my friend's 30th birthday tomorrow, so on Friday we are going for drinks in Guildford. I think I've more or less decided to try not to drink anything that night. Once I have one I can't stop! Saturday should be ok because we're at home and I'm going to go to the gym. Sunday is going to be the killer. Going home to visit the rentals, but because they're divorced it's lunch at dad's and dinner at mum's. It will be two full on meals with pud and then there's the easter chocolate and the wine! I'm going to try and maintain at least...I think that is the best I can hope for!

    sdscouser - enjoy your meal out with your mum.

    ragster - well done on the loss (however much it is) and way to go on those inches! Who cares how much you weigh as long as you are looking smaller?! Well done on the blood sugar and blood pressure too. Our health is the most important thing!

    paulo79 - enjoy the weekend with the kids, it's what it is all about!

    Lee - glad you had a great birthday weekend. I reckon you did well...better than I managed on my birthday anyway!

    Kendra - well done on maintaining whilst on your course...the best bit of things like that is normally the food, and you don't get much choice, so I think you've done brilliantly.

    Caryl - just stick with it, you'll get there. We all have our off days/weeks. Trust me, i know!

    sparklepants - well done on quitting the smoking. Don't be too hard on yourself, sometimes it is easier to deal with one thing at a time. Nothing wrong with that, just do what you can. Even the small things count, and quitting the *kitten* will (eventually) make you feel so much better, and maintaining is a fantastic achievement in it's own right.

    Katherine - sounds like a great weekend, definitely not one to count the calories.

    Jo/Mimi - I'm with you this week, retaining water terribly and I feel grumpy and just want to eat a bucket load of chocolate.

    Sorry for rambling on! Anyway, i hope everyone is ok, and enjoys the rest of the week,

    Erika x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello all..

    Im on a bit of a low atm... :frown:.. ill keep plodding along (bringing the biscuits and choccies with)!!!

    :heart: Mimi - Thanks for the little post on my wall, it put a smile on my missery face!! :smile:

    :heart: Erikazj - Might see you out on friday night!! Where abouts are you heading in guildford???

    :heart: Steve - Thanks for the support... i am struggling with the amount of "EASTER" treats about.. no fair!!

    Im glad you are all still posting! Keep up the great work.. I hope i get back on track soon - im just finding things a bit hard.

    Your support is greatly appreciated.. I've gotten so wrapped up in all the boyfriend drama:brokenheart: that i have not asked what all your goals are for the week?

    Tomorrow is the start of a new month - new beginings- a new challenge! I hope to see you all on the other side! :drinker:

    Thanks for all your support over March, and hope you reached your goal!!

    Love Katherine x x :heart: x x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Oh and i tried Yoga last night - very relaxing.. anyone else given it a go??

    K x
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hello all..

    Im on a bit of a low atm... :frown:.. ill keep plodding along (bringing the biscuits and choccies with)!!!

    :heart: Mimi - Thanks for the little post on my wall, it put a smile on my missery face!! :smile:

    :heart: Erikazj - Might see you out on friday night!! Where abouts are you heading in guildford???

    :heart: Steve - Thanks for the support... i am struggling with the amount of "EASTER" treats about.. no fair!!

    Im glad you are all still posting! Keep up the great work.. I hope i get back on track soon - im just finding things a bit hard.

    Your support is greatly appreciated.. I've gotten so wrapped up in all the boyfriend drama:brokenheart: that i have not asked what all your goals are for the week?

    Tomorrow is the start of a new month - new beginings- a new challenge! I hope to see you all on the other side! :drinker:

    Thanks for all your support over March, and hope you reached your goal!!

    Love Katherine x x :heart: x x

    Hope you feel better soon, honey. :heart: *hugs* x
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Oh and i tried Yoga last night - very relaxing.. anyone else given it a go??

    K x

    Stay strong darling new month, new start, new you :heart: :wink: :smile:
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