Size 12 = Fat?



  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    You should TOTALLY be proud of yourself!!

    I think it really depends on the person, and the clothing, though. At 5'1" and 170 pounds, I wear a size 12, and am still considered obese for my height. *shrug* But at the moment I don't GAF, because this is the smallest I have been in over 25 years and I feel FABULOUS. lol!


    I wouldn't worry about the number on the clothes. Worry more about how you think you look and how you feel. Congratulations!! :flowerforyou:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I was happy to get down to a 12 but yeah, for me, that was still fat. It just depends on the person, their height, their body. For petite little me, 12 wasn't a good place to stay.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    size is just a stupid #....some of my size 12's fall off of me, some dress pants are doesn't matter. I started out at 326lbs & my goal in life was a size 14....a few years have past & i realize I still have a good 30-50lbs to drop....i'm excited to see what # i end up at...oh..and tip...the more expensive the clothes the smaller the size....i would pay $100 for a pair of jeans if i got to say i'm in a size 6!
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    For me size 12 is fat. I can probably easily be a 5/6 and still not be too thin.
    I have a couple friends though that are built 'wider' than me. They are not fat (though maybe have 10 pounds they COULD lose if they really wanted too) and if you look at them from the side they look quite slim, but they have wide frames. To accommodate for their wide hips they have to wear around a size 10.

    Is that in american size 5/ english so not sure what that equates to in england x

    Canadian. Not sure how that relates to other countries and such.
  • MartialAngel
    MartialAngel Posts: 64 Member
    I am a size 12 right now, after giving birth to an 8.5 lb baby a year ago. I don't think that I am "fat", but I am overweight and out of shape. I would love to be able to get down to a size 8, or even a 6. But I wouldn't look bad at a 10. I just have a goal to be in better shape and weigh less than I did when I was a martial arts instructor,
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    It really depends on how tall you are. I was a 12 in high school and I looked good as *kitten*. I'm an 8 now and I think I looked better when I was in a 12.
  • 1st of ALL Congrats on the weight loss!!! I don't think a size 12 is fat and it really depends on your body size. I want to be a size 13/14 (comfortable 13/14). I want to keep my "Thickness".
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    It TOTALLY depends on the person. I was significantly overweight at a size 12, however I'm 5'3" and have a small frame, and my goal is somewhere in the size 4ish area. If I had a larger frame and/or were taller, a 12 would probably be just fine. It all depends on how you're built and what your body composition is!
  • Size isn't a good indicator. Height, build, etc aren't taken into consideration, and sizes change from store to store.
    However, a US size 12 is like an Australian size 16 and to me that's quite big on everyone - just my opinion though.
  • Gosh I would love to be a size 12 again! I agree with most people here, it simply depends on your body type and if you feel happy at that size. I'm 5'0" so I should probably aim a tad bit lower, but if I get there and I'm happy I may just stay there!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    For me a size 12 is much too fat, yes. I'm only 5'6.
  • smruggles
    smruggles Posts: 20 Member
    Honestly, it really, really depends on a variety of things... I am 5'6", 26 yrs old, and really curvy. BUT I was always a curvy size 8. I gained 30 lbs in a year and jumped to size 12 rapidly. It's all about where you've gained it and how you look/feel with it. I weigh 160ish right now and the BMI chart says that's overweight and I can FEEL it on me. I'm overly tired, I don't watch what I eat, and I haven't exercised since college. For me, size 12 was large... on other body types, though... I've seen size 12 people that I look bigger than! The pants size do not make the lady!!
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    Both my sisters are size 12. one is 6 foot and one is barely 5 foot. They both are happy at that size, even though their body shapes are very different. Im a 22, down from 26 and size 12 would have me over the moon :)
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    WOMEN'S Clothing sizes are jacked.

    Fat should be based on how you FEEL in the things you buy and your body fat % and your overall health.

    This past week, I discovered that I'm the incredible shrinking and expanding woman: I tried on pants ranging from size 4 to size 10. All of them fit. What does that say? Absolutely nothing. Not to mention, I've still got a lot of fat to lose.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I totally squeal when I get into a "smaller" size. (Finding that a size 4 fit was like, HOLY COW AWESOME. Then I tried on a size 8 and it didn't fit in another brand / same dang store too.) So, it's just so random. There really needs to be some standardization. At this point, I just go by the 1-2 stores I shop in, which seems to give me a more stable option.

    Body Fat %! How you look/feel! Whether you are happy!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    honestly i don't think 'fat' when i hear size 12, maybe back when i worked in the fashion industry. but now i think shapely/attractive depending on your BODY COMPOSITION! Like many others have said, it really depends on how you are built, your height, and how you feel comfortable and confident. I know that sounds cheesy to some, but I really believe that.

    Congratulations on your new size!!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I started at a size 12 and wanted to be smaller, but I never thought I was "fat" at that size. I'm an hourglass so I carry weight well. I just wasn't the size I wanted to be.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    For me size 12 is fat. I can probably easily be a 5/6 and still not be too thin.
    I have a couple friends though that are built 'wider' than me. They are not fat (though maybe have 10 pounds they COULD lose if they really wanted too) and if you look at them from the side they look quite slim, but they have wide frames. To accommodate for their wide hips they have to wear around a size 10.

    Is that in american size 5/ english so not sure what that equates to in england x

    Here is a conversion thing for the different countries:
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Size 12 does NOT = fat.


    A size 12UK is very different in measurements to a size 12US or an OZ or NZ size 12.

    A size 12 will vary from store to store as well thanks to 'vanity' sizing.

    A modern day size 12 has different measurements to a size 12 10 years ago.

    Some places I am a size 8, others I am a size 16.

    Either I am freakishly out of proportion (er, I don't think I am - hips and bust are similar measurements, waist is a smaller) or - as someone else has said - women's clothing sizes are jacked.

    It would be great if there was a global standard for it but I don't think that will happen.

    I go by measurements/vital stats and body fat %.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I haven't read all size 7 pages, but to me a size 12 is fat.

    That's where I started at 5'9 and 180 pounds.. and I was fat... had a muffin top and the whole nine yards.

    Fast forward to now, and I can comfortably wear a size 4 at 150 pounds and there is no way I am too thin or anorexic looking.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss!

    As a former size 28, I'm now a size 12 and loving it. My goal is to be a 6, but I'd be happy at a 7 or 8.

    It all depends on your frame. I have a really small rib cage apparently but bigger hips, so though I wear a size M on top, I'm still a 12 on the bottom. If you're happy with yourself and healthy at a size 12, stay there!