


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    This is pretty much why I don't post topics. I'll comment, but that's it. I get what the OP is saying; and I also understand the contrary viewpoints.

    I think there's a balance; no, we don't have to be rainbows, glitter and sunshine to motivate one another, but there is a difference between being blunt and being rude.

    Candid: "Don't blame others for your predicament; you're a grown woman, you have to want to do it. No one else can want it for you."

    Rude: Guess what? It's your own fault! They're not trying to lose the weight, you are"

    Both are correct, but which one is helpful, and which one is not? I think that's what the OP is trying to get across.

    Correct answer is... depends on exactly who the two people are. The one on the bottom works better for me. Maybe the first one works better on you?

    Am I supposed to know ahead of time, cause no one tells you what they need when they ask you to do the work for them.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    well, here it is really easy... i got sick and tired of being fat!!! so, i chose... I CHOSE to make the changes that were needed. i didnt complain about how it was so hard because of so and so and so and so... i didnt blame the fact that tom **** and harry eat fast food everyday, or that king tut teases me... its pretty simple... either you want to be fat, or you dont. if i had come on here, and asked everyones opinion about how i blame all of my over weight problems on everyone buy myself... and then asked... help?/?/?... i would have gotten the same response as you did...
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    This is pretty much why I don't post topics. I'll comment, but that's it. I get what the OP is saying; and I also understand the contrary viewpoints.

    I think there's a balance; no, we don't have to be rainbows, glitter and sunshine to motivate one another, but there is a difference between being blunt and being rude.

    Candid: "Don't blame others for your predicament; you're a grown woman, you have to want to do it. No one else can want it for you."

    Rude: Guess what? It's your own fault! They're not trying to lose the weight, you are"

    Both are correct, but which one is helpful, and which one is not? I think that's what the OP is trying to get across.

    Correct answer is... depends on exactly who the two people are. The one on the bottom works better for me. Maybe the first one works better on you?

    Am I supposed to know ahead of time, cause no one tells you what they need when they ask you to do the work for them.

    Exactly that ^^^

    And I didn't think either of them were rude although the top one was a bit passive aggressive for me
  • One thing that I took from this was that your boyfriend "motivates you" by insulting you.

    So you are motivated by him being mean but insulted by everyone here?

    Either the negativity is working or it isn't...
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Also...I forgot...I am bi-polar as take everything I say with a grain of salt and don't let me anger you with my mood swings....

    This. Explains. Everything.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Also...I forgot...I am bi-polar as take everything I say with a grain of salt and don't let me anger you with my mood swings....

    This. Explains. Everything.

  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    This is pretty much why I don't post topics. I'll comment, but that's it. I get what the OP is saying; and I also understand the contrary viewpoints.

    I think there's a balance; no, we don't have to be rainbows, glitter and sunshine to motivate one another, but there is a difference between being blunt and being rude.

    Candid: "Don't blame others for your predicament; you're a grown woman, you have to want to do it. No one else can want it for you."

    Rude: Guess what? It's your own fault! They're not trying to lose the weight, you are"

    Both are correct, but which one is helpful, and which one is not? I think that's what the OP is trying to get across.

    Correct answer is... depends on exactly who the two people are. The one on the bottom works better for me. Maybe the first one works better on you?

    Am I supposed to know ahead of time, cause no one tells you what they need when they ask you to do the work for them.

    Exactly that ^^^

    And I didn't think either of them were rude although the top one was a bit passive aggressive for me

    My point is simply this: When I'm giving my opinion or advice, I try to do so in a way that doesn't turn the listener off. If you tune me out, I've wasted my time, and I find that frustrating. I would much rather put my opinion out in such a way that facilitates progress.
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    Also...I forgot...I am bi-polar as take everything I say with a grain of salt and don't let me anger you with my mood swings....

    This. Explains. Everything.

    Hahaha...I'm bipolar and don't act like this, rofl.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    This is pretty much why I don't post topics. I'll comment, but that's it. I get what the OP is saying; and I also understand the contrary viewpoints.

    I think there's a balance; no, we don't have to be rainbows, glitter and sunshine to motivate one another, but there is a difference between being blunt and being rude.

    Candid: "Don't blame others for your predicament; you're a grown woman, you have to want to do it. No one else can want it for you."

    Rude: Guess what? It's your own fault! They're not trying to lose the weight, you are"

    Both are correct, but which one is helpful, and which one is not? I think that's what the OP is trying to get across.

    Correct answer is... depends on exactly who the two people are. The one on the bottom works better for me. Maybe the first one works better on you?

    Am I supposed to know ahead of time, cause no one tells you what they need when they ask you to do the work for them.

    Exactly that ^^^

    And I didn't think either of them were rude although the top one was a bit passive aggressive for me

    My point is simply this: When I'm giving my opinion or advice, I try to do so in a way that doesn't turn the listener off. If you tune me out, I've wasted my time, and I find that frustrating. I would much rather put my opinion out in such a way that facilitates progress.

    Everyone gets YOUR point. That's just awesome for you. The OTHER point is - How do YOU know what does and does not turn the listener off. All you can offer is the kind of motivation that works on YOU. Which is exactly what the rest of us do.

    everyone offers what works for them so the original poster can pick out the one they need and use it to get in a workout. Unfortunately, they refuse to use the motivation that works best for them, because they would rather park their butt in front of the computer and latch on to all the kinds of motivation that didnt work- and yell at those people.

    You say you want motivation, then you'd take the first motivation you came across. But if you're looking for an excuse to procrastinate or skip a workout, then youll ignore your personal brand of motivation when it shows up and argue and be butt-hurt instead.

    So you can stay sitting in front of the computer.

    When you know what you are really supposed to be doing. but you're ashamed cause you dont wanna, cant get up and make yourself, and being a victim on the internet, persecuted and abused for not doing what you should be doing... seems so much better and familiar and inside the comfort zone.

    break your walls down, quit being so happy and excited to be offended, and go out there and prove that you mean it already.

    The longer you stay on the internet arguing, the surer everyone you are arguing with is that you really just dont want to exercise.

    ETA - please i dont mean YOU in particular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    my mom calls me multiple times per week, inviting me to my favorite mexican food place... its like she is dangling it in front of my face... "c'mon karen, chips, salsa, fajitas, a corona and lime..." and i simply say... NO!

    you can say NO to your super motivating verbally attacking boyfriend and his fast food eating mother... thats what it comes down to, you saying no... none of us can make you do it...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This is pretty much why I don't post topics. I'll comment, but that's it. I get what the OP is saying; and I also understand the contrary viewpoints.

    I think there's a balance; no, we don't have to be rainbows, glitter and sunshine to motivate one another, but there is a difference between being blunt and being rude.

    Candid: "Don't blame others for your predicament; you're a grown woman, you have to want to do it. No one else can want it for you."

    Rude: Guess what? It's your own fault! They're not trying to lose the weight, you are"

    Both are correct, but which one is helpful, and which one is not? I think that's what the OP is trying to get across.

    Correct answer is... depends on exactly who the two people are. The one on the bottom works better for me. Maybe the first one works better on you?

    Am I supposed to know ahead of time, cause no one tells you what they need when they ask you to do the work for them.

    Exactly that ^^^

    And I didn't think either of them were rude although the top one was a bit passive aggressive for me

    My point is simply this: When I'm giving my opinion or advice, I try to do so in a way that doesn't turn the listener off. If you tune me out, I've wasted my time, and I find that frustrating. I would much rather put my opinion out in such a way that facilitates progress.

    Everyone gets YOUR point. That's just awesome for you. The OTHER point is - How do YOU know what does and does not turn the listener off. All you can offer is the kind of motivation that works on YOU. Which is exactly what the rest of us do.

    everyone offers what works for them so the original poster can pick out the one they need and use it to get in a workout. Unfortunately, they refuse to use the motivation that works best for them, because they would rather park their butt in front of the computer and latch on to all the kinds of motivation that didnt work- and yell at those people.

    You say you want motivation, then you'd take the first motivation you came across. But if you're looking for an excuse to procrastinate or skip a workout, then youll ignore your personal brand of motivation when it shows up and argue and be butt-hurt instead.

    So you can stay sitting in front of the computer.

    When you know what you are really supposed to be doing. but you're ashamed cause you dont wanna, cant get up and make yourself, and being a victim on the internet, persecuted and abused for not doing what you should be doing... seems so much better and familiar and inside the comfort zone.

    break your walls down, quit being so happy and excited to be offended, and go out there and prove that you mean it already.

    The longer you stay on the internet arguing, the surer everyone you are arguing with is that you really just dont want to exercise.

    ETA - please i dont mean YOU in particular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow. This...yes, all of this^...

    (Well, except for the overwhelmingly glaring lack of apostrophes (*twitch*)...but looking past that minor little issue (*twitch*), this is full of awesome.)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    One thing that I took from this was that your boyfriend "motivates you" by insulting you.

    So you are motivated by him being mean but insulted by everyone here?

    Either the negativity is working or it isn't...

    ^I like this. That's a good point. :D
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    wait there should have been MORE apostraphies in that?

    I agree... How about instead of exasperating all your energy complaining why dont you do something productive with it? Get outside (unless you live in Canada... then dont do that..) and find something to do... with the amount of time spent on the computer complaining about people on the computer you could have done a 30 minute work out already!!

    There are far to many resources out there for people to have any excuses these days.
  • bertabird
    That is your opinion. I respect that. Now please respect mine. Mean is reality. Motivation is BS. If people are discouraged by people typing characters into a keyboard then they were not fully committed in the first place.

    you are obviously a realist, but your world is a reflection of your attitude. obviously, your world isn't very good. sounds like you could use some MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT. ;O)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    That is your opinion. I respect that. Now please respect mine. Mean is reality. Motivation is BS. If people are discouraged by people typing characters into a keyboard then they were not fully committed in the first place.

    you are obviously a realist, but your world is a reflection of your attitude. obviously, your world isn't very good. sounds like you could use some MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT. ;O)

    I think he had a point about "If people are discouraged by people typing characters into a keyboard then they were not fully committed in the first place."

    I mean, really. You come on a forum to get feedback from people all around the world that you don't know and think everyone is going to be full of sunshine and daisies? And you get insulted when you take offense to statements of truth that simply just called you out.

    You were just looking for a reason to not be better.
    You were looking for an excuse for it NOT to be your fault and worst of all, you came here looking for people to either support your bad decisions or to blame for not getting you and making things worse.

    Yeah....I think that you weren't fully committed in the first place. And bi-polar or not, it still doesn't mean you can't take control of your life and it in no way gives you a free pass to try to blame others for your mistakes or to release you from being accountable.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    That is your opinion. I respect that. Now please respect mine. Mean is reality. Motivation is BS. If people are discouraged by people typing characters into a keyboard then they were not fully committed in the first place.

    you are obviously a realist, but your world is a reflection of your attitude. obviously, your world isn't very good. sounds like you could use some MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT. ;O)

    Sounds like you dont have a clue what either of those words mean
  • Dani_Davies23
    My friend, the internet is a scary place.
    Opinions are like *kitten*. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    i prefer the term poophole...

    and you must have missed the link... you should look back and find it,.... you may be pooping wrong
  • StrawberryThief
    Is this to do with your other thread? Honestly, on this journey you might need to hear some things that you don't want to. Yes, some people may have been rude and that's not necessary, but surely the fact that most said the same thing should tell you something.

    Again, I'm not trying to be horrid, but it just seems like at this stage you're unwilling to take responsibility for your choices. Also interesting is that you'll let your boyfriend make rude comments about your waistline, but are hurt by things strangers on a messageboard say.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member

    LOL...I love that pic!!
    No, the thread is right where it needs to be...
    Sometimes tough love is the hardest to take...and yes, it may make people angry, but it needed to be said...

    Wait....what? You are mad that people gave you "tough love" and you say that's bullying.....but now you want to give them "tough love" because it needs to be said?

    Oh dear.