I'm sorry, but this is just wrong...



  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    What I'm reading here is just a whole lot of personal likes, dislikes, tastes and preferences. I eat what I like, and some of my choices may be odd to others, but it's what I like. So, who am I to judge what tastes good to other people or whether it's "right or wrong"?

    And to answer the OP: my husband is from the South. He makes the best chili, and while most of the time he eats it "straight", he's been known to put it over pasta too. That's his preference, so is this "wrong"?

    There's no ''right or wrong'' way of doing anything, the OP simply asked for an opinion... Chill.
  • hippy2skippy
    hippy2skippy Posts: 98 Member
    I've never even heard of (or seen) anyone use pasta in chili. Or eat rice with sugar and milk. I must live a sheltered life haha ;)
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    Personally I have never had this and never will - but my mom and grampa both love peanut butter and onion sandwiches - just the thought alone is enough to throw me but I like peanut butter on toast and you dip it into corn syrup - not often but once in a while gotta have it.
  • I just went to log my dinner, doing a search for "beef chili". Two of the 6 or 7 "Chili's" that came up at the top of the list contained pasta.

    Forgive me, but I grew up in the Southwest, the birthplace of chili.

    Putting pasta in chili is wrong. It just is.

    So is putting corn in salsa. It shouldn't happen.

    So my question is.....

    What's the twist on some food that is sacred to you that makes you feel the same way?

    Putting sauce (any kind) onto anything that is gourmet! I once spent all day slaving away in the kitchen making a 4-course meal for friends and my housemate then poured BBQ sauce all over the first dish!!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    People who pile a bunch of crap on a hamburger.
    It's a burger... all it needs is ketchup, mustard and onion.

    And bacon, and mushrooms, and tomatoes, and lettuce, and bbq sauce

    And green chili and guacamole!!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Ketchup on macaroni and cheese.

  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    This is actually pretty common and a lot of people like it but..pineapple on pizza. It ruins perfectly good pizza for me.

    i love hawiian pizza and i like to mix ketch up with lots of stuff yummy. i guess i'm weird i use to eat peanut butter with mustard and pickles or relish ooo that sounds good i forgot drooling
  • ptbodacious
    ptbodacious Posts: 65 Member
    Funny thing - that's how I've always eaten rice - for breakfast. First time I saw rice and a bowl of gravy on the dinner table I thought WTF?!?!
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    vegetarian haggis is just the pits. Sheeps heart, liver, kidney, oatmeal. wrapped in a sheeps stomach. To a Sotsman, this is heaven... washed down with whisky of course, lol
  • amber1533
    amber1533 Posts: 117 Member
    Personally I have never had this and never will - but my mom and grampa both love peanut butter and onion sandwiches - just the thought alone is enough to throw me but I like peanut butter on toast and you dip it into corn syrup - not often but once in a while gotta have it.

    my husbands grandpa likes peanut butter and mayo sandwiches, JUST peanut butter and mayo. It's horrific.

    I like rice/milk/sugar and a dollop of butter. I think the "wrongest" one for me is the pineapple pizza one. It's my moms favorite, but I just wanna cry! lol

    Also for me at least, any kind of fruit on a salad that is not specifically a fruit salad. Like cranberries or raisins or strawberries I am just like O.o?
  • KatieMae75
    KatieMae75 Posts: 391 Member
    I think everyone eats something that makes others think "WTF???" I can't eat watermelon without salt on it. Some people think this is perfectly normal, others wonder what the hell is wrong with me.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Oh, almost forgot to mention this, but my stepmom eats dill pickles "dipped" in peanut butter. *shudders* I tried it on a dare. One of the weirdest texture mix ever, and that,s not accounting how the taste just... don't mix. It,s not gag-worthy, but it's seriously wrong lol
  • bjshores
    bjshores Posts: 102 Member
    Banana pudding with no banana's
  • my grandfather used to make jelly and cheese sandwiches....grape jelly and american cheese. As a kid I liked it. I recently started putting apricot jam on my cheese and crackers (sharp cheddar and triscuits) yum!
  • ashlensmomma
    ashlensmomma Posts: 124 Member
    The crepe place at the mall that has lettuce as a filling.


  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    Ketchup on macaroni and cheese.


    omg my son does that ..he's 21 years old.....that makes me want to hurl and I won't let him sit by me when he does it
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    My husband brought home a Hormel strogaoff because my favorite Knorr's noodle packet is stroganoff flavor..... it was over rice...I really hate rice.
  • chasfound
    chasfound Posts: 22 Member
    My grandmother in law used Ketchup for spaghetti sauce...freakin disgusting. Also one of my favorite sandwiches is Banana and Mayo. I have never had anyone but the people in my family like it.
  • b14a3w3
    b14a3w3 Posts: 61 Member
    Speaking of spam...what is that jelly stuff with it in the can?? That alone is gross.
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    people that eat rice with sugar and milk.

    Editing to clarify I am NOT talking about rice pudding. I am talking about cooked rice with butter, sugar and milk poured over the mess.

    I grew up eating that for breakfast :noway: