Boobies and Weight Loss



  • Tamika_84
    Tamika_84 Posts: 55 Member
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    That is where my weight started first. I am ok with that though.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    For me, I have lost a little over 100 pounds and a full cup size plus many inches around, so obviously it is easier to find bras, and yes, cuter bras. I would say that losing a cup size is a pretty good trade off for better health and a longer life.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    I can say that I definitely lost weight in my boobs first...then kept loosing weight in them. Lol. My best friend's mom saw me and was like OMFG your boobs are so tiny now! HAHA. And they aren't even small (36 C now), they were just SO BIG before from when I was heavier. Continually, I also have a bigger butt now and a smaller waist so, I'm toooooooooootalllly not complaining...and neither is my bf. Lol. He loves me and as long as I'm happy, then he's happy. :)
  • jcramer1227
    jcramer1227 Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks. Happy birthday to you, too! I have a friend who shares your birthday and a couple others who got married that day. :-)

    The thought of losing my mother is pretty awful, I agree. We have some major longevity on that side of my family, so hopefully she will follow that. She's been obese pretty much her entire life, but she's reached 60 without any major healthy issues, so fingers crossed, I guess.

    Funny thing is, my father has always been small and he ended up with type 2 diabetes.

    My niece shares my bday and my stepsisters bday is only a couple days after. So many December babies! People love to get it on in the spring I guess ;) New life and all.
  • jcramer1227
    jcramer1227 Posts: 85 Member
    For me, I have lost a little over 100 pounds and a full cup size plus many inches around, so obviously it is easier to find bras, and yes, cuter bras. I would say that losing a cup size is a pretty good trade off for better health and a longer life.

    You said it, sister!
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    *scratches head* How did a post about BOOBIES turn into something so unpleasant? Embrace the boobies, no matter what size, shape, etc, they are ALL good. And people talking about their own breasts is in no way disrespectful to anyone who has had anything happen to theirs. Oy. I've gone from a 42DD to a 36F (so, technically, my actual boob size didn't change much) but I don't feel like I even look like I have big boobs at all, because I have such a wide rib cage. lol. *shrug*


    Ahhh! I love Ancient Aliens lol!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Thanks. Happy birthday to you, too! I have a friend who shares your birthday and a couple others who got married that day. :-)

    The thought of losing my mother is pretty awful, I agree. We have some major longevity on that side of my family, so hopefully she will follow that. She's been obese pretty much her entire life, but she's reached 60 without any major healthy issues, so fingers crossed, I guess.

    Funny thing is, my father has always been small and he ended up with type 2 diabetes.

    My niece shares my bday and my stepsisters bday is only a couple days after. So many December babies! People love to get it on in the spring I guess ;) New life and all.
    I grew up in the Northeast. Some of our worst snowstorms, where we couldn't leave the house for days, happened in March.
  • jcramer1227
    jcramer1227 Posts: 85 Member
    I really appreciate all the responses so far. I've gotten some perspective, some insight, some...randomness (my favorite part). I'm off now to celebrate Yule with my mother. Happy Yule and Happy Holidays to you all :)

    And don't forget: Love yourself and stay strong :heart:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    if you dont like the topic, dont post in it. thats like people who dont listen to howard stern yet ***** about him. its stupid.

    and what the ladies may not realize is opposite thin happens to guys but not in the boobage area

    they say for every 35lbs you lose you may gain some ummmmm size in another area

    had i known that i may have tried to be more consistent a long time ago

    I don't appreciate being called stupid. I am actually the opposite of stupid. In fact, I've not been the one sending nasty notes and doing the name calling. You know nothing about me and I may be annoying but I'm not stupid. I have an MBA and do a ton of volunteer work each month. If you knew me in person you would not call me stupid. I've never done any name calling on here by the way.

    Wow! This thread sure went south. I will just say that I can see both sides of this. Honestly, until recently I'd probably be one saying "just don't read the topic", and while I still think that is the best advice I understand why it bothers people who have dealt with breast cancer.

    I recently listened to a newscast involving leaders from the Susan B Komen fund. They were talking about all the breast cancer "fund raisers" that use their name without permission. Everything from the somewhat famous "Save the Ta Ta's" shirt (which, I admit, I used to think cute) to a strip bar that offered to donate $1 for every woman that came to the bar in a pink bikini. Money from many of these fund raisers is refused by the organization because for someone who is facing having their breasts removed in order to save their life, these things that portray breasts as nothing more than a way to make women attractive just makes them feel worse about their situation. Cancer isn't funny and a woman doesn't need breasts to be beautiful or sexy.

    Sorry, that was longer than I expected. Back to your regularly scheduled program. And, please, let's be nice to each other. It's almost Christmas!!
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Hmm well after a total of 35lbs lost I went from a DD to a D. Some people freak out and don't want them to get smaller but the way I see it, if they are shrinking it's all better for me in the end!
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Here's my point.

    It's easy to lose context in the written, not spoken word.

    1. I understand the points the OP made
    2. I'm sick of this topic, it's on MFP all of the time
    3. Why am I sick of the topic? Because often the OPs complaining about "losing their boob size" or similar have no idea what it is like to have a family member lose her breasts. Or a loved one. Or a friend.
    4. Show some respect. I post how I honestly feel about a topic (and use a personal example) and suddenly I'm the bad guy?
    5. Nasty messages to people are not acceptable and each of you that have done that to me just a few days before Christmas should be ashamed of yourselves.

    I hate to say it...but your original message was very aggressive.

    And how dare you think that someone has no idea about the struggles of breast cancer. The way YOU deal with it and the way others deal with it are different. Don't take out your frustration from emotional struggles on others.

    That being said...I do NOT agree with anyone sending you nasty messages but you essentially told people that their concerns and worries aren't as important as I'm not surprised. Delete message, move on.

    So pretty much this thread, which could've been so much easier, just went sour.
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    Definitely not a myth for me. My girls are gone. :(

    So much of a difference they came in to check my id twice when they were comparing mammogram pictures from the previous year! :laugh:
  • Nicki_101
    Nicki_101 Posts: 73 Member
    After losing 60+ lbs, went from a 38C to a 34B. But, no more pain, in my chest or back and since my waist has shrunk to 29" they compliment my form much better now.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Nasty messages to people are not acceptable

    Pot, meet kettle.

    People, people, people. This woman sends her own nasty grams when she doesn't like what others say. I don't think two wrongs make a right, but she has a LOT of nerve complaining about it.
  • jcramer1227
    jcramer1227 Posts: 85 Member
    Definitely not a myth for me. My girls are gone. :(

    So much of a difference they came in to check my id twice when they were comparing mammogram pictures from the previous year! :laugh:

    Lol, have to double-take :P Btw, love the profile pic.