would you date someone plus size ?



  • iloveme89x
    iloveme89x Posts: 1 Member
    I would, its not the appearance its the personality. that goes for anyone would want to date. Im actually a chubby girl and my boyfriend is a physical trainer, bodybuilder and majors in nutrition. yes, i wonder how it happened too. lol. He looks ripped at all times. so one day i was feeling self conscious because he loves walking around naked. so i asked him why he likes me physically? he said i have a cute face. i wont lie, i felt like it was a slap in the face. lol. but he didnt notice and just kept talking. he said he loves my body. my curves, my cup size, my thighs, even my pinky toes, everything. so needless to say i was a happy camper. lol. I've just started using myfitnesspal, but I've been on a diet exercise for a while. Now he keeps me motivated but doesnt intrude. so you really never know where you'll find someone you like and a few sizes out of your ideal zone shouldnt be an issue.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Do I sound like a flake if I say I just don't know? I'm a face person, so I think if they had a cute face and sweet personality I would say most likely. But I've never been approached by a bigger guy, so I don't know for sure how I'd react.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    My husband is skin and bones, but truthfully I prefer meatier men, but not flabby/fat (a little belly doesn't bother me though.)

    Personality means a lot.
  • In the form of a bodybuilder, power lifter or strongman, yes. Otherwise no, not anymore.

    My entire lifestyle revolves around health food, healthy eating and fitness. I would prefer someone who is the same way. They wouldn't have to be totally emersed like I am since I compete. However, I do prepare the meals and live an active lifestyle and would like a partner who will try to outlive me without the complications that being obese would bring.
  • my first instincts is to say NO...however,....... I did once, form a crush on someone I thought was unattractive at first (their face)........BUT....If it was their body, I don't know if I would be sexually attracted to them ...so I wouldn't want to lead them on for me to determine if I can look past this... so I safely say no.
  • I only date 1xl-3xl.

    Total Chubby Chaser, me

    ^^^not snark or sarcasm. True Story.
    i am a chubby chaser too...crazy
  • WorkoutWarrior76
    WorkoutWarrior76 Posts: 179 Member
    If they are a good person, love kids, etc, yes. Their is somethign beautiful about everyone, my momma taught me that. Besides come age sixty I would rather be with a sweet, lovign woman who was obese than a skinny ****ing ***** who I couldnt stand. Just saying!
  • As long as I can Lift ya, I can Love ya....
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Sure. I have, and I would again. It's so much more about the inner person for me. Of course, I have basic preferences, but I have broken away from those many times in order to get to know someone, and sometimes it has worked out very nicely. :)
  • I love thick women.
  • I have to say, I'm shallow. No.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If they were absolutely incredible. And my reasoning for not doing it is I don't want to deal with their health problems.
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    I only date 1xl-3xl.

    Total Chubby Chaser, me

    ^^^not snark or sarcasm. True Story.

    hahah word. i only date guys over 210 and under 310 lol. very small bracket but ive had guys outside those stats and I wasnt into it
  • threeonethree
    threeonethree Posts: 182 Member
    After reading this thread: There might be hope for me after all. :laugh:
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    I have dated an obese guy and we even had a child together.
  • Yes I would
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Being someone that briefly dated someone that was plus size when I was younger and stupid, I would not do it again. I really don't know what I was thinking because not only was he plus-sized (in the not-football player way), he had a absolutely horrible personality and did mean things to me. So, yeah, no. Glad I got out of it quick. I've only dated three guys, two of which were very short-lived, so the dating thing has never been a huge "I need to do this" kind of thing anyway.
    The guy I'm with now (and am planning on being married to) is pretty skinny, but not overly skinny like he used to be. I really like his body type and for me, regardless of how good looking and fit you are if you have no personality and you can't make me laugh, you are pretty much un-dateable. At least to me anyway.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    my husband was 20 pounds heavier when we first got together and all the sudden, his wife found MFP. He has dropped about 20 so far but having someone in your ear explaining fat grams and portion sizes helps a lot. He eats half of what he used to eat and 20 ibs is gone so far and his wife is getting thinner at the same time. SCORE! :love:
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Well I did date a guy who was rather..Large in the mid section once and, I admit, he was obese. So yes, I would date a plus size guy. (he had other issues too.)

    However, now that I am getting back to a healthy weight maybe I should consider a guy who wants healthy weight.

    By no means does he need to have a six pack...

    However, that would be nice.

    To all the red necks out there. NOT THAT KIND OF SIX PACK! PUT THE BEER DOWN! (Southern joke.)
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member