Anyone else starting over again for 2013 ?



  • Starting over with more of a committment to me. Working in healthcare, I see so many 30-50 year old heart attacks and I don't plan to be one of them.
  • Great tip! I kind of know where and what to eat at some places but have never done the planning. Good idea and I will use it this year.
  • Had gastric far lost 30 pounds....looking forward to being more healthy.......
  • Great picture-looking good!
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    Not starting over, just moving forward. :heart:
    Good luck everyone!:drinker:
  • Not starting over, just continuing on my journey. I'm going to refocus and get the rest of this weight off once and for all!
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    Oh and I should get my fitbit replacement today so that'll help remind me to keep moving in 2013! Just in time to reset all my stats!
  • Lettey
    Lettey Posts: 3 Member
    I am also starting over for 2013.I did really well and then just kind of stopped... not sure why. No matter, I will succeed and maintain in 2013! Happy New Year and good luck to everyone.:smile::smile: :smile:
  • I started over yesterday and Im feeling great! However, I need to really be careful on what I eat for lunch and dinner because I tend to eat too much. I cant believe that I have 30lbs to loss but I DO!!! :)
  • Starting fresh, not really starting 'over'. c: i'm going to try being vegetarian for 2 weeks to start and see how that goes. ^-^
  • steve33776
    steve33776 Posts: 10 Member
    Between MFP and doing the south beach diet, 2012 was good, but I kinda fell off the wagon in the food department the last few months and gained most of it back. I'm still a lot healthier Than I was. Lots of yoga, bicycling and weights. Just got to get that eating under control. 2013 is gonna be great!
  • kay930
    kay930 Posts: 54 Member
    I just started over again today! Hoping 2013 will be our year!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I wouldn't characterize it as "starting over." I knew my weight would probably go up during the holidays when I was with my family. I wasn't happy about it, but I decided not to go nuts over it. I'm readjusting, as I constantly need to do over the course of a year, taking into account various factors, for example, injury, or lack of time to exercise.
  • fillingame
    fillingame Posts: 36 Member
    Also going to reset and start over in 2013. I started a few days ago, but am really going to track food. I am a super picky eater, so that is half of my battle.

    Anyone out there looking for a buddy to chat with,email back and forth with, etc. please find me, email me, etc.

    I have about 50 lbs to lose, am female and 28 years old.

    Thanks and best wishes to us all!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Starting fresh, not really starting 'over'. c: i'm going to try being vegetarian for 2 weeks to start and see how that goes. ^-^

    I'm going to restart IF a few times a week.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    Starting fresh, not really starting 'over'. c: i'm going to try being vegetarian for 2 weeks to start and see how that goes. ^-^

    Kinda same. Fresh. New goals and comittmment for me.
  • leblanc_kelly88
    leblanc_kelly88 Posts: 68 Member
    I guess I could say I'm starting over. Ive been tracking for a month and havent been TOOOOOOOOO bad....and I have lost ZERO pounds. I just bout a fitbit and I'm starting to become more active. I'm hoping by upping my activity it helps my weight go downnnn.
    Im also going to try focusing on my carbs. I think thats a BIG problem
  • 2013 is going to be my year! No matter what it takes, no matter how I feel, and how hard it gets...I'm pushing thru and making it happen!
  • not starting over but for the first time... good luck !
  • Kimberlyann21
    Kimberlyann21 Posts: 31 Member
    I am also jumping on tomorrow. i decided to start on the 1st..New year new beginning new motivation...I already got my calendar for my workout plan printed and ready to go...Lets all make 2013 our year