Anyone else starting over again for 2013 ?



  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm in! Since I was alone for Christmas, I didnt have all the rich food, the dinners cookies, as where I worked closed for the holidys as well, so I am in the process of a smoothie diet, transitioning into the Daniel diet. Hopefully I can stay strong till my husband comes home and he wants steaks and potatoes and fried shrimp. it is easier to stay strong when he is on the road but he loves to cook when he is home.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I am starting over again as well. It has been a year of ups and downs and i am finally ready to really make a go of it.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I agree. 2012 has definitely been a rough year. I wouldn't say I'm starting over. I'm keeping my numbers from last October when i restarted. However, I'm getting more serious when I wake up tomorrow morning.
  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    Starting fresh is a good way to put it. I stopped working out/eating right when I got mononucleosis this year and was on a 2 month running ban. I just slacked all around after that. After gaining back about 15lbs from the 50 I lost and my smallest pants don't fit anymore, I'm horrified that I'll go back to my starting weight. Not happening, so started back on it today. :)
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I am not starting over, but I have gained a few thru the Holidays (starting at Thanksgiving) but worse than that, I have not done any great exercising since then either. I have got to get back out there! WHY IS IT SO HARD?????
  • Yes, I'm starting over from scratch TODAY! I got lazy with exercising and food and quit weighing myself cause I knew it was bad. Forced myself to weigh this morning and I was shocked at the weight gain. So I have reset all of my numbers and I'm getting serious again. Good luck everyone and Happy New Year!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I sure am! I've screwed up big time. Lost sight of what is so important to me. Need to get back to doing me!!!
  • irisclark1
    irisclark1 Posts: 3 Member
    Today is my day to start over. That may have to become my morning mantra..."today is my day" "Today is my day". My plan is to lose 50 lbs. (I could stand to lose 100) But I'm going to split it into 5 mini goals of 10 lbs each.

    I've logged my food today and it's not very pretty ---all things considered I'm going to be happy that I've taken that much of a step today.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Add me to the list! I maintained from March until Thanksgiving. Since then, I've probably added 4-5 lbs. First of the year, it's coming off!
  • BrandyRelaxing
    BrandyRelaxing Posts: 68 Member
    Yep, I'm starting again too.

    Started losing weight in January 2011 at 339, and lost down to bout 245 in March 2012, and then am now back up to 308 :(

    It can only get better from here!
  • cayman07
    cayman07 Posts: 77 Member
    Finishing off rather than start over, need to get back on it though and lose a little then maintain.

    Good luck all with your goals.
  • brandyanne0204
    brandyanne0204 Posts: 45 Member
    I just updated my status saying that I was starting over. I did not have a good year 2012 and is hoping things is going to different or me 2013. I am going to be making some big changes come the New Year and I am ready.
  • joanlynel
    joanlynel Posts: 4 Member
    Yes! Started yesterday. Wish me luck. I feel focused,,
  • Hi - My fiance and I are starting over for 2013. In 2011 I was in the best shape of my life, went through some life changes this year and am eager to get back to where I know I can be. It's great to have my fiance's support and the support of this site and program - best of luck to all of us - we can do this!
  • I definately am starting over and going to go at it HARD!! I have been VERY bad and it's time to stop!
    I am SO with you AmandaVictori - I feel the same way. In reality I have about 40 pounds to loose - I wonder everyday - how did I let it get this far out of hand?!?! Not only the weight so many other things - even though there is more of my physically I feel like I have disappeared. Watch out because I am coming back!!

    Good luck to all of you who are also starting over or continuing on your journey!

    Happy New Year!
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I'm not starting over..I'm taking it to the next level. 2012 was a decent year, and 2013 is shaping up to be bigger and better.
  • djmom1984
    djmom1984 Posts: 55 Member
    I was going to start over in the new year, and then decided WHY WAIT? Three days of exercise under my belt already. Tonight's celebrations will be easier knowing I've already hit the gym.
  • geenrh
    geenrh Posts: 1 Member
    I too am starting over. I have gained back the 10 lbs I lost. I cooked lots for the holidays and enjoyed eating all the wrong things. They opened a new Krispy Kreme in our area and I love those things. I had found lots of good recipes and really enjoyed eating and cooking them. My will power waned about October and it was all down hill from there. My husband has been really supportive and I even went to see a fitness/md. She was awesome. I was so encouraged and lost 10 lbs in a month. Did not have much luck losing after that. I have Lupus and sometimes the exercise of walking makes me hurt afterward. I need lots of encouragement to keep going on this. Best of luck to everyone in the New Year!
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    I too am starting over tomorrow. I've only lost 9 pounds the entire year... I need to lose 4 times that in 2013. Starting my 1200 calorie a day & exercise 3-4 times a week again. Good luck to everyone!
  • Im not exactly starting over. Ive been trying to lose weight since Sept last year. And the progress seems very slow. Anyway, good luck to all and have a happy new year!