Commit to losing 1 pound a week in 2013 challenge



  • On Christmas Day I calculated that if I lose 1 pound a week starting 12-25 than I would reach my EXACT GOAL of 145 on 12-31-13! Pretty cool!!!!!

    1 pound a week is very doable and sustainable! This is not a race, right? I plan to make this a gradual lifestyle change. I started by reducing my processed foods, adding in more fruits and veggies and of course, logging on MFP. I have started walking and will add in weights and jogging and eliptical. And whatever other cardio catches my fancy. :tongue:

    So, WANT TO JOIN MY CHALLENGE? I'm looking to have a strong group of friends to support each other and reach our goals in 2013! FRIEND ME AND THE OTHERS IN THIS THREAD. :flowerforyou:

    Post in this thread when you weigh in and lose your pound for that week. Doesn't matter what your weigh in day is. :-). Encourage others who are struggling!!! Post your plans to adopt a healthy lifestyle... We can all learn from each other!


    would be awesome to have a weekly tread anyone know how to do it ?
  • YES I want to try, I forgot my password lol on my other account so I am starting over new. On my annaversery I was given a Health Coach, who said I had the knowledge but didnt have motivation, so she suggested this place. I started in 7/12 at 333 and when I weighed myself today 308.7. I am on track to your with your challenge. I have type 2 diabetis (since 2004) and asthma (all my life) I did a stupid thing and moved a heavy couch and hurt my back 15 years ago and it reminds me every so often. lol my physical pain in the butt. I am 48 and am going thru menapause lol, horray! But here gose every pound I hate.
  • Count me in! :D
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I'm in! My weight is around 159-161 (yeah, lately it's been sporadic, and so has my weigh ins)

    I'm going to commit to weighing in EVERY FRIDAY MORNING.

    By June my goal is to be 135-136 lbs. (:

    Then from there I'll work on the last 10 lbs!

    My body fat is currently 37% :(
  • apotok
    apotok Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in. I weighed in this morning. I would be happy to lose one pound a week. I am hoping that with accountability and support that I can be successful with this goal in 2013.
  • thank you I am glad someone is starting close to my weight, it is down hill from here so due to my bone structure I could go to 165 but health look is 185 lol. Welcome aboard
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I'm in. my weight at present is 196 pounds

    my goal is to weigh 135 pounds
  • Sounds like a great support group to me. I am in . :flowerforyou:
  • RonJr88
    RonJr88 Posts: 56 Member
    I am in!!
  • Monicapierce
    Monicapierce Posts: 126 Member
    Im in!! I started in August at 226 and got down to 191 in November, then fell off the wagon and quickly jumped back up to 198 in a month! I was binge eating so no surprise :/ But Im back! I do not want to think next year, omgosh I worked so hard and gained it all back, I want to think heck yes good thing I stuck it out! Here we go!
  • taniab100
    taniab100 Posts: 11 Member
    If there's still room, I'd love to join! Happy New Year and good luck!

  • What a great goal! I'm committed to losing around .5 a week and my goal is 140. I'm currently at 154. Anyone on here is VERY WELCOME to add me! The more motivation the merrier! <3
  • GSAllumbaugh
    GSAllumbaugh Posts: 70 Member
    If there is room for one more - I am in! This is a great challenge!! Feel free to add me! I'm the "need a buddy" kind of person so I'm looking forward to all the support in 2013!!
  • em511
    em511 Posts: 10
    please count me in! today is my first day...
  • i am in:smile:
  • WestCoastMom
    WestCoastMom Posts: 34 Member
    I am interested. I had my 3rd baby 3 months ago. I only have about 10 pounds to lose but sure need motivation to exercise, eat healthy and tone up so my clothes fit properly. So, if I can join this motivated group that would be great!
  • I'm in! Currently at 252 lbs and aiming to lose 2 lbs a week until I hit 154 lbs.
  • GrandmaLynn1
    GrandmaLynn1 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in please friend me . . . current: 213; goal 140 so a pound a week works for me; managed to lose .5 lb over the holidays so i want to continue the momentum. Thank you and Happy New Year!
  • I'm in! By achieving this I will be at goal by Oct '13. Need this challenge - I just gained 7 pounds over the holidays....
  • Loralea43
    Loralea43 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in. I'm starting my F.A.R.P. (fat *kitten* reduction plan) this week. Slow and steady wins the race. Love it! Thanks for throwing down the gauntlet and offering practical encouragement. :wink: