Do you have a strange eating habit?



  • I eat uncooked chicken nuggets, uncooked shrimps, uncooked bacon and steamed rice with ketchup. Disgusting isn't it?
  • meganreinsch
    meganreinsch Posts: 30 Member
    I an addicted to Vinegar on popcorn, if you add just the right amount of vinegar and salt your popcorn tastes like salt and vinegar chips (but slightly soggy)
  • I love raw hot dogs.. especially with cheese which everyone thinks is absolutely disgusting

    I also like dipping my popcorn into Icee's at the movie theater, perfect combination of salty and sweet
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    Eating sandwiches, chocolate bars, & other square-like items into actual, even-sized squares that I then eat. I started doing it as a kid & still do for no particular reason. :laugh:
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I dip peanut butter toast in tea. I also eat my least favorite food item in my meals first and save the best favorite meal item for last.
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    I can't eat sweets without having something salty afterward to cleanse my palate. I don't think that's too strange, though.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I have one that I am almost positive contributed in a small way to my weight gains over the years. I always used to eat my fries or mashed potatoes before I would eat whatever meat was on my plate. Now I know that protein and fat are more likely to make me feel full, so that was a recipe for overeating.

    Also, I eat fast. Like, starving dog afraid to lose her food fast. Which doesn't help with portion control, either!
  • mdyorston
    mdyorston Posts: 158
    I can't eat sweets without having something salty afterward to cleanse my palate. I don't think that's too strange, though.
    ^^same and vice versa
  • mercina22
    mercina22 Posts: 446 Member
    I like shrimp tales and chicken cartilage.

    I eat the tails too. Call me weird..........

    Me too my whole family used to make fun of me for this . Not only do i like the shrimp tails but i eat the chicken bones too if they are soft enough..
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    I thought of a few more:

    When I eat anything small and colored (think M&M's or Skittles) I put them into a pyramid based on color. Then eat one from each row so I always have a pyramid until they are all gone. The ones that don't fit into the pyramid, I don't eat.

    I don't eat ketchup on a hamburger, but I love it on fries, although my preference with fries is tarter sauce.

    I like edge pieces on casseroles, but not on baked goods. So I cut the edge off of all brownies and cakes before I serve them so it always feels like it's a middle piece.

    I refuse to eat cake and ice cream together!

    If I have a plate with several items on it, I try a bite from each items, then decide the order in which I will eat them. I eat all of my first choice, and move on in order.

    Lastly, I cannot have hot food and a hot drink. So coffee with a warm breakfast is not an option for me. I will eat breakfast, and have coffee later. I can eat a cold meal with a hot drink, or a cold meal with a cold drink.
  • I do this. Anything of different colors I have to separate.
  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member
    I eat uncooked chicken nuggets, uncooked shrimps, uncooked bacon and steamed rice with ketchup. Disgusting isn't it?

    My mom eats uncooked bacon. Yes, I find that completely freaky. She also eats raw hamburger. BUT---I eat sushi and sashimi and she thinks that's gross, so I guess we all have the potential to gross each other out!

    I usually eat all or most of my salad or veg early in the meal. I guess I have always figured that I would save calories if I got too full to finish, but I do now make more of an effort to get the lean protein in. I also have to have salad every day. I eat freaky huge amounts of vegetables.

    I generally don't do the "save the best for last" because I am really trying these days not to eat past the point of sateity. The exeption is when I have sushi. I kow I'm not going to have any leftover, so I have to end with whichever one is my favorite. Sometimes that means if I have maki that I end up pulling off the rice and abandoning it for just the yummy filling. Or I just keep eating despite being full. :/
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    1. When I eat M&Ms or Skittles I separate them into groups by color. I then eat them in groups, two M&Ms or Skittles at a time. I eat my least favorite color first and then work my way up to my favorite color, lol.

    HAHAHA - I do that too except I have to eat one on each side of my mouth, one green on the left, one gree on the right.... yep it's weird. I do that with everything.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    I love this post...make me feel less weird about my habits!

    I'm pretty sure my mom traumatized me with an egg when I was little...hate em, taste, texture, colors...blech! Have never eaten one, regardless of how cooked. I will use them in baking, etc...but even then, it's so gross to get any on my hands when cracking, yuck! I did initiate learning how to scramble an egg for my daughter cause I didn't want to instill this weirdness in her...that was a major step.

    I don't eat any white condiments, toppings, or sauces...mayo, ranch, bleu cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, whip cream, this list goes on an on, and also includes butter and mustard for some weird reason. But I will drown almost anything in ketchup! Yum, can eat that by itself.

    I think my condiment issues have also lead me to be a "dry" sandwich mayo/mustard and it's delicious! But not so much with ketchup, doesn't usually work there.
  • If I have a plate of food, I'll eat the stuff I like least first. Don't know why--it's not as if i was a member of the Clean Plate Club as a kid. I guess I just want it gone so I can concentrate on the stuff I really like.

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