What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • I can't believe someone would actually say that. That's horrible and not true. Even at my heaviest weight I have had some hot younger guys hit on me and girls as well. Don't believe a word of that.
  • When I was a kid, my older brothers called me 'brat' because I was chubby. That's been a hard one to let go. Then my husband 'shared' that a brother in law told him I had a really "big a**"; I mean really? I didn't already know that? Maybe, that kind of support was one reason NOT to change my weight. But when my youngest son came home and said his classmates were teasing him because of my size, I lost 40 lbs. He was very proud of me, as was I.
  • that I could be so pretty if I were thin, I would have such a great body if I were thin. Such a pretty face. yeah, **** off! haha
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I've had people think I was pregnant before.
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    Being asked how far along I am. Then afer informing them I'm not pregnant, get told all the reasons *why* they thought I was pregnant, and well I couldn't really blame them for thinking I was pregnant could I?
  • azalea617
    azalea617 Posts: 109 Member
    Nobody picked on me in school because although I wasn't super popular, everyone liked me (I was the smart, quiet girl). But I got to hear it from my grandma. Some of my favorites were:

    When I first got chubby at age 8: "Let's get you on a scale." Then she taught me how to suck my stomach in. At age 8.

    During college, while I was seeing a guy who was really fit and she actually liked for once. (We didn't work out, but for unrelated reasons; he openly said he liked my body): "You'll have to get in shape if you want to be with him!"

    Starting grad school: "You'll be so beautiful once you're thin."

    The best part of all of it has been that when I was little, she would say things, and then feed me hoagies and ice cream and other junk. She has steadily gained weight with age (she's 82 and still as fiery as ever) and often pawns off clothes that are "too tight" on her to me (I'm slightly smaller than her now and she actually buys some cute stuff, haha). I cannot wait for the day that I can say "sorry, Grandma, the clothes you gave me are way too big for me."
  • oh, yep. forgot about the being mistaken as pregnant. happened at work from a co-worker. sucked
  • Maggs1973
    Maggs1973 Posts: 3 Member
    When is the baby due?
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    If I'm fighting with someone and they say something about my weight, I just expect that cause I know its the only negative someone could say about me lol! But I've been mistaken as being pregnant, told once my weight comes off I'll really be able to go places in life, blah blah.. Same **** different day.

    I just don't listen (or try not to) to people anymore. What I think of myself is more important (and I know I could use work on that as well), so I'm trying to focus on improving my own confidence!

  • I just don't listen (or try not to) to people anymore. What I think of myself is more important (and I know I could use work on that as well), so I'm trying to focus on improving my own confidence!

    you and me both!!
  • hexs92
    hexs92 Posts: 5
    My family always complains that I'm too fat which really damages my self esteem but I think the worst thing was said by my mom. About this time last year I was heavier and I finally got tired of hearing my family annoy me about it so I decided to eat healthier and run more and I ended up losing 20 pounds in one year. I ran up to my mom one day completely thrilled at my achievement and when I told her she responded "oh that's nice, but you still have a lot more to go." I mean couldn't she have been a tiny bit excited for me? Why am I not good enough just the way I am? It really broke my heart to just hear her shrug it off like it's no big deal
  • davoiscool
    davoiscool Posts: 125 Member
    I got called an obese c*nt the other day.

    Roll with it.
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    OHHHH I know and remember exactly the worst thing said to me was.... "you are so f*ing fat I cant believe you havent gone into cardiac arrest yet"... by my then boyfriend of 8!!! Years!!!
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    God these are terrible. I have never been called fat. I guess I have never really been fat. I am a little over weight now that I have had two kids but I am actively working on it and right away. People say nothing but nice things. I am so sorry you guys have had to hear all of that.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I was told by my husbands step mom..."not that your not pretty now but you were a knock out when you were thin."

    Jokes on her because now she is bigger than I ever was!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    It wasn't so much one thing, long before I joined here, and actually when I was about the weight I am now - a (none too slim herself) contractor would often make digs about my weight and just constantly needle.

    It was with not without a degree of smugness that I noted on some of her recent photo postings on Facebook that she's piled on the pounds A LOT!
    Whereas another friend from that project invited me to join her weight loss FB group with a bunch of others and I love the sense of encouragement.

    Talk about what goes around comes around ...
  • zilliegirl
    zilliegirl Posts: 52 Member
    My older brother said at Christmas that he had to do something about his weight he said " It looks like i ate a VOLKSWAGON. We all laughed but I know how he feels.
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    Back in high school I used to get told things like "Go eat a sandwich", not to go outside cause the wind will blow me away, etc. Also got called "big head", "apple head" etc, which is not really directly about my weight but I guess my head looked big compared to my skinny body.

    Heard...MPF isn't just for people who want to lose...being called too skinny all the time esp as an adult is very akward...
  • I can't believe how hurtful people can be. It's so cruel. But to everyone out there who has ever felt crappy when looking at a mirror or going to sleep disgusted that they realized they gained so much weight, It's NOT what other people tell you, it's what you tell yourself. No mom, boyfriend, friend, or human being for that matter, should make you feel about yourself, even if they blantantly say it out loud to you. Don't give them that power.
    If you don't feel good about yourself, that's okay. No one is perfect. BUT atleast you're already on here trying to make a change. So you're already ahead of everyone!!!
    Find your bliss and don't let anyone take that away from you.
  • Honestly, the worst things said about my weight have been said BY me in my own head. :grumble:

    ^this. Sums it all up for me.