What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • I was on an elevator in a parking ramp at an airport and an middle-school age boy got on with his mom and he looked up at the weight limit for the elevator, which was about 2500 lbs and pointed at it and giggled at his mom. His mother didn't have the sense to teach him manners as apparently she must have found it amusing as well. If it had been my son, first of all, he would never have done such a thing, and if he had been dumb enough to do something like that in my presence, I would have no qualms about teaching him what's right even if someone else could hear.
  • Was at a reuinion, took my shirt off to dive into the lake from the dock:

    Nephew: "Uncle! When did you get so fat?"
    Me: "Nephew! When did you get so rude?"

    I was once bothered by it...now he's bigger than me.

    That karma.... LOL.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    When I was 15, I had an awkward stage where I was tall & scrawny. I ate junk food all the time, but I had had a growth spurt where I went from 5'3" to 5'7" in 2 years and puberty must've been sucking up all my calories. I was about 110 or 120lbs at 5'7" and one day on the school bus someone wrote "Iorahkwano is an anorexic b****" on my bus seat. Where I sat every day.

    My friend told me who it was (One of her friends, also skinny, who was 18yrs old & still in grade 8). I guess she didn't like me because I hung out with her friend or maybe she was just miserable in general. But I think that was the worst thing ever said/written about my weight. It made me feel bad that someone didn't like me, and also that they thought I looked/was anorexic.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    I was asked when i was due, ugh......then when i was hot at work one day, a coworker said it's because i must have high blood pressure since i'm so heavy.....phoey!
  • sarahmichelle91xx
    sarahmichelle91xx Posts: 113 Member
    I have only been called fat by my sister but her ex boyfriend used to call her fat and she's 5'6
    And 120 lbs, I used to sit there thinking well if she's fat what am I (5'4 170lbs!)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    All to often at work lunches for holidays etc. when i walk in I either get "hope nobody wants seconds" or "better beat these guys in while there's some left" (my office mate has a gut as well)..... usually I laugh and joke back.. but once i laughing snapped and told someone to shove their metabolism where the sun don't shine (they are fairly skinny and always eating sweets) then proceeded to stuff myself mind you this came from the people who tell me "i wear it well" (my weight)

    this is just off the top of my head there is way more.....

    That would have warranted a call to HR. Wow.

    My brother used to say stuff to me when I was younger. He was skinny as a rail, and frankly everyone else in our family was fat. I told him that his day would come.

    Boy, was I right.

    When that happened, though, I wasn't happy to see it. He now watches what he eats and works out regularly, and I'm really proud of the progress he's made! (Admittedly the one time we ran together this summer, I was pleased with myself for having to keep circling back so I didn't lose sight of him behind me. Now I'm pregnant again, so the next time I will be running with him, it will probably be the other way around!)
  • yaba77
    yaba77 Posts: 20
    I walked in to a restaurant when i was back in town visiting family and my late uncle was there and he said "holy s*** boy you get bigger every time i see you"... always loved the guy may he rest in peace and i knew it wasn't mean but it still made me feel like crap funny thing was he wasn't any smaller than me
  • Honestly, the worst things said about my weight have been said BY me in my own head. :grumble:

    Oh this ^^^^ is so ME!!!!:huh:
  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member
    My family always complains that I'm too fat which really damages my self esteem but I think the worst thing was said by my mom. About this time last year I was heavier and I finally got tired of hearing my family annoy me about it so I decided to eat healthier and run more and I ended up losing 20 pounds in one year. I ran up to my mom one day completely thrilled at my achievement and when I told her she responded "oh that's nice, but you still have a lot more to go." I mean couldn't she have been a tiny bit excited for me? Why am I not good enough just the way I am? It really broke my heart to just hear her shrug it off like it's no big deal

    Oh, hon. You are more than good enough! You should be really proud of yourself.
    My mom spent my childhood saying terrible things to me about my weight. She completely denies it now, and tells me that I was "never that big". One day I had had enough and I said to her, "Well, if I was never that big, why did you always talk to me like I was obese?" She said something about wanting to spare me from getting obese. But now I am also in the same boat as saying terrible things to myself. I have 25 pounds to lose and you'd think it was much more. I am always convinced that people are staring and whispering about how obese I am.

    The funny thing is, my mom about 150 pounds overweight and has been for years. And she totally gets caught up in 'good foos' vs. 'bad food'. i've had to ask her to stop referring to food as 'bad' in front of my kids, and to stop saying things like 'oh, you did a good job!' when they eat their whole meal.

    The poster who heard the woman in the grocery store---that is so awful. Not just because she called you fat and ugly, but because she's teaching her child both hateful talk and to be afraid of food.

    Ugh, now I'm getting so aggravated. No wonder psychiatrists always blame things on the mother!! LOL
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I swear the older people practically have as little of a filter as the kids do. I have had people ask me about my pregnancy and I have never been pregnant. The funny thing is that I got asked that most often the last time I lost a bunch of weight. I don't know if it was just cause I had an unproportional amount of extra skin around my middle or what. Once during this time at work I had an old lady ask me if I was pregnant. When I said no, she patted my stomach and said, "Oh, well it's all puffy right here"...thanks lady. That is something I just don't get. If you have the balls to ask ANY woman whether she is pregnant or not and she says no, WHY would you continue on? That is your cue to just stop talking! On a more positive note, now that I think of it this time around I have been doing a lot more weight training type exercises and have not got ANY inquisitions about my nonexistent pregnancy!
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    I never had any weight problems growing up, but my father has told me recently that it "hurts him" to see me look this way. :indifferent:
  • Sugarhiccup03
    Sugarhiccup03 Posts: 88 Member
    Hmm, there are many sadly. My uncle (overweight himself) kept calling me Miss Piggy in front of our whole family at every get together. I asked him to stop it just made it worst. Everyone always laughed like it was so funny. This went on from the time I was 8 or 9 until I was 18 and stopped attending them as a whole. Next, my mother used to always tell me that my father didn't like fat girls like me when he was their age and made it a point to show her skinny pics when she was in high school and said she never looked like me at my age and she never understood why I was fat. Well she's fat now and was then too. This killed me as a kid but made me stronger as an adult. I finally realized that they were uncomfortable in their own skin and for some reason chose to lash out at me to make themselves feel better ;).
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    My family always complains that I'm too fat which really damages my self esteem but I think the worst thing was said by my mom. About this time last year I was heavier and I finally got tired of hearing my family annoy me about it so I decided to eat healthier and run more and I ended up losing 20 pounds in one year. I ran up to my mom one day completely thrilled at my achievement and when I told her she responded "oh that's nice, but you still have a lot more to go." I mean couldn't she have been a tiny bit excited for me? Why am I not good enough just the way I am? It really broke my heart to just hear her shrug it off like it's no big deal

    Oh sweetheart, that just kills me. As a mum I know I say some things casually to my kids that must hurt but that is really so not ok.
  • keesha27
    keesha27 Posts: 25 Member
    HA!! LMBO!!
  • keesha27
    keesha27 Posts: 25 Member
    My friend's husband was drunk, bumped into me and caused me to knock a beer off the table. He slured and called me a "F***ing Fata**".

    I then punched him.

    He apologized...I said okay.

    She and I are no longer friends, and he's still a ****.

    HA!! LMBO!!
  • joycelreed
    joycelreed Posts: 17 Member
    no... don't listen to that!
  • keesha27
    keesha27 Posts: 25 Member
    That as big as I was I shouldn't get cold outside, That I had no right be attracted to someone due to their weight, and that I had a pretty face for being so fat

    I HATE that statement. "You're pretty for a fat girl" or "You have a pretty face." WOW!! Really? Argh!! :explode:
  • keesha27
    keesha27 Posts: 25 Member
    Since I was a child people have said "You have a beautiful face, but if you lost weight you'd be prettier". And my paternal aunt always feels the need to mention some new diet. And when i was 18/19 going to a club for the first time, a guy shouts out to my mortification as I walked in, "Big Girls need love too"

    I was never teased much in MS/HS unless I was arguing with someone and of course the one and only thing they could ever rag on me about was my weight.

    When i was a kid my mom would force her way into my fitting room and if I couldn't fit something she'd always complain loudly for all to hear about how I needed to lose weight and I was too fat. I would cry when we had to go shopping because I knew I would wind up embarrassed and feeling terrible.

    My ex boyfriend told me I was gorgeous but that I would look better minus 50 pounds. And he broke up with me, supposedly not over my weight but who knows.

    People act like being fat is like punishable by death or something.

    That is terrible......I hope he runs in to you after you have reached your goal weight. My mother told me once, losing weight can be the sweetest revenge because butthead exes will never get to have the "better" of you. The most he'll get to do is drool over what he passed up!!
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    I have to say that we were going into a store once behind most likely the largest woman I have ever seen well over 500 pounds and my 3 year old out of complete innocence said wow mom she's really big. Now a 3. Year old doesn't know how to judge and since I have been overweight most of my life I never say stuff like that. She was just genuinely surprised at the size of this lady. It was definitely loud enough for the woman to hear and I felt terrible but at the same time it was a comment like that that made me take a good look at myself and say wow i need to do something.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    "I thought you were on a diet"

    "I thought you were losing weight?" (I had already lost 30lbs)

    My best friend told me that the song "Fat Bottom Girls" by Queen always reminded her of me. She didn't really mean for it to be offensive and I laughed it off but I never forgot that she said it.

    "Mom, I don't want to be fat like you" <~~ That was the killer