What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    I had a woman ask me "when are you due" when I was 17, I wanted to punch her so hard and her response when I said "What are you talking about, I'm not pregnant!" she said "Oh, well then fatty, lose some weight so people don't have to assume you are pregnant!" :explode:
  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    Okay seriously, your mom sounds like a B*tch for saying that and I've walked out of family get togethers and stuff because I told them I didn't want to hear anything like it - if I do, I am leaving. They didn't believe me, they mentioned something and I left. My grandma was so upset that she actually got MAD and YELLED (an 80 yr old woman) and told my aunt to go to her room! Haha. I later apologized to my grandma and she said not to worry, she figured it would happen and good for me for being the better person and sticking up for myself. :smile:

    As for your husband, I'd seriously ask him if he really wants to go there! He is supposed to be helping to build you up, not tear you down! He could have given you a gym membership as a gift (and one for himself) and gone together, not just look at you like an idiot and then say crap like that!
    To add on .... We had friends over and I said wow the fire place got it hot in here and she said well its because you have so much insulation! And I asked my husband later that night if I was really that big and he just looked at me! He recently told me I need a gym membership and I am getting on anyways but I am so insecure with myself now!
  • Lagaile50
    That I looked pregnant. My tummy is my worst problem. My mom has it. Her mom had it. I need motivation to lose it. Very hard.
  • Lagaile50
    Exactly right. I see people for who they are. Not their being overweight. I worry about health issues concerning fat, not weight.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    To me in elementary school: "Hey crimsoncat! I don't care what the teacher says I know a fat freak when I see one and you're the queen of FAT".

    I was a normal weight at the time, but all the other girls in my town are the product of blond trophy wives and were overly slender as children.
  • CarlaChalk78
    When I was at school (long time ago) I slipped in some mud and a group of girls were stood there laughing..one shouted over that I wouldn't have fallen if I wasn't so fat because my knees would hold me up better....
  • mcgraw0204
    I have struggled with weight for as long as I can remember (even when I wasn't fat I thought I was fat). On the flip side my sister is super skinny. One day we were talking about this, and she provided the following insight; she said that when people talk about someone being fat it's usually behind their back. When you are super thin, people have no filter telling you to eat, or calling you annorexic. They think it's funny or complementary, and she feels it is offensive.

    Same here. I'm 5'4'', and I thought I was fat when I weighed 130 lbs. No matter how skinny I am, I'll always think I'm fat, I fear.

    There is a way to fix that. Change your thought process about weightloss from "I want to be skinny" to "I want to be FIT". Throw away the scale, concentrate on getting stronger, getting faster. Run a mile, next week or month, run it faster. Pick up a weight, next time pick up a heavier weight. Use those as markers for success, and stop worrying about what the scale says. Hope that helps.
  • Webbygail
    Webbygail Posts: 116
    Wooow, let me go down the list.... =/

    "Are you a boy or a girl?" "Girl" "Did you say HIPPO?" - Girl i didn't know at the bus stop when i was 9. That was the first time i ever heard someone point out my weight, and i started cutting myself after that until i was into my older teens...

    "TIMBEEEER!" - My brother yelling this as i sat down in a chair at a friends bday party we were attending (i was 13, he was 11). i ran home crying from the party.

    Childhood and my teenage years brought on a vast amount of insults and inquiries from people. I'm the oldest of 8 (5 girls 3 boys) so there were lots of fights and arguing, and my weight was usually the first thing brought up in any kind of verbal quarrel.

    "So now that i've met your sisters... what the hell happened to you?" - Various ex friends over the years
    "Did you have to buy a second seat?" - My coworkers at my old job when I told them I had bought a plane ticket to Japan.

    Oh and when I found out my ex was cheating on me with a girl who I THOUGHT was a friend of mine, she texted my phone with "I would've told you in person but I was always afraid you'd get angry and eat me"

  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I have struggled with weight for as long as I can remember (even when I wasn't fat I thought I was fat). On the flip side my sister is super skinny. One day we were talking about this, and she provided the following insight; she said that when people talk about someone being fat it's usually behind their back. When you are super thin, people have no filter telling you to eat, or calling you annorexic. They think it's funny or complementary, and she feels it is offensive.

    Same here. I'm 5'4'', and I thought I was fat when I weighed 130 lbs. No matter how skinny I am, I'll always think I'm fat, I fear.

    There is a way to fix that. Change your thought process about weightloss from "I want to be skinny" to "I want to be FIT". Throw away the scale, concentrate on getting stronger, getting faster. Run a mile, next week or month, run it faster. Pick up a weight, next time pick up a heavier weight. Use those as markers for success, and stop worrying about what the scale says. Hope that helps.

    I did this mind set change with our daughter. She was very skinny most of her life then she was put on meds that made her gain weight. It also causes high cholesterol. When she said mommy I feel fat I said first of all you're in no way shape or form fat! SO get that out of your pretty head. I told her WE need to get healthy. Dr. told her to move more to help with the cholesterol levels so she did. She fights the fatigue caused by the meds and walks more. She uses my stationary bike almost every day for at least 30 minutes and has not only lost 4 pounds but her cholesterol levels are now normal. She always was a healthy eater so that wasn't the problem. She no longer says she's fat or feels fat. She loves how she looks and she says she feels great. She still has to fight through the fatigue the meds cause but she gets through it. Her idea of what is fat was based on her jeans being tight. Now she needs new jeans because hers are falling off. By the way she is only 5'5" and 140 pounds. She was 144. Everyone thinks she has a cute figure before she lost those 4 lbs and now. I would give anything to be 5'5" with her cute figure instead of my 5'11" with my amazon build.
  • Nightfly01
    Nightfly01 Posts: 85 Member
    My kids say your fat daddy, Ora friend saying I gained about 20 since I saw him.
  • AMS44067
    Well, I guess if you can't find the right Fitness Center, then I have to live with a fat wife".

    Iam 5'6"/158 pounds. My husband is 5'6" and 300 pounds!! Imagine that!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    This is such a sad, negative thread I am sorry. Why sit there and worry what others say. Be around loving and supportive people. Don't bring this into your life.
  • BrenWOW
    BrenWOW Posts: 95
    In 6th grade,( and I was just a little chubby) I had to get up in front of class and present my science fair project and when it was silent, a boy yelled "Fat pig!" Half the class laughed and I wanted to die, cry right there. I barely made it through my science project. I almost cried typing that, thinking about how bad I felt, and I'm 43- it was a while ago! Kids are mean....
    The one cool thing about that is that kid went to a different high school and I bumped into him in a bar when I was thin and cute and he had no idea who I was so when he asked me to go out with him, in front of his friends, I shot him down in a bad way- he was so embarrased. THEN I told him who i was. Jacka#@ ( didn't know if I could write that on here) Then I heard later, his bride left him at the altar. Karma!
  • LLB226
    LLB226 Posts: 11
    I was told by a nurse practitioner that if I gained one more pound, it would be completely unacceptable. I have a herniated disc that pinches my sciatic nerve, so doctors have told me not to run, that I can walk or snowshoe..she told me to ignore them because at 81 I can walk, at 31, I should be running. Tried giving me her sister inlaw's number because she's a personal trainer and told me that she tells people to go to Lowes, pick up a bag of mulch and to walk around with it because that will show how much extra weight I'm carrying. She was the first person (in a very long time) to make me cry about my weight.
  • BrenWOW
    BrenWOW Posts: 95
    This is such a sad, negative thread I am sorry. Why sit there and worry what others say. Be around loving and supportive people. Don't bring this into your life.

    And I agree!!!!! I felt great until I though of that bad memory!!! But looking ahead is the only way to go- why put yourself in that mindset???
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    Do you REALLY think your boyfriend loves you? Even with all that weight ?
    It's not that you can't be pretty...
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    one of my mother in laws gives me clothes. I've told her not to, because I will cry. The other day, she comes out with pant's. "here, theses are too big for me, but they'll fit you." one of many

    My sister did this to me once. Gave me a big bag of clothes and said here these are WAaayyy to big for me but I'm sure they'll fit you! I know how my sister is and she did say this just to dig at me. Thats how she is.

    By the way, EVERYTHING in that bag was way too big on me. It was all size 18 to 24. I just chucked all of it into one of those clothing donation bins.

    I could never do that to someone! When I lost my weight and had 6 bags of clothes that no longer fit me I didn't go up to my friends and offer my old big clothes to them even though I knew some of them could fit them and everything was in good condition. I thought that would be cruel. I just put it all in those bins.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    This is such a sad, negative thread I am sorry. Why sit there and worry what others say. Be around loving and supportive people. Don't bring this into your life.

    Sometimes, it can be very hard to tell if someone's going to be supportive or negative until they talk to you. Speaking for myself, I don't go looking for unsupportive people and think, "Hey, this person calls me a fat pig/hippo/lardass and harps on me about what I put into my mouth many times a day. I should be BFFs with him/her!" :huh:

    Negative comments and actions stick with people for a very long time. I certainly didn't want sh!tty self-esteem, but having nasty things said/done to and about me as a child formed it.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    This is such a sad, negative thread I am sorry. Why sit there and worry what others say. Be around loving and supportive people. Don't bring this into your life.

    And I agree!!!!! I felt great until I though of that bad memory!!! But looking ahead is the only way to go- why put yourself in that mindset???

    Because for some its the reminder of these bad memories that motivate us to keep going and take off those pesky pounds. Those rude negative people will always be that way. We can't change them but we can change ourselves and our weight. We will gain the self confidence and improve our self esteem with this motivation. I can't wait till someone in my so called family sees me now. Now I'm the thin one again and they are all the heavy ones. I was always the thin one in the family then the minute I put on some weight due to an illness they jumped all over me. They couldn't wait to rub it in my face. Now I strut around with my head held high and think to myself...SCREW them!!
  • IWantToo
    IWantToo Posts: 162
    Your post is sad and NEGATIVE. I'm not sorry. I didnt read any of the post in this thread simply because I didnt want to hear depressing sad "stuff" I knew what this thread was about when I entered it. As did you. I wouldn't go in a thread named " Whats your fav BBQ Chicken crockpit yummy yummy recipe!' just to say I hate bbq chicken and it makes me sad to people who should be eating healthy talking about bbq, you should be looking for healthy recipes..seriously who gives a crap. its counterproductive and odd. let people vent converse, share like stories and let them be. Fyi your post only got read cause i was looking for my own lmaooo
    This is such a sad, negative thread I am sorry. Why sit there and worry what others say. Be around loving and supportive people. Don't bring this into your life.