What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    Randon Person to me, "I guess you will be glad when that baby gets here"
    Me to Random Person, "What the hell are you talking about?"
    Random Person, "Oh um, I thought......."
    Me, "Well thinking did not work out for you this time did it!"
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    You can't win for losing. The only person's thoughts about your weight/appearence/health is YOURS. Every one thinks differently and has their opinions, but what makes them right? As long as you eat healthy, stay active and are happy with where you are in life, fitness and health.. that's all that matters!
  • Lucyl0ck3tt
    Lucyl0ck3tt Posts: 15 Member
    "I'd rather go out then a Donkey then a WHALE"


    "I can't go out with you cos you're fat"
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    "You don't look that small...."
  • protosaurus
    protosaurus Posts: 16 Member
    Often called a fat hobbity *kitten* by complete strangers
  • heathercofflin
    This is such a sad, negative thread I am sorry. Why sit there and worry what others say. Be around loving and supportive people. Don't bring this into your life.
  • heathercofflin
    I was sitting here thinking the same thing! I am reading all these posts and getting down and they didn't even happen to me! No, my life has not been perfect but I am not going to sit around and let a@%es control my feelings and emotions. I have enough going on in my life to worry about what others say. Granted, I have not had anything like this happen to me in years (and I just started losing weight) but don't let it control you. Let it motivate you so when you start losing the weight, you can just walk by those people and give them the one finger wave! (Not real mature but they don't seem to me on the mature side either if they are talking about people's weight.) I am sure everyone has a "fault," "complex", or concern about themselves. Don't let it control you!
  • SammySentle
    I never got picked on in school. I was 170lbs @ 5'6 and had a very athletic, muscular build (People didn't believe me when I told them how much weighed).

    But the person that has hurt me the most is my Grandfather. He's always making comments about my weight, and how I look in general. He tells me all the time I was in such reat shape in HS and that I need to get back there. I'm 21, and am working on getting off pregnancy weight.

    The worst part is that these comments are reserved for me, because I'm a girl. My brother doesn't get treated this way.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    actually, just remembered my husband shouting out "These are ELEPHANTINE!!!!" When he inadvertently put my jeans on...he wasn't even tryingto be nasty at the time - just surprised (and yes we're still married)

    My husband has sort of done that to me. He put on my shorts once and danced around showing how much bigger they are on him. Than he couldn't understand when i tell him that is mean.
  • murphinchina
    I can't even remember specifics. It just seems like high school was one long blur of a group of guys moo-ing at me.

    In another time and another place, I could have been one of those guys. My sincere apologies.
    And look at me now. Karma...?
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I was sitting here thinking the same thing! I am reading all these posts and getting down and they didn't even happen to me! No, my life has not been perfect but I am not going to sit around and let a@%es control my feelings and emotions. I have enough going on in my life to worry about what others say. Granted, I have not had anything like this happen to me in years (and I just started losing weight) but don't let it control you. Let it motivate you so when you start losing the weight, you can just walk by those people and give them the one finger wave! (Not real mature but they don't seem to me on the mature side either if they are talking about people's weight.) I am sure everyone has a "fault," "complex", or concern about themselves. Don't let it control you!

    That's awesome that you're this way, but sometimes it helps to let it out sometimes, it's human.
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    When my son was about 4 or 5 we were In Kmart in the checkout line and Martin Lawrence was on the cover of a magazine dressed as Big Mama. My son says very loud Ma you look like like big mama. I could see people trying not to laugh I was so embarrassed.
  • Dlacenere
    Dlacenere Posts: 198 Member
    In College a random guy at a party said to me, "lose some weight and maybe I will give you a chance". I was about 30 lbs heavier then. I will never forget it. Also my dad used to say to me "do you really think you need that?" when I was in high school and would go into the kitchen for a snack.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    got down to my goal weight, a guy at work, wow, you need to stop losing weight, you are getting little, that same guy about 2 months later, goes, no offense, but youve gained weight. how can you not take offense first of all, but i gained 5 pounds. first of all, who can tell 5 pounds, secondly, i dont know why i got so mad and upset, but i can go into my office and lock the door and i went in there and just cried on and off for 2 hours. Not sure why I let him get to me, because hes somebody ive worked with for 5 years and we arent close, but to be told im losing too much weight and then im gaining weight, i wonder why hes looking at my weight so much. hypocritical thing, he probably weighs at least 100 pounds more than i do and is always eating crap right next to me when im eating healthy.
  • Subowski
    Some of these are truly horrific. :(

    I wasn't an especially fat child, I was always just on the edge of chunky - I got very little abuse at school or in public, just the odd one ("fatface" was one jibe I'll remember).

    Nope, the worst comments I got were from my alleged "best friend", my brother, my mother and stepfather. My tall slim "friend" controlled me for a good 8 school years by being extremely possessive, and making continual remarks about me having a fat belly, fat legs, a fat *rse, being podgy, not fitting through a doorway, etc etc.

    My mother passed on her secret binging habits to be from a young age, by dishing me up tiny "slimmers" portions of food (identical to hers) at mealtimes with the family, reassuring me that she would never let me get "fat like her", then taking me to the shops and buying me chocolate which we would eat in the car together before we went home.

    My stepfather used to watch me eating something fairly innocent, adopt a disapproving scowl, and say "You shouldn't eat too much of that Susan, you'll just get fat as a porker."

    Even so, I was more popular and had more boyfriends than the slim friend, and got better exam results than her. My mother is now 75 and still grabs at her loose skin and berates herself for being fat and ugly (she is neither, she is beautiful), whilst eating half a chocolate cake when no-one else is around. My stepfather died 5 years ago, but despite his hurtful comments when I was young, he spent a good many years of my adulthood telling me I was beautiful, and I loved him for that!

    How about a thread about the nicest thing ever said to you.....or the best backhanded compliment!!

    ETA; I forgot my brother! He was reeeeally nasty and would make as many fat jibes as he could to make me cry. And then my mother/stepfather would tell me to toughen up. Ha!
  • lovinlandl
    lovinlandl Posts: 99 Member
    two years ago I did the MRC program and lost 28 pounds. I've felt fortunate that I have only gained between 3-5 pounds back since but, can't seem to get the scale to go down more (always trying).

    Anyway, just this week someone asked if it made me mad that I did "that program and gained all of the weight back". I was a little taken back and confused because my scale doesn't say I'm back up 28 pounds and I'm still wearing the clothes that are 1-2 sizes smaller.

  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    Probably the most hurtful remarks come from my mother, the queen of passive-agressive. She once made me a pan of fudge for me when I came for a visit. After the fudge was gone she said, "Well, you might as well get rid of your old clothes. You'll never fit into a size 6 again, especially after eating all that fudge!" You would think that, after having been raised by her that I would have been better prepared/seen that one coming! Now when starts in on me, I politely inquire after her health (diabetes and heart issues), subtly making my point.

    In general though, when I was fat/obese, no one said a thing to me! Part of me thought they were being polite. Another part of me thought I was camouflaging well with the way I dressed (people think I'm a lot taller than I am too!) Now I think that mostly they weren't thinking about me or, if they were, they were thinking about other stuff other than my weight!

    But now that I've lost some weight, I'm getting some left-handed compliments like, "You look great! BUT if you lose any more weight, you'll look [variation of 'too gaunt"]" or skeptical looks when I answer their questions as to how I did it (No diets! No pills! No wraps! Just move more and eat less!) like I'm lying to them or something! The remarks that are kinda funny are the ones that are well-meaning but come out wrong, e.g. "You lost a TON!" Others have made allusions to anorexia or illness ("Are you sick?" "Do you have cancer?") (FYI, I am being careful not to go too far with my weight-loss campaign and actually have revised my goals twice to make sure I stay safely in the normal range.)

    But to dwell on that over the people who were and are supportive is unfair. I lot more people have been encouraging and kind than mean. If I let the "off" remarks get to me, it gives those remarks more power than they deserve.
  • DuhhMuffin
    I remembered something that happened to me recently. Wasn't "bad" necessarily, but it pissed me off.

    I had a skinny friend (who has never been fat) tell me that he doesn't think I'm dedicated enough when I was telling what I usually eat. I was saying low fat stuff and chicken, and lean pockets, and he had the nerve to say "Well, instead of a lean pocket for breakfast, how about something healthier like a bowl of cereal?"

    I said, "Well, instead of being a jerk, how about looking at the 20 lbs I lost in 3 months and sucking it?"

    Because captain crunch is a lot healthier, ya know.
  • victoriaannewilliams
    OMG!!! I can't believe that some people have said these things to y'all. I hope y'all just brush it off, because each and every one of you is beautiful, and each and every one of you deserve to be happy no matter your size!
  • Cindy393
    Cindy393 Posts: 268 Member
    The worst things about my weight were always from my ex-assh*** husband. Either he would call me "TT" for thunder thighs, or if I said I lost a few pounds, he would say "where? In your pinkie"? The worst was when he told me I was too fat for him to be sexually attracted to. That was a huge blow to my ego.