going vegetarian in 2013



  • Taem2
    Taem2 Posts: 47 Member
    Here is a great video about a woman who had cancer, became a vegan and became an athlete. Ruth Heidrich, what a great inspiration.

  • Taem2
    Taem2 Posts: 47 Member

    In order to make gelatin, one must actually kill an animal. No animal dies in order for me to eat an egg. I am vegetarian not for health reasons, but because I don't want to eat dead animals, which is the reason stated by the OP. Therefore, my advice was accurate and appropriate.

    I guess you didn't want to see that in order to get female chickens, the male baby chick is killed.

    So, yes, you are killing animals for eggs.
    You mean you have to sacrifice a male chicken in order for a female chicken to exist? because that is what you just said.

    Yes, the egg companies won't even sell the male baby chicks because there is no profit, they just kill them and throw the baby chicks away.

    Here is another video, by the vegetarian society of Hawaii, a presentation dealing with eggs and dairy.


    But it is not necessary to kill a chicken (male or female) to produce an egg. That may be the practice of factory farms, but the process of laying an egg does not include the death of any animal.

    Don't eat eggs if you don't want to eat eggs. That is your business. But claiming that eating eggs makes people unhealthy or insisting that an animal died in order for an egg to exist (not the case. An egg can exist without an animal's death) makes you look ridiculous.

    When chicks hatch, they say about half are male, half are female. Because "layer" chickens can only be female, the egg company "throws" away the male chicks. They don't sell or do anything with the male chicks.

    So, your demand for eggs forces the egg companies to separate the female chicks and kill the male ones.

    I am sorry that you don't want that "curtain" opened for you.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I need to build muscle need protein and vegetables dont contain enough i need to eat MEAT

    Read this:http://www.nomeatathlete.com/vegetarian-diet-athletes/
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    i've been vegetarian for 5 years now and im 18. there is only one word to say...QUORN, this is worlds best meat substitute, you can have all the meals you used to have but with quorn products (mince, sausages, fillets, nuggets etc) instead. i dont miss meat at all, plus quorn is lower is caloris and fat! goodluck!!

    i love quorn! i got so excited friday when i went to the supermarket and found new quorn products!

    a few people have tried to rile me by saying suggesting that it's silly to stop eating meat and then eat fake meats - 'if you dont want to eat meat, why are you eating something that tastes just like meat?', but i really don't see it that way - i've got to eat SOMETHING, and it's so handy to have a nice easy substitute to vegetarianise a recipe!

    i do try to sort of not think too much about what it's made of though, as it is sort of odd that this one product can be made into substitute red meat AND white meat AND a variety of textures!
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    Congratulations! Ignore everybody else's negative opinions, watch the documentary Earthlings to cement things, sign up at 30dayveganchallenge.com and maybe get some classes from veggiegirl.com - all these things made it easier for me in the past year. Even if you don't want to be vegan eventually the 30 day vegan challenge is great just to get you on the right track. You do NOT want to be a mac&cheese-atarian! :D

    Also if you subscribe to the Vegetarian Food for Thought podcast, she gives you really insightful and intelligent conversation so you can speak knowledgeably when people tease you or ask questions about being vegetarian.
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    I have been considering becoming a vegetarian. Bump.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    Before I gave up eggs I bought free range eggs from trader joes. I later found out that even though they are free range they still cut their beaks. The imagery made me really sad and I quit eggs that moment.

    this is why i don't buy commercial eggs at all anymore. i get them from a lady at work who keeps a few chickens, and i know they have nice lives with her.

    i think the commercial egg industry is pretty sneaky - "barn laid" is a bit of a bug bear for me. i recently had a friend tell me that she now only buys barn laid eggs because she's against cage farming. i had to ask her 'how many chickens do you think you can fit in a barn?'
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    When chicks hatch, they say about half are male, half are female. Because "layer" chickens can only be female, the egg company "throws" away the male chicks. They don't sell or do anything with the male chicks.

    So, your demand for eggs forces the egg companies to separate the female chicks and kill the male ones.

    I am sorry that you don't want that "curtain" opened for you.

    So, is your problem that eggs are unhealthy or that eggs are inhumane? Because you started by saying they were unhealthy and when that statement was proven false, you switched to the inhumane aspect.

    Please choose an argument. I'm getting whiplash here.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member

    When chicks hatch, they say about half are male, half are female. Because "layer" chickens can only be female, the egg company "throws" away the male chicks. They don't sell or do anything with the male chicks.

    So, your demand for eggs forces the egg companies to separate the female chicks and kill the male ones.

    I am sorry that you don't want that "curtain" opened for you.

    i only eat eggs from a friend who keeps a few chickens. so, am i going to die or not?
  • Taem2
    Taem2 Posts: 47 Member

    When chicks hatch, they say about half are male, half are female. Because "layer" chickens can only be female, the egg company "throws" away the male chicks. They don't sell or do anything with the male chicks.

    So, your demand for eggs forces the egg companies to separate the female chicks and kill the male ones.

    I am sorry that you don't want that "curtain" opened for you.

    i only eat eggs from a friend who keeps a few chickens. so, am i going to die or not?

    You can also eat gelatin as well, no death there.
  • Taem2
    Taem2 Posts: 47 Member

    When chicks hatch, they say about half are male, half are female. Because "layer" chickens can only be female, the egg company "throws" away the male chicks. They don't sell or do anything with the male chicks.

    So, your demand for eggs forces the egg companies to separate the female chicks and kill the male ones.

    I am sorry that you don't want that "curtain" opened for you.

    So, is your problem that eggs are unhealthy or that eggs are inhumane? Because you started by saying they were unhealthy and when that statement was proven false, you switched to the inhumane aspect.

    Please choose an argument. I'm getting whiplash here.

    You told me that you don't eat gelatin but you choose to eat eggs. I implied that is very ironic because male chicks die for you to eat eggs but you say that is okay, but not okay to eat certain vitamins because it has gelatin, an animal by product.

    Then you said you don't eat animals. I told you that male chicks die as soon as they hatch because they cannot lay eggs and you totally ignored that and proved that you really do not care whether your eating affects animal slaughter/cruelty.

    I did show that eating eggs is not healthy through my links and through links posted by others. You showed me that you don't care if animals die for you to eat eggs, that is fine. It's your life. It would have been nice to just tell us that what you say is not what you do.

    Going for my run! That makes 70 miles in 7 days!
  • Taem2
    Taem2 Posts: 47 Member
    Here's a great video (short one) on turning vegetarian or vegan by The Cool Vegetarian, who asks McDougall 3 mistakes Vegetarians make.

  • I loved being vegan - I am still so at home, but I have a hard time other places.
    There are several great books about the health benefits of a whole foods vegan diet:
    The China Study
    most things by John Robbins
    Engine 2 diet
    Forks Over Knives
    Anything by Caldwell B. Esselstyn
    and many others.
    If you're looking for good cookbooks, I have several. Friend me and I'll share.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    great books to read:

    -the china study (plus, see the film "forks over knives")
    -thrive by brendan brazier

    was vegetarian for years, couple years ago went vegan and haven't looked back: love it!

    welcome to the veggie-side! :)
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    im doing this as well. i was vegetarian last year for about 6 months, but i slowly started eating meat again. i cant beleive how much better i fealt when meat wasnt in my diet. im working on cutting it out again.
    I'm going partly vegetarian... meaning meat isn't really part of my routine anymore. However, I still like meat, and I will eat it when I go out or to someone's house (my parents, for example).

    Best of luck to you, and have a happy year!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    nope. I tried it when I was 16, was deathly skinny, and grew out of the whole "moral" objection to eating meat.

    yawn. I have been vegetarian my entire life, never even tasted meat and rocketed to 260 lbs. hardly '' deathly skinny''. i call troll.
  • kamikazikelli
    kamikazikelli Posts: 23 Member
    I am thinking about going veg/ or vegan this year. I had decided last summer that I wanted to pursue a vegan lifestyle after I returned from my semester abroad. I have tons of food intolerance and veg/vegan lifestyle is the best way to manage all of those. However, I live in the Deep South and healthy options cost way too much. Best of luck to you!
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I'm seriously considering going vegetarian. It would really help me lose weight, and I've already eaten enough meat for two lifetimes. My main concern is getting enough protien and other vitamens. I'm going to talk to my dietician in two weeks about this.
  • Went Vegetarian this summer but 2013 will be the first full year without meat!
  • Good for you!!! I've been vegetarian for 25 years, vegan for five, and it is the one decision that I happy every day to have made. Please let me know if you need recipes! Congratulations on a great choice.