High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Heather I am up for your mini challenge 4 work outs between now and monday. I have changed my profile photo to me in fishnets and high heels. I am going back to Canada in the summer (haven't been back since 2007) So this group will help me with the motivation.

    OMG!!!!!purdygirl, I'm dieing here.... That is the CUTEST thing I've ever seen. I'm gonna do it too! Do you mind. It's like our special stamp...You may have started something here with this picture:laugh:
  • I'm up for the four workout challenge!!

    Here's my plan:

    Wed: Run 2 miles (speed intervals)
    Thurs: Boot Camp
    Friday: OFF
    Saturday: Running if it's nice out, 1 hour DVD if it's not
    Sunday: Yoga class

    I hearby give any of your permission to kick my *kitten* if I don't follow through!!! :happy:
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Shredder. I think every woman should feel sexy in their skin. Fishnets and High heels do help.
    I did a glamour shoot for my BF for his birthday gift last year and yes I was a size 18 at the time.
    LOVE how sexy shoes make me feel!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    acakeforawife: Great plan on the workouts. I also give everyone permission to kick my butt if I don't follow through on any of the challenges. I need some tough love!

    crawford: I'm not a runner either, but Couch to 5K has slowly turned me into one. I have plans to run an 8K on Thanksgiving morning. I'll have a lot of work to do before I could ever run a marathon, or even a half!

    purdygrl: The glamour shoot for your boyfriend's birthday gift is an awesome idea! Who cares what size you are as long as you feel sexy! I bought a pair of high heeled black boots that zip up the calf a few months ago because I've always wanted a pair. When I bought them I couldn't zip them all the way up and now I can! I'm saving them for a special occasion to wow my boyfriend who doesn't know I bought them yet!
  • I too am a little late in the game but would love to join! I currently workout 3x a day 5x a week and am practicing a healthy diet. I bought a little black dress recently and can fit into it but I want to feel confident and sexy in it! My goal is to be back to where I was before having my last child 19months ago at a weight of 130 before my 1st wedding anniversary. Ready to do this!

    Name: Deanna
    Age: 23
    SW: 159 (27.2bmi)
    CW: 152
    GW: 130
    Weight to go: 22lbs
    How many days to do it?: 62 days
  • candice26
    candice26 Posts: 27
    Hey Heather – Just wondering if YOUR challenge is on a different thread?? Or is it just an extension of this one? (I haven’t seen anything in the posts). If it's different, whats the name so I can find it? The sound of getting my *kitten* exercising 4 times before Monday, and any other challenges you have up your sleeve, I’m in!!

    I have to thank you ladies for the motivation! I just joined MFP yesterday, as well as this weight challenge with Shredder, and I have to tell you that I turned DOWN eating a chocolate popcicle after dinner last night :happy: YEAH MEEE!! I just kept thinking of this group, so thank you ALL!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    candice26: My challenge is simply a mini-challenge within this thread...to work out 4 times by Monday. I love throwing little mini-challenges out to the group and if everyone likes them, I'll keep on doing it! We'll see how the first one goes and what the feedback is from the rest of the ladies.

    My new-found motivation, on top of the motivation I already had, is to be at my goal weight by September 25th, which is my 10 year high school reunion. I just received word of the date two days ago. I don't know yet if I'll be attending, but if I do, I want to look so hot that the guys wonder why they didn't ask me out in high school and that the girls wish they'd been able to stay thin. Evil? Maybe, but motivating as heck!
  • kbhobbs
    kbhobbs Posts: 216
    Hi, Allie! I am assuming this is where we post??? Please let me know b/c I am DEFINITELY IN!!!! k
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hi, Allie! I am assuming this is where we post??? Please let me know b/c I am DEFINITELY IN!!!! k

    I'll respond for Allie. Yes, we do post here! For weigh-ins, please post on Fridays to keep the info clean for Allie's spreadsheet, but you can weigh-in any day you'd like. Allie is awesome at keeping the spreadsheet for the group and it's fun to see the stats!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Here we go Heather...off too the gym for day 1 workout.
    acakeforawife...I love that you have your workouts planned out, really specific and even threw in plan B's in case of adverse weather...now thats some serious dedication.
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    ok, I'm trying to figure this stuff out.
    I want in on the Friday weigh ins. But since I just started this site today, here's my info.

    Start Weight: 189lbs (12/28/09)
    Current Weight: 168lbs (4/14/10)
    Goal Weight: 140lbs (hopefully by July 4th, my 30th b-day)

    I need help with inside workouts for when the weather is bad outside and the challenge is I don't have any form of workout equipment, except some little dumbells.
  • I am so in on this, this is exactly the kind of motivation that I need. :) I will post everything on Friday. I am looking forward to this. :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    ok, I'm trying to figure this stuff out.
    I want in on the Friday weigh ins. But since I just started this site today, here's my info.

    Start Weight: 189lbs (12/28/09)
    Current Weight: 168lbs (4/14/10)
    Goal Weight: 140lbs (hopefully by July 4th, my 30th b-day)

    I need help with inside workouts for when the weather is bad outside and the challenge is I don't have any form of workout equipment, except some little dumbells.

    I'm not sure what your budget is, but I highly recommend getting yourself some workout DVDs. I love the Jillian Michaels workouts and all can be done with some dumbbells and no other equipment. If you're a beginner when it comes to exercise, I suggest 30 Day Shred and if you're a bit more advanced, I recommend No More Trouble Zones; both are by Jillian Michaels. I also love 10 Minute Knockout Body (kickboxing DVD) and the Biggest Loser DVDs. All can be purchased at Walmart or Target (store or online) for $9-15 each.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'm In! I want this weight to come off ASAP..and i need to stay accountable :)

    My stats:
    current weight ( as of last friday) - 209.6
    Goal weight - 160 ( maybe more or less depending how i feel with my body @ that number)

    I am in for the challenge...did day 2 level 1 on the 30 day shred..and will take a brisk walk with hubby later in the evening..

    Good luck all!!
  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    I’d probably look great in them, but then where would we be the jealousy over it would just be to much (^;
  • foxywife75
    foxywife75 Posts: 59 Member
    Count me in!!! My husbands dream will finally come true :wink:
    I will see you on Friday with my weigh in ladies.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    me to
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I have never worn high heels (I dont count half inch as heels) or fishnets...I've been feeling totally unsexy since I had my son and my poor fiance is suffering in the loving department big time! I want to be able to look and feel sexy!!!

    I'll post my stats friday!

    Thanks Heather! Couldnt have found this thread without you!

  • I am a breastfeeding mother of a six month old who needs to lose 30 pounds by August 28th to be the Matron of Honor in my cousin´s wedding. I want to look as good, if not better, than I did when I got pregnant. Think I can do it?
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Crawline, I totally hear you about the True Religions.... My girlfriend bought me a pair at a jean party and even though the label says 31 and should go up to my hips at least, I can't get those darned things over my shins.....really???? Like, I ask myself, what the heck was she thinking...holding those things up to my waist covers HALF of my width ahhhhh:sad:
    Maybe she did it on purpose cause she's all the time asking when I'm gonna wear them? The little devil...
    So now I have them hanging in my closet as my inspiration and I'm determined to wear them before June.

    How is everyone out there today. Anyone taking Heather up on her workout challege? I know theres a lot of runners and exercise hotties on this thread.

    My other roommate had the vertical sleeve weight loss surgery in January. She's like between 30 and 35 lbs. There was a company started here in the city, and they pass around clothes and such. Anyway, she acquired a pair of True Religion jeans that are a size 32. I can get them on!!! I just cannot for the life of me do them up!! haha SOO I have a ways to go for the size 29, but I WILL GET THERE DANGIT!! She also bought me a true religion jean skirt. She is such a little brat. I TOLD HER NOT TO!!! haha:laugh:
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