Are people drinking coffee? Why or why not?



  • "The Australian Institute of Sport Team found that caffeine triggers the muscles to start using fat as an energy source rather than carbohydrate sugars. Caffeine has been used by many endurance athletes as a way of getting extra energy out of their body's reserves during an event.

    A single cup of coffee may be enough to trigger these beneficial effects. There are more findings that caffeine is OK to take prior to training and that it is very beneficial and could be considered an ergogenic aid in training. That might be why caffeine is a banned substance on the IOC (that's International Olympic committee) list. Yes, that's right; you can't even have a Snickers bar before the race!"

    I got the above from:
  • I'm like nhughes, I like a little coffee in my creamer... but when I am being good and counting calories, I'll measure out a TBSP of International Delight (my 3 favorites right now are Salted Caramel Mocha, Smores and Hershey's Chocolate Caramel). I think the 1st two are only seasonal items :( but the hershey's one seems like its around to stay. I'll also pour in a little Torani sugar free syrup. I am loving their new Salted
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member

    2-3 cups
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Yes, because I like it and can fit it into my caloric budget.
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Yes. Reason? I like it.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    This thread has motivated me. I'm getting off my butt, right here, right now, gonna walk down the hall and get a 3rd cup of coffee!
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I've lost almost 130lbs while drinking black coffee the entire time. You don't want to talk to me if I haven't had coffee lol
  • wildgirls2111
    wildgirls2111 Posts: 7 Member
    I have never liked the taste of coffee but love the smell. I drink Green Tea!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I drink plenty of good, black coffee per day. I do it for a few reasons. I love coffee and also drink it for the sanity of those around me.
    Yes. Dark roast and black. I love espresso but my machine broke and I'm not paying to fix it.

    No way I'm giving up coffee. Besides they're starting to come out with evidence that its at least neutral, if not beneficial, to workouts.

    see if you can find a moka pot on the cheap. It's not as good as a well extracted espresso, but it's pretty close. A good french press works well too.
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    My dad told me at 12 when I hit middle school "Sis, since you have to start getting up early you need to drink coffee" so I tried it... and unless I put TONS of calories in it I hate it... so I don't drink it at all.
  • Annaduurai
    Annaduurai Posts: 56 Member
    I love my coffee! I make a latte' every morning with almond milk (and my wonderful frothier) I either add a bit of Stevia or Sugar free syrup to it. 2 cups of coffee with 1/2 cup each Almond milk is only 40 calories. and 1 carb!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member

    don't like the taste. don't like the caffeine.
  • gvdoliver
    gvdoliver Posts: 106 Member
    Love my coffee but have cut down and mainly have green tea during the day, I see it as a bit of a treat and only has a few calories so in the bigger picture it aint so bad. I hear coffee is also good after exercise, keeps the blood flowing a little longer!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    So I don't seriously injure people in the morning.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I need and love my coffee every morning! Try Silk chocolate lite almond milk- very tasty and low cal!
  • I can't stand the taste of coffee if I'm honest D:
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I love coffee :smile:

    I can only drink decaf (doctor recommended due to my minor heart condition) but it's still good. I have it with cream and sugar. Sometimes I just have a cup, sometimes I have a big 20oz mug. Working out well so far for me! Cheers :drinker:
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    Because I love it, and have absolutely zero desire to give it I don't.
  • thornedlily77
    thornedlily77 Posts: 29 Member
    :drinker: :drinker:
    I am just curious if people are drinking coffee? I have heard mixed things in relation to weight loss. So, why or why not? I personally stopped because it made me feel dehydrated, gross, and I like a little cream and sugar in it. I also hate the headaches I have without it. BUT! I had a cup today and it was soooo wonderful. I am wondering if this is something I want to completely give up......


    Coffee CAN dehydrate you, if you are not drinking the appropriate amounts of water. If you do drink your minimum 8 glasses of water daily then a cup or two of coffee is fine. Try to reduce the cream & sugar by experimenting with some healthier options as suggested above.

    Personally I love my coffee black, which is only 2 cal. for a serving. Some days I don't know if I could get through my job without it!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I drink coffee to prevent workplace homicides.