A question for men with wives/significant others



  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I have to second those highlighting that your accommodation of his preferences is putting your own health in jeopardy. You have to put your health above the possibility of offending your husband. The way around that is with communication, ideally. If it's possible with him?

    I will also commend you for carrying on with portion sizes, despite it. That must be tough to do!

    I think people have covered a lot of stuff. I just wanted to add the practical suggestion of barbecued meat. I have never met a guy who'd refuse grilled meat. You have yours with salad, he can have his with whatever - split the sides down the middle. Also, roasts can be made lean.

    You MUST get time in the kitchen. I guess the weekend idea you liked is a good solution.
  • stanthemovieman
    Fortunately I don't have that problem as my wife recently had bariatric surgery so her eating had to change radically. Your hubby should not just give lip service to supporting your weight management goals, he should be proactive as well. If he isn't willing to set aside a portion of what he cooks to make it conform with your wants and needs, then you should take some time on the weekend, make foods that will work with your new goals and freeze or otherwise store them for the coming week. You can also save time by picking up the steamable veggies in the plastic bags that you just pop in the microwave. Also get pre-cooked chicken breasts from the frozen aisle and have those to make a quick bit of protein. I also find that Campbell's Chunky Grilled Steak chili is a quick and easy one bowl meal. It's 400 calories, only 6 grams of fat in a whole can and 32 grams of protein. While it has 54 carbs, they come from the kidney beans, so they are good carbs. I realize this will be more work for you, but if you do a little planning, you can take care of your dietary needs and hubby can continue to eat like a pig. Your both happy, or at least passive aggressive about your anger.
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    I thought of you and this post tonight when we were in the kitchen. My wife was making sloppy joes and french fries. I was next to her making chicken nuggets and a salad. She made her dinner and was getting ready to leave the kitchen when she saw me pull the chicken nuggets out of the oven. She said, "Guess someone is cheating a bit tonight right?" Actually, I'm under calories for this meal and should have gotten some peas or green beans. But, seriously, look at this - homemade chicken nuggets with Parmesan and garlic, dijon mustard and a salad with sweet vidalia onion vinaigrette. Yes, chicken ... nuggets.

  • coburngirl
    coburngirl Posts: 69 Member
    I love my hubby and don't like to hurt his feelings but if it's a matter of my weight loss success to his hurt feelings I choose my success. My husband doesn't like that we eat different meals (breakfast I have egg whites and cereal and he has sausage, eggs and toast). He doesn't want to be forced to eat what I eat and I feel the same. I love the idea of the crock pot cooking and I do that quite a bit myself as I too work full time and I find things that make us both happy. We are both big time meat eaters and dessert addicts and I just utilize portion control. Only YOU have the power of what you eat and what your successes are, and if you are supporting his needs whose supporting yours? Congrats on how far you've come and don't give up, just gotta keep tweaking things until you find out what works for you both. And a big congrats on the 23 year marriage. :smile: Just don't hear that so much anymore!

    Thanks! Your reply opened my eyes. Who IS suporting me if I'm supporting him? Good point.

    Edit: Thank you for your congratulations! :flowerforyou:
    You are welcome!:happy:
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    Here are some choices:
    1: eat smaller portions of what he makes.
    2: cook up food that fits your goals over the weekend, so you can quickly reheat after your workdays for dinner.
    3. Continue to do the same thing you've always done, and never achieve your fitness goals.

    This is what I did. My partner too cooks some huge, salty, fatty 'cave man food'.
    So I pre cook my weekday meals on Sundays, put them in those takeaway plastic containers and reheat throughout the week.
  • speedw1875
    speedw1875 Posts: 12 Member
    I love how your topic is for men with wives/significant others, yet the responses are about 80% female. Rock on ladies!

    Your question was, as a man would I be offended if you didn't eat what I made.

    No, if he were cooking to please he would be using you input in the menu. If you came home upset every night about what I made, that might get a bit old.

    If I were in your shoe I would make sure a had a salad or steamed veggies ready to go in the fridge at night and enjoy a little bit of what my spouse made, I will probably help give you a bit more balance in you diet. Who knows, maybe having the veggies out at the dinner table will help encourage your spouse to do the same.

    Best Wishes
  • floydypants
    floydypants Posts: 52 Member
    I can't believe that anyone has said they would be offended by this. If I was making meals for someone and they had told me they didn't want to eat certain things and those things are what I made them every night, then that would be my fault for making them something they don't want. How can anybody not see that?

    You have explained to him that you want to eat more healthily. You need to keep an eye on sodium intake because of your blood pressure. He is deliberately making things that are bad for you and you don't want to eat, yet you are worried about offending him by not eating them. Is he worried about offending you by doing the opposite of what you want?
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    When I cook I try to keep her preferences in mind but often she doesn't have a taste for what I've prepared. That doesn't offend me, and it also doesn't stop me from making things I like.
    We've been married 27 years. Sometimes she cooks, sometimes I do...and sometimes we both say 'screw it' and go out for something. That's the hardest because it takes us a 1/2 hour to decide where to go where there is something we both want.
    My 82 yr old father lives with us and we take the most care with his meals. We want it to be something he truly enjoys and it has to be soft and easy to eat as he has no teeth and does not want to get dentures.
    So we've grown accustomed to working around each others needs/wants and we are fine with doing our own thing.

    And yes, when I'm preparing something in the kitchen I don't want her in the kitchen with me. She's been cooking a lot longer than I have and set in her ways on how to do things. I like to follow a recipe and use measuring cups until I've made the recipe enough times to be familiar with it and know how I like it. She prefers to eyeball it and add/subtract ingredients at will. When she sees me doing something differently she usually has to point out there's a better or different way to do it (like why do I bother measuring things or why do I set out all my ingredients before starting). Sometimes you need to shut up and just let someone be.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I thought of you and this post tonight when we were in the kitchen. My wife was making sloppy joes and french fries. I was next to her making chicken nuggets and a salad. She made her dinner and was getting ready to leave the kitchen when she saw me pull the chicken nuggets out of the oven. She said, "Guess someone is cheating a bit tonight right?" Actually, I'm under calories for this meal and should have gotten some peas or green beans. But, seriously, look at this - homemade chicken nuggets with Parmesan and garlic, dijon mustard and a salad with sweet vidalia onion vinaigrette. Yes, chicken ... nuggets.


    That looks really good. I'd rather eat this than french fries, etc. Yum! Want to share the recipe?