If God gave you naturally large thighs listen up



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I found the opposite. I spent a few years only running, legs didn't improve much. Started lifting again along with running and my legs are much better. Plus squats and other leg exercises have done some nice things for the shape.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    :laugh: @ genetically enhanced legs. makes it seem like we were grown in a lab

    THIS. Oh and I have the "type" of legs you speak of.... Doesn't mean I don't lift heavy with them.. It makes them even more BA. Sorry bout your bad luck. :drinker:

    i agree. my thighs have always been muscular. since my hips are relatively slim, it makes my thighs look even bigger. for instance when i was last at my goal, my hips were 35" and my thighs at the top were 21" each.
    my ideal thigh look is something like this


    which works out while because she seems to have to same lower body shape as me
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I have the same thick thigh/butt issue, but I want to tone them AND take fat off, instead of just having them look skinny. Has your cardio done that for you?

    Yes, I have beautifully toned legs. I also have shapely calves. My legs are not skinny...now they are proportioned.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I love the feeling of muscle atrophy, makes me feel sexy!

    not your business ot make fun of anyone.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Your trainer did you a disservice, IMO


    Barbie was a slacker weakling unfit for adoration. Women need to stop trying to look like that. Oh, and those 16 year old Vogue models who are size 0000? They're 100 calories away from death. Yeah, picture of health, let's strive for that.

    Those large thighs would have helped you kick their butts in the Hunger Games.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I found out the key for myself to get the nice muscular lean legs that I've always wanted. I am a mesomorph and I develop leg muscles very quickly, but my upper body is very weak.

    I learned to do absolutely no leg exercises and now my legs look awesome. My legs always looked fat to me. I tried the lunges, squats, etc. and my legs would just look fatter. A personal trainer told me to stop and just get my leg workouts from jogging, elliptical, etc. I did it and now my thighs are 20 inches and I can fit into my jeans. I love it!

    Just throwing this out there for women who have genetically enhanced legs.

    I don't have a weak upper body b/c I lift weights. If I didn't lift upper body, it would be weak.

    Im gonna go ahead and ignore all that advice and keep squatting heavy. If you have a weak upper body, why would you also want a weak lower body?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Just gonna say that god didn't do this.......................your parents did.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I love the feeling of muscle atrophy, makes me feel sexy!

    Leg muscles are used for running and other cardio. In fact, there aren't a lot of cardio exercises that don't use your legs. Muscles do not atrophe while in use.

    But if her giant, muscle laden legs have gotten smaller, the only logical answer is muscle atrophy. Of course she didn't just slim down and lose fat. They were solid muscle. No fat in there. :huh:

    Yes, and they are still muscular and sexy as hell.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I have big thighs, too, but I'd rather have the strength from squats and lunges than skinny legs :) Just personal preference I guess.

    ^This. I run, walk, bike, etc AND do squats and lunges. I love how my "big" legs are starting to look.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    Your trainer did you a disservice, IMO


    Barbie was a slacker weakling unfit for adoration. Women need to stop trying to look like that. Oh, and those 16 year old Vogue models who are size 0000? They're 100 calories away from death. Yeah, picture of health, let's strive for that.

    Those large thighs would have helped you kick their butts in the Hunger Games.

    silly comment.

    I'm a size 6:


    thighs: 20 inches

    18% body fat

    is that small to you? I look fantastic. Women are approaching me at the gym asking me how to train to get my tone.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I have big thighs, too, but I'd rather have the strength from squats and lunges than skinny legs :) Just personal preference I guess.

    ^This. I run, walk, bike, etc AND do squats and lunges. I love how my "big" legs are starting to look.

    Good for you! This is your goal and it's working for you. Keep doing what you are doing.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I love the feeling of muscle atrophy, makes me feel sexy!

    pretty much what I was thinking.

    Same here. I once had "genetically" enhanced legs ... when I was 100 lbs overweight. I still had "genetically" enhanced legs after losing 70 lbs on a cardio-only regimen. Then I wised up and started deadlifting and squatting and eating a kick-*kitten* diet full of lean protein and healthy fats, and magically my "genetically" enhanced legs got smaller and tighter.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    bump..i need this for later:drinker:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    :laugh: @ genetically enhanced legs. makes it seem like we were grown in a lab

    THIS. Oh and I have the "type" of legs you speak of.... Doesn't mean I don't lift heavy with them.. It makes them even more BA. Sorry bout your bad luck. :drinker:

    i agree. my thighs have always been muscular. since my hips are relatively slim, it makes my thighs look even bigger. for instance when i was last at my goal, my hips were 35" and my thighs at the top were 21" each.
    my ideal thigh look is something like this


    which works out while because she seems to have to same lower body shape as me

    I wanna look like her when I grow up. Similar body type but I'm not nearly so muscular! :love:
  • Try doing yoga, whenever I start working out with yoga my thighs are the first thing to shrink.
  • Great topic! I also had a trainer tell me to lay off the leg weights and just do cardio
  • IamNhappy
    IamNhappy Posts: 88 Member
    I love the feeling of muscle atrophy, makes me feel sexy!

  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I just stopped doing isolation exercises (except for calves) on my legs and only work them out when I'm doing my compound lifts. I do tons of upper body isolation though because it takes a lot more for me to build muscle there.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I love the feeling of muscle atrophy, makes me feel sexy!

  • JezzD1
    JezzD1 Posts: 431
    I just learned I am an endomorph. cool =)