What have you seen new year resolutionists do at the gym!



  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    start. In all honesty the strangest things I've see people do in the gym are usually done by the people who have been there for at least a year.

    True that. And although I've been at my gym since May, I decided to take the first yoga class offered of the year (and I haven't taken a class in a while) and I couldn't do 90% of what was going on. So everyone probably thought that *I* was some pathetic resolutionist.
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    had to help someone who got stuck doing a squat on the smith machine..... got himself all bunched up at the bottom, didnt realise twisting the bar would help him out of the situation. Also told him not to squat on the smith and I would spot him at the rack if he wasn't confident enough, but he just went and showered and went home instead lol.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    start. In all honesty the strangest things I've see people do in the gym are usually done by the people who have been there for at least a year.

    True that. And although I've been at my gym since May, I decided to take the first yoga class offered of the year (and I haven't taken a class in a while) and I couldn't do 90% of what was going on. So everyone probably thought that *I* was some pathetic resolutionist.

    True story about myself: FIRST TIME at a Bikram hot yoga session! I COULDNT DO about 75% of the poses and I was sweating my azzz off in that 105F degree heat.....It was kicking my azzz Im sure people were laughing at me hahahahahhaha
    It was fub though....and the eye candy.............damn!!!!:devil:
  • ketchup38
    ketchup38 Posts: 112 Member
    There was the dude whom got on the treadmill clad in his velour tracksuit and gold chain. In his pocket? His phone, Kindle, car keys and at least £10 in change. How do I know what the contents were? Because they all flew out his pocket the second he jumped on and proceeded to go into an immediate sprint.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    ...in his velour tracksuit...

    This is awesome! I think I want one.

    edit: so tempting...
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    There was the dude whom got on the treadmill clad in his velour tracksuit and gold chain. In his pocket? His phone, Kindle, car keys and at least £10 in change. How do I know what the contents were? Because they all flew out his pocket the second he jumped on and proceeded to go into an immediate sprint.

    AWESOME STORY!!!!! I have seen this type at the gym........trying to run with loose laced Jordans on! bwahahahaha
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    The only newbie I've seen at the gym is the one in the mirror, who's using his fitness knowledge from his military time, plus the help of a smartphone app (jefit), to begin a cutting routine. Thankfully, my gym is fairly small and there aren't a lot of people.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Take up multiple parking spots (this might be regulars though), put their stuff in lockers without locks so people have to open multiple lockers to find one not in use, then after working out stand & chat with their stuff spread out in front of 4-5 lockers on the bench so nobody else can get to their lockers
  • I must admit there is also alot more eye candy around this time of year

    Okay I will admit, my very first time at the gym, I was overwhelmed by the man-candy. I was running on the treadmill and this guy walked by, absolutely gorgeous and a hot body and I literally stopped. The treadmill didnt and I fell face first.. To add to my humilation, he helped me up and asked if I was okay. I just laughed and brushed it off and tried not to limp all the way to the change room..

    Bahahaaa!!! That's epic!!! :laugh:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I saw someone doing pull ups on the smith machine, im sure it was ok, but it looked weird.
  • ChecktheRhyme
    ChecktheRhyme Posts: 68 Member
    There was a woman(?) using one of those ropes on an exercise machine (the kind that doubles as a bar for pulling) as a boxing speedball. She was hogging up a machine throwing weak jabs at a rope, basically.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    This kinda stuff is what makes me scared to join a gym, and consistently go. I'm not a gym newbie, but the gym I'd be going to...I would be.

    All those judging eyes is what makes me hate going.

    yeah :ohwell:
  • LaviMc
    LaviMc Posts: 355 Member
    LOL! That's funny! Well, yesterday, I went to spinning and could barely get a bike (they're on a first come, first serve basis), but 2 weeks ago, it was a friggin GHOST TOWN! Gotta love it!
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I saw two women today at my gym who were having social hour while working out. They were at least moving from station to station in the gym, but rarely do I see females in my gym interacting. Most females are exercising with their earbuds in, oblivious to the world at large.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I've seen them work out.
    Me too!

    Not really though...I don't go to the gym.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    Well I'm not new to my gym, but new to the ST area...so i am sure I am viewed as a resolutionist. it doesn't help that I probably look lost as i slowly gain my bearings.

    But I figure I have been scared to go into that area forever, and now is as good a time as any.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    holding onto the treadmill
    Along these same lines, why in the world do people grab the rails and jump with their feet out to the sides to stop when running? I'm pretty sure I've never seen a person in the real world change from an 8.5mph pace to 0.0mph in less than a second.

    I think it's because it's what's done on The Biggest Loser.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Well I'm not new to my gym, but new to the ST area...so i am sure I am viewed as a resolutionist. it doesn't help that I probably look lost as i slowly gain my bearings.

    But I figure I have been scared to go into that area forever, and now is as good a time as any.

    Not to fear my dear! rest assured knowing I would totally make you feel comfortable and accpeted at my gym :bigsmile:
  • geekpryncess
    geekpryncess Posts: 118 Member
    i have seen obviously new people / severly out of shape people working thier a$$e$ off, trying to make a difference in thier health. I have seen these people looking around, trying to figure out what they are supposed to do, and instead of just walking out, in frustration, trying different machines, seeing which ones they enjoy best. i then see these people sweaty, red, and out of breath after putting in a good chunk of time trying to make a change in thier life that might allow them to live a long happy life as a parent / spouse / grandparent / etc... i see these so called "resolutionist" as the same people that the majority of us have been, at one time or another... and if these people fail, just as many of us did in the past, i hope and pray to see them next january, because one of these times, it will stick. thats what i see at my gym!

    Now THAT is awesome...all these other posts are what makes it hard for me to consider joining a gym, because I know I am "unskilled" at working out and am so self-conscious...it's hard enough to make these lifestyle changes and make them stick, and so many of us have tried time and time again, hoping that eventually we'll figure it out and make it work for us. I hate the idea of joining a gym and wondering how many people are making fun of me in their head...it makes me feel like I shouldn't even bother until after I reach my goal. Which in reality is so self-defeating. Thank you for letting me know there are some compassionate folks at the gym!
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I go to a women's only gym. The oddest thing I've noticed recently is people who don't Actually work out they just walk around and talk to people and then leave. Or people who just float around in the pool for 15 mins and then get in the sauna and then leave. I mean come on, they don't actually think theyre going to lose weight do they?