30 Day Shred



  • fortheloveof
    fortheloveof Posts: 15 Member
    Level 1 day 2 for me! I've tried the shred before but only made it to L2. :blushing:

    Would be great to have friends at around the same day for support and motivation - add me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • Just finished day 2 (level 1) today, and I'm beat but feel good. I was definitely tired this morning and felt it in my legs, but all I can do is tell myself to push through it :)! Although, my push ups (I can do 2?) and how tired I get over cardio is a little embarrassing ;) I think I might spend more time on each level than said, but we'll see! good to know so many others are trying the same thing :)
  • Swibbels01
    Swibbels01 Posts: 47 Member
    Last night was my first date with Jillian Michaels. I think she hates me lol But I will keep at it and maybe in the end, I'll win!
  • Swibbels01
    Swibbels01 Posts: 47 Member
    Just finished day 2 (level 1) today, and I'm beat but feel good. I was definitely tired this morning and felt it in my legs, but all I can do is tell myself to push through it :)! Although, my push ups (I can do 2?) and how tired I get over cardio is a little embarrassing ;) I think I might spend more time on each level than said, but we'll see! good to know so many others are trying the same thing :)

    I am going to do level 1 for 30 days. I have a lot to lose, and its not easy for me to get thru. Once I conquer that I will move on to level 2 and 3. GOOD LUCK
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks all for making it clear. Def pushed me. Jumping jacks were the killer for me. Not good after 2 kids and 32 ounces of water during the day. will have to start drinking my water at 6am! Day 2 tomorrow! :)
  • smitty328
    smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
    I am on day 10 level 2... the scale has not moved an oz!!! I do feel a difference and the exercise does get easier but pretty disappointed about the scale. I am going to stick out the 30 days and hope to lose and tone!! So far, I have only missed 1 day but I see it is better to do the dvd for 2 days, 1 day cardio, 2 days dvd, one day cardio and the the 7th day be a rest day...not sure if I dare....I WANT TO SEE THE SCALE MOVE TOO!!!!!
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    you nmay be losing more inches. A friend lost 12 lbs over 3 months but 15.75 inches in total!
  • Meergan
    Meergan Posts: 23 Member
    I am on L1D3, and jillian is not my friend!
    Although I do feel alot better and I guess I am getting used to walking like an invalide and dreading having to sit down on the toilet, or sit down on any low seat intact.. I have lost lb!!! I have been doing alot of the excercises at there most difficult and introducing weights, but I think it's mainly down to the amount of water I've been drinking!

    Not looking forward to tommorow!
    Hope everyone's doing okay
  • Funnyfishat40
    Funnyfishat40 Posts: 52 Member
    L1D9 finished, ready to move on now although I know L2 is the hardest so not looking forward to it!
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm going to start this tomorrow. I'm so excited to get in shape. If anyone needs a friend to help stay motivated, add me as a friend.
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    Today was Day 2 of Level 1 and I am so sore. Has anyone done all 30 days on each Level? That's what I was planning on doing.
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    I am on L1D3, and jillian is not my friend!
    Although I do feel alot better and I guess I am getting used to walking like an invalide and dreading having to sit down on the toilet, or sit down on any low seat intact.. I have lost lb!!! I have been doing alot of the excercises at there most difficult and introducing weights, but I think it's mainly down to the amount of water I've been drinking!

    Not looking forward to tommorow!
    Hope everyone's doing okay

    ^LMAO. Exactly.
  • landersmegan
    landersmegan Posts: 5 Member
  • landersmegan
    landersmegan Posts: 5 Member
    I am exactly half way through, right smack in the middle of level 2. It's pretty tough. I wish I hadn't skipped out 2 weeks during the holidays. I'm sure I ruined my progress. Stick with it, level one will get easier and then it's on to level 2 and soreness again. My glutes and thighs were hurting and my arms are always shaky and weak for a little while afterwards. I hope you took before pics and measurements. If not, DO IT NOW!

    ETA: with all the different moves she makes me do, I still find that faux jump roping crap to be the hardest. Seems so simple but I have a hard time doing it without stopping. Me and jumping don't get along.

    My trainer had been incorporating jump rope into the lifting routine and she finally gave up on my and has me 'air jump rope' because I was tripping all over myself! I could get like 5 jumps in and then would crash. Especially hard the closer to the end of some awful leg workout! I didn't remember it being so hard in my childhood.
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    Well, for all of you skeptics out there (like I was), I have been angry because, on day 6 of Level 2 (which I just completed yesterday), I hadn't had *ANY* weight loss. I thought ... geez ... why am I doing this again???? Then I took out the tape measure ... and I've lost already 2 inches in my arms, 4 inches in my thighs, 1 inch in my neck, 1 inch in my breasts, 2 inches in my hips, and 4 1/2 inches in my waist. So yeah ... while Jillian Michaels' workouts are from the Devil ... they *DO* get results. I've also noticed that pesky back fat that irritates the snot outta me going *WAY* down. Keep it up, all you faithful MFP people out there that are abusing their bodies like I am with 30 Day Shred! it *DOES* work!
  • That's really good to know, so far I think I have only put on 1 or 2lb and not lost anything. I haven't measured so don't know if I've lost any inches. But looking at myself in the mirror, I THINK I can see slight changes/improvements (although that could just be wishful thinking and brainwashing myself!) At least I can definitely say my muscles are getting stronger. I think I am even starting to see the very slightest definition on my tummy now, my lower back feels strong and my legs are firmer so it's definitely working! I will be doing Level 1 day 6 today.
  • Ickle_Pickle
    Ickle_Pickle Posts: 12 Member
    Decided just to go for level 2 today as I'm bored of level 1. I am now gasping and choking and lying on the floor comatosed. I'd better be effing ripped at the end of this!!!
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    Hi, I'm on day 13 of 30DS (8 L1, 5 L2) but I haven't really seen any inch loss. I have only dropped from 140.8 to 138.6, but that's it. Anything I night be missing?
  • linsey76A
    linsey76A Posts: 102
    i will b doing day 2 today, am sore from day 1 so i am sure today is going to kick my butt, it will b worth it tho.
  • sarieah
    sarieah Posts: 12 Member
    Good luck to all of you facing the challenge. I completed 30DS about this time last year - amazing the results you get! (I really should do it again sometime soon..!)