What have you seen new year resolutionists do at the gym!



  • philshjips
    philshjips Posts: 41 Member
    This kinda stuff is what makes me scared to join a gym, and consistently go. I'm not a gym newbie, but the gym I'd be going to...I would be.

    All those judging eyes is what makes me hate going.

    Exactly this. This is exactly why i can't seem to get my girlfriend to subscribe to the idea of heading to the gym. I understand it a bit, but can't you just pretend they dont exist, too? Maybe guys are better at that than girls, but i donno.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I work out at PLanet Fitness.......................I am eager to see the chaos that will be on that 1st Tuesday of February when its FREE PIZZA night!!!!!:devil:
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Not sure if newbie or just stupid but a guy lifting weights last night wearing thongs (Not THAT kind for all you in the US, it's whats us Aussies call flip flops haha). Also a couple of skinny fat girls in bra tops in the abs area for the whole time I was there lifting weights. It looked like they spent about 10 minutes doing exercises and 45minutes resting/texting/talking
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Not sure if newbie or just stupid but a guy lifting weights last night wearing thongs (Not THAT kind for all you in the US, it's whats us Aussies call flip flops haha). Also a couple of skinny fat girls in bra tops in the abs area for the whole time I was there lifting weights. It looked like they spent about 10 minutes doing exercises and 45minutes resting/texting/talking

    Flip flops is a no no!! Dont get me wrong Im a big fan of MANdals.....but not at the gym. A weight might fall on my toes!
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Not sure if newbie or just stupid but a guy lifting weights last night wearing thongs (Not THAT kind for all you in the US, it's whats us Aussies call flip flops haha). Also a couple of skinny fat girls in bra tops in the abs area for the whole time I was there lifting weights. It looked like they spent about 10 minutes doing exercises and 45minutes resting/texting/talking

    Flip flops is a no no!! Dont get me wrong Im a big fan of MANdals.....but not at the gym. A weight might fall on my toes!
    You're totally right, because a pair of joggers is going to save your toes from a weight!
    Barefoot is the best way to do weights, but OH&S won't allow it at most gyms :/
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    My husband is a resolutionist this year. He holds on when he walks on the treadmill, he may get up to 3.6 mph. What people don't know is that he's already done 30-40 minutes of strength training and he's disabled with muscular dystrophy. He looks like a strapping man, not someone who is disabled. He hasn't done ANY cardio work in the 23 years that we've been together until January 1st of this year. He is wearing brand new sneakers because he has had 20+ operations on his feet and if he wears old sneakers, he can't walk the next day. He has to consult his workout card to know what to set the machines at and what weights to set.

    You know what? I am super proud of him!

    im proud of him also!!!
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    The only newbie I've seen at the gym is the one in the mirror, who's using his fitness knowledge from his military time, plus the help of a smartphone app (jefit), to begin a cutting routine. Thankfully, my gym is fairly small and there aren't a lot of people.
    Hey! You are me....

    The gym attendant at my Y is the one that sets up people on the FitLinnxx system and I went to see him to get set up last night. He was kind of snarky to me, making slightly rude comments, insinuating that I wouldn't be around for long, and suggesting ridiculous weight levels (10lbs. Seriously.) for the machines...until I told him of my 9 years in the Army, including 2 tours in Iraq, and maxed out the weight on their calf machine...

    Nice! I'm just glad to be doing more than getting ready for a PT test every 6 months!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Okay I'm generally against "newbie" bashing but yesterday, two girls I had never seen at the gym before were complaining about how crowded it was. Hmm..... Ya think? Lol
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    The newbies have hit my gym in full force! My son and I couldn't find cardio machines next to each other to save our lives (because he's only 10, rules are we have to be side by side). One guy that was clearly new, went a little overboard on the cardio and had the jello legs, he ended up tripping over my sons elliptical because he couldn't walk properly. My son helped him up and he chuckled "guess going 3.5 for 60 minutes my first day out was a bad idea"...um yes it was.
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    I've been a regular gym member for years, but just moved to a different part of town and signed up with a new gym just yesterday. I'm already dreading going to spin later because people are going to be looking at me thinking I'm a newbie! ;-)
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    The newbies have hit my gym in full force! One guy that was clearly new, went a little overboard on the cardio and had the jello legs, he ended up tripping over my sons elliptical because he couldn't walk properly. My son helped him up and he chuckled "guess going 3.5 for 60 minutes my first day out was a bad idea"...um yes it was.

    BWAHAHAHAHAH My tip to them is to not go overboard the first month....take it slow and work your way in. that dude wont be around long though hahahhaha
  • MelyndaWaldner
    MelyndaWaldner Posts: 442 Member
    I've been a regular gym member for years, but just moved to a different part of town and signed up with a new gym just yesterday. I'm already dreading going to spin later because people are going to be looking at me thinking I'm a newbie! ;-)

    I hear you on that.. I am starting a new gym on Sunday and im already dredding walking in for the first time...
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    When you make a newbie mistake and people are laughing at you, they aren't all like, "ha ha you are an idiot, you suck, I hate you and I hope you die!!!!" It's more like, "heh heh, I remember when I was a newbie and did silly/stupid things."

    I find it's a good way to pick friends, especially since I'm awesome at doing stupid things. Put on a proud grin and say, "I meant to do that!" The people who laugh with you tend to be good friends. The ones who sneer/scowl at you are the social-climbing douchecanoes who would only stab you in the back at the first opportunity and wouldn't ever be a good friend if you paid them.

    Just remember, if you try something new you are probably going to fail a few times before you get the hang of it. But if you never try because you're afraid, you fail at life.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    When you make a newbie mistake and people are laughing at you, they aren't all like, "ha ha you are an idiot, you suck, I hate you and I hope you die!!!!" It's more like, "heh heh, I remember when I was a newbie and did silly/stupid things."

    SO true!! I remember About 10 years ago or more I used to go in with some uggly azz shoes.......damn
  • MelyndaWaldner
    MelyndaWaldner Posts: 442 Member
    yup I am sure they were all looking at your shoes... lol
  • SummerNights32
    SummerNights32 Posts: 86 Member
    I've been a regular gym member for years, but just moved to a different part of town and signed up with a new gym just yesterday. I'm already dreading going to spin later because people are going to be looking at me thinking I'm a newbie! ;-)

    Don't worry, you can pick out a newbie after a few minutes. Once you start, they will see you have experience.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    yup I am sure they were all looking at your shoes... lol

    I wouldnt blame them hahahahahhahaha Also I had some uggly gym attire.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    holding onto the treadmill
    I don't understand this one.

    I'm one of those who hold the treadmill. I never could get comfortable. I took up jogging about Spring of 2010 and love it. Even though I push 300lbs running a mile or 3.2 of them is nothing. yet I still can't jog confidently on a treadmill. My pace isn't steady enough, my strides aren't consistent enough, and I tend to vary a little left to right when I jog. I once stepped beside the treadmill (just to the outter edge of the moving belt) while jogging and nearly launched myself through the front of the machine. I hate treadmills...
  • AMYJK7110
    AMYJK7110 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm really hating the NO parking right now! Hate driving around and waiting, though once I'm in the gym, i'm patient to wait until a person is done with what I need. And not a 'newbie' but I'm assuming as a result of all the new people at the gym, my gym let a woman set up a table to hawk her protein shakes, which miraculously "turns your fat into muscle while you work out!" (her words) :/ And unfortunately she was parked right next to the lat pulldown I was using and she wouldn't take "no thank you" for an answer I finally told her I make my own protein shakes. She responded "do you use nut milk?" I about busted out laughing, because yes, my mind went there. She meant 'almond milk'
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I'm really hating the NO parking right now! Hate driving around and waiting, though once I'm in the gym, i'm patient to wait until a person is done with what I need. And not a 'newbie' but I'm assuming as a result of all the new people at the gym, my gym let a woman set up a table to hawk her protein shakes, which miraculously "turns your fat into muscle while you work out!" (her words) :/ And unfortunately she was parked right next to the lat pulldown I was using and she wouldn't take "no thank you" for an answer I finally told her I make my own protein shakes. She responded "do you use nut milk?" I about busted out laughing, because yes, my mind went there. She meant 'almond milk'

    Bwahahah she asked you if you used NUT milk!!! hilarious!!!