What has giving up fast food done for you?



  • kathy53b
    kathy53b Posts: 33 Member
    I stopped eating fast foods along time ago. Saves money, gas and calories. It's not that I don't have food issues with other things or I wouldn't be here!!!! LOL But avoiding fast foods helped me lose 70lbs.......still have along way to go. If it is something you like.....cut down the # of times you go a month.....maybe a special treat so you don't feel cheated.

    Have a great day
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    Not whilst retaining any shred of credibility you aren't.

    edit: My mistake that would imply you had any to begin with

    weird... i always thought it was a good thing if someone could recognize they may have made a mistake or framed something incorrectly... huh.

    That's called admitting fault. I've done it (not in this thread, but it does happen; I have stood corrected many times on this web site). Backpeddling is trying to disguise fault. See the difference?

    Once again. Word choice. You knew what he meant.

    No. See that's the thing with words. Words have meaning. We are on the internet here, communicating with words. Words are everything here.

    Good lord.

    Except for "healthy". "Healthy" has no meaning

    Wow..I can't believe you just said that. That word has meaning to EVERYONE here! And I don't just mean on this thread post either :noway:

    Then please, tell me what healthy means to you. According to taso and DavPul, it doesn't mean eating foods that are good for you because there's no such thing. As far as I can tell, it just means muscles

    That is insulting. I stated a few criteria for "health" earlier in this thread. Here are a few off the top of my head:
    - free of disease
    - strong immune system
    - well-functioning organs
    - good blood pressure
    - good blood cholesterol
    - good resting heart rate
    - good strength
    - good body composition
    - feeling of well being
    - free of vitamin deficiencies

    My whole premise here is that eating fast food, or any sort of food for that matter, within the context of a good diet will absolutely not prevent one from achieving the criteria above, or any other criteria that can be considered "good health". Let's go as far as replacing the word good with the word excellent. I will dare say, that I, DavPaul, AnvilHead, and a great many others on this website are in EXCELLENT health even while consuming "fast food" regularly.

    Just to reiterate another main point of this whole philosophy - no one food can be considered healthy or unhealthy. All food is healthy (fine, let's take synthetic trans-fats as the exception). A person's overall diet is what makes them healthy or unhealthy.

    I am 100% certain that I am in much better health than a great many people who have never consumed fast food in their life. Of course this is not BECAUSE I eat fast food, but despite it, because my diet AS A WHOLE is exceptional.

    ^ What Taso said. lol...and Saurak too :D

    ETA Definition:

    Healthy: possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorous mentality: a healthy body; a healthy mind.

    Healthy doesn't necessarily mean you have to ONLY eat this or ONLY do that. As you can tell, the definition doesn't say you can only be healthy or feel healthy if you never eat fast food again.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Healthy doesn't necessarily mean you have to ONLY eat this or ONLY do that. As you can tell, the definition doesn't say you can only be healthy or feel healthy if you never eat fast food again.

    absolutely agree with all of this.

    I want everyone to look at my food diary at the hellhole of things I ate today. Among them a slice of big ole sloppy nyc pizza and some general tso's chicken.

    no one's perfect. I'm not perfect. and that's absolutely fine - in fact it's encouraged! it's just the habit part that doesn't work for me. tomorrow it's back to lots of veggies, tofu, cous cous, etc. :)
  • I am 100% certain that I am in much better health than a great many people who have never consumed fast food in their life. Of course this is not BECAUSE I eat fast food, but despite it

    o.O *twitch*
    This is literally the ONLY thing I was trying to say. If you admit you are healthy DESPITE the fast food, then what the heck are you arguing about??
    Like I said about, a year ago... fast food is not good for you. You can still choose to eat it if you want. I understand some people fit it into their diets, I just think there's a better way.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    o.O *twitch*
    This is literally the ONLY thing I was trying to say. If you admit you are healthy DESPITE the fast food, then what the heck are you arguing about??

    Statements like this:
    Like I said about, a year ago... fast food is not good for you. You can still choose to eat it if you want. I understand some people fit it into their diets, I just think there's a better way.
  • o.O *twitch*
    This is literally the ONLY thing I was trying to say. If you admit you are healthy DESPITE the fast food, then what the heck are you arguing about??

    Statements like this:
    Like I said about, a year ago... fast food is not good for you. You can still choose to eat it if you want. I understand some people fit it into their diets, I just think there's a better way.

    I understand you take issue with me saying that fast food isn't good for you. But you just said that you are healthy despite it. Why?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I want everyone to look at my food diary at the hellhole of things I ate today. Among them a slice of big ole sloppy nyc pizza and some general tso's chicken.

    I am jealous of the pizza. There is simply no substitute for proper NY pizza on the east coast. Some places approximate it, but it's just not the same.

    Pizza can be made with as little as flour, water, yeast, salt, tomatoes, pepper, mozzarella cheese, basil, and olive oil. Who is going to argue that's unhealthy?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I want everyone to look at my food diary at the hellhole of things I ate today. Among them a slice of big ole sloppy nyc pizza and some general tso's chicken.

    I am jealous of the pizza. There is simply no substitute for proper NY pizza on the east coast. Some places approximate it, but it's just not the same.

    Pizza can be made with as little as flour, water, yeast, salt, tomatoes, pepper, mozzarella cheese, basil, and olive oil. Who is going to argue that's unhealthy?

    me. :P
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I want everyone to look at my food diary at the hellhole of things I ate today. Among them a slice of big ole sloppy nyc pizza and some general tso's chicken.

    I am jealous of the pizza. There is simply no substitute for proper NY pizza on the east coast. Some places approximate it, but it's just not the same.

    Pizza can be made with as little as flour, water, yeast, salt, tomatoes, pepper, mozzarella cheese, basil, and olive oil. Who is going to argue that's unhealthy?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I want everyone to look at my food diary at the hellhole of things I ate today. Among them a slice of big ole sloppy nyc pizza and some general tso's chicken.

    I am jealous of the pizza. There is simply no substitute for proper NY pizza on the east coast. Some places approximate it, but it's just not the same.

    Pizza can be made with as little as flour, water, yeast, salt, tomatoes, pepper, mozzarella cheese, basil, and olive oil. Who is going to argue that's unhealthy?

    you're absolutely right though about the pizza. no other pizza compares to the stuff you can get on ANY street corner in NYC
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    o.O *twitch*
    This is literally the ONLY thing I was trying to say. If you admit you are healthy DESPITE the fast food, then what the heck are you arguing about??

    Statements like this:
    Like I said about, a year ago... fast food is not good for you. You can still choose to eat it if you want. I understand some people fit it into their diets, I just think there's a better way.

    I understand you take issue with me saying that fast food isn't good for you. But you just said that you are healthy despite it. Why?

    I basically misspoke. I was trying to prevent anyone from thinking that I was trying to say that it is because of my occasional fast food that i am healthy. (Believe me, on this site, someone would have thought that and then challenged me about it). I was trying to preemptively avoid that, but apparently it was a lose-lose situation.

    You are saying that fast food "isn't good for me". That it's "bad for me". I asked you like a year ago, how is it bad for me? What is it doing to me that's bad?
  • docfancy
    docfancy Posts: 15 Member
    I still eat some fast food because it is convenient, but skipping it is so much more fulfilling. I save money. I don't use calories on really bad food. Just like many others have said, I do better when I plan and have better alternatives. Don't wait until you're hungry, have good snacks available -- apples, carrots, nuts.

    My other weakness would be chips, cheezits, pretzels, etc. Sometimes I think it is just wanting to chew. Again, the crunchy good snacks are good subs. I also chew gum and keep that other stuff out of my house.

    Your mind can be as strong as you want it to be. Focus and concentrate on what you want to happen, plan well, stick with it and you can win.
  • o.O *twitch*
    This is literally the ONLY thing I was trying to say. If you admit you are healthy DESPITE the fast food, then what the heck are you arguing about??

    Statements like this:
    Like I said about, a year ago... fast food is not good for you. You can still choose to eat it if you want. I understand some people fit it into their diets, I just think there's a better way.

    I understand you take issue with me saying that fast food isn't good for you. But you just said that you are healthy despite it. Why?

    I basically misspoke. I was trying to prevent anyone from thinking that I was trying to say that it is because of my occasional fast food that i am healthy. (Believe me, on this site, someone would have thought that and then challenge me about it). I was trying to preemptively avoid that, but apparently it was a lose-lose situation.

    You are saying that fast food "isn't good for me". That it's "bad for me". I asked you like a year ago, how is it bad for me? What is it doing to me that's bad?

    You... MISSPOKE??? But WORDS ARE EVERYTHING :O I can never forgive you
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    I basically misspoke. I was trying to prevent anyone from thinking that I was trying to say that it is because of my occasional fast food that i am healthy. (Believe me, on this site, someone would have thought that and then challenge me about it). I was trying to preemptively avoid that, but apparently it was a lose-lose situation.

    You are saying that fast food "isn't good for me". That it's "bad for me". I asked you like a year ago, how is it bad for me? What is it doing to me that's bad?

    we all know what happens on this board when you misspeak... haha :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    o.O *twitch*
    This is literally the ONLY thing I was trying to say. If you admit you are healthy DESPITE the fast food, then what the heck are you arguing about??

    Statements like this:
    Like I said about, a year ago... fast food is not good for you. You can still choose to eat it if you want. I understand some people fit it into their diets, I just think there's a better way.

    I understand you take issue with me saying that fast food isn't good for you. But you just said that you are healthy despite it. Why?

    I basically misspoke. I was trying to prevent anyone from thinking that I was trying to say that it is because of my occasional fast food that i am healthy. (Believe me, on this site, someone would have thought that and then challenge me about it). I was trying to preemptively avoid that, but apparently it was a lose-lose situation.

    You are saying that fast food "isn't good for me". That it's "bad for me". I asked you like a year ago, how is it bad for me? What is it doing to me that's bad?

    You... MISSPOKE??? But WORDS ARE EVERYTHING :O I can never forgive you

    Way to dodge my direct question to you, which I will now repeat: You are saying that fast food "isn't good for me". That it's "bad for me". I asked you like a year ago, how is it bad for me? What is it doing to me that's bad?

    Yes, I misspoke, and I said so as soon as I was called on it.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Yes, I misspoke, and I said so as soon as I was called on it.

    to be fair, i did too, and was still berated endlessly for it.

    that said. i don't hold grudges and don't really care. it's just a message board, and debating is fun :)
  • You are saying that fast food "isn't good for me". That it's "bad for me". I asked you like a year ago, how is it bad for me? What is it doing to me that's bad?

    Look. I could go look up a bunch of studies or whatever, and pretend to know about science. I don't know about science, and let's be honest, you can find a study to back up literally ANYTHING you want.

    When I eat fast food I feel like crap and I am depressed. I know what foods are good for me because I can feel the effects of them. If I eat badly, I get a migraine and I crave healthy foods. I used to live a very unhealthy lifestyle and eat junk food a lot. When I cleaned up my diet, I was a new person. I had more energy, I was happier and felt healthier. And SOMETIMES, there are years and generations of human experience backing up so-called "fairytales".

  • Way to dodge my direct question to you

    Yes, I misspoke, and I said so as soon as I was called on it.

    I did that on purpose.

    And actually it took you about three posts.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You are saying that fast food "isn't good for me". That it's "bad for me". I asked you like a year ago, how is it bad for me? What is it doing to me that's bad?

    Look. I could go look up a bunch of studies or whatever, and pretend to know about science. I don't know about science, and let's be honest, you can find a study to back up literally ANYTHING you want.

    When I eat fast food I feel like crap and I am depressed. I know what foods are good for me because I can feel the effects of them. If I eat badly, I get a migraine and I crave healthy foods. I used to live a very unhealthy lifestyle and eat junk food a lot. When I cleaned up my diet, I was a new person. I had more energy, I was happier and felt healthier. And SOMETIMES, there are years and generations of human experience backing up so-called "fairytales".

    Same thing happened to me. Like I said in my very first response to this thread. I cut out most "unclean" foods for around a year and half (give or take), way at the beginning. I transformed myself from fat ignorant weakling to strong lean dude. Lots of hard work, lots of discipline, and lots and lots of reading.

    I can quote you verbatim, as I feel this way exactly: "When I cleaned up my diet, I was a new person. I had more energy, I was happier and felt healthier."

    I ate 3 double decker supremes today. They were delicious and I feel great. I even felt great about eating them. If eating them caused me to feel like crap, I wouldn't eat them.

    Hell, back then, during my first few months of this, I would perhaps even be arguing YOUR position.

    But thankfully, I evolved as I learned.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Way to dodge my direct question to you

    Yes, I misspoke, and I said so as soon as I was called on it.

    I did that on purpose.

    And actually it took you about three posts.

    Good luck on your journey to good health. :flowerforyou: