Commit to losing 1 pound a week in 2013 challenge



  • I lost my 1 pound PTL! I know it's not showing on my ticker. That is because my starting weight increased sinced I started over. I updated it. Anyway, wow, what it takes to loose a pound makes me want to be certain not to put one on again!
  • I'd like to join this group too, usually I am very private about this, but it can't hurt to participate a little with others. Sometimes I find that reading others posts can deter me, so my goal is to stay positive no matter what anyone has to say. Questions???? How do I get back to this area to participate? Thanks.
  • TKKeith
    TKKeith Posts: 21 Member
    I'm down 1.5 lb for this first week of challenge. Can I add a new weight tracker for this challenge and how do I do it?
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Please, add me. Thanks.
  • ladywendolyn
    ladywendolyn Posts: 45 Member
    I love this challenge ... because I did the math, and if I lose one pound a week, I will reach my goal by may 16th... which is my birthday!
  • ladywendolyn
    ladywendolyn Posts: 45 Member
    What is the exact name of the group.. I am having trouble finding it?
  • titomax
    titomax Posts: 2 Member
    Yes I am in. I just starting tracking my food and am meeting with a nutritionist on Friday to weigh in once a week. One pound a week would be and put me under 200 for the year of 2014.
  • usmcfemale
    usmcfemale Posts: 17 Member
    i'm in. i just had thyroid treatment and was about 15 lbs overweight before that. so, a slow and steady progression towards my goal would be perfect.
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    I have been SLOWLY working on sending everyone either an INVITE to join GROUP or the LINK to join. I'm sorry if you have already joined and I'm sending you an invite.... I'm not taking the time to cross reference who's already in the group vs. who's not. :tongue:

    Please post all weight lost on the proper thread within the GROUP. Both WEEK 1 and WEEK 2 threads are up so just look at the dates to see which you should post under.

    I'm THRILLED by how many of you are accepting my challenge and JOINING OUR GROUP!!! We had a FANTASTIC WEEK 1 with our group losing 226 POUNDS COLLECTIVELY!!!!! AMAZING!!!!! :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :smile:
  • BAFilek
    BAFilek Posts: 139 Member
    Down one from last week! SUCCESS!
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    i'm down another 1.8 lbs
  • babyskunkles
    babyskunkles Posts: 86 Member
    I'm in! Sounds great!
  • I'm commuted! As of now I'm averaging 2.5 a week but I am also over 300lbs. I know it will slow down and ill have to work waaaaayyyyyy harder. So. I'm in.
  • henryvg2
    henryvg2 Posts: 33 Member
    Put me in! Now I just need to find out how to get the little timeline thingee on my signature.....
  • My weigh day is Friday. That's when ill be reporting.
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549 Member
    i lost 3 pounds this week next weigh day tuesday x
  • Athena42006
    Athena42006 Posts: 26 Member
    Last week was so awful because I was sick. I am back in the game this week!
  • Brit1283
    Brit1283 Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to join!!
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    I'd like to join as well. It's a great goal and slow and steady is definitely the weigh ;) to go.
    ERMBSN Posts: 32 Member
    I want in. I think its a great idea. Current weight 296. Weigh in Sunday. Could use some new friend sfor support.