is getting implants worth it?



  • sarahpalmer84
    sarahpalmer84 Posts: 10 Member
    Very worth it.
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    its only my opinion....but ugh no..please dont are beautifull the way you are... only way i can see a lady getting implants if she has had something wrong..cancer, accident or something else of the sort.. they gross me out.... but as others have said.. its your choice and if it makes you happy... still would be a shame though.. you are lovely the way you are.. and big is not in. well my thoughts any
  • darbobo
    darbobo Posts: 53
    I think you look awesome the way you are now, natural!!!

    Just my 2 cents...
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    There is a new procedure now that is much safer and more permanent. It is called BRAVA +AFT (I forget what the "BRAVA" stands for but the AFT stands for "autologous fat transfer"). The patient wears this special suction-pump bra for a week (which causes the breasts to add a collagen matrix for the fat) and then they do liposuction on the tummy, hips or thighs, liquify the fat and inject it by needle into the breast. There is no chance of reaction (because it is your very own fat) and there is no incision to recover from or form scars. There is no risk of a leaky implant (which can cause devastating health problems) and it never has to be replaced (implants must be replaced every ten years or so to maintain safety). The look and feel is completely natural (unlike implants). It is also more expensive, unfortunately.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    If it's for your own self esteem, and you feel that your confidence will be what attracts guys, and not just the bigger boobs... then go for it.

    But as a naturally busty girl, I can say that I *really* wish that my boobs would shrink. I've lost 17lbs, and none of that has been from my chest, so I'm still a 36DD. It's so difficult to find clothes that fit both my chest and my waist, and I can't shop at department stores for bras. I have to *hope* that I can find a good style at Victoria's Secret or Frederik's of Hollywood. I can't remember the last time I was able to spend less than $50 on a bra.

    And don't even get me started on sports bras. I got *really* lucky at Target recently and found a 38DD high-support bra on clearance for $8, but that's rare. I also have to wear a top with built-in support over the sports bra.

    Sorry... I'm rambling. But the moral is that the grass is always greener. Go with a size that fits your body-- probably a C-cup at most.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    1) IT"S SURGERY. Some people skim over this, but it is still a big trauma for the body, and I think taking that into account is important.

    2) Up to you, but you seem to have a cute figure in the photos, and fake breasts are their own thing: they move differently, act differently than real ones, have risks (like that huge scandal in France last year that they were made with all sorts of crap and were not as advertised, which made the zillions of women who had them feel like they had to get them taken out, to the point that the British govt. said that if they did all the surgeries for free, they'd go broke--look at archives if interested), and may attract a different sort of person. Eh--not my thing, but it is the thing of a lot of people, who often then are shocked that their lives are still eh, and that a big expensive fake set didn't fix all their problems. Plus, they can't get cast in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, since they specifically only hire women with their own breasts as extras--

    But really, enough of me talking about the breasts of someone I never met and will never date or even know or hire to do porn or anything--*shrug*. The internet is beyond weird--
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Not if you're only doing it for male attention, no.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    That's a very personal decision. If you're doing it for yourself and your own happiness, then it might be worth it, but keep in mind it is surgery, a very unnecessary one and with that always comes risk of infection and other mishaps.

    If you're doing it to catch a man, you are willing to spend all that money changing yourself instead of finding someone who loves you for you?

    P.s. you are gorgeous just as you are. And big boobs are highly overrated. Haven't you heard that more than a handful is a waste?
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    This decision should be made by and for you. A male's opinion shouldn't factor predominantly. Now, do your feelings of attractiveness to the opposite sex count? Absolutely. But, and I mean this sincerely, at 18, I was self-conscious period. Not that you are me...but, you know what I mean. Think about it. If you decide to do it for you and save up and pay for it yourself, especially if it's just for you.
  • today6212
    today6212 Posts: 86 Member
    I went from a C to an A, i decided to get them. I had a C and i loved them! since i started lifting they are now a D cup which is a bitter sweet relationship. I love how they look but working out hurts!!! i cant do a jumping jack cause i have to hold them or they ache so much. yes i do wear a sports bra but its not enough, fake ones are heavy and bounce like real ones. its a different feeling. Id say for looks amazing and worth it, working out you have to get used to it and deal with the differences. Good Luck
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    If you want them, get them.

    There are loads of new technology out there as well. Including a method where they take your natural body fat from your butt and put them in your breasts- in theory safer then say regular implants.

    No one has to know, it's *YOUR* body. Do what you want and makes you happy with it. Just be safe, and know the pros and cons.

    Remember: You only get one.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    if you're doing it for male attention-do not do it! find a man that wants you thin, fat, gorgeous, frumpy-and everything in between.

  • Lucassvg
    Lucassvg Posts: 190 Member
    If a man is only attracted to you because of big breats, then he is not worth having. I hate my large breasts. You get back pain, bra strap marks and you can only sleep in certain positions.

    At least when your breats are small you can wear a padded bra, insert fillets or wear a get bra. Better and safer choice than implants.
  • WrenStory
    WrenStory Posts: 103
    A couple of people have mentioned the natural body fat... the fat transfer method is not recommended as superior to implants at this time. For a few reasons... cost, recovery time, the fact that it only gives you about one cup size difference... and most importantly, the safety issues... cysts, calcification, necrosis.

    "The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in the interest of patient safety, do not recommend fat grafting for breast enhancement at this time. Because there is little clinical evidence available to document safety and efficacy, we urge patients to consider the procedure as one undergoing continued evaluation."
  • WrenStory
    WrenStory Posts: 103
    To the OP: The surgeon you choose is going to the most important factor if you do decide to get them. Do your homework! I have been looking into this for a while now. I finally found a surgeon I would trust to do mine. I looked at several. And hundreds of pics. I have even been to 3 surgeons by now. I won't be using those 3. They were simply not good enough for the job. And one had an excellent reputation.

    You do need to realize this surgery may not be the end all. You might need another surgery down the road. Also, if you go with silicone (and the docs will recommend silicone if you are very think and have little breast tissue) it is suggested you plan to get an MRI every 2-3 years to check for leaks. Also, there is a cohesive silicone gel that holds together like a solid in case of rupture, not the gel that was typical for silicone implants in the past. Make sure to inquire about it.

    Good luck! And since you are 18... please give this LOTS of thought.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Before having kids, I was a 34B (almost C).
    After nursing 3 kids I morphed to a 31 AA
    I stayed for about 10 years.
    Finally I am back to. 34B.
    Our bodies change throughout the years . Not sure about with weight loss, but I have talked to,other moms who lost boobage but it finally came back.
    Is it worth something as risky as surgery?
    Maybe. I guess that's personal. I know that I take longer than normal to revolver from surgery and would not risk it.
    Anyway, just sharing my , "not quite the same thing, but kinda similar story"

    ** autocorrect did not recognize the word "boobage"
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Ummmmmm you look absolutely gorgeous. I have D's and I wish I had your body!

    My bff got implants (small D cup) and she says

    it sucks to run
    it sucks to swim laps
    it sucks to fit into certain tops

    but I told her all of those things......whatever. It was her choice.

    I have another friend who has them (large c cups, she's more petite) and 9 years later she regrets getting them since she's a mom...apparently there can be breastfeeding issues. She just learned to appreciate her body as she got older.

    I personally think we're all a product of our parents and all boobs, A,B,C,DD, or WHATEVER your size are beautiful. What if everyone looked the same?

    If you believe having larger breasts will TRULY make you happier...........then do it. Just don't go overboard with the size.

  • prettygorgtors
    the girls there are wonderful and can help answer any questions you might have
  • i_am_kate
    Considering your age, I would suggest waiting a few years. Your breasts don't stop growing until your early to mid-twenties. When I was 18, my breasts were only an A cup. I'm 25 and I'm a borderline C-D cup. Once I've lost the weight I want to lose, I reckon I'll be down to a large B/small C, but it would suit my figure.

    I've thought about breat implants in the past, but I've also considered the flip side: what if I got them and didn't like them? That would be more money to fork out to get them removed.

    In the end, it comes down to what would make you happy, but I would strongly urge you to wait before getting the procedure done.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    I think your figure is lovely and you don't *need* implants to look balanced. Some others have mentioned this too - your age plays a role here. I didn't fill out until I was mid-twenties either. It's something to think about and maybe wait on for a few years at least.